
By hagreen6

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Cassie Quinn, now a Senior in college has her life figured out. She's smart and funny with the heart to match... More

1| Introductions
2| Super Sushi
3| Broken Home
4| And So It Begins
5| Crash
6| Doctor for a Day
7| The Power of Hugs
8| Uphill Battle
9| Safe Haven
10| Accident Magnet
11| Wash it All Away
12| First Night
13| Hunting Party
14| SOS
15| Good Eats
16| Smooth Sailing
17| Swinging Axes
18| Sinking
19| Theres Comfort in Conversation
20| Nightmares
21| Just a BDF
22| Hungover
23| Dark and Stormy
24| How Men Kill Time
25| Self-Defense
26| Reflexes and Rescues
27| Magic Mike
28| What Lies Below
29| Panicked
30| Wrench in the Plan
31| Family Feuds
32| Stronger Together
33| When Sickness Strikes
34| Goin' on a Ginger Hunt
35| Feelings for you (pt. 1)
36| Feelings For You (pt. 2)
37| Invasion
38| Repercussions
39| Ammunition
40| New Normal
41| Thin Ice
42| Great Escape (pt. 1)
43| Great Escape (pt. 2)
44| Where It All Began
45| The Final Bullet
46| Greatest Adventure
47| Have Some Faith
48| We're Here
49| Survivors
50| Family Reunions
51| Always and Forever a BDF
52| Statements and Affirmations
53| Nothing Fun About Goodbye
55| Bonfire's and Fireball
Author's Note

54| Home Sweet Home

1.5K 54 18
By hagreen6

Several weeks had gone by since our last night in the hotel, and if I'm going to be honest, it was not an easy adjustment to get back to normal. Jake and I FaceTimed often, and we also had a group Snapchat with myself and all the guys, but it wasn't the same, and it wouldn't be the same again.

However, a lot had happened since our tearful goodbye. I arrived back to Spring Valley where I spent my first week and a half. I was still a little shaken and feeling just overall strange returning to my old life, so I wanted some time with my family. Emma was no longer in Spring Valley, but she did make a trip home for the weekend to see me.

We laughed, we cried, and we drank TONS of red wine. She listened to every single part of my story and I swear she felt every emotion I did as I explained. It felt so good to be back with one of my best girl friends. After spending so much time with only guys, I had almost forgotten how great it felt to have girl friends I could count on. I could talk to her openly about my relationship with Jake without fear of making things awkward. This was something that I craved the whole time I was gone, and I was thankful to have someone like Emma here to help me readjust.

I also took my time at home to work on my relationship with my mom. She took me to lunch several times and I really could see how hard she was trying to make things right. Although it was still sometimes awkward between us and probably would be for a while, I was able to have full conversations with her without it turning hostile. She also made an effort to hug me more when we greeted each other, and to offer support and advice when needed. Not once since I'd been back did she comment on my appearance, clothing choice, or drinking habits, and I was grateful.

Eventually, after bumming around home for too long and with the encouragement of Jake, I decided that it was time to return back to ASU. Carter and Caralyn had already returned to their universities, so there really wasn't a huge reason for me to stick around Spring Valley, and I was getting bored.

My mom had helped me load my bags into Hue, as I was still using crutches. Once she said goodbye and headed back into the house, I took a moment to remove my old McDonald's fry carton. I couldn't help but be mildly disappointed in my past self for leaving it there in the first place, but I guess I had no idea I'd be gone as long as I was. Now I would just have to deal with the fact that Hue smelled slightly of fried food; not that it was the worst scent in the world.

Once I was finally settled, I popped on my One Direction playlist, and blasted it as I drove back to college. I didn't mind the drive. It gave me time to be alone and think, and if I was being honest, I was nervous to see Alexa. After talking with the guys, I just had a weird feeling about her now. I still liked her and enjoyed her company, but the guys were right. What kind of a friend wouldn't believe me about something so serious?

I shook the thoughts from my head, not wanting to cause drama and hoped to god Trent wasn't going to be over when I arrived. Maybe, if I was lucky, Alexa would have grown some balls and kicked him out of her life during the time I was gone.

Of course, she didn't.

On the bright side though, he wasn't over when I arrived home, which I was super happy about. Alexa was eager to greet me and my bitter thoughts about her faded away the more we talked.

She immediately came downstairs, greeting me with a hug, and she helped me carry everything into our apartment.

"Holy shit Cassie! I knew you were going to be going to a survival camp but I can't believe you actually got put in a situation where you NEEDED to survive. You have to tell me everything! I was SO worried about you," she said as we both got situated on our living room couch.

It felt so strange being home. I knew the guys were all feeling the same with their returns home from what they've told me during our talks, but I was surprised to find being back at school felt more foreign to me than being in Spring Valley. I assumed it was because of how I felt about myself. Before, living here knowing Trent could stop by at any moment, I was constantly terrified. Now, sitting in the living room with Alexa, I still had the fear in the back of my mind, but I also knew that I was stronger now than I was before, and I knew I could handle myself.

Alexa was supportive of me as we chatted, and she genuinely wanted to know every detail of what had happened. I was glad to relay them to her, leaving out the Trent drama of course. Her and I got drunk on 2 bottles of champagne that she had purchased upon my return, and I was finally beginning to feel like I would be okay returning to my life, but I definitely missed the guys.

"Oh Cassie!" Alexa jumped up from the couch and stumbled over to where she kept a very unorganized pile of mail. "You got a package! It got here yesterday."

"Really? Who's it from?" I questioned. The package looked small.

"It's from...," she hesitated to squint at the address label, "Ooo! It's from Jake!"

My heart did a flip. I talked with him earlier today and he hadn't mentioned sending anything. I reached for it as Alexa brought it over to me.

I made quick work of opening the package, having no idea what it could be. When I opened it up, I was surprised to see that it was a doorknob. At first I was confused, but then I noticed that this doorknob had a lock. I also noticed there was a note attached.


I know that I am not there with you to keep you safe, but I meant what I said about always protecting you. Please, please, PLEASE, put this new doorknob on so that you can keep it locked at night. I can barely sleep knowing you're sleeping in the same apartment as that jack-ass without me there. At least this way, he can't get in without enough effort to wake you up, and you can be alert and prepared enough to kick his ass for me.

P.S., I picked this one out because it's not too difficult to install, but I'd be happy to walk you through it when you FaceTime me.

I love you so much. Can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms again.


My face split into a grin immediately. I almost forgot Alexa was in the room watching me until she spoke up. "A doorknob? That's not very romantic," she  said.

oh... you have no idea.

"Yeah... it's an inside joke," I lied. I didn't have a better explanation for her unless I went with the truth and said: "Oh yeah, it actually is because he sent me this to keep me safe from your perv of a boyfriend." I might one day open that can of worms again, but not tonight when we were both plastered on champagne and I had just gotten back.

After an hour longer, I excused myself for the night. I was feeling drunk, sleepy, and an overwhelming need to talk to the guys. I went into my room, and sent out a Snapchat call to our group. We did this often and at random times, and whoever was available could join in and out as they pleased. It wasn't long before I was chatting with Jake, Cam, Derek, and Wes.

The guys talked with me for a while, but eventually Jake had ordered me to drink lots of water and go to bed. As well as I thought I could hide how drunk I was, the guys always could tell. They knew me too well at this point.

I just chuckled and agreed to Jake's request, and despite my unease at returning to school, I had no troubles passing out for the evening.


Over the next 2 weeks, I learned that it was a good thing Jake had gotten me the lock. Trent was over at our house constantly, making even more sexual comments to me than before. Although I was definitely still bothered and would always be on edge around him, our interactions no longer crippled me with fear. The support and confidence instilled in me from my time with the guys made it easier to handle my past.

Currently, I was laying in my bed, door locked, group texting with the guys as a monsoon began brewing outside.

Nathan: Yo! You guys are never going to believe this.

Adam: What!?

Cam: Sup?

Wes: Dude don't leave us hanging!

Nathan: One of our local news stations caught wind of our story, and they want to do an exclusive interview with us 💁🏼‍♂️

Jake: Seriously? When??

Derek: That's awesome! Where?

Nathan: Yeah! Next weekend! They're willing to fly everyone out here and put you all up in a hotel for the weekend. You guys would just have to agree, sign some papers, get here, and then we do a live interview exclusive for them on Saturday morning. I talked with my pops and he said he wouldn't mind either if you all wanted to invite friends or family to come on down as well, and I'd have a bonfire party on our farm. Thoughts?

Cassie: oh shit a live interview 🤭 But, that sounds great! I would love to get together with you all again.

Luke: Let's do it!

Adam: Fuck yes! I'm down.

Jake: Lol Cass. You'll do great. I'm in!

Derek: Yeah that sounds awesome. I love bonfires.

Cam: Hell yeah man. I'll be there.

Wes: I'm with Cass. Not thrilled about the interview being live but I'm in too.

Nathan: Great! I will work out more of the details and let you guys know more when I have them.

We chatted a bit longer but when it got late I put my phone down, a smile on my face despite the clenching in my heart. I was happy to be home and safe, I really was. The dangerous situations we were in I wouldn't wish upon anyone. However, I missed having the guys around me 24/7 and our good days; I missed Wes's kindness, Adam's humor, Nathan's comments, Derek's comfort, Cam's passion, and Luke's reassurance, but mostly, I missed all of these things about Jake.

The monsoon outside continued to escalate. What was once a loud thunderous boom was now but a small rumble to me compared to what we heard in the caves. I curled over onto my side, reminiscing on what it felt like to have Jake's arms around me; protecting me from the cold of the storms. These feelings got worse at night. It's when I felt most alone the last several weeks. However, knowing that I'd be seeing Jake soon for the interview made me so happy there was no way I'd be getting any sleep.

Just then, my phone lit up with another text.

Jake: I can't sleep.

I smiled to myself. Maybe he was feeling the same kind of emotions I was? I was thinking way too much to allow my brain any kind of rest. I thought about a response before shooting him a fast reply.

Cassie: Me neither... I need my sexy pillow

Jake: I need the lucky sweatshirt.

Cassie: Shut up lol on you it's a lucky crop top

Jake: True, you wear it better. In all seriousness though... I miss you Cass. Like... really miss you

Cassie: I miss you too. I didn't think adjusting back to reality would be so hard.

Jake: Well... I know it's not the same, but I'm still here for you. Always.

Cassie: Thank you Jake. I love you.

Jake: I love you too. Now please try and get some sleep. I can't wait to see you.

Cassie: Diddo ❤️

After aligning my pillows into a makeshift body pillow, I was able to close my eyes and finally fall asleep to thoughts of our impending reunion.

Oh hey!

Not gonna lie, I'm not super crazy about this chapter. What do you guys think? It's probably because originally I wanted to get through all of this in the last chapter but didn't. Oh well.

Hope you guys enjoyed the double update!

Okay bye!


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