Flame of Sin |Blue Exorcist|...

By Red__Ruby

213K 8.4K 2.4K

There are three sides. The good, the evil, and the indifferent. Why are you always choosing which one you're... More

"Either call me, or a therapist."
"You're hopeless."
"It's okay. I'm here for you."
"Change isn't always good... but we have to deal with it."
"Revelation is a bitch."
"... bitch."
"I'm quitting. I'll see you all in therapy."
"What a gloomy mofo."
"Why is it always me stopping you?"
"Geez... calm down, will ya?"
"I will never break that promise until Rin is strong enough to protect himself."
"Rin, shut up."
"Satan's Bastard"
"No one can know. Under any circumstance."
"Mind your business, BITCH!"
"Are you stupid? What were you trying to prove?"
"I'm not above being rude,"
"What a bratty demon."
"I don't have anger issues!"
"I told you not to vandalize anything!"
"Why couldn't I have summoned an imp..."
"What a rowdy bunch of bitches..."
"I pride myself on not allowing Rin to lose control."
"I'll go if y'all get eaten by a giant squid."
"Awe, is wittle Win jeawous?"
"Quit your bitch ass crying! It's hella annoying!"
"I'm the one who Shiro told everything to, let me do it in his place!"
"Rin, Nuns don't usually wear small bikini tops like that."
"You're cooler than I could ever dream of being."
"Bold of you to assume we can cook. That sounds oddly sexist, Yukio."
"You think Rin's the only one I watch?"
"I knew there was a catch to this."
"If he gets killed nothing will stop me after that. Not even you."
"Now can it and sit down. You're disrupting the entire car."

"Seems like a perfectly good option to me."

4.1K 170 26
By Red__Ruby

You and Rin saw Neuhaus way too soon. It was him and Yukio who arrived back at the dorm. You had stayed quiet.

"You..." Rin said, staring at him. "Yu-Yukio! That guy's... our enemy--" A foot appeared and kicked Rin in the back of the head, sending him flying across the room with varying shrieks. You looked up and saw Mephisto appear from the ceiling.

"Me-Mephisto?!" Rin exclaimed.

"All right!" Mephisto said, landing on the floor. The others gasped out in surprise. "Hi! My young pages! Thank you all for your hard work!"

"I-is that the director?" Suguro asked.

"What's going on?" Shima added. Mephisto turned around to face you.

"Of course I would never allow an upper-level demon to infiltrate this school!" He said, snapping his fingers. Instructors and professors popped out from the floorboards, ceiling, and closets. You looked around with furrowed brows. So Mephisto knew this was happening? Does he also know about Neuhaus' true intentions, then? "Instructors with Doctor credentials, kindly tend to the wounded." They followed his order. You let out a sigh.

"Man... who knew we were being watched," you said.

"Surprise! That's right! This boot camp also happened to server as your ExWire Authorization Exam!" Mephisto clapped. "While camp was in session, we tested you thoroughly via strategically placed instructors around the building." Your eyes widened.

"I will now read their reports and make the final call on whether you've passed or failed." Wait... wait wait wait... "Please look forward to the announcement of those results!"

You and the others were in the infirmary for the others to recover from the ghoul's bodily fluid. You sat away from the group on another bed. Your head was bowed, eyes staring at your lap. Wait wait wait... if what Mephisto said is true, that there were meticulously placed instructors... did anyone see my flames? Or was Neuhaus the only one to see? Would he tell? Or is he solely focused on Rin? What do I even say if I'm questioned?

"By the way, Okumura, how did you defeat that ghoul?" Konekomaru asked Rin.

"Huh? Oh, Y/n did most of the work," Rin replied with a smile, pointing behind himself to you.

"How did she defeat the ghoul?" Konekomaru asked.

"Uh... hey Y/n!"
You snapped back when Rin addressed you.

"How did you defeat the ghoul?"

"Oh... I used my sword," you replied, "It wasn't that hard."

"Really? That's amazing. You have the potential to be a Knight then!" Konekomaru said. You laughed lightly.

"Really? Thanks," you replied. If I live long enough.

It was late into the night. You were sleeping in your bed... actually, scratch that--you were sleeping in Rin's bed. Rin was sleeping in your bed. You heard heavy footsteps come up to the room. The door opened. You snuggled deeper under the sheets, but your eyes were wide awake. You heard him unsheathe his large drafting compass. You anticipated his attack. He held it up high before driving it down. You threw the sheet off you and combatted it with your sword. The clank of metal and sparks made his eye widen.

"Hello there, Mr. Neuhaus," you greeted with a smirk. The click of a gun echoed off in the quiet room. Neuhaus' attention was put on Yukio who was behind him, gun drawn.

"I thought you said you didn't intend to kill him... Mr. Neuhaus," he said.

"Well done, Yukio Okumura, Y/n L/n," Neuhaus said. He ran. You jumped up and struck down your sword. He blocked with his weapon. Yukio shot at him, but he dodged around the doorway. When you two ran out of the room, Neuhaus was going up the steps. His sleeve was pulled up, a gash on his arm. Blood covered his skin.

"Come forth!" Disembodied, demonic hands burst from Neuhaus' arm. You jumped in front of Yukio and sliced the hands in half. Neuhaus ran off and you followed him. Yukio was close behind you. You knew Neuhaus was up on the roof, but you waited for Yukio. When he got to the top, you kicked the door open violently. Yukio held his gun out. Neuhaus was in the middle of the roof.

"Mr. Neuhaus, why would you need to kill my brother?" Yukio asked. He didn't reply. More blood flowed down his arm and multiple pairs of hands came at you. You and Yukio split apart. The hands that came at you were quickly sliced and diced. Yukio dual-wielded his guns and shot them. However, one managed to grab him by the ankle and drag him across the roof. Another one grabbed his wrist. You acted quickly. You launched towards him, with unmatched precision and accuracy, you sliced the hands in half where they dissipated in black smoke. You caught Yukio before he could roll off the roof. When you looked back up, Neuhaus had drawn a Magic Circle--bigger than the one in the classroom. So fast!

"Too slow," he said. He stabbed his arm, creating a cut so big, you wouldn't be surprised if he died of blood loss. "Behold, it is here. Where there lies a corpse, even vultures will not gather round." Blood splattered onto the Magic Circle and smoke slowly started to build up. Neuhaus chuckled.

"This is the highest ranking Naberius among all my pawns!" He said. Sparks crackled around as the smoke grew higher and higher into the air. There was a roar before a giant... something appeared. Yukio aimed his gun at it, but you knew it wouldn't work. You jumped before the thing could swipe, and grabbed Yukio, pulling him away. The thing began to trample towards you. You flipped your sword in your hand and stabbed the blade into the ground. No use in holding back!

"By the Seven Swords of the Archangels, I call upon The Unyielding, Protector of Souls! Heed my command, aid me in this battle, and see me revel in victory!" A magic circle was outlined in a purple light. The outside ring began to rotate. While the sword was generating, you pulled out your sword and bit your thumb, sliding the blood down the blade. "Lord of the Dreams that Terrify, Sword of Cold and Darkness. Free yourself from Heaven's bonds, become one with my power, one with my body. Let us walk the path of destruction together. Power that can destroy even the souls of gods... Leviathan!" Your sword transformed into its true form. You grabbed the sword that rose from the magic circle and dual wielded them.

"Yukio! Destroy the Magic Circle when you see an opening!" You ordered. You ran at it. The Naberius created more arms and aimed at you. You sliced up them, using it as leverage. You stabbed the two blades in the demon. The Naberius exploded, not in red flames, but purple.

"Damn you..." You heard a voice. You looked and saw Rin, clad in his blue flames. "So you're an enemy after all!"

"Rin!" You exclaimed. With a growl, you removed the blades and raised them above your head. "Disappear!" They cut through the demon like a knife through butter. The Naberius let out a screech before also being burned to the ground. You looked over and saw Yukio had slid his foot across the Magic Circle, ruining it. Yes. Now. You turned your attention back to Neuhaus who had sprayed Rin with Holy Water. Neuhaus quickly caught on and raised his arm towards him. You and Rin acted first. Making your one sword disappear, you and him held up your blades at his throat. Rin's kurikara was glowing blue, while yours was glowing red. Neuhaus glanced at the both of you.

"Mr. Neuhaus! You'd better not summon any more demons," Yukio said, "Do you want to die of blood loss?"

"Seems like a perfectly good option to me," you said, swiping your tongue over your fangs.

"Who the hell are you?" Rin asked. Neuhaus turned to look at him, a strained smirk across his lips.

"I am... a survivor of the Blue Night..." He replied. Your brows furrowed.

"Blue Night..." Rin repeated.

"For a brief moment, my body was taken over by Satan, and I lost this eye." Neuhaus raised the eyepatch, showing a clump of burned skin over his eye. How does he still have his eyebrow? "And I also lost my family when they came near to try and save me. Satan took over this hand of mine and used it to kill my family." Your eyes widened slightly. Him too?

"I'll never forgive him. Not Satan... not anyone known as a demon! Least of all, not the son of Satan!" The flames on your blade ignited more, but Neuhaus didn't seem to care. "I'm going to kill you... even if I have to give up my own life in exchange!" He moved and so did you. Neuhaus summoned a... something, and impaled Rin in his abdomen. Taking that personally, you shoved your sword through his chest, barely missing his heart and arteries. You looked at Rin. He looked at Neuhaus, smiling, despite gobs of blood dripping down his chin.

"You feel better now?" He asked. Neuhaus released his summoning and you ripped your sword from his chest. Neuhaus coughed before stumbling back a couple of steps. "If you're still not satisfied... I'm used to this kind of thing, so I'll take you on whenever... as many times as you want!" Rin slowly sheathed the kurikara. His flames disappeared in a whiz.

"Just promise me one thing... don't drag innocent people into this!"
Your eyes widened slightly, as did Neuhaus'. His injuries seemed to have caught up with him. His body was trembling.

"Don't think for a second that it's over," he said, slowly beginning to walk towards Rin. "There are others just like me out there, you know. You better be prepared." Neuhaus left the roof. You walked over to Rin.

"Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. He lifted his shirt to reveal his wound, showing it was healing, along with steam.

"It's starting to close up already," Yukio said, coming up next to you.

"I always used to heal up really quick..." Rin said quietly, "But I guess now I've really turned into a monster..." You gently grabbed Rin's chin and wiped the blood off his skin. He looked at you curiously.

"Don't forget, you're not the only monster here," you said softly, "Just remember you're never alone." He blushed lightly at your words. You then looked at Yukio.

"Same goes for you."

"Huh? Why me?" He asked. You laughed.

"You think I'd exclude you? You wound me, Yukio."
A soft smile came up to his face.

"Thank you, Y/n."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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