Remain Nameless | Bts x reader

By taesty95

59.7K 4.2K 707

The night held them in a loving embraced. They were the darkness and all the life it held. Feared and forgott... More

Prologue (The travellers)
Into shadows
King of the forest
Last breath of her
Sun streams
Compassions of nightmares
A place called hope
Chained arms and cold floors
Keep Looking
Comfort in strangers
New girl
Blood and gold
Faded off-white and overripe peach
The Abbots fall
Choice pt 1
Choice pt2
Mirrorball Moon
Rabbit heart
SecretοΏΌ Ceremonials
Property of a Lord
The need to control
Gift an inch more of night
Lord and soldiers
The Cloud, the Island and the Sea
Remain nameless: As the world falls down
How and owl can cause a tantrum
Bigger than us
Blue pulled over
No Now, All future
Brambles grow
Half shadows
Small pleasures
No more wrong words
Glass beading on skin
Inked the words away
Great and holy plans
Perfect storm
Grassland birds
Come down
Does it glisten, the blood?
Belly of the beast
Fruit of all mankind
What am I without you?
Hares on the mountain

And so it begins

1.6K 118 14
By taesty95

Yoongi didn't know why he was so angry.

Maybe it was because the trip they had just come back on hadn't gone as planned. The trip was only to Haran to check the situation in the sunken lands. Unfortunately, they stumble across several gangs of bandits on the way back. That wasn't much of a problem they were taken down in minutes, but the attitude of the leaders seemed to just ruffle his feathers the wrong way. Then on top of that, he had to walk leagues and leagues in torrential rain.

Or maybe it was because there was a random girl Shiro picked up in his home and apparently she was staying. He may or may not have aggressively voiced his opinions to Shiro because of this, which cause his mood to worsen. He just didn't like the idea of a stranger living in his house without knowing who they were.

His thoughts were broken by a firm grip on his shoulder.

"Get a move on, I thought you loved to sleep." That sentence seemed to click in his mind. Yoongi had been to caught up in his self-pity to notice that everyone had cleared away dinner and set up roll mats. He needed rest. He looked up at Namjoon with a thankful gleam in his eyes. "After all we've decided that you're training the girl tomorrow.

His mouth hung open. He couldn't quite process what was just said. He was beyond pissed off. "WHAT!" He shouted back at Namjoon, who was now lying on his mat, ready to sleep."You shouldn't have had a tantrum at Shiro," a friendly laugh past through his lips." Night Yoongi."

He woke up early.

The sun hadn't even risen. He had planned to spend the day resting, it was the only thought that kept going on the journey back home, but luck wasn't on his side.

He made his way behind the curtain into the room where the stranger slept. This was the first time he had the chance to look at the girl properly. Her skin was basked in the moonlight from the small window. She was pretty, very pretty in, in fact, he would go as far as to say she was beautiful. He could see why Shiro thought it safe for her to come in to there home, she looked like she could hurt a fly. However, it didn't mean he was happy she was there. She was still a stranger who had invaded his home.

He noticed that she was in a dress, this he knew was a problem. A long sigh escaped his lips as he made his way to a basket full of their old clothes. He was the shortest, so automatically he would have to give up his old robes. Reluctantly he grabbed a set and threw it at the sleeping figure, waking her up in the process. It took a quite few minutes for the girl to wake up and get ready. So he while he waited, Yoongi practised his forms like he did every morning in the little front garden.

As soon as the girl came out, he latched two wooden swords to his back in addition to the steel swords which were his constant companion. "Follow me," he stated bluntly before running off into the darkness.

Yoongi didn't like new people, even if she was beautiful, so the silence between them suited him just fine. They both ran till they reached a clearing, it was only twenty paces wide at any point. The sun had only just started to show it its head, lighting up space in an orange glow. He liked this area of the wood, it was peaceful, and often he would sneak up here to have a nap, or to escape Shiro's nagging. He made himself comfy on the ground leaning against a tree. "Sit down, I need to explain how this will work."

(y/n) sat crossed legs in front of him waiting to hear him out.

" My names Yoongi, I will train you along with Shiro, Namjoon and Jungkook. But you start off with me. Training will be difficult. You will wake up early and train mentally and physically every day. There are no breaks or second chances. You will get cut, and you will bleed. I will not go easy on you, but I will not abuse you. You will fail or succeed on your own terms. You may die. If you succeed, you will be hunted and hated for the rest of your life."

He paused a moment to see the girls face, to her credit she seems calm. So he carried on. "Another thing to know is that being a nightblade, we believe that we should live and die by the sword. Its most likely you will die young at the hand of someone much stronger than you. Or you may reach thirty and die by your own blade, scared of what you've become. Either way, don't expect death to come peacefully in your sleep." With that said, he stood up in the middle of the clearing. He threw the girl one of the wooded swords of his back. He pushed his arms upwards stretching out his back. "Forget what you know about the sword. You'll start fresh from here on."


(y/n) listened to yoongi carefully. It was all thing she could guess, but she listened anyway. Finally, he stood up, a bubble of excitement burst within her. She would learn how to be nightblade. The excitement lasted only as long as it took for Yoongi to say his first instructions. To (y/n) disappointment, she would have to start again. Apparently the training she used to do with her father as a little girl was useless, to add on to that she wouldn't even be using a sword to start with. Yoongi stood in front of her and performed a series of movements. It reminded her of some dance dancers would perform at parades and festivals.

She had to repeat the actions again and again until she had the routine down to a T. After, what felt like a thousand repetitions of copying the movement until it was exact, Yoongi attack during the middle of the sequence. (y/n) was caught completely off guard. Her body, however, was too into the routine of actions, her natural reaction was to finish. So, she did. She blocked all Yoongi's light punches.

Once the surprise of the attack had worn off, she realized that he had taught her a defensive combination. What had seemed like a pointless dance had become a new way of teaching her body to move effectively. Now knowing this, she threw herself into the movements. They carried on learning different sequences until they had a short break to eat lunch. Some red berries and dried meant was on the menu.

Yoongi was the first to speak surprising her a little. "I don't know your name, I wasn't paying attention to Shiro last night," he stated simply. (y/n) suddenly felt quite rude for not introducing herself, or was he rude for never listening. "(y/n)," she said quietly, her voice not used to speaking for a while. After they ate, they started training once again.

This time Yoongi picked up the wooden sword that had been resting on the ground. It was the same principle as last time. He did the movement, the sword swiftly moved through the air. His body seemed to be still, yet it moved in perfect rhythm with the sword. It was beautiful. As (y/n) copied, Yoongi seemed to get more strict. The sword tip had to be in just the right spot. If her foot placement was just a little off, she would get a light hit on her shin, pushing her feet into place. The number of buries she must on accumulated in the short period was beyond her.She soon learnt that there was an exact spot for the sword each time. If it was at the right point, everything else would fall into place. Swordsmanship seemed to be about speed and accuracy. If it was positioned well, it could block and cut much faster. She felt herself improve more and more as the day went on. She mentioned in once after trying a new cut.

"There is a movement in everything. What you are feeling right now is called centring. You must memorize this feeling make it become your home. You must learn to apply this to your swordsmanship. A centred opponent is a fearsome enemy." Yoongi explained. She nodded and carried on, a small smile on her face happy she learnt something new.


Jungkook was helping Shiro make dinner while Namjoon studied some maps when yoongi and the new girl came in. They both look tired. The girl which he had found out to be called (y/n) was in Yoongi's old clothes, he smiled to himself as she looks like she was drowning in material. How she managed to even walk without tripping was beyond him. He watched as she made her way behind the curtain to the other room. He assumed she had gone to change out into her own clothes.

Yoongi made a loud noise of exhaustion as he dumped himself on the floor. A small chuckle escaped his lips at his elder. "How was training?" He asked. He was curious about the new recruit, so questioning yoongi seemed like the best bet to find something out, well without having to talk to her himself.

"It was fine." Yoongi brushed him off as he got more comfortable on the ground.Jungkook sighed at his response, he could tell he wasn't going to get any answers from him. A comfortable silence past over like it always would. It wasn't long until dinner was ready. He volunteered himself to fetch the girl.

He asked if he could come in being the polite and young man he was. All he got as a response was a low growl. He took that as a yes. He found (y/n) curled into a small ball on the roll mat.

"Dinners ready."

"I'm too tired to eat and everything huts, can I miss it?" She asked, her voice sounded deflated as she looked at him with desperate eyes. He knew the feeling all too well. He smiles again showing he's famous bunny teeth.

"No, it's vital to eat, training just going to get worse every day, you need to keep in good condition." She gave of a huff. Jungkook found himself smiling again at this, he found it cute. He reached out his hand to help her up. She stared at it for a long time before deciding if she wanted help. Eventually, she placed her small hand in his bigger one. A hit of red dusted on both their checks. Neither of them was used to human contact from the other gender, so the small touch seemed quite a big step for the two. "Your names (y/n), right." She nodded "Mines Jungkook."

"How old are you?" (y/n) asked him after she nodded again in acknowledgement to his introduction.

"Seventeen, and you?"


"And you only just found out you've got the sense ."

She nodded again. Jungkook found this quite strange, the monks would find anyone with the sense at a really young age, it was odd how they had missed her. He would be living in a monastery if Shiro hadn't found him first. The thought scared him a little. The monks always seem creepy to him taking children away. To everyone else, it seemed fine, the parent would happily give up the children if they had the sense in them. It scared them. Though not many people would know about it until the test, and after a monk explains it there petrified of their own child because they're different.

He often wondered if his parents gave him to Shiro willingly, or if it took Shiro weeks trying to pry him from his parents' arms. Either way, Shiro saved him from the monastery and brought him up as his own, as he did for Yoongi and Namjoon. He was adoptive of the father of the small group of young nightblades. He wondered what the new addition of the girl would be for them. He hoped it would add something nice.

(Thank you for reading xxx I think I might post once from now on, possibly more if I'm not busy.)

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