Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

By taesty95

59.7K 4.2K 707

The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... More

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
And so it begins
Last breath of her
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
New girl
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Mirrorball Moon
Rabbit heart
SecretοΏΌ Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
Blue pulled over
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain

Sun streams

1.3K 114 11
By taesty95

Eight months had passed. The time had gone in an instant. (y/n) had grown extremely close to the three boys. It was that kind of friendship that blooms in the centre of your heart - that kind of friendship that grows from the seed basking in the warm soil to a vast tree. Granted, it had a few ups and downs, - but not enough to disguise the enormity of the grandeur of such a tree, the sheer brilliance and beauty of it. It had become clear to Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook that they would sign their life away for (y/n) without hesitation.

They trained every day with no exception, didn't take long for (y/n) to master the sense and use it to fight. She still had a long way to go, but she had improved so much in such a little amount of time. It would be hard for a high ranked soldier from the Orochi forces to even draw their sword against her before it met their end.

She missed home more than she thought she would. In fact, she didn't realise she would miss anything at all, but here she was. She missed her room and the gardens. She missed wearing fancy clothing and the fine dining, she even her tutors and lessons. It felt especially rough when Shiro came back from a trip only to tell her that Myrrka had declared the Chief's missing daughter as dead. She expected it to happen sooner or later, but that didn't stop it from hurting.

The sun streamed through the small window, yet her mind was clouded. Yesterday had been hard work, she was covered in bruises and cuts from training.

But today she too worried over her people already forgetting about her, just like they did to her mother. Her mood ricocheted between low and lower. She had no energy or motivation to do the mountain of work Yoongi or Namjoon would set for her. So she sat on her roll mat staring at the walls while the others were still waiting for her to join them in their morning practice.

It wasn't long before they got impatient, Jungkook wandered into the small back room. His lips pressed tightly into a thin line and his eyebrows creased, irritation was clearly written.

His eyes fell on the girl curled up on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. His face softened. Something was off, she looked so sad. Her normale bright eyes had dulled, the shine was gone. There was a profound distressed hidden in them. "I take it your not training today," Jungkook said. His words carried softly through the stuffy air of the hut.

(Y/n) looked up, his hair was already damp and beaded with sweat from doing there morning forms. Her head shook slightly, a gentle smile graced her lips.

Slowly Jungkook made his way over to (y/n). He crouched down, his knees digging into roll mat she lay on. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. An invisible pink tint dyed his cheeks. Despite the heaviness in (y/n) stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. She sunk into the warmth of his side - wrapping her own arms tightly around his body - appreciative of the simple gesture. His touch made the room warmer somehow.

It felt nice, and the sounds of his breath drew her attention away from her old home.

They stayed like that for a little while, until the silence was finally broken by Jungkook. "I'll tell the others then." His finger stopped dancing through her hair. He gave her one last comforting squeeze before leaving the girl to quietly mope about in bed.

With Jungkook gone, her distraction disappeared, and the thought of Myrrka began to bite. She needs to know if the city really did give up on her.

Undoubtedly Shiro would know, she would ask him.

The afternoon sun kissed her skin. Shiro was crouched down in the small vegetable patch, tugging at weed.

"Shiro, you know who I am, don't you?" Her voice cracked as she questioned the old man.

A small airy chuckle escaped from the man's lips. "I could guess." He spoke softly with a knowing smile, his voice holding all the wisdom of a god that had seen the whole world and more. His words were reassuring, the old life she lives at least was still there in someone's mind. But she doubted if it was in her people's.

"Have they really forgotten me?" This time her voice was no more than a whisper.

"I think you should find this out on your own, it's not my place to tell you."

Her eyebrows knitted together, she didn't understand what Shiro was gaining by not telling her. All she need was a simple yes, or a no. (y/n) had to find out, she didn't want to turn out like her mother, forgot and dead. And (y/n) was already the latter to them. If he wasn't going to tell her, then she had to find out herself.

"I want to go back one last time," she took a shape intake a breath. "Just to find out."

"Very well, you can leave tomorrow." The crow's feet imprinted at the corner of his eyes deepened as He smiled. The kind look in his eyes, never faltering. To (y/n) he had been more of a father to her in the last eight months that her actual father had in her whole life.

She thanked him before going inside to the empty hut. None of the boys had come back yet.

She laid still, looking up at a large knitted blanket draped over a string she hung up across the room, it was "pegged out" with a few large cooking boots and books.

She had practised using her sense, seeing how far she could push it before everything became too much for her head. She had tried meditating. She looked at the maps Namjoon had collected and tried to memorise all the little villages to no use. She even made a den out of the blankets and roll mats. However, time still slowly crawled on.

All thoughts about her old home had left her mind, leaving only ideas about how to occupy her mind. Perhaps she could find the boys and practice instead. It seemed like the sensible thing to do. So she grabbed her wooden sword, leaving the blanket fort there (She was quite proud of it after all).

The walk was pleasant. Everything was full of life, and it all seemed so calm. She could faintly feel the presence of the three, they seemed to be working hard. The closer she got, the more powerful they felt. It was lucky that they lived in such a desolate and empty place. With the sheer power of just Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi, it would become a beacon to lead the monks to them. Well if the monastery did find out about any one of them and decided to tell the Lords, they would be hunted by all people until they were dead. They were strong, but not three kingdoms worth of armies strong.

Soon enough (y/n) had reached the training spot. It looked like Yoongi was taking a nap on the floor, while Jungkook and Namjoon were talking casually. She had felt so bored and miserable - especially today. She needs to do something to amuse herself. A plan started to form in her head as she quickly climbed up a large tree. (Y/n) had chosen her prey, all that was left was to wait.

She crawled along the branch inch by inch, her eyes never leaving her target.


She panted her feet deep In the groves of the bark and stood up carefully.


She pulled out her wooden sword, gripping the hilt tightly as she steadied her breathing.


Namjoon looked up. He knew she was there. He knew she'd been up the tree for a good ten minutes. And he knew what was about to happen, it didn't mean he had thought threw an escape plan.

Everything flew into motion. (Y/n) sprung off the tree, and propelled forward straight at him. Their swords banged together before her feet even touched the floor. The shock was evident in his face. He was so focused on defending himself from her entourage of a blow when his face went white.

He sensed his end coming, there was no way he could move in time. If he were to move, He would have a wooden stick crash into him and break his ribs. There was no choice but to suffer the upcoming pain.

She found an opening in the blocks. She didn't hesitate to take the opportunity to get in his defence. A smirk played on her lips as she kicks with full might into his groin area. Namjoon crumbs to the ground, tears streamed as the pain hit.

(Y/n) smirked happily with her attack.

"Finally decided to join us have us." She turned to see Yoongi leaning against a tree, a smile present, wholly enjoying watching Namjoon lose.

"Hello to you too."

"Forgot to keep our guard up have we," he questioned, one of his eyebrows raised, as he slowly walked forward.

"what? I don't get..." She was cut off heavily by the training sword at her throat. She quickly shuffled backwards, trying to free her own sword from its hold on her hip. It wouldn't budge. The more she struggled, the more she stumbled. Her foot managed to get caught on a root. Convenient for Yoongi but not for (y/n).

She landed on her back with a thud and let out a strange squeak on impact. Yoongi looks down at her, an amused glint in his brown eyes.

"Namjoon," he called out. "Me vs you."

Namjoon just looked at him. A heavy sigh escaping his lips before he pushed Jungkook off him who had been helping displace the pain by hitting him repeatedly in the rear. The two boys stood five steps apart there wooden swords ready. Within a matter of seconds, they were fighting.

(Y/n) watched them intently. They moved so fast and gracefully. She could only dream of being able to do that. "Hey." Her gaze was torn away from them by a calm voice. Jungkook had sat down next her. His shoulder brushing against her own.

"You good now?" he questioned softly.

"Eh, could do with being a lot better." She chuckled dryly. Diverting her attention back to the other two.

"Then why, are you here?"

"I couldn't stand the hut anymore. Also, I made a mess, and I haven't tidied it, I needed to escape before Shiro finds it. "

He rolled his eyes at her excuse nether the less a small smile appeared.

Jungkook got up. Standing on his tiptoes, he stretches his shoulders and straining back. A noise of satisfaction left his lips feelings the luxury of his muscles tensing and un-tensing.

"Come on me vs you." Jungkook offered out his hand, she gladly took. Next thing you know, they were stood five steps apart their sword gripped tightly ready to fight, both beaming.


Hoseok watched the soldiers, his mind somewhere else. It had been for a while. Constantly drifting off too somewhere far away, only to return by a loud voice or a gentle nudge that would bring him back to reality.

"You still dreaming."

Hoseok turned to see his friend, a cheeky grin on their lips. He didn't have the energy today to talk to him. He was far from his usual happy self. "what is it now?" He said flatly, rolling his eyes in the process.

"You promised to teach rookie soldiers some stuff."

"Not today Chanwoo," He let out a deep sigh. " Don't feel like it."

"You never feel like it nowadays, is it cause your now next in line to be Chief? " Great, he thought, a lecture is just what he needed right now. Hoseok was already bored of his friend's voice. He turned his heels and started to walk away. Chanwoo didn't seem to notice, he was to caught up in his preaching. "Cause if it is I guess that's a lot of stress and wait to be dumped on your shoulders. But a promise is a....."

"I'm going for a bath" Hoseok cut him off. A hint of his usual self shining through.

"Hoseok you can't bath your problems away."

"Goodbye, Chanwoo." He said in a loud sing-song voice, waving behind him as He walks away. Chanwoo shook his head as He stared into the back of his friends.

He smiled. Finally, his friend was showing a little bit more of his self.

Hoseok slides down into the water. It burnt his skin ever so slightly, but his body got used to the high temperatures fast. He muscle unwound as he sunk deeper into the water. The smell of oils and shampoos filled his nose the sweet sent lulled his body to relax. The water filled his ears, blocking out all the sound but his own heart beating in his chest.

He thought about what his friend was trying to say to him before he left quite rudely. It was true he was stressed. With (y/n) now presumed dead the Chief through best to put him next in line. He hated the idea of being in charge of all the people. It wasn't him. He wanted to be free not constrained by some rules where he would be held accountable for every action and decision the clan made.

He thought about how (y/n)'s disappearance had impacted him. As much as he hates to admit, he felt so lost without (y/n) being around. Though they never spent direct time together, he still missed the little things like passing in a hallway. Part of him hoped she was safe and not dead, as everyone said. It would completely break his heart in every way possible if she was.

(Thank you so much for reading and for the votes :) xxx )

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