Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred...

By littlemecity

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Gwendolyn Thatcher is a young wizard starting her fourth year at Hogwarts. She will have to face many challen... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Kings Cross Station
Chapter Two: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter Three: The First Week of Classes
Chapter Four: The Transfiguration Tutor
Chapter Five: Beetle Buttons
Chapter Six: Progress Check
Chapter Seven: Gwen's Plan
Chapter Eight: Champions
Chapter Nine: November 1st
Chapter Ten: Potter Stinks
Chapter Eleven: Dance Practice
Chapter Twelve: The Yule Ball
Chapter Thirteen: A Waltz in A Minor
Chapter Fourteen: Circus Act
Chapter Fifteen: Snape's Detention
Chapter Sixteen: Plain Parchment
Chapter Eighteen: A Balancing Act
Chapter Nineteen: Closure
Chapter Twenty: April Fools
Chapter Twenty-One: Hogwarts March
Chapter Twenty-Two: The End of Fourth Year
Chapter Twenty-Three: Pile of Presents
Chapter Twenty-Four: Summer
Chapter Twenty-Five: Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
Chapter Twenty-Six: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Prophet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Black Lake
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Added Stress
Chapter Thirty: The Lion's Den
Chapter Thirty-One: One Little Word
Chapter Thirty-Two: All Before Lunch
Chapter Thirty-Three: Respect and Responsibility
Chapter Thirty-Four: The First Date

Chapter Seventeen: Luck

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By littlemecity

Over the next month the parchment method of communication proved to be effective for Gwen and Draco. Things seemed to be going well for them. They no longer were feeling the pain of being unable to communicate when needed. The Plain Parchment also allowed them to find more free time to spend together. The month of February seemed to allow their relationship to flourish. Instead of the dread that had filled Gwen's heart since the Yule Ball (and if she was honest, the months during which they were sneaking around), she felt good. It wasn't perfect, but she didn't expect it to be. Gwen wasn't even sure if the words Draco and Perfect should be used in the same thought. Their relationship was much more of a balancing act. Gwen brought out the best in Draco.

On Valentines Day, Draco had gotten a chance to pull Gwen away from her friends. He met her in the Astronomy Tower.

"I got you something." Draco said, reaching into his pocket.

"You did?" Gwen smirked.

"Don't act so surprised." He held out a jewelry box, similar to the one she had gotten from him for Christmas. Gwen grabbed the box from him and placed it next to her.

"I got something for you too." Gwen pulled out a much smaller box, that looked nowhere near as fancy as his. "It's not very expensive, but-"

"You didn't have to get me something." Draco replied, hesitantly reaching for the box.

"I know, but I wanted to. Open it."

"You first." Draco gestured to Gwen's gift. Gwen obliged and grabbed the box off of the ledge. She opened the box and saw a thin, delicate silver chain. On the chain hung purpley, green gems of different sizes, on smaller chains making them lay asymmetrically. "It's an anklet." Draco continued.

"It's gorgeous." Gwen smiled, admiring it in the moonlight.

"It's the constellation Draco, and the Alexandrite are because it's both of our birthstone and it's," his voice started to trail off. "like your middle name."

"It's perfect." Gwen leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly. "Now open yours."

Draco opened the small box. Inside was a small sterling silver dragon lapel pin.

"I know it's not much." Gwen shifted her weight. Draco's way of showing affection was in his gift giving, and her gift was much cheaper, and not as thought out as Draco's.

Draco grabbed Gwen's chin. His silvery eyes met the blue of hers. His lips twitched into a small smile, before he kissed her.

It was now the end of February and the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament was all that was on the students minds. Cedric, with the help of Cho, had determined what the task would be, or at least what he thought it would be. The students from all three schools were instructed on the morning of the task to congregate along The Great Lake. The morning of the task Gwen dressed head to toe in all the Hufflepuff gear she had. Every member of Hufflepuff slightly resembled bumblebees. Even some of the other houses turned up to breakfast in the signature black and yellow. On Gwen's cheeks Cedric Diggory had been written in black and yellow face paint, and charmed to flash between the two colors. Hannah, Ernie, Justin, James, and a few of the other Hufflepuffs had been going up and down the Hufflepuff table applying the face paint on to any one who would let them. James had even convinced Professor Sprout to wear some.

During breakfast the only conversations people were having all involved the possible outcomes of the Second Task.

"I just want one of the Hogwarts Champions to come in first." Hannah stated.

"It's obviously going to be Cedric." James said through a mouthful of toast.

"It could be Harry." Susan retorted.

"Doubtful, I heard Cedric say Harry didn't know what the task involved like a week ago." James aggressively pointed his toast at Susan.

"Have some faith." George Weasley grinned, popping into their conversation.

"But if you don't, why not make a bet?" Fred raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"How much?" Ernie asked.

"How about one sickle that Harry finishes in first place?" George replied.

"Deal." Ernie said as he pulled one sickle out of his pocket. Justin followed his lead and also handed George a single sickle.

"What about you Gweny?" Fred tilted his head.

"I think I've already told you I don't bet."

"Gwen, come on, for me?" Fred batted his eyelashes.

"No, Fred."

Fred leaned into her so his head rested against her neck. "Don't make me beg." He whispered deeply.

Gwen felt a rush across her body. She laughed off the feeling and pushed Fred back. "Have some dignity, Weasley."

Fred pouted and hung his head.

"You just want my money." Gwen folded her arms.

"How dare you. That's only half of the reason." He sat up looking completely flabbergasted.

"Oh my mistake." Gwen giggled.

Fred grabbed Gwen's hand tightly, with both of his. He then got down on one knee and began tugging at her arm. "Gwendolyn Thatcher, please, please, please, I'll never ask you for another thing ever again. Please, please, please."

Gwen tried not to smile, but she couldn't stop herself. Fred knowing he had gotten the better of her was beaming. "Fine. One sickle." Gwen asserted. With her free hand she grabbed the coin and placed it in his hands.

"Thank you, darling." Fred kissed her hand, and then the coin before strutting away with George. Gwen felt a slight blush enter her cheeks and rolled her eyes as she watched the twins continue coaxing money out of the pockets of unsuspecting students. Her eyes floated off them and went back to looking around the hall. Most students were wearing some sort of spirit wear for their favorite champion. The Slytherins, unsurprisingly, had mostly diverted their allegiance from one of the Hogwarts Champions to Viktor Krum. Among these ranks was Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco. Draco was wearing the Durmstrang colors, and he seemed to be scribbling furiously at a paper on the table. He flicked his head up and made eye contact with Gwen. Without even moving another muscle in his face Gwen knew to look at their parchment. She pulled the paper out of her pocket and placed it on her lap.

Why do you always let those twins flirt with you?

She looked back across the hall and could see the tension in Draco's shoulders and hand, although his face remained blank. Gwen took her self inking quill out and wrote back.

They don't flirt with me.

As soon as she had finished her sentence Draco's response appeared.

I just watched Weasley kiss your hand.

Gwen shook her head. She could see a vein in Draco's forehead growing more prominent.

Fred flirts with everyone.

Draco's eyebrows were now furrowed.

Not like that.

Yes, like that.

Gwen, don't be dense.

I don't want to have this conversation.

Because you know it's true.

Gwen felt heat swelling in her chest.

Because I don't need you telling me who I can be friends with.

Gwen watched Draco from across the hall take a deep, angry breath in.

He wants you, Gwen.

Gwen clenched her quill tightly before replying.

Are you jealous of Fred?

Draco wrote back quickly.


When Gwen looked back up he had already put his quill and paper away. Gwen drew a small circle in the bottom corner of the paper, and put hers away as well.

After breakfast all the students filed out of the Great Hall and towards the lake. As Gwen walked towards the lake she was glad she would not have to be getting into the water. It was nice enough weather for a late February day, however that did not make it warm enough for swimming. The air was cool and crisp, but the clamoring of thousands of spectators cut the calmness that otherwise filled the area. Gwen, Hannah, Ernie, and Justin had almost reached the lake when they noticed that a few stands had been set up. Gwen and her friends joined the stand that contained the large sea of black and yellow. As they took their seats at the top of the block of Hufflepuffs and Cedric supporters Gwen noticed who was seated almost directly behind her: Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle. Each of them with Viktor's quidditch number plastered on their right cheek. Though Draco was giving the impression of only supporting Krum, Gwen did notice the Potter Stinks badge he made tucked under his scarf. Once Gwen had settled into her spot she heard the starting announcement.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them." The voice being pumped into the stands loudly with a magic microphone, was interrupted by an even louder voice.

"Excuse us!" George Weasley yelled entering Gwen's row in the stands.

"Precious cargo coming through!" Fred shouted. The twins with Lee and Angelina shuffled through the crowd until they had taken their seats on the other side of the Gwen.

Draco, at the sight of Fred taking his seat next to Gwen, announced sharply "If we're lucky, maybe Potter will drown." Draco's posse chuckled loudly.

"If you're lucky you'll shut your mouth before you get socked in the kisser." Fred snapped back at him. Gwen's gaze flicked between the two of them. She knew exactly why Draco was doing this. He was still upset with her from breakfast.

"It's not like Potter stands much of a chance against Krum." Draco continued as if he hadn't heard Fred's comment.

"Got a crush, Malfoy?" George smiled. Draco was smart and witty, but not more so than the twins.

"Aw, look he's blushing." Fred grinned.

"So, he does have a crush." Angelina added.

"The only question now is if it's Potter or Krum." Lee laughed.

Draco looked as tense as he was in the Great Hall. His hands were twitching with anger, and Gwen could see he was trying to think of something sharp to say back. Fred looked like he was about to continue in on Draco when Gwen placed her hand on his arm. "Don't." She mouthed. Fred sighed disappointedly, but left it alone.

Soon after the champions entered the water, and the students were left to watch the clock count down. After fifteen minutes had passed many of the students were becoming very antsy. Many were confused as to why they would create a task in which they couldn't see anything happening. They watched impatiently as small disturbances broke the surface tension of the water. Fleur had appeared to the surface, but had not completed the task. The longer the task went on the slower the clock seemed to tick. Everyone was growing impatient.

"I'm bored!" Fred cried out.

"Me too!" George added.

"And look at Percy down there. He looks like he's having the time of his life." Fred said exasperated. Percy had been in the same year as Gwen's brother Duncan, but they never really crossed paths. Percy was very uptight, and quite the rule follower, and while Duncan didn't necessarily break rules he was not uptight. Even now Percy looked as pretentious as ever.

"It hardly seems fair that they would let that Weasley judge. He'll just give the win to Potter." Draco scoffed.

"And you always play fair, Malfoy?" Fred flashed back to him.

"It just seems a little low to take bets on a competition when you're related to one of the judges." Draco stated, seemingly ignoring Freds quip.

"You must not know Percy at all if you think he'd cheat." George retorted.

"It might be better if he did. Everyone knows you won't be able to pay back everyone if you lose your end of the bet." Draco smirked and his friends laughed.

"Well Gweny here is really bad at betting, so I know I have at least one sickle in the pot." Fred smiled. Gwen felt a pit form in her stomach. She knew that Fred saying that would upset Draco. Draco rolled his eyes and pretended to move his attention onto something else. "I should have asked you for more since you always lose the bets we make." Fred continued.

"Too bad you can never ask me again."

"I hope you know I wasn't serious."

"Really? How disappointing that was the only reason I agreed."

"What won't be disappointing is when we collect all the winnings after this task."

"How are you so sure you'll win big?"

"Easy. We made different bets with everyone. There's no way for us to lose."

"How fortunate."

"It's all luck really."

"Maybe you could get some of that luck to rub off on me."

Fred let a mischievous smirk form across his lips. "I know a way."

"You do?"

"Oh yes. I heard if you kiss a ginger a bit of their luck rubs off." Fred raised his eyebrows suggestively

Gwen laughed. "There's no way that's true, Freddie."

"George," Fred called across to his brother. "Isn't it true that if you plant a kiss on a ginger their luck will rub off on you?"

"I think I did hear that, Fred." George smiled.

"I'm not going to kiss you." Gwen declared.

"Not even on the cheek?" Fred said, tapping a finger to his face.

"Not even on the cheek."

"I know you'll win the bet if you do. Right, George?" Fred turned back to his twin.

"It's a simple fact Gwen." George replied. "Even Angelina and Lee can attest to it."

"Yeah, it's like weird leprechaun magic." Angelina laughed then kissed George's cheek.

"Haven't you ever heard people say 'Kiss me, I'm Irish'?" Fred grinned.

"The last time I checked you weren't Irish." Gwen crossed her arms.

"No, but usually they've got red hair. I'm here to argue it's not the being Irish, but the being ginger part." Fred stated very matter of factly.

"It really does work." Lee Jordan planted a very large peck on Fred's cheek. "They've got magic powers."

"I do not need one sickle that badly." Gwen said, shaking her head.

Gwen glanced behind her and saw Draco fiddling with his rings nervously. She could tell he was trying hard not to react, and Gwen was trying very hard to get her friends to drop it.

"I do!" Ernie shouted to Gwen. "That was my last one."

"Then why did you give it up?" Hannah turned to him.

"I was caught up in the excitement." Ernie frowned.

"You're not gonna let your friends down are you?" Fred teased. "It wouldn't be very Hufflepuff to let your bestest friends down in their time of need."

Gwen sighed.

"Just do it Gwen, then we'll all make our money back." Justin added.

"It's not going to change the outcome of the task." Gwen replied.

"It can't hurt." Justin said.

"Please. I can't write home for more money yet, my parents will be upset." Ernie pleaded.

"Fine," Gwen gave in. "But only on the cheek."

Fred tilted his neck out to Gwen, leaving his cheek fully exposed. Gwen looked over her shoulder, Draco's lips were pursed. Gwen took a deep breath, she knew she didn't have a good enough reason now not to kiss Fred's cheek, plus it wasn't like it meant anything.

"I'm waiting." Fred said in a sing-songy voice.

Gwen straightened herself up. She leaned in slightly. She took another breath and moved in quickly. At the very last second Fred whipped his head towards Gwen's. Fred and Gwen's lips locked. His lips were buttery soft. She felt a sensation like fireworks cross every nerve in her body. As quickly as they connected Gwen pulled back and slapped Fred's arm with the back of her hand. Fred winked at her.

"I said cheek only." Gwen was blushing violently.

"I thought you could use the extra luck." Fred beamed.

Mere seconds after their kiss they saw Cedric appear from the water with Cho Chang in his arms.

"Oh my god! Cedric finished first!" Hannah shouted. The Hufflepuffs were all standing up and shouting excitedly. The thunderous applause erupted from the stands.

"Told you it would bring you good luck." Fred nudged her shoulder, and handed her back her sickle.

Soon after Krum appeared to the surface, followed by Harry. Gwen turned around expecting to see Draco cheering or rolling his eyes, but he wasn't there. She scanned the crowd. She couldn't see him anywhere. His friends were still in the stands behind them, but Draco was gone. There were a few moments of excitement from the stands as they watched the champions dry off and waited for their scores to be announced. Cedric had finished first with 47 points, Harry second with 45, Viktor with 40, and Fleur with 35. Once the scores had been finalized the Hufflepuffs ran down to meet Cedric. James lifted Cedric up high into the crowd while all his supporters cheered Diggory over and over. The chanting lasted the whole way into the Hufflepuff common room where Cedric was finally put down.

"It's time to party!" James shouted. The common room filled with cheers, Gwen among them, until she felt a burning sensation in her pocket. She slyly pulled out the edge of The Parchment.

We need to talk. Now.

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