Behind her hazel eyes (COMPLE...

By white-wolf-girl

181K 7.1K 542

Everyone loves a good mythical/monster story, right? We all know our far share of myths, medusa the lady who... More

Chapter 1: mate
Chapter 2: warrior pup.
Chapter 3: mel.
Chapter 4: healing
Chapter 5: whats a mate?
Chapter 6: in love right now?
Chapter 7: new feelings
Chapter 8: watch your tongue, mutt!
Chapter 9: thanks for opening a door into my life..
Chapter 10: the unknown
Chapter 11: pick me, choose me, love me
Chapter 12: whispers.
Chapter 13: heat
Chapter 14: just you and me.
Chapter 15: blood is thicker
Chapter 16: Christmas Traditions and The Kids.
Chapter 17: As planned
Chapter 18: forgive her arsehole, her mouth slipped.
Chapter 19: a sent and to meet Him
Chapter 20: you're as beautiful as you were yesterday.
Chapter 21: part of me
Chapter 22: the shocking truth and the fanged family?
Chapter 23: this cant be real right?
Chapter 24: the goddess works in amazing ways!
Chapter 25: the act of kindness and our lunas secret. Part 1
Chapter 26: the act of kindness and our lunas secret. Part 2
Chapter 27: the power of three...and their pack!
Chapter 28: perfect time for a family reunion...huh
Chapter 29: Forever one
Chapter 31: in which it all falls in place
Important message
Chapter 32: forgivness!
Chapter 33: some confusing plan.
Chapter 34: the unspoken words are now spoken!!
Chapter 35: hand in hand, together.
Chapter 36: for a great sacrifice comes a great reward
Chapter 37: talking to the dead?
Chapter 38: bless it be
Final chapter: beautiful ever after!
Cast list

Chapter 30: Broken whimper!

2.7K 138 6
By white-wolf-girl


Words:- 1217.

Song- Paul Freeman The girl who broke in two.

Ryder's P.O.V

it's been a couple weeks since my mate and I have mated and since then she's been in a funny mood.

Every time a female comes near me Seren let out a scary yet sexy warning growl, hugged me and bit my neck.

I'm not completely complaining because a part of me finds it truly sexy.

But when it begins to happen when it's family, that's another story.

What the hell is going on with my mate?

Serenity's P.O.V

I was in my mates office watching him, I haven't eaten I don't want to.

For reasons only known to me, I want to be near him.

I don't want no one else near him though because they might take him from us.

Just then the door opened and a girl walk in.

In wolf speed and without thinking, I zoomed over to where my mate is and growled at her.

"Sere..." Rys perfect voice rang out but it only caused me to growl again.

Why is he protecting her!!

I bit rys neck making him groan, I was growling like crazy and bite harder because I could still sense the girl in the room.


"Leave us" he said softly to the girl making me bite harder I heard the door slam and Ryder growled.

"Kitten...let go" he said softly but I growled and continued to bit harder.

I could not let go.

Well what if I didn't want to let go anyway.

"ENOUGH LET GO!!!" I pulled my head away and shot over to the door looking at him and whimpered.

"What is up with you" he growled, I could not help but find him some what sexy, however his tone also scared me.

"MINE!!!" I growled back.

'Good girl show no fear'

"NO, this is unacceptable that was me sister serenity MY sister!" He slammed his fists on the table making me flinch.

That was Sarah?

"B-but I swear-" I started but he cut me off.

"God damn it! what has gotten into you, you was never like this!" He growled stepping closer and within seconds was in front of me growling.

I looked down for the first time ever I was completely terrified of my mate.

"ANSWER ME!" He screams and a broken whimper/sob left my mouth.

"I-I just want to keep you, I don't want to lose you; I feel so d-draw a-and-" I sobbed trying to get away from him.

Only he was not allowing any of that and he slam my back into the wall.

I smacked my back and head due to the strength of the push making me cry out in pain.

He froze.

"S-serenity I-I don't know what..." He tried to explain but was knocked over by a strong force that suddenly entered the room.

I looked up to see Damon standing in front of me with his glowing red eyes on show.

"Damn man and I thought we was friends but you need to know you hurt my charge and I don't take that lightly" Damon hissed as he starting making his way towards Ryder.

Ry looked up at his with black eyes and growled in reply.

Oh no!

Before I could blink they where both throwing punches.

"Stop! please stop" I cried, suddenly feeling weak.

Never in my life have I felt so weak.

I stood in the middle of them to stop this fight, but I clearly was not thinking straight because what happened next happened so fast.

Suddenly two things connected to my face and I was sent flying backwards.

my head and back smacked into the wall once again and I fell to my knees then landed on my stomach.

Everything froze.

Everything was quite.

I just sat there in shock and pain.

T-they...they hurt me.

"Oh my god baby I'm so sorry" Ryder stepped towards me but I flinched away.

I shifted in my wolf then looked down at my belly giving it a little lick.

I must protect it, no matter what.

I must protect.

I looked back at Ryder who was watching me carefully but before he could say anything i ran.

"Baby stop!" I ignored the calls and continued to escape there.

I was running from my pain again.

I was leaving.

Going away from it all.

Going Where?

I heard running behind me and by the string sent that followed I knew my mate had shifted and was following me.

'Please baby stop, I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I'd never hurt you" I could hear his pain in his voice.

I wanted to care; god I really did but I was numb to any of my emotions.

All I could think was how I was unsafe.

'No baby! No your never unsafe with me Princess please never say that. I would do anything to protect you" I could still hear ry mind linking me.

'LIAR!' I screamed through mind link and sped up.

I don't know what was wrong with me.

I don't know why I always get hurt.

I don't know anything anymore but right now I had to run.

I was hurt.

I was worried.

I was Scared.

But above all and the most important piece of information was.

I was...

Out of no where the woods became darker and in front of me stood a pure black wolf.

It caused me to come to a stop and release a warning growl.

"Don't live in the past serenity, you have already been there" the voice of the voice sounded ghostly.

I stared in shock, I knew of this wolf.

Legends I was always told about as a child.

It was a shuck.

"Why are you running?"

"Because I no longer belong there" I answered.

"And where is it you belong serenity, if not in your own pack with your mate; where do you belong?" His words stunned me.

However he did no stop there.

"Better yet-" he began to circle me "-if you don't belong their, in the safety of friends and family then where does the pup belong"

"Mel is perfectly fine" I mumbled.

"We both know I'm not talking about Mel serenity, I'm talking about the baby in your stomach. Your pregnant are you not"

His words stunned me further, causing everything to stop as I watched him carefully.

He watched me closely now and I paid close attention to his sudden shift to red eyes.

I took a deep breath.

"Yes I'm pregnant" I looked down for a second and when I looked back up all I saw was the black shuck wolf jump towards me.

Fear spiked within me and everything became black.


Two chapters in one night 👏.

Holy hell, this chapter was just-god.

So as you can see, things are about to get real interesting around here.

Only 11 chapters left and let me just tell you, it's about to be a rollercoaster of a ride from this point.

Sooo looks like there is a pup on the way.

That's great right?

I mean after all. What could go wrong?

Who is your favourite character and why?





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