Avengers oneshots

By Srs319

435K 9.5K 6.2K

Welcome welcome welcome. These are mostly gonna be peter sorry not sorry. I know I said I would do a lot of... More

Instagram 1
Another Field Trip
Soul Stone
What if...(1)
Rouge avengers return
Secret Siblings Series(S.S.S): Tony
What if.....(2)
S.S.S: Peter Parker
Phone Call(s)
Activate Civil War Protocol
Fast, Weird, and sticky
The 5 times natasha scared the shit out of the team
S.S.S: Natasha Romanoff
You have a what?!
S.S.S: Bruce Banner
Catching spiderman
S.S.S: Steve
What if...(1) ending 1
S.S.S: Thor
Air Force
A dangerous mix
Swear Jar
Presidential Seal
Instagram 2
Who is it?
Baby Avengers
S.S.S: Clint Barton
S.S.S: Loki
Instagram 3
Rouge avengers return (Version 2)
Racism Rant
The Shadow Spider
Since when?!
Lost {30 prompt Challenge}
Medieval AU
"Why are you in my kitchen?"
Author's note.
4th of July special
What if...(3)
We are Venom
S.S.S: Bucky Barnes
"Did you have to die"
It's up
Alessia Barnes Returns
Online Classes
hOlY gUaCAmOlE
I know what i said but...
Alternate Timeline
Hes dead (real)
Fuck reality
Peter Barton
How would you feel?
Royal Runaway
S.S.S Sam Wilson
What if...(1) ending 2
God help my wayward soul
Whumptober is Here
That would be enough
Peter Parker or Peter Stark?
Instagram 4
K so
S.S.S: Nick Fury
Peter...Penny Parker?
From Potts to Stark
Agent Parker Identity Reveal
Explaining The Timeline
2 different worlds
A part of the past
Idek what to title this but its an actual chapter
Untouchable (2)
Just Memes
Don't get mad at me guys
Guardian Angel
Agent Parker
Writers block has given me an idea
Just a quick Chapter
If the world was ending
Bizarre Assaassin Duet
A quick rant that is not important to anything at all that you can skip
Breakfast at Taco Bell
Thanksgiving special
Bider Verse
5 times Peter helpled the avengers
Blood in the Water
Avengers Anthem Check
I guess this needs a name....Ummmmm...Chick-Fil-A
I hate you I love you
Holiday Hide and Seek
Idk what to title this but it has greek gods
Kidnapped by Hydra
Cheers to the New Years
Instagram 5
Very very very quick question
Peter Pan
Lost Love
All you had to do was ask
Based off of the Darkest Minds
Don't go digging for dirt....
Twins on a fieldtrip (aka a disaster)
Phone Call (again)
Peter Wayne
Everyone should feel special on Valentines day
Where are your manners?
A sister left behind
Not Enemies but friends (Finished)
Who is this?
Harley and Peter as Stark twins
There was a tiktok-
Peter as the avengers therapist
Little soldier
Prince Diaries
Lol i hate windows
Ok But-
Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime: The mysterous death of Mary and Richard Parker
The box of marbles & the end of the world
The box of marbles & the end of the world (2)
Harley and Peter as Stark twins (2)
Foster Kid
So um...I need ideas
Mothers Day but Peppers not his mom
S.S.S: James Rhodes
SpideySilver Paradox
We Have Too Many Protocols for Peter: Clint edition
Instagram 6
Tony Stark breaks the internet (Pride edition)
I may or may not be on temporary Hiatus
Whaaat an A/N?? shocking

College AU

2K 59 45
By Srs319



I looked through the comments for the K So chapter and we've got sum new things on the way 

I remember a few things you guys asked for. This, some more fieldtrips, you guys really liked SilverSpider and IronStrange and Pepperony. And you guys really want Badass Peter and Hey I dont blame you.

NGL theres sum real funny about that cinnamon roll being tough

I'm particularly excited for all the strange protocols the team have created for Peter

But I shall starteth with thiseth because I am boredeth and this seems fun...eth :)

Current Avengers (Even though they aren't avengers I guess): Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Pietro, T'challa, Shuri, Peter, Human Vision, Rhodey, Scott, Hope, Sam, Bucky, and Strange. 

Romantic Ships: Pepperony, Brutasha, WandaVision, Spideypool 

Platonic Ships: Clintasha, SilverSpider, The Twins, Stucky, Science Bros, and Mini Science Bros (Shuri and Peter)

TW: School, Teachers, Swearing, Teenagers, School, Homework, Learning, did I say School? No? Lemme say it again just in case, School :)

Also Peter's parents are alive and rich in this


Third Person POV

The hallways of (Insert College Name) were filled with students talking and nobody in a particular rush to get to class. 

Kids were meeting with their friends making lunch plans and genuinely having a good time. "Hey Cap! Did coach say if we had pratice after school today?" One of the football players asked. "He said we did but I talked him out of it. Bucky convinced me to let you guys go to that party." Steve said.

"Nice Buck." Sam said. "I still don't like you though." Sam said. Bucky chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Same here." Bucky said. "What is with you guys' rivalry?" T'challa asked. "Don't ask." Steve said.

"Hey Stark! Party at your place?" Sam asked the passing senior. "Yup. My parents wont be home for the weekend so I've got the mansion all to myself." Tony said. "Hey Bruce, you coming to the party Saturday?" Tony asked his friend.

"I don't know Tony. Depends if Rhodey wil need help making sure you don't do anything stupider than usual." Bruce said. "Oh I definetly will." Rhodey said. "Strange?" Tony asked. "I could come." Strange said.

"Come on Strange. Loosen up a bit." Stark said. "Fine." Stephen agreed. "Why do I hang out with you again?" Strange asked. "Because I'm probably the only person with a bigger ego than you." Tony chuckled. "Oh yeah." Strange said. 

"Hey Clint. You in?" Tony shouted across the hall to the junior. "For what?" Clint asked. "Starks having a Party at his place Saturday." One of the students supplied. "What do you think tasha? Should we waste our time with them?" Clint asked his best friend.

"Sure. I heard that girl you have a crush on is going. What's her name Layah?" Natasha teased. "I-it's Laura." Clint said walking down the hallway to class. "Hey hope, you going?" Natasha asked her other friend. "I guess. That means scott is coming too." Hope said.

"Why?" Clint asked. "My dad decided to tutor him and he wants to be friends since he hardly knows anyone else. So if I go he'll go." Hope said. "Hmm. What about you Wanda? You and Pietro going?" Natasha asked the sophmore.

"I don't know." Wanda said. She passed her brother in the hallway." Hey Pietro. Party at Starks place Saturday. We going?" Wanda asked. "Yeah. As long as my other friends can come." Pietro said. "What other friends?" Clint asked.

"They're freshman." Pietro said. "Oh god, not freshman." Natasha groaned. "Trust me they're chill. One of them is T'challa's little sister. You know the other girl. Michelle Jones." Pietro said. "Oh yeah. If they hang with MJ they're probably cool." Natasha said.

"So then we're going. I'll go ask them." Pietro said. He waved bye to his sister and her friends and left out the main building to head to the science building. The science building didn't have many students with classes in the morning so it was a lot calmer.

"Hey guys." Pietro said spotting his friends. "Hey Piet." Peter said. "Sup Loser." MJ greeted. "Colonizer." Shuri said. "Hey man." Ned waved. "You guys busy Saturday?" Pietro asked. "Why?" MJ asked.

"Don't tell me this is about Starks Party." Shuri groaned. "You were already invited?" Pietro asked. "Yeah. My brother said I could come and bring them." Shuri said. "The Captain of the football team invited Peter." Ned said.

"Steve Rogers? Why?" Pietro asked. "He saw me messing around with my cousin Miles and his friends at the park playing football and he thought I would be great on the team." Peter explained. "And you turned him down?" Pietro asked.

Peter nodded. "I'm a freshman. I am not in the mood to be the youngest person on a team of sweaty guys with testosterone." Peter explained. "Why not? I'm on the soccer team." Pietro said. "That's your thing Pietro. I will stay in my lane inventing stuff with Shuri and reding with MJ." Peter said.

"What about that archery team that Barton leads?" Ned asked. "I've never picked up a bow in my life." Peter said. "Yes you-" Peter elbowed ned. "I mean oh yeah. You haven't." Ned said. Pietro looked skeptically to the freshman.

"So you're coming then?" Pietro asked going back to the party topic. "Yeah. We're down." MJ said. "Cool. You guys have lunch then study hall right?" Pietro asked. They nodded. "Why don't you come with me, my sister, and our other friends for lunch." Pietro suggested.

"Depends. Where you going?" Peter asked. "Uh I think they're going to like Chipotle ot ATLA." Pietro said. "I guess we could come." Ned said. "Meet us in the Art building after whatever class you have." Pietro said. 

"I've got no classes til study hall so I'll be in the lab." Peter said. "I'm coming with you." Shuri said. "Alright." Ned said. "See you guys." MJ said. They all split and went to different directions. 

After 50 minutes of boredom they leave class to meet up with eachother. "Hey MJ." Peter greets as her and Ned step in. "Where's Pietro?" Ned asked walking over. "I don't know." Shuri said. "Hey Guys, over here." Pietro shouted.

The four friends walked over. "Ok. Freshman friends meet sophomore and junior friends. Sopomore and Junior friends meet freshman friends." Pietro said. "Hey MJ." Nat greeted. "Hey Nat." MJ replied.

"I'm MJ. That's Peter, Ned, and Shuri." MJ introduced herself and her friends. "T'challa's little sister?" Hope asked. Shuri nodded. "Well I'm Clint. Thats Natasha, Hope, and Wanda." Clint said. "And this is scott." Hope said waving over her other friend. 

"Nice to meet you." They all said at the same time. "So your the ones Pietro invited to Starks Party." Wanda said. "We had all already been invited." Ned said. "By Shuri's brother?" Clint asked. "They were invited by T'challa. I was invited by Steve." Peter said.

"Rogers? Like the football captian?" Scott asked. Peter nodded. "No offense but why?" Hope asked. "None taken. He saw me playing football with my cousin who's in highschool and wants me on the team. I turned him down though." Peter said.

"What? Getting invited to play football by the Steve Rogers and you said no? How come?" Scott asked. 

"Well for starters I would be the youngest one on the team and the newest not to mention. I'm not up for that. And I'm more of a sit back with my friends kind of guy. Football pratice would leave me no time to mess around with Ned, Shuri, Pietro, and MJ." Peter explained.

"Makes sense." Natasha nodded. "I hope you like Shwarma. It's like a symbolic thing we get after classes." Wanda said. "You guys said we could get chipotle." Pietro whined. "Fine We'll get chipotle tomorrow. Don't whine Brother." Wanda said.

Pietro pouted. Everyone chuckled and walked out. "Hey Nat. Why don't you invite your boyfriend?" Hope asked. "He's eating lunch with Stark Today." Nat said. They were walking towards their cars when they saw Sam, Steve, and Bucky. 

"Hey Parker. Wanna come with us for lunch?" Steve asked noticing him. "Nah. I'm eating with my friends." Peter said. "Is it ok if we come?" Steve asked. They all nodded. "Cool." Bucky said. "Your the freshman that managed to score a touchdown on Steve." Bucky said.

"You did what?" MJ asked. "He didn't tell you?" Sam asked. "Aparently not." Wade said coming up behind him. " I heard you were going for lunch. Can I come?" Wade asked. "Who is he?" Wanda asked. "This is my boyfriend wade." Peter said.

"You and me took history together freshman year." Clint said. Wade nodded. "Him and Peter have been dating since highschool." MJ said. "I guess you can come then." Natasha said. "Hey wade." Steve said noticing the football player. "Hey Americas Ass." Wade greeted.

"Why wade? Just why?" Steve asked. "What do you mean Captain Americ- oh wrong universe. Nevermind." Wade said. "He calls me Spider-Man. We've just learned to live with it." Peter said. 

They were walking and they saw T'challa and 2 other kids. "Hey brother. Who do you have with you?" Shuri asked. "This is Thor and Loki. Thor's a Senior, loki's a freshman. Their dad is norwegian. They've just moved here." T'challa explained.

"Well I'm Wanda. This is Natasha, Clint, my brother Pietro, Shuri, Peter, Sam, MJ, Ned, Wade, Scott, Hope, Steve, and Bucky. Wanna join us for lunch?" Wanda sked. "Sure. Where do you get your food?" Thor asked.

"We're going to a new Shwarma place near here." Steve said. "What is this shwarma you speak of?" Thor asked. "Come with us and find out." Natasha smirked. "Come on Brother. We shall go with these nice people and get food." Thor said.

Loki rolled his eyes but followed. They got to their cars and were about to discuss rides when Bruce and CO. came out of nowhere. "Babe Wait." Bruce said running to her. "Hey Bruce." Nat said. "Can me and my friends join you all for lunch?" Bruce said.

"Is Stark bringing Pepper?" Nat asked. Tony nodded pointing to Pepepr who was walking over. "You can come." Natasha said. "Where's strange?" T'challa asked. "He's with vision. They decided to ride around town since they didn't have anymore classes for the day and said they would meet up with us." Tony said.

"Ok. Before we go we don't all know eachother so I will do some introductions. I'm Clint, that's Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, MJ, Wanda, Pietro, T'challa, Shuri, Peter, Rhodey, Scott, Hope, Sam, Bucky, Loki, Wade, Pepper, and Ned. Am I forgetting anyone?" Clint introduced.

Everyone shook their heads. "Great. Who here has a car that can fit 4 or more people?" Clint asked. Steve, Tony, T'challa, Wanda, Natasha, and Peter raised their hands. "Who rode to school together?" Tony asked.

"Get in whoevers car you came to school with." Rhodey clarified. Shuri got in T'challas car. Ned, MJ, and Wade got in Peter's car. Pietro got in Wanda's car. Clint, Hope, and Scott got in Natahsa's car. Sam and Bucky got in Steve's car. Rhodey Pepper and Bruce got in Tony's car.

"Thor, Loki you guys can ride with me." T'challa offered noticing those two were the only ones left. They nodded and got in.  After a long ish car ride they arrived at the shwarma place to see Strange and Vision had already grabbed a table.

"For those of you who don't know this is Stephen and Vision. Stephen, Vision figure it out." Natasha said not wanting to introduce everyone.

They all got settled in the room they'd been given since they had such a large party and ordered their food while getting to know eachother. "So you're telling me you guys were the ones that hacked the server and shut down the school for a week last month all so you could get out of midterms?" Tony asked.

Peter Ned and Shuri nodded. "I love you more than I love life itself." Tony said. "Should I be concerned about that?" Peter asked. "Maybe." Rhodey said. "What else have you hacked?" Bruce asked. "We once hacked the pentagon in elementary school on a dare." Ned said. 

"Yeah. Ms.Willows was not happy." Peter smiled at the memory. "What made you guys move to america?" Clint asked out of the blue. The 3 pairs of siblings looked up. "Who?" Wanda asked. "You aren't from america?" Tony asked the twins.

They shook their heads. "We were moved to america when we were 10. Our Parents died in bombings due to a war and we were adopted by a fashion designer and a book publisher who couldn't have kids of their own here in america." Pietro explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Rhodey said. "Yeah. We miss our parents but Mom and Dad are awesome and they spoil us to the max." Wanda said. "You, wanda. Dad spoils you. Since you're his princess." Pietro sighed. "Someone's jealous." Wanda giggled.

"Me and Shuri are in America til we graduate." T'challa said. "Why?" Hope asked. "Our Mom and Dad are King and Queen of Wakanda and they want to use what we have to give to the world so when we graduate T'challa becomes king and I get to stay here to help with the new Wakanda Outreach Center." Shuri explained.

"You're royalty too?" Thor asked. "You guys are royalty?" Natasha asked. Thor and Loki nodded. "I was adopted by Thors father after him and my birth father went to war and my father didn't want me so he took me in." Loki said.

"His birth father is the king of a place in iceland called Jotenheim and our father is the king of what he calls Asgard but in Norway." Thor said. "Why did you all move here?" Pepper asked both royal pairs. "Our parents were setting up things in america when I was a junior in highschool and I wanted to stay and Shuri wanted to come with me." T'challa said.

"They agreed as long as T'challa still became king." Shuri said. "Father moved us here because Loki is a bit of a trouble maker and Father wanted him to get out more and have better opportunities with people who aren't constantly pressuring us so he had us transfered here until we graduate.

Once we do graduate I take the throne and Loki become my offical royal advisor because he is the more rational of the two of us." Thor said.

"So we wont see any of you, besides Shuri after college?" Ned asked. "I will be coming between here and Wakanda because I could never not see my sister." T'challa said. "And Father wants us to make allies with Americans, especially ones who can help us move up to where the world is technology wise." Thor said.

"My father owns a tech and weapons company. When I take over I'll see how I can help." Tony said. "My father owns a company that mostly focus' on Atomic Studies, human enhancement, molecules, and nanotechnology but I'll help where I can." Hope said.

"Wakanda is very technologically advanced so we will help you any time." T'challa said. "I don't screw with Technology but if you ever need a hand with physical things I'm happy to help." Steve said. "Same here." Sam and Bucky said.

"We would all be happy to help all of you move your companies and countries and kingdoms forward." Natasha chuckled. "That's very sweet of you guys. I think we shall be great friends." Thor said.

"My Mom and Dad own a Science, Research, and Tech company and would be happy to help you with any science and medicine things you need." Peter said. "Your parents own a company?" Scott asked. Peter nodded. "What is it called? Maybe they've tried doing business with Stark Industries." Tony said.

"Parker Industries." Peter said. Everyone (except Thor and Loki) froze and looked at him in shock. "What?" Peter asked. "Are you talking about the same Parker industries that found a cure for Cancer, Ebola, and found a way for 85% of  paralyzed people to walk without technology?" Bucky asked.

Peter nodded. "Dude. Your parents are like heroes." Ned said. "Yeah. My little brother was born with cancer and because of your parents they got rid of it and he's perfecty fine." Sam said. Peter shrugged. "It's no big deal." 

"Dude that explains the Tesla you got my mom a few years back." Ned said. "And the bougatti you got my dad to let him show off." MJ said. "That also explains why you have a tesla model x." Pietro said.

"Moving on." Peter said. "What are you throwing a party for?" Peter asked Tony. Tony did an almost unnoticable glance at bruce who did a slight head shake that Peter wouldn't have noticed if he wasn't trained too. "Simply because I want too." Tony said after a moment. 

"So Nice Birthday Party Bruce." Peter said. Tony, Natasha, Rhodey, and Bruce all looked at him suprised. "How could you have possibly figured that out?" Rhodey asked. "When we help patients some who are abused and lie about injuries are there with parents so i've been trained to decipher slight glances and threatening looks and all that's in between." Peter admitted.

"Oh. Happy Birthday Bruce." Steve said. "His Birthday isn't til Saturday." Peter said. "How did you know that?" Bruce asked. "Did we give it away with a glance or eye contact or something?" Tony asked visibly confused.

"No. I just know Tony would definetly throw the party any day of the week regardless." Peter said. Everyone laughed. "In Asgard we celebrate Birthdays with Wine, a feast, and sparring."  Thor said. 

"Wine? Isn't loki under 21?" Pietro asked. "In Asgard we are allowed to drink Alcohol starting at 13." Loki explained. "Why couldn't I grow up in Asgard?" Tony asked. "I can think of 20 reasons why that's a bad idea." Rhodey said.

After everyone was done eating they got a notification that all afternoon classes had been cancelled. "Wanna go to a park?" Vision asked Wanda. "Sure babe." Wanda smiled. "Get your crusty ass hands off my sister." Pietro said.

"Why dont we all go to the park." Wade suggested. "We can play whatever games and still get to know eachother. And they just added paddle boats and Caones." He explained. "Wilson that may be the first good idea you've had all decade." Natasha said. "Hey." Sam said offended.

"I was talking to wade." Natasha clarified. "Oh." Sam said. "Everyone get in your cars." Clint said. "Pietro you can drive. I'm riding with Vision and Stephen." Wanda said tossing him the keys. "Now wait a second-" Pietro was cut off by Clint.

"Last one to the park is a rotten egg!" Clint said running out. Everyone rolled their eyes but raced him out anyway.

And they spent the day at the park and enjoyed life and had a good time and got to know eachother. The end!

Yes I'll probably do a part 2 containing the guardians and Bruces party

I will consider adding any other Marvel characters

No i did not end up adding teachers like I originally planned

that shit would've been too boring

hope you enjoyed 

todays whumptober may be late or may not happen because of this

I don't work magic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


before I go i will spell check this either later today or sometime this....year?

so if u see me re-upload this that is why

okay now you can leave


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