Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred...

بواسطة littlemecity

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Gwendolyn Thatcher is a young wizard starting her fourth year at Hogwarts. She will have to face many challen... المزيد

Authors Note
Chapter One: Kings Cross Station
Chapter Two: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter Three: The First Week of Classes
Chapter Four: The Transfiguration Tutor
Chapter Five: Beetle Buttons
Chapter Six: Progress Check
Chapter Seven: Gwen's Plan
Chapter Eight: Champions
Chapter Nine: November 1st
Chapter Ten: Potter Stinks
Chapter Eleven: Dance Practice
Chapter Thirteen: A Waltz in A Minor
Chapter Fourteen: Circus Act
Chapter Fifteen: Snape's Detention
Chapter Sixteen: Plain Parchment
Chapter Seventeen: Luck
Chapter Eighteen: A Balancing Act
Chapter Nineteen: Closure
Chapter Twenty: April Fools
Chapter Twenty-One: Hogwarts March
Chapter Twenty-Two: The End of Fourth Year
Chapter Twenty-Three: Pile of Presents
Chapter Twenty-Four: Summer
Chapter Twenty-Five: Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
Chapter Twenty-Six: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Prophet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Black Lake
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Added Stress
Chapter Thirty: The Lion's Den
Chapter Thirty-One: One Little Word
Chapter Thirty-Two: All Before Lunch
Chapter Thirty-Three: Respect and Responsibility
Chapter Thirty-Four: The First Date

Chapter Twelve: The Yule Ball

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بواسطة littlemecity

The next few days leading up to Christmas Day and The Yule Ball was filled with excitement from all the older students. Everyone who was going to the Ball had found their dates, their dresses, and their robes. Gwen's dress was absolutely breathtaking. She was convinced she had never laid her eyes on something more beautiful. She ordered it from a muggle store, and her mother tailored it so it fit her like a glove. Her dad had let her splurge a little on price, since he knew how much she had longed to attend a proper school dance. His one condition was that she must send back a picture in it since he wouldn't get to see it on her in person.

Gwen, like many of the other students, had never stayed at Hogwarts during the winter break. Every year she had gone back to her family and spent the time catching up on all of her favorite parts of the muggle world. They had a tradition in their house where they would walk around on Christmas Eve and look at the lights all over town. Then they would go home and watch It's a Wonderful Life while Gwen and her Dad baked cookies from scratch the muggle way. Then on Christmas Day they would go to see their extended family.

On Christmas Day they would always start with the Thatcher side of the family and have breakfast. Her dad, Henry Thatcher, was the oldest of two children. His family was very plain. His younger brother, Uncle Matt, had married Aunt Jane and they had two children named Amelia, 16, and Eric, 13. They were perfectly muggle, and Gwen loved them, but none of them could sneeze fire at the dinner table. The only true plus was that her Grandparents knew how to cook an amazing breakfast. She would even be as bold as to say it was better than anything she had ever eaten at Hogwarts. Even though they only ever stayed a few hours, Gwen always felt 10 pounds heavier after leaving. Gwen's family was always ushered out of the home by her mother, Pearl, who would always talk about the dreaded "drive" they would be making to go visit her side of the family. Her family would then pile into the car drive back to their house before using Floo Powder to go to see the Thomas side of the family.

The Thomas side of the family was much louder, crazier, and scattered than the Thatchers. Pearl was the oldest of six siblings. Each and everyone of them magical. When all of the siblings and their children would arrive at the home of Oliver and Angela Thomas there would be 21 wizards under the same roof. Duncan, Freya, and Gwen were the oldest of their cousins on their moms side. The next oldest was Atlas, who would be arriving at Hogwarts next year, and the youngest was Suzette, who, if Gwen remembered correctly, was two years old. When the Thomas family was all together there was never a dull moment. Their family had been distantly descended from the Merrythought family, and her grandmother claimed that Helga Hufflepuff was a second cousin to some great great great relative. However, this didn't matter to most blood purist families, like the Malfoy's, because being a family full of Hufflepuffs was just about the equivalent of being a mudblood anyways. When Gwen's mother and her siblings attended Hogwarts each and everyone was sorted into Hufflepuff. Her grandparents, Oliver and Angela, had also been sorted into Hufflepuff house. Freya had been the only person in at least two generations to be sorted into a different house. This meant that even more so than most holiday festivities at the Thomas house always echoed with laughter and warmth. Her grandparents house reminded her greatly of the Hufflepuff common room. Their home was warm and cozy. The walls were decorated with thousands of family photos. The furniture was worn and soft. Gwen loved it there.

The idea of Gwen staying for the Yule Ball, while exhilarating, did make her feel homesick. She missed her family greatly. She missed her extended family. She wanted to see her little cousins. She wanted her grandmother's breakfast casserole. She wanted to watch It's a Wonderful Life with her parents. She wanted to wake up early and wait to open presents with Duncan. She hadn't seen or heard from her brother in months, and if she was honest, she missed him the most. She had written to him earlier in the school year, and never heard back from him. Gwen understood he was busy. She just never thought he would be too busy for her.

On Christmas morning, Gwen was the first of her roommates to wake up. It was 5:30 in the morning, and she was wide awake. This gave Gwen plenty of time to finish setting up her last minute Christmas gifts. Gwen while she did not think of herself as an amazing gift giver did try to put a lot of thought and heart into presents. She had sent her parents and Duncan heartfelt letters and made a family photo album. She had gotten her sister Freya a quill that writes as you dictate, so she could write her newspaper articles faster. She had gotten each of her friends their favorite candy from Honeydukes and paired it with either a letter or a framed photo.

There was still one person Gwen didn't have a gift for, Draco. She wasn't even sure it was appropriate to get him something. They weren't even supposed to be friends, let alone whatever they were. His gift had stumped her for so long. Nothing she could think of felt personal enough to her. They didn't have any pictures together. They didn't have many shared memories outside of "study sessions" she could capitalize on. Everyone else was easy, but what do you get a boy who can afford to buy whatever they want. She decided to start with a letter.

My favorite star,

Happy Christmas! I didn't know if you were planning to get me anything for Christmas, and it's fine if you don't, but I felt like I had to at least get you a little something. I added in some candy from Honeydukes. I didn't know which is your favorite so there's a little bit of everything. I want you to know how much I appreciate you. I'm glad to know you. Selfishly I'm kinda glad you are horrid at transfigurations, or I would never have seen the real you. I know you put up a hard exterior even around me, but I know you care.



Gwen finished the letter with a heart next to her name. She charmed her signature so it would only show to its intended reader. She then folded it and placed it neatly inside an envelope addressed to Malfoy. She spritzed the envelope with her perfume. The letter now held the distinct smell of Vanilla and Roses.

She wished her gift could have been more personal, but Draco was so reserved he barely showed any emotion wasn't disdain. Gwen ran up to the owlery and instructed her owl to deliver the letter to Draco.

When Gwen had returned back to the common room most of the students were awake. The common room had been decorated with holly and ivy all over the walls. The smell of fresh baked bread was replaced with the smell of Christmas cookies. The room sparkled with Christmas ornaments and trinkets. Hannah, Ernie, Justin, Cedric, and James were all sitting in the center of the room with a pile full of presents in their laps.

"Merry Christmas!" Gwen said as she joined her friends. Her presents has also been brought into the room by Hannah.

"Merry Christmas!" The chorus of friends replied.

"I hope you didn't start opening gifts without me." Gwen looked at her stack of presents.

"No, we were waiting for you." Hannah smiled.

"Okay, well can we start now?" James whined impatiently.

"It's amazing you're a seventh year and more excited about Christmas than the first years." Cedric joked.

"You're point is?" James started pulling at the edges of his gifts. Cedric rolled his eyes.

"3...2...1...Go!" Cedric counted down and they all began tearing open the letters and presents violently. Wrapping paper was flying around them.

At the end of about ten minutes of paper ripping around them they each had candy and small gifts littered around them. Once all the wrapping was off they began to appreciate the gifts that they had each received.

Cedric leaned over and handed Gwen a small package.

"I didn't get one for everyone, so don't make a big deal about it."

Gwen pulled off the brown parchment. It was an ornate frame. Outside of the frame there was a picture. The picture was a photo of Cedric giving Gwen a piggyback ride. Cedric was in his quidditch robes and Gwen was bundled head to toe in winter clothes. Cedric and her were laughing and running towards the camera.

"Flip it over." Cedric said peering over her shoulder.

For my #1 fan. The best little sis that I never asked for.

Love you loads,

Your fake big brother Cedric

Gwen felt happy tears start to form in her eyes.

"Now my gift looks so lame. Thank you!" She leaned over and hugged him tight. "I love it."

"You're welcome, and for the record I think your gift is great. I love fizzing whizbees."

"I'm gonna go put this back in my room." Gwen said, gathering her gifts in both arms.

Spilling out of her arms was letters from her friends; a lunascope from Hannah; muggle candy from Justin; Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans from Ernie; the photo from Cedric; a Dream Oracle, Enchantment in Baking book, and Sugar Quills from Freya; and 30 Galleons, two records, and candy canes from her parents. She pushed the door open and on her bed were two new packages on her bed.

Gwen placed the items on her trunk and reached for the first package. It was from her brother Duncan. First she opened the letter from a plum envelope.


Merry Christmas! I'm sorry I'm like the worst brother in the world. You've probably had Cedric replace me by now. I never had anticipated how busy I would be once I was working as a breeder full time. But, in my defense I was not in Ireland when you sent your letter. I was actually in Canada for a few weeks, but I'm back home with Mom and Dad for the holiday. It's so weird to be at home without you or Freya to annoy and hang out with. We are doing the same Christmas traditions, but it won't be the same without you here. I put in the pictures of the baby hippogriffs like you asked for, and I got you something maybe even better than a picture. Now to the pressing question you asked in your last letter, even though it's very short notice, and probably won't apply I will give you advice anyways. I guess there are three very important things to look for in a guy to date. 1) That he has to like you. This one is kinda a given, but he shouldn't treat you poorly and he should want to be around you. 2) He should respect you. Seriously if any guy takes advantage of you I will spend the rest of my life in Azkaban after I find out. 3) This one is the most important. He shouldn't be ashamed of you. Any guy would be lucky to have you, and they should know that. If they treat you like less than and make you feel bad being around them, they aren't worth your time. I hope that helps. I'm gonna miss your cookies with dinner tonight. Enjoy the gift.



Gwen felt extremely guilty after reading his letter. Duncan would never approve of her relationship with Draco. He didn't do any of the three things on the list. When she was lucky he would maybe tick one. She pushed these intrusive thoughts away as she tore open the package. Inside was a stuffed animal hippogriff. It was white and soft. She placed it up beside her pillow. Her lips formed a smile as the hippogriff sat happily next to her other stuffed animals.

She reached for the second package. This one was much smaller. It was about the size of her palm and there was a notecard on the top.

Wear this tonight.

Scribbled at the bottom was a snake. Draco had gotten Gwen something. The small box she was holding she now recognized as a jewelry box.

She pulled open the lid revealing a silver pendant on a matching silver chain. The pendant was a sparkling silver snake coiled tightly around a white rose. The snake had emerald scales on its back and pale baby blue eyes, almost the exact color of Gwen's dress. She pulled out the necklace and held it in the light. The chain was very long. When she was wearing it the snake hid nestled between her bust. The gift had so much thought put into it, and probably a lot of money as well. Turning snails into roses was one of the very first things Draco and Gwen had practiced in transfigurations, and the emerald and snake were obvious nods to Slytherin house. Gwen smiled as she tucked the necklace into her shirt and joined the rest of her friends to continue their Christmas festivities.

Draco's gift had distracted Gwen from anything written in Duncan's letter. Her brother was older than her, but that didn't mean he knew everything, or what was good for her. The rest of Christmas day she had spent feasting, laughing, and singing until all the older students started to get ready for the Yule Ball.

At 6 o'clock Susan, Lily, Gwen, and Hannah began getting ready for the dance in their room. Each of the girls had spectacular floor length ball gowns that suited each of them perfectly. Hannah's was a pale mint in color with a scoop neck and empire cut. Susan's was a teal A-line dress with a portrait neckline. Lily's was a pale yellow dress with a sweetheart neck and mermaid silhouette. Gwen's was a baby blue A-line dress. The neck was off the shoulder with gorgeous tulle long sleeves. The waist of her dress had been embroidered with silver flowers and beads. When Gwen was wearing it she felt like Cinderella.

"Wow, we all look so hot." Lily said while putting up her hair.

"I know! Those Durmstrang and Beauxbatons boys won't know what hit them." Susan laughed.

"Neither will the Hogwarts boys." Hannah added flashing a knowing smile at Gwen.

"Well tell them not to get their hopes up, they'll never see us this dressed up again." Gwen replied, applying her final coat of lipstick.

"What time is it?" Susan said fluffing her hair in the mirror.

"7:45, the ball should start in 15 minutes." Gwen said looking at the watch on her nightstand. "Do any of you have a camera, I told my dad I would get a picture in my dress."

"No, but I think the boys have one." Hannah said, putting on a pair of high heels.

"Okay. I'll go ask them. Meet in the common room?" Gwen asked.

The girls met her with a jumbled sure.

Gwen walked into the common room where all the Hufflepuff guys were sitting waiting for their dates to finish getting ready. They all were dressed in formal robes, and Gwen was sure it was the first time she had seen most of them style their hair.

"Don't we all look so handsome?" Gwen smiled, making herself known to the group.

"Gwen," Ernie said, his mouth gaping.

"That bad?" She looked down at her outfit.

"What he meant to say is you look great." Cedric added elbowing Ernie.

"It's true you look brilliant." Justin added.

"Thank you." Gwen blushed. She was not used to compliments. "Do any of you guys have a camera? My dad wants a picture."

"I do, I'll go get it." Justin stood and walked back to the common room.

"Don't you have to meet Cho, Cedric?" Gwen asked.

"I said I would meet her outside Ravenclaw at 8:15, and I don't want to be too early."

"Are you ready for the champions dance?"

"Of course. Haven't you seen my mad dance skills?" Cedric smirked and did a disco point. Gwen chuckled.

"Got the camera." Justin said reentering the common room.

"Where should I stand?" Gwen said, picking up the edge of her dress as not to trail it on the floor.

"By the window." Justin gestured.

Gwen stood by the window and posed. Justin took one picture.

"You should spin. I'll develop this one as a moving picture."

She spun and her dress flowed outwards creating a large blue sea around her.

"You literally look like a princess." Lily said entering the common room with Hannah and Susan.

"Stop, now you guys are just being nice." Gwen beamed. "Before we leave I want a picture with everyone."

The gaggle of students joined Gwen. They all stood laughing and smiling as the charmed camera took the picture for them.

"I have to go meet Cho now. I'll see you guys there." Cedric said glancing at his wrist before leaving the room.

"Shall we?" Justin offered his arm to Gwen.

"We shall." She grinned.

The group filed out of their common room into the hall. They could hear the growing volume of voices and music as they approached the Great Hall. The Great Hall had been completely transformed. The warm Christmas atmosphere that had been present earlier in the day had been replaced by pristine white and crystal decor. The trees that had once been full of bulbous ornaments and candles were now covered by powdery snow. The whole room presented a heavenly blue hue that made everyone's formal wear stand out. There were ice sculptures on snack tables representing each of the schools. At the end of the hall the band The Weird Sisters were playing music.

Scattered around the hall there were groups of students sitting at different tables or talking around the edge of the room. Gwen spotted her sister Freya. Freya was wearing a silvery metallic slip dress. She was swaying with Hazel who was wearing a black corset dress. Each of them were wearing corsages in the other one's dress color. Fred and George were lingering by the punch bowl in their dress robes. Angelina and Lee were standing watch as Gwen saw Fred pull a vile out of his pocket. Before he could pour the liquid into the drinks Professor Flitwick made his way towards the table. The four then turned as if choreographed and walked in different directions away from the table.

Gwen walked deeper into the hall with Justin, Ernie, and Hannah by her side. They looked for a table that they could eat at for the feast portion of the dance. Once they had skated past the first couple of tables Gwen spotted a group of fourth year Slytherins sitting around a table. She saw Crabbe and Goyle sitting with two girls next to them, and Draco with Pansy. Pansy was running her hand along the sleeve of Draco's robes. He seemed to be making pleasant conversation with her.

Gwen hated it. She wanted that to be her.

Draco looked towards her. He picked up his hand off the table and lightly traced his neck where on Gwen's neck a silver chain dangled into the top of her dress. His lips pursed forming a slight smile before continuing to talk to Pansy.

Justin continued to drag her through when they had reached a table in one of the far corners of the room.

"Mind if we join you here Neville?" Hannah asked, pulling Ernie a little bit closer to her in an attempt to make Neville jealous.

"Sure." He pointed to the open seats.

"I'm Ginny. Weasley, if you couldn't tell by the hair." The girl next to Neville added.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Ernie, this is Hannah, Justin, and Gwen." Ernie said as they took their seats.

"You're friends with Luna, right? She's in your year." Justin asked.

"Yeah, she's different, but I think she's cool." Ginny smiled.

"Where is she?" Gwen asked.

"No one asked her, and only fourth years and up can go without a date." Ginny said. "Neville, want to go dance?"

"Um-er, yeah." Neville stammered.

The two left for the dance floor.

"Let's dance too." Gwen jumped up and took Justin's hand. She pulled him onto the dance floor where she knew she would be right in front of Malfoy. The pair began to waltz. She knew maybe it was a little childish to place herself where he couldn't resist watching her, but Gwen wanted Draco to notice her.

After a few minutes of dancing, Gwen had caught Draco's eye. His face twitched with envy. He didn't mind Pansy, they were friends, but he didn't feel anything for her like he felt for Gwen. Gwen made him feel something both animalistic and vulnerable awaken in him, and seeing her with someone else only fueled his passions more.

Gwen saw Draco drag Pansy onto the dance floor near them. He had positioned her so Pansy had her back to Justin, and Justin his back to Pansy. The two pairs began to move circling each other. Each time the pair of silver and blue eyes stole glances as they passed.

"Alright witches and wizards, we are gonna pick up the tempo for a few songs before we go back to this slow stuff!3..2..1!" The singer from the band shouted.

"I'm gonna go get a drink. I'll be right back." Gwen said to Justin before walking back to the table.

Draco watched Gwen leave the dance floor. He saw his opportunity to get her alone. He excused himself from Pansy. Gwen's table was close to the doors that lead to the outside. He scanned the room. Most of the people were preoccupied dancing. The time was now.

Gwen felt a strong hand grip her wrist. She shot her head around. He put a finger to his lips and led her outside. He pushed through the doorway and Gwen felt the cold air nip her skin. Draco pulled her into the shadows on the side of the castle.

"I couldn't stand watching you dance with that mudblood." Draco finally said once he thought they were alone.

"Jealous?" Gwen teased.

"I think that's you, Thatcher. I saw the way you were glaring at Pansy." He drew her closer to him.

"I was not." She said trying to push herself away from Draco. He held her even tighter at her resistance.

"She has nothing on you." Draco smirked.

"And ten points from Hufflepuff too, Stebbins!" Snape shouted in the distance.

"Here. This way we won't be seen." Draco rounded the corner taking Gwen with him. They could still hear the subtle vibrations of the loud music from the hall. The ground was covered in a layer of snow. Gwen would have been freezing if she hadn't been pressed against Draco.

Draco reached out for Gwen's collar. She felt a shiver cross her body. He touched her chest. His fingers traced her skin until it was sitting between her breasts. She could feel the iciness of his hands spreading across her flesh. Draco grabbed the snake pendant out from under the blue tulle of her dress and examined it in his hand.

"You wore it." He investigated it in the moonlight.

"You asked me to."

"I wasn't sure you actually would."

"Don't I always do what you ask?" Gwen raised her eyebrow suggestively.

"No." Draco placed the necklace back into her dress, and moved his hand to the back of her neck. "But I wish you did." He moved his lips close to hers.

She knew he wanted her to kiss him, but she let the tension linger. His eyes bounced between her lips and her eyes. He continued to hold out. He was not going to lose their standoff.

"Kiss me." Gwen whispered, breaking the long silence.

"Is that all you want?" He muttered.

Gwen felt the heat raise in her body. Her heart was pounding.

"I want all of you." Gwen swallowed. "I love y-"

Her words were cut off by the force of Draco's lips entangled with hers. His hand dropped from the back of her neck. He wrapped his arms around her forming a tight embrace. Gwen copied holding him tightly, their lips connected.

"Draco!" A shrill voice yelled from just outside the shadow.

Quickly their eyes flashed to the side.

They were caught.

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