Haikyuu x Male! Reader One-sh...

By astridtheotter

2.3M 38.7K 52.4K

"We are the protagonists of the world." ~~~ You see the title heathens. ☁️ - Fluff πŸ‹ - NSFW πŸ’” - Angst πŸ’˜... More

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Tsukishima x Chubby! Male Reader
Kenma x Seme! Heartthrob! Male Reader
Bokuto x FTM Trans! Male Reader
Kuroo/Tsukki x Insecure! Male Reader
Atsumu x Dominant! Male Reader
Terushima x Skater! Male Reader - Part 2
Shirabu x Male Reader
Nishinoya x Shy! Male Reader - Part 2
Kyotani x Sweet! Male Reader
Tsukishima x Male Reader
Nishinoya x Depressed! Male Reader
Tsukishima x Male Reader
KuroKen x FTM Trans! Male Reader
TsukkiYama x Chubby! Male Reader
Oikawa x Playboy! Male Reader
Akaashi x Dom! Male Reader
a/n - new discord server
fin! β™‘οΈŽ

Yaku x Male Reader

27.8K 628 657
By astridtheotter

edit: himari you're lucky im literally a hoe for you I changed the plot for this like 3 times to please you pls love me ffs
note: slight time-skip spoilers!
presented by: yaku in a suit 😌✨

"Mori... Mori, wake up.."

"But (M/N), it's too early.."

"No it's not, Mori," (M/N) chuckled as he sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. His boyfriend, Yaku, groaned into his pillow, refusing to pull his head out of it. "If you get up, I'll make you your favorite breakfast," (M/N) offered, laying down next to Yaku and running a hand through the man's short hair.

Yaku peeped at (M/N), smile lines forming beneath his eyes. "Really?" He yawned. (M/N) nodded and smiled back, and Yaku sighed. "Fine. But in a few minutes," he mumbled as he tugged (M/N) to lay back down. Then, he cuddled up next to him. "I'm still tired from last night.."

"You make it sound like we-"

"Before you even finish that sentence, shut the hell up," Yaku muttered.

(M/N) chuckled and continued to comb his fingers through Morisuke's hair. "What time did you even get home from practice? I didn't even hear you come through the door."

"Don't kill me.. but I got home at like, two in the morning.."

(M/N) sighed. "Hun, that's too late. I know you're getting ready for the Olympics with the rest of the guys, but you need rest too."

"I know but I'm getting even better than I was before! This is my peak, (M/N)!" Morisuke groaned, finally rolling on to his back and running a hand through his hair.

(M/N) rolled his eyes and kissed the shorter man's forehead. "Well, your peak is going to lead to a really bad crash if you don't take care of yourself," he said with a motherly tone, which caused Yaku to flinch.

He sighed and hid his face in (M/N)'s shirt. "I know," he muttered with embarrassment. (M/N) relaxed and smiled, then got up from the bed, offering his hand to Yaku after. His boyfriend took the offer and stood up, only to be scooped up into (M/N)'s arms. "Oi-!"

"Don't argue. I'm taking care of you until you have practice," (M/N) said sternly. He carried the short male downstairs and sat him down on the kitchen counter. "Eggs for breakfast?"

"Mhm," Yaku answered as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. When he opened them again, (M/N) was glancing back at him with a small smile. "What?"

"Nothing," (M/N) chuckled as he got to work cracking eggs and whisking them. "You just look really cute when you're sleepy."

Yaku blushed and crossed his arms. "I do not," he muttered. He hopped down from the counter and instead walked up behind (M/N), wrapping his arms around his waist. He stood on his tip toes and kissed the male's cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you.."

"Aw, babe," (M/N) cooed as he turned and quickly pecked Yaku's lips with a kiss. The two had been dating since their second year of high school, and now here they were, almost ten years later.
When Yaku pulled apart from the soft kiss, he hid his face in (M/N)'s shirt. "Aww~"

"S-Shut up," Yaku mumbled, trying to hide his red cheeks in the mean time. His phone began to ring and he quickly grabbed it and picked up the call. "Hello? ...Really? Already? Alright.. alright, I'll be there," he spoke as he ran a hand through his hair again - one of his lil habits that (M/N) adored. He ended the call and looked at his boyfriend. "The team wants to start practice early today, so I'm gonna have to head out after we eat. I'm sorry," he explained.

(M/N) smiled and sighed. "It's okay," he replied. Then, he turned and kissed Mori's forehead. "Just don't work too late, okay? Hell, maybe I'll stop by practice to remind you to come home!" He laughed light-heartedly.

Yaku's ears loved the sound of his boyfriend's laughter, and his cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. Before he could think twice, he smiled and said, "Dear God, I'm so in love with you."

(M/N)'s eyes widened a little, a bit caught off guard. Of course, Yaku had said that before, but when he said it like this.. (M/N) couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. He was still weak for those words, even after all these years. "I love you too," He whispered as he smiled and leaned down, kissing Morisuke's lips gently again.
He finished cooking breakfast, and the two sat down at the table to eat. When he was done, Morisuke ran upstairs and returned a few minutes later with his gym bag packed. "Have a good day at practice, sugar," (M/N) said sweetly, kissing Yaku's cheek. "Maybe I'll stop by later~"

Yaku's eyes widened a bit before he smiled. "We'll see about that," he chuckled. He kissed (M/N) back before leaving the house. Once he was in the car, he let out a sigh of relief and grabbed his hair with his hands. "Oh God, what am I gonna do?! He can't come today- not until later! Uhm, uhm, crap!" He muttered as he turned the car on and started to drive away. Then, he got an idea. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number. "Hello?"

"Eh? What's up, demon-senpai~?"

"If you don't stop using that stupid high school nickname I'm totally kicking your ass!"

"Jeez, okay! What do you want Yakkun?"

"I need you to spend the day with (M/N), keep him distracted until tonight."

"Oh? Bet."

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door. "Kuroo? What are you doing here?" (M/N) asked after he opened his front door, where Kuroo Tetsurou stood.

"I'm here to treat my dear old friend to a day of shopping!" Kuroo beamed, leaning against the doorframe of the house. "It's been such a long time since we've last seen each other, (M/N)~"

"You literally picked Morisuke and I up from the airport a few months ago when we came back to Japan from Russia."

Kuroo waved his hand dismissively and chuckled. "Besides the point. Now, go get dressed! We're heading to the mall!"
After (M/N) got dressed and grabbed his phone and wallet, the two got in Kuroo's car and drove to the mall. While they walked around and shopped, Kuroo asked, "Say, (M/N), how are you and Yakkun doing?"

(M/N) grinned and fixed his sunglasses atop his (H/C) hair. "We're doing wonderfully! Though, he's working late more often now. All that training better pay off, or I'm totally kicking his ass," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Ah, that sounds like Yakkun. Always putting in such hard work for things," Kuroo laughed, putting his hands in his pockets. He looked at a store they passed, where wedding dresses and suits were sold. "Either of you popping the question any time soon?"

(M/N) looked at the store as well and shrugged. "I'm not sure. I want to, but.. I'm kinda scared? What if he says no?"

"It's Yakkun, he loves you with like, every inch of his body."

(M/N) smirked and snorted. "That's only 66 inches of height," he muttered. Kuroo choked on his breath and then soon burst into laughter, slapping (M/N)'s back. (M/N) giggled, then glanced at a suit in the shop window. "Though, getting married does sound nice. As a little boy, I always watched those wedding dress shows with my mother," he remarked.

Kuroo smirked and tossed his arm around his friend's shoulder. "Then let's get in there and try out some suits and gowns," he said as he led (M/N) inside. The duo began to browse and picked out a few suits and dresses - which, of course, garnered some unwanted attention. But eventually, they found the best ones and soon headed to the dressing rooms.

"Okay, what about this one?"

"Makes you look too wide."

"This one?"

"Oh god no, it looks horrible with your skin tone."

"This one?!"

"No, it doesn't look good with your body."

"Jesus Tekkun, what are you, Rupaul?!" (M/N) groaned as he hung up the last dress out of his selection.

Kuroo smirked and leaned against his hand on his knee. "I mean, if I really wanted to, I could probably pull off some mean drag make-up," he snickered. (M/N) rolled his eyes and Kuroo glanced past him. "What about that one?" He suggested, pointing to a suit behind (M/N).

(M/N) turned and glanced at the suit, his eyes lighting up. "You're a genius," he whispered. He grabbed the suit and went back into the dressing room, and as he closed the door he yelled, "Call Rupaul and get your ass on that show!"

"I'm not a drag queen, dumbass!"

"Not yet!"


Yaku sighed as he took a few steps back, looking at the gym with excited eyes. "It looks amazing, guys," he said as he looked up at Bokuto. "Thanks a lot."

"Of course! Anything for you Yakkun!" Bokuto beamed. "I owe you for helping me propose to Agashee!"

"Yes. It was not an issue," Ushijima said as he got down from a step-stool and blankly glanced around. "We are simply lucky the coach allowed us to do this today. Otherwise, you would've had to relocate."

"Yeah, why the court anyways?" Sakusa asked as he put some hand sanitizer in his hands and rubbed it into his skin. "It's sweaty, gross, has germs everywhere possible. It's not exactly the most romantic place to do this type of thing."

Yaku grinned and sighed happily. "Because the place I met (M/N) at was the court, after a volleyball game," he answered. "After one of Nekoma's games, when we were getting ready to leave and head back to school, I bumped into him. Like, literally! He was the manager for his school's girls' team and he was trying to rush to their game, and he crashed into me. The rest is history.."
He looked around the gym and nearly felt his eyes tear up with joy. The lights were dimmed, there were flower petals scattered across the floor, and Hinata was handing flowers out to each of their teammates. It was simple, but he knew (M/N) would like it. Or, he at least hoped so.

"Yakkun!" Bokuto yelled the libero's name. "Tetsurou says he and (L/N) are on the way!"

"For real?! Crap, okay!" Yaku cursed as he made sure he looked decent. He ran a hand through his hair and took a few deep breaths, then looked at the rest of the Japan National Volleyball team. "Alright, get into positions!" He yelled with a grin. The rest of the team shot him collective thumbs-up's, then jogged to their positions. He looked down at himself, making sure his red suit looked perfectly crisp and pristine.

After a few minutes, the sound of gym door creaking could be heard. Yaku looked up from his nervously wringing hands and his jaw nearly fell to the floor. As Kuroo held the door open, (M/N) walked in, and my God did he look gorgeous. His (H/L) (H/C) was messily but beautifully styled, and he wore the white suit Kuroo bought for him. "Mori?" he called out with a shocked, but happy expression.

"You look.. so beautiful," Morisuke murmured with a small blush on his cheeks. Then, he shook his head and cleared his throat. "Hey, sugar."

"Hi.. what's going on?" (M/N) asked as he finally walked over to Yaku, Kuroo shutting the door and hiding. "By the way, you look great as well," he chuckled softly.

Morisuke grinned and took (M/N)'s hands in his, gently squeezing them. "Thanks. And uhm.." he mumbled. Then, he cleared his throat and tried to speak. "(M/N), I, uh..."
His hands grew a bit clammy and his throat clenched as he tried to remember his words. When he saw (M/N)'s worried expression, he decided to chuck his planned speech down the drain. "God, I love you so much," he blurted out. "I love you so much, (M/N). When I'm with you, things seem so peaceful and calm. I feel like I'm on top of the world, like I can do anything. And as much as I love having you by my side as my boyfriend, I think I'd love it even more if you were by my side as something else," he said with a small grin.

A look of realization crossed (M/N)'s face. "O-Oh? Oh my god?" He whispered in shock. "Mori, are you-?"

Morisuke held a finger up and smiled. "(L/N) (M/N), you are my sun and my moon. You're the one that makes me truly happy and complete in this world. So, would you please make me the happiest man on Earth?" He asked as he stepped back and got on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket and popping it open. "And marry me?"

(M/N) gasped and covered his mouth, slowly nodding as tears began to fall down his cheeks. "Y-Yes," his broken voice stammered. "Yes, yes, yes!" He finally managed to cheer.

"He said yes!" Kuroo shouted as Morisuke grinned and took the ring out, sliding it onto (M/N)'s finger. As the libero stood up and kissed his fiancé, Kuroo continued to yell, "HE SAID YES!"

"Congratulations!" Hinata and the rest of the Japan National team cheered as they stepped out, all holding their flowers. (M/N) looked at them all in shock, then looked at Morisuke.

"H-How? Why? You didn't have to do all this, Mori," he whispered as he began to shake and cry more, while the team cautiously put their flowers together into a bouquet for the newly engaged couple.

Morisuke smiled and kissed his fiancé once again. Once the bouquet was put together, he handed it to (M/N). "Yeah, I did. Because you deserve the world (M/N), and I can't wait to give it to you."

"Oh, Mori.. you already have. You're my world, you know that."

"Then I'll make it even better."

~ ♡ ~
that ending was rushed, sorry

next up: akaashi x top male reader

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