Acarophobia || {Minsung} ✓

By Smoll_Fefe

220K 10.8K 6.7K

In which Jisung was popular until an ailment brought about his downfall and the new transfer student refuses... More

༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺


3.4K 159 262
By Smoll_Fefe

We're almost at the end T-T

tw// really small harrasment(?) scene, Acarophobia attack

Date 5, the final date, Minho's last chance to woo Jisung.

The school bell rang, marking the end of what had been a very long week. Jisung swung his bag over his shoulder and bid Seungmin goodbye as the later walked to the library to study.

He huffed and his breath turned to mist as he left the school building and entered the now slightly chilled fresh air.

He looked around curiously, wondering when Minho would come to him, he failed to see Minho creeping up behind him until the elder grabbed his shoulders and leant his chin on Jisung's shoulder

"Dress comfortably and I'll meet you at the bus stop outside your house at 4:00" he whispered in his ear, and just like that he was gone.


Minho breathed out a small sigh as he waited, he whipped his head round, hearing steps on the crunchy leaves

"Hello, hello , hello." He said in a sing-song voice

"Why are you so cheery" Jisung grumbled as he pulled up next to Minho, the elder turned around and booped his nose "Why are you so moody, the weather is nice, the bus is going to be on time and where going on a date" 

Jisung blushed slightly at the last bit and swung back and forth on the toes "the bus will be ate now that you've said that" he remarked dryily, unfortunately the bus drew up at the stop just as he closed his mouth.

"What where you saying?" Minho asked as he climbed aboard the bus and handed the bus driver some money to pay for the two of them (what a gentle man), shooting Jisung a cheeky grin.

They walked down the aisle and opted to stand holding the handlebars as all the seats where taken.

Minho just skimmed through Instagram, swaying slightly with the movement of the bus that was until an elbow prodded his side, at first he ignored it thinking that Jisung had just accidentally knocked him but it happened again and he heard a small whimper leave the boys mouth

He bent a little, placing his head next to Jisung's, "What's the problem" He whispered and Jisung paused for a moment before shaking his head nervously and pulling on the edge of his white hoodie

"It's nothing" he replied "I'm just being ridiculous

Minho wasn't having it, he discreetly peered around Jisung and saw an old man leering at Jisung pevertedly and eyeing him up, instantly he understood the issue.

"He's making you uncomfortable huh?" Minho whispered in his ear and the boy gingerly nodded,

Minho gently pushed him to the side and switched places with him, shooting a glare at the old man, he didn't mind if the man sent sultry gazes his way but he most certainly wasn't letting Jisung go through that,

As it happened Minho wasn't the old mans type and he got of the bus at the next stop with disgruntled murmurs.

"You'd make quite a good boyfriend huh." Jisung murmured to him jokingly, trying to make light of the situation

"Tease me and I'll make you regret it." Minho replied making the other gulp a bit and shrink.

A young girl who had been sitting in the chair facing the handlebars also got of at that stop so Minho pushed Jisung into the seat and stood over him, almost protecting him like a mother bird watching over her ducklings.


"Are we there yet?"

Minho pulled him along excitedly, rushing towards their destination "Almost, just round this corner"

They jogged around the corner of the large building and a beautiful view came into sight, a big fair complete with Rolla-coastars, a Ferris wheel and game stalls  filled with vibrant colour and lights that shone brightly even though it was early afternoon, all this lay before them.

It took no longer than an instant for Jisung to start dashing down the hill towards the fair, Minho ran after him shouting "JISUNG SLOW DOWN, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET IN WITHOUT THE TICKETS."

5 minutes later and they'd arrived at the park, Jisung considerably calmer having used up all his energy running down the hill, Minho sorted out the tickets and they where let in fairly quickly (because of course Minho had brought VIP tickets because he didn't want Jisung to wait) 

As soon as they got in Jisung pointed to the biggest, tallest and most probably scariest rolla-coaster "Are you sure...?" Minho asked, slightly daunted..

Jisung simply nodded and yanked him towards the ride with enthusiasm,


"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Jisung turned in his seat raising an eyebrow at his hyung "Why do you keep asking me that? are you scared?"

Minho gulped and shook his head "No I'm not scared, I just wanted to know if you'll be okay."

Jisung settled back into the hold of the seat facing forwards "Well I'll be fine."

Just as these words left his mouth the ride started and all Jisung could think was 'oh shit, oh holy fuck i am not going to be okay"

He tried to keep his mouth and eyes shut as tight as possible but when he heard Minho scream beside him he gave up and screamed with him.

By the time they got of Minho's legs where trembling and shaking and he could barely walk himself to the lockers to collect their stuff.

"So you were scared huh?"

"Heights are scary okay." Minho whined, crouching on the floor for a moment to cal himself before standing and brushing his clothes of as if nothing had happened, Jisung chose to humour him for the moment and pretend he hadn't heard Minho screaming.

There was no way in hell that either of them where going on more big rides so they choose to go on smaller ones instead, the bumper cars, the tea cups and of course the classical merry-go-round, 

At this ride Jisung with his short legs couldn't get on top of the pretty horse that he wanted so Minho had to help him up like a little child.

after this they got a little bored and decided to go and try their hand at the game stalls, they lost at most things and then Minho set his sights on the crane machine meaning they weren't going to be leaving for quite a while.

"Bro, we've been here for ten minutes now, you're not gonna win the plushie, give up"

Minho's hand stilled on the control pad and he unbend his body staring at Jisung and blinking slowly


Jisung's eyes widened and he slapped a hand over his mouth "I mean, I-i meant..."

Minho shook his head and placed a single finger against the younger's lips "Shut it bro, I'm going to win this plushie, end of."

He rolled up his sleeves and ignited with fresh passion he inserted another coin, for 30 seconds neither of them spoke, the only sound was children screaming and laughing and the jamming of the buttons.

The claw descended slowly and they held their breath as it grasped the grey squirrel, it rose, still digging into the soft flesh and began travelling over to the collection zone jolting

They observed in silence and Minho nearly screamed when the plushie slipped out a slight bit, but much to his relief, the plushie made it safely.

He yanked it out and shoved it at Jisung's chest "here's your plushie BRO"

Jisung grasped it and giggled grabbing Minho's hand and jumping up and down like a child

"Stoooooop, I'm sorrryyyyyy"

Minho just smirked in returned and pulled Jisung closer to him, their hips touching as he looped his arm around the youngers waist. "Forgiven but only if we can stay like this"

Jisung wrestled him self away from Minho and put a meters distance between them as they started walking, "maybe I don't want to be forgiven then.." he muttered under his breath

Minho just laughed and scooted closer to him again.

"Let's go get some food and drink?"

Jisung nodded and the walked over to a stool, Jisung opted for pink candyfloss and a strawberry milkshake and Minho got a vanilla milkshake and strawberry ice cream.

"What next?" Minho asked, letting Jisung choose as he had been doing the whole time.

Jisung spun around in a circular motion a couple of times before pointing towards the viking, Minho nearly chocked on his large vanilla milk shake "A-are you sure...? we just ate and drank... maybe we should..."

Jisung yanked Minho towards him and placed a finger on Minho's lips, just as the elder had done to him earlier, "Shush, let's go."


They stumbled away from the viking, Minho's legs shaking a little once again but still having fun, they took a moment to catch their breath. They had stopped by some lockers to store their stuff before heading straight for the viking, giving Minho little time to catch his breath.

"We have a little time left before the sun goes down so lets go on one or two more rides" Minho spun around on his heels, looking and trying to decide what they should end the trip with, then something caught his eye and he pointed to it with an excited smile,

It was cliche yes, but it was perfect.

"You'll be able to manage it?" Jisung smirked glancing at the Ferris wheel that Minho was pointing at.

Minho scoffed "Come on, I'm not that afraid of heights okay, as long as i don't look down i'll be fine" he looked at jisung pointedly "Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself."

"yeah, yeah, we're both cowards" Jisung grabbed Minho's hands in a burst of spontaneity and ran towards the ride with him, they joined the que, which, considering it was now quite late evening, was very short.

A carriage came towards the loading platform and the staff member signaled for them to hop on.

The doors slid shut smoothly and firmly and Jisung pressed against them, testing them, "Well I guess there's no way to escape you now huh?" He joked

Minho looked around the pod, it was comfortable tall enough for them both to stand easily, with benches on either side and glass windows all around, he walked over to the window at the side and peered out.

The sight was truly breathtaking, it was a little darker now as the sun was beginning to set and this allowed the lights of the rides to shine a little brighter, thousands upon thousands of tiny lights merging in his eyes to form a sea of angelic wonder.

"Its pretty.." Jisung murmured coming to stand beside him, for that moment both of them where to enraptured by the view to be afraid, Minho took his eyes away from the view for one moment to glance across at Jisung, his eyes where glimmering and the fading light of the sun made his skin look golden and soft and his lips shiny and plump..

"Did you know that people often kiss at the top of the ride?"

"Oh really?" Jisung replied, a smirk playing on his lips as he refused to make eye contact with Minho

Minho walked towards him and pinned him up against the glass wall of the pod

"We're almost at the top you know.." He said grinning ever so slightly, Jisung inhaled sharply, surprised at his and Minho's face being so close all of a sudden.

He calmed his breathing as much as he could and his eyes started to close as Minho leaned forwards.

Key word: started to.

There was a certain familiar as a bug flew through a small opening in the door and landed on his hand, a familiar but dreadful feeling that caused his eyes to fling wide open, Minho who had not yet closed his own backed of, worried that he'd pushed Jisung too far, too quickly but that was not the case.

It was something much worse.

Jisung began to hyperventilate and his last organised thought which he could comprehend was that he'd ruined everything now, Minho loved him right? but not this side of him.. not this part of him.

He whimpered through his heavy breathing dropping to the floor and curling into a small ball, his hands shaking and gripping his hair, nearly pulling it out as he tried desperately to not scratch his skin.

He let out a small sob which broke the barricade, more tears streaming down his face as one hand tore into his neck whilst the other tried to block his ear, 

he could hear them, there tiny little feet stomping, there little mouths chattering as they marched into his ears.

And then there was something at his wrists, pulling him, and then..... silence.

His breathing slowed and steadied, he could barely dare to but he managed to look up,

Minho had grabbed his hands and was squeezing them between his knees, refusing to let go and let Jisung scratch himself, he had placed his hands over Jisungs ears and was gently stroking his thumb round in a circular motion.

He made eye contact with Jisung and offered him a re-assuring smile, he released Jisung's hands and then slowly removed his hands from Jisung's ears.

Neither of them said anything, Minho took Jisung's hand and led him slowly of the ride as they reached the bottom,

they walked over to a bench and Jisung sat down whilst Minho stood to his side, there where still tears streaming down Jisung's face and Minho bent slowly reaching up a hand to wipe them away.

Jisung slapped his hand away and stood up "Stop it, just stop."

He looked at the ground and Minho stood up properly in front of him waiting for Jisung to speak

"I don't deserve you.. " He began but Minho wasn't having it and opened his mouth to speak but Jisung cut him of "No. shut up and listen."

He took a deep breath preparing himself for everything he needed to say "I like you, I'll admit it, I really fucking like you, and I want to be with you. but-"

Minho's face fell as soon as he heard the but

"but i cant do this, maybe if this hadn't happend today I would have said yes, but it would have happened at some point and what happened has only reminded me of the possibilities."

Minho could barely contain himself at this point "But I didn't run away !! It doesn't bother me anymore !!"

"I know that..." Jisung sadly whimpered

"Then what's the fucking problem !?!?"

"Because.... I don't want to.... be a burden... I don't want to be an invalid that weighs you down, I don't want you to worry about me constantly, I don't to bother you, I don't want to be a burden."

Minho stood in silence, taking a moment to process everything Jisung had just said, Jisung nodded sadly, expecting this, he turned on his heel and began to sadly trot away.

But was Minho going to really just let him walk away? After spending all this time trying to prove his love? After all this?

Fuck No.

Minho dashed after Jisung, grabbed his shoulder and spun him around pulling him to his chest and hugging him tightly.

"You are not a burden, you have never been a burden and you never will be a burden, I knew what I was doing all this time, and of course I'm going to worry about you sometimes, but you're just going to have to deal with that. I worry about you because I love you idiot."

Jisung stood stifly in his arms for a moment before he gave up and melted into the touch.

Neither said anything for a moment, rocking in one another's arms slowly.

"I'm sorry I was being over dramatic and I ruined the ride also" Jisung mumbled into Minho's fluffy black sweater.

"We can always ride it again" Minho said giving him a gentle smile, Jisung nodded tenderly and they walked towards the ferris wheel, they stepped up to the platform, clambering into a carriage once again.

They sat side by side on one of the benches in silence, just enjoying each others company.

Minho noticed they where reaching the top and turned towards Jisung with a small sheepish smile "We didn't even get to ki-"

Minho's words where stopped when the younger suddenly closed the gap and pressed his lips against the elders provoking a gasp from him. The setting sun shone through the glass sides of the carriage illuminating the moment in an almost magical light. 

Minho recovered from his initial surprise and smiled into the kiss deepening it with a hum and wrapping his arms around Jisung's waist, bringing the boy closer as the other placed his hands on Minho's shoulders.

They passionately yearned into each other, addicted wanting more and more of the others taste.

After a few moments they pulled away and Jisung nuzzled his face into Minho's shoulder slightly embarrassed at what he had just initiated and his head spining as he panted lightly.

"Is this a yes then?" Minho asks cheekily

Jisung doesn't even waver in nodding his head, he shyly brought his head away from Minho's neck and looked up at his hyung.

"You know hyung... we still have a lot of the ride left.."

Minho instantly understood what he was getting at and grinned at how cute Jisung was, all shy and nervous about asking for more kisses, he sat back on the seat of the carriage pulling Jisung onto his lap in a straddle and placed his hands on Jisung's hips looking up at him teasingly.

"Go ahead then."

Jisung bit his lip, he hadn't expected this at all, he had little to no experience in relationships and was expecting Minho to take the led but nevertheless he took a deep breath and wove his hands slowly into the elders soft brown locks.

He squeezed his eyes shut and lent his head down a little, pressing his lips against the elders, Minho instantly took control moving one of his to Jisung's neck and guiding the younger in the right motion.

Once they had a steady rhythm going Minho nipped at Jisung's bottom lip, he let out a small moan much to his embarrassment and consequently opened his mouth to let Minho in.

Minho's kissing technique rendered Jisung helpless and ass much as he tried not to he couldn't help but moan into the kisses, his mind clouded with lust and passion and his body trembling a little. He was lucky he was sat on Minho's lap, had he been standing, his legs would have been to weak to hold him up.

Minho pulled away for a moment to admire the adorable mess Jisung was in, his hair messed up a little, his face flushed and small cute pants left his swollen lips.

"S-stop staring" The boy managed to stutter out only to receive a small chuckle from the elder

"But you're so cute Sungie"

Minho reached up and gave Jisung one last deep kiss making Jisung's head spin before pulling the younger off his lap and taking his hand instead.


"We have to get of the ride in a second Sung."

Minho chuckled again at the small pout that had formed on Jisung's mouth at the idea of no more kisses.

He leant down and whispered into Jisung's ear in a somewhat seductive manner

"We could always go back to my place..."

Jisung's eyes widened and he managed to nod his head in affirmation before his face burned up.

"Alright then princess, we can go there next."

Had Jisung been in any state to talk he would have made a sound of indignation at the pet name but instead he kept quiet and let Minho pull him off the ride, to collect their stuff from the lockers, out of the carnival and in the direction of the his home.

3K words, okay damm Ellana I see you

if there are mistakes..... oh well.

Anyway,, this is the end kinda, there will be one more normal chapter just to tie up some loose ends i guess and then the special Seungjin chapter that I promised ages ago heh.

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