Light & Dark

By Dat_B0i12765

112K 1.9K 1K

In the beginnig, God created the heavens and the earth. For 6 days he worked and for 1 he rested, saw his wor... More

Plot clarification
Chapter 2 - Bittersweet memories
Chapter 3 - USJ Panic
Chapter 4 - USJ Panic - 'Evolution'
Chapter 5 - Aftermath - Opposing Ideals
Chapter 6 - Heritage
Chapter 7 - Silence and Smoke
Chapter 8 - 'Declaration of The Sun'
Pre-festival Clarificarion
chapter 9 - Theatrics
Chapter 10 - Performance
Chapter 11 - Why?
Chapter 12 - Conviction
Chapter 13 - Ambition
Chapter 14 - Envy
Chapter 15 - Sins of The Father
Chapter 16 - Pride
Chapter 17 - Anger
Chapter 18 - Twilight Crow
Chapter 19 - Stoicism
Chapter 20 - Tsukoyomi

Prologue/Chapter 1

10.9K 181 182
By Dat_B0i12765

"": all might



Musutafu, Japan 10:30 am



That was the word Izuku heard as he, his parents and his sister went to see the quirk specialist. he tuned in after the repeated calls of his mother, only now realising that he was being distant; The doctor looked at him with a passive face but eyes that stilled had more to give. His father spared a glance at Izuku, (not that Izuku could notice) but Toshnori had a look of brief resent that even he wasn't sure how it happened.

Dr. Garaki: "Well, on a different note, your daughter seems to have a quirk. To put it into context, what is your Quirk Mrs Yagi?"

Inko: " To put it simply, My quirk is called Esper. just an advanced version of an A. rank telekinisis quirk." she said as she looked towards her children and saw her daughter's excitement expanding the more she elaborated. She also took a mental note to check on Izuku in the near future "My husband over here has a stockpiling quirk, does that have any influence on her quirk?"

Dr. Garaki: " As a matter of fact it does. Your daughters quirk is called Physical Esper, It allows her to move things telekinetic-ally,like yours,while enabling her to increase her physical abilities through stored up kinetic energy. However, the only draw back is that it is weaker than yours by quite a bit but could potentially be stronger than yours in due time." he said this while a maintaining a Cheshire-like grin on his face confusing the small family.

Toshinori: "....Well, you heard the man, you've got a powerful quirk. So you know what that means..." he said this with an ever-growing smile while not even sparing a glance at his step-son.

Izuna: " I can be a hero!!" she shouted as Izuku watched sombrely as his father smiled, chuckled and laughed fondly at his daughter's quirk revelation. The feeling he got was one of longing, is it true that fathers loved their daughter's more than sons? Well Izuku certainly believed that now. Inko, on the other hand, noticed the look in Izuku's eyes and her maternal instincts screamed at her to comfort him afterwards.

Toshinori: "If there is anything you would like to inform us of,  we will be waiting outside seeing that the meeting is almost over." he said standing up while carrying his sister on one of his shoulders. 

As he watched his father walk through the door with his sister in tow, his mind began to spiral uncontrollably. His sister had a quirk, so why couldn't he? If he doesn't have a quirk what will Kacchan think of him, would they still be friends? Or would he leave him like the other kids had despite only being at the ages of 5-6. He was brought out of his train of thought by the sudden closing of a door that he soon realised was his father exiting the room without even bothering to speak to him.

Inko: "You said before there was something you had to say, and had to wait until my husband was out of earshot. What was it?" she asked kindly, as the doctor himself shuffled in his seat; all the while fumbling around with the files on his desk searching for something, he let out a quick 'there it is' as he turned to face the two. Izuku visibly brightened up as the doctor gave a nod and smile to Izuku before clearing his throat to speak.

Dr. Garaki: "To be honest, I was completely shocked when I came across this revelation and checked multiple times to clarify, and sure enough, I was right." he said this as the look in Izuku's eyes became hopeful "Mrs Yagi, have you heard of the term adept?" as he said this the atmosphere in the room changed into a heavy one as the man and Izuku confronted each other in a stare off, but was soon dispelled when the latter of the two began a stream of incoherent mumbling about the word in question.

Adept: an adept is a person whose physical abilities are increased above that of a regular humans,(not an over powered rate, but think of term super human- just physically above that of even the best Olympic athletes, soldiers or even enhancer quirks) for this story however, an adept is similar to a saiyan (not in power obviously)- they get stronger as they fight and train- their quirk level, power levels for those without quirks, increase the more they do this and meaning they are more likely to come up as pros. However, finding or even identifying an adept is close to impossible seeing as they are increasingly rare. But seem to reveal traits in quirkless people....

Inko was taken aback at the fact that the doctor had even brought that up and even more so at the fact that her son seemed to know what the word was, no wonder he was considered a prodigy amongst children his age. Silence enveloped the room as she put two and two together, eyes widening in shock by her revelation and looked toward the Izuku  who had a look of confusion due to the reaction his mother had.

Dr. Garaki: "Mrs Yagi, your son over here may be quirkless, yet due to circumstances he is shown to have something special about him." he said this with Izuku looking at him hopefully. When he noticed this, he gave the mother and son a nod of approval signifying the end of there meeting.-----------------------------

I don't believe you.

Toshinori said this when they went over the events of today, for Inko it was easier to believe than it was for Toshinori; who would believe their quirkless (step) son was an adept? All the while his sister was playing in the backyard with Katsuki since he had come over after they arrived from said appointment.

Izuku had come down from his room and heard that  Katsuki was there. He moved with haste and eagerness. Katsuki Bakugo, or Kacchan, was a boy the Yagi siblings had befriended upon their move to the prefecture. He was loud, prideful and had a quirk to show for it, his quirk levels already on par with some of those older than he was- he was a prodigy and was not afraid to show it. 

Katsuki:" Say, Izuku, what is your quirk, I know Izuna's but don't know yours" he continued as Izuku's face grew pale without him noticing; they were on there way towards the near by park. "your sister has an awesome quirk that could potentially rival mine, so what's yours!?" he concluded in a half-shouting voice laced with pride.

Izuku looked paler than ghost, looking down with timid eyes, not facing the possibly feral boy. How could he tell him? He was stumped, stuck between two places at the same time. He looked to his sister for advice but she only looked away. To make matters worse, Katsuki's friends(?) had walked over after seeing the normally talkative boy towering threateningly  

Extra 1: " Katsuki! What's going on? is Deku still babbling nonsense?" The words in question struck Izuku harder than intended, did they really think he just babbled? He had ideals and was prepared to back them up but, did they think the same? Or was he just defenceless, babbling Deku?

Katsuki: " Well, spit it! I am getting impatient you know!" He was getting more agitated with every passing second while the boy in question was getting more frightened by his friends sudden behaviour. He looked to his sister for help, but found none as his sister was nowhere to be found, leaving Izuku to his own devices. He broke down, he realised that whatever his answer was, Kacchan wouldn't want to speak to him, much less even see him.

The words he spoke were incoherent, passed off as nothing more than chaff in the wind. However, Katsuki heard him loud and clear. A look of shock shot across his face after the boys words which were replaced with downcast eyes.

Izuku: " K-kacchan I-i'm quirkless, I h-have an extra j-joint in my p-pinkie toe meaning I am quirkless." He said it clearer this time, while the boys behind them took some time to process this information. He had his eyes shut, waiting for the reactions of the mass of people in front of him, other people that Izuku recognised instantly had come towards them after the words left the boy's lips.

A few snickers were heard, snickers which turned into chuckles and laughs, which then change into mocks, guffaws and comments of disdain towards the young adept.

Katsuki: "get away from me!" The boy shouted, voice laced with contempt." I don't want to see you! Go away Deku!"

Izuku: " K-kacchan, I-" He was cut off by a small explosion to the face fro the boy in question

Katsuki: " Don't speak to me, I don't even want to see you!"

With that Izuku left, whoops and hollers still being heard as he walked away. The walk home was sombre for him, feeling slower than it should. He reached the front porch and saw his father with his sister, his mother was inside he presumed. He felt the need to talk with his father and  was compelled to do so until his sister was dragged inside when they saw him, confusing the child until he realised that it was already getting late. But why didn't his father leave when he saw him? A question Izuku brushed off as his father showing tough love towards him. Oh how naive the he was. 

Inko was in the kitchen preparing dinner for the family of four, what she was making a traditional Japanese dish while also preparing something on the side to go well with said dish - noodles, udon to be exact. The centre piece was a classic must in the Yagi household, a delicacy that calmed the senses whenever one tasted it - Katsudon. A small detail but was shrugged off as her growing into more of a mother.

Dinner was silent, so silent in fact that you could hear a pin drop. To add to that the atmosphere was awkward, nobody wanting to address the elephant in the room while Inko can be seen glaring daggers at Toshinori for still having not approaching his son since the appointment.

None of them could speak, Izuku was in his own world so he was out of the question. His sister was quiet as well, for her, it was whether or not she did the right thing, could she still call herself a sister after what she did? To her those were questions for her future self, but how distant is that future? Toshinori was having a debate within himself, could he justify that he flat out ignored his son? Or was it him just him showing tough love? himself he concluded it was just tough love, but how far would that go? Closing one case another pried at his thoughts, If Izuku was quirkless would he still want to be a hero? His children already knew they were heroes, as it would be pointless to keep secrets between them that would inevitably come out eventually yet he still wanted to assure Izuku's safety but was not sure how to do so.

There thoughts were cut off when Izuku got up and left the table abruptly, his sister ensued but not in his general direction. It was at this time Inko and Toshinori had concluded their thoughts. For Inko, she realised why Izuku seemed down,  while Toshinori had come to a conclusion, he didn't want Izuku to become a hero, it seemed impossible to him how a quirkless child with Izuku's constitution yet the boy still persisted. So he decided he would show the boy tough love (not abuse), but how far would that go.

Inko made her way towards towards her and Toshi's room until she heard something that caught her attention, the 'noise' was soft, sounding like it yearned for something, something unknown to her, yet something she could recognise, something she had also felt- the voice was pleading.

She walked towards the source of said noise, her steps became more cautious as she walked past her daughter's room and onward to Izuku's at the end of the hall, at this point the 'noise' had become more defined and turned into something she was expecting- light sobs

She opened the door knowing full well that he would want o be left alone yet it was her job, no, duty as a mother to comfort him in his time of need.

Izuku: " M-mum?" he choked out when he saw her, she stood there in encompassing silence, the seen before her was heart-breaking as it was her own son gazing towards her with a lost look,

Inko: " Sweetie, what's wrong? It's alien for me to see you like this." her kind words alleviated the burden upon him, after his bout with Katsuki, no, since the appointment he had bottled up his thoughts while forgetting one important detail- his mother's love.

So he unburdened himself, everything he felt, everything he thought, everything he had been through all in the span of a day, which to Inko was quite a load to carry for someone his age.

Inko: " I guess things can't be helped can they? yet another thing he got from you Hisashi... " She thought this with teary eyes, She looked at Izuku, who up until now was still crying while apologising for 'making his mother cry',

Inko: " Izuku, look at me." He stopped his mumbling immediately when she spoke. " Someone told me these words once and now I plan to pass them to you- the people in this world who smile are always the strongest. So, Izuku, I tell you now, that in times of need I am here; but if not, then smile through your problems because you are strong."

Throughout all of this Izuku was silent but approving, she took this as his way of showing a approval,she looked at Izuku with smiling eyes and doted on him further.

Izuku giggled at his mother's playful gesture as she too chuckled with him. He felt something, a feeling he couldn't explain; but to sum it up he felt an overwhelming sense of determinaton grow in him from this very moment.

Unbeknown to them, someone was listening on the other side of the wall. Izuna listened to the interaction between mother and son and felt as if she wanted the same thing, a feeling opened up in her as she (thought) realised what the words of encouragement from Inko meant- If she wanted to be acknowledged she had to be strong.


So seven years ensued from that from that fateful day, Izuku trained and pushed himself father than most people his age should. Being an adept weighed in as a factor as he continued to grow and get stronger just to keep up with others his age.

His physical prowess can be compared to that of Asta, but obviously downgraded for now.

The same could be said for his sister, if Izuku was a child prodigy keeping up with people his own age, then his sister was no different- another prodigy. Life at home, However, was seemingly getting more sombre for our green-haired protagonist. Toshinori, began to ignore him more and more, he felt as if he needed to be acknowledged by him, to prove himself so he could be regarded as strong.

His mother however, was at his aid with unyielding support, even going as far as signing him up for self-defence classes, or training with him even when her hero work schedule was full. The bullying, however, didn't stop. His mother knew of the bullying, but not to the extent Izuku faced. 

Today however was different, the class was a mass with chatter and gossip, Izuku paid it no mind knowing that a some,but not all, of it was directed at him. He was occupied with designs for a support Items he was creating and if he mass produced them, if they worked in the fist place, it would help heroes everywhere.

Teacher: "  Morning students, I have an announcement." When he said this the class immediately silenced; seeing that he was cleared to speak, he continued " We have a new student, I expect you to treat her well as she will be here for the next three years. I also wanted to mention- Yagi... Yagi.... Yagi!" he concluded shouting while throwing what ever was closest towards the oblivious boy who only now realised that he was speaking despite having heard snippets of what he had said.

Teacher: " Not only are you quirkless, boy, you are also hard-headed. Is that a quirk or just a genetic thing?" he finished smugly but with twitching eyes, earning a few snickers from the class, while the boy in question looked at him with a passive gaze the sighing in defeat.

Izuku: " sorry, sensei" he said sanding up an lightly bowing, he sat back down enabling his teacher to speak.

Teacher: " Tsk, well you can come in now." as he said this the door slid open and reaveled the mystery person in all their glory, boys were stunned and blushing while the girls seethed in jealousy of the now named Individual.

???: " Hello, my name is Momo Yaoyourozu , please take care of me!" she finished bowing. Taking a good look at her, her hair was black as sin, her onyx coloured eyes shine with every movement, eyes that show so much intelligence, but something else too, saddness?

Teacher: " Well, Introductions over, You have a free period till lunch, use it well. Yagi come with me" He said this with a noticeable smirk while the rest whooped, hollered and snickered at Izuku's misfortune. When leaving he noticed three things: Katsuki glaring daggers at the back of his head, His sister not even looking at him and the new girl instantly being swarmed while watching him, with what seemed to be pity?.

Izuku: " Yaoyourozu huh, sounds interesting " He thought, if he even got a chance to talk to her, would she even want to speak to him? he was a plain, nerd-ish loner (at least to him he was). He walked out the door with hands in his pockets, already used to the scolding he was about to receive.


The bell rang, signalling the end of that free period, his sensei's face soured at that fact he couldn't scold him anymore. When Izuku made his way back to his classroom it was the same as he had left, Katsuki glaring, his sister ignoring him and the new girl, still watching him, with pity?.

He made his way towards his desk only to find it vandalised, his sketching crumpled and soaked with whatever drinks they had on them at the time. He was standing there with downcast eyes shadowed by his hair. He shrugged it off, sighing to himself.He could beat most of his class 1 on 1 but that would risk suspension for him not them, the life of a quirkless wasn't fair.

She looked at him confused, the actions of her new classmates seemed alien to her. Why bully someone who had the power to stop most of them? she wanted answers so she asked the nearest person to her.

Momo: " Excuse my asking , but, why do you bully Yagi? He could stop some of you but chooses not to, so why?" she asked this to the girl next to her,  the whole class had heard her until one person decided to speak up.

Extra:" The nerd is quirkless, doesn't deserve to be here, much less even do better than most of us. If he even lays finger on someone he's faced with suspension while we aren't. It's unfair but, hey. he's quirkless so you shouldn't care. "He said without turning to face her. To her that reason was absurd, why bully someone for being different where nothing is normal? A few girls had called her to lunch so she accepted doubting if they were same girls she had spoken to only moments before. Then she saw it happen again- the bullying.

Izuku took out his bento box and sat down on his own as usual, a friend of his had left for family reasons, something Izuku understood but was still pained for various reasons. He had sat down in hopes of a peaceful lunch enjoying the food he helped make, but fate had other plans for Izuku. as soon as he even opened his bento box he was soaked, for the second time today.

Water pouring down from the top of his head were a common thing at Aledera Junior high. He turned to face his tormentors only to find it be none other than katsuki, his lackeys and surprisingly, his sister behind the small group with a cold and passive gaze. He pondered a little on what was gong on until he felt a punch to the face from one of Katsuki's lackeys. Subconsciously, he grabbed the hand of his attacker, twisting it and going for a low sweep, effectively immobilising him, all in one swift movement. He realised what he had done and looked at Katsuki's cold, hateful glare. He awaited the beating he was condemned to receive, dropping his arms to the side. But felt nothing but the piercing words that escaped the ash-blonde's lips.

Katsuki: "There is nothing I hate more than a House pet standing up to his superiors, well done Fido. If you want to be a Hero so bad, there is a way" He said, almost whispering it yet it was heard all across the room. They all listened intently to the words he was about to impart onto them. "Take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life, if you get on that is"

Izuku looked at katsuki with shocked eyes, he wanted to be friends with the boy more than anything, to be able to stand by his side, but all respect he had for him was gone, replaced with mixtures of different emotions, yet none bared no hate towards the ashen boy.

He simply stood up, eyes burning with righteous anger at the fact he said something like that.

Izuku: "If you hat me so much that you want me dead then so be it, don't come at with those words you savage, what have I ever done for you to resent me this way?." The ordeal was already reaching it's peak, Katsuki's patience slipping by the second and he knew it " I don't hate you, I never can, but I don't like you. So please, excuse this worthless Deku" with that he left, the previously immobile boy, attempted to charge him but was stopped by the glare coming from Izuku's frustrated gaze.

She watched this with baited breath, the boy himself was an odd case, how could someone endure such things yet bare no hate towards his tormentors? He had a sister, but even she did nothing on the matter but saw her pleading eyes towards her brother confirmed suspicion for her- she wanted to help but couldn't approach effectively.

He walked to the door of the cafeteria, the teachers didn't care, so why should he? Grabbing the handle, he looked at his rough looking hands, scars that shouldn't be there for a boy his age. silence ensued, he twisted the handle and walked through said door and closing it with a starling slam.

She ran after him, still not sure why she was doing this, but she knew she what he was feeling and was familiar with it her self- he lonely and she could help.

Izuku sat there, Katsuki hated, but he couldn't hate him. Even if the ash-blonde hated him, he still cared about his well-being. His sister was a different case, he was sure she hated him but saw her pleading eyes.

Izuku: " Fool, if someone told on him his chances would be ruined, think before you speak." he was next to a koi pond, the events of today washing over him, it was almost over anyway he thought, but could things have been different? He believed in alternate realities, for as young as he was, he thought about things beyond even his understanding. He was brought out of his thoughts when he sensed a vaguely familiar presence.

Izuku: "If this is some sick joke you can leave, I told you, I'm not in the mood" he said suddenly, mistaking her for someone else " Sorry, i thought you were someone else" she halted, standing behind him confused by his words.

She sat next to him, enjoying the silence they was shrouded in. She noticed something, his eyes weren't red or puffy but glistening with concern, something that caught her off guard once again by him.

Momo:" I never introduced myself properly to you, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, you?" she said as blushed in embarrassment from the friendliness of her words

Izuku:" Well, I'm Izuku Yagi, nice to meet you properly." he replied while looking in a different to her, not wanting her to see him blush

Momo:" Likewise" she retorted, giggling to herself more to him.


Time skip three years.

It was raining.

He lay there tired, heart-broken and confused. He ran after her in hopes of getting answers from her, the cause of her fleeting was unknown, but he couldn't hate what just happened but was visibly saddened by the turn of events

Izuku: "God dammit!, dammit, dammit, dammit!" screams and shouts that fell on deaf ears while he lay there; he didn't cry, she wouldn't want that so he just lay there, submerged in his thoughts. " When, you come back Momo,  I will be stronger. I can't hate you, I love you too much for that....."

OOf, that was long, sorry (to those who read this for the wait, i could have had 2 chapters done but my lazy ass didn't do anything. so i merged the the prologue and first chapter.

chapter length will vary so watch out for that 

without further a do, i officially welcome you to light and dark! 

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