Bloodsuckingfairy द्वारा

449K 14.3K 11.4K

nyc•to•phil•ia | nik-tō-fil'ē-a - love of darkness or night;finding relaxation or comfort in darkness. ⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 23

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Bloodsuckingfairy द्वारा

Celestes POV:
It had been a few days since Asher had overdosed and he was finally back at school. I was sat in the cafeteria with Carter and Toni whilst Asher looked at me from across the room.

Things had been fine between us. There wasn't much more I could say about it.

"I bet he has a big dick." Carter smirked as he looked at Toni's phone.

"I don't know... what do you think, Celeste?" Toni replied as she showed me her phone. On the screen was a good looking man, with no shirt on, but he looked like the same age as my dad.

"I- I don't know about that stuff." I shrugged as my cheeks flushed. "He looks way too old as well."

"Oh don't play all innocent, when you've got the schools bad boy fingering you every night." Toni smirked as she looked over to Asher.

"Toni!" I gasped in embarrassment. "We do not do it every night."

I wish I never told them about it, she would not stop teasing me!

We haven't even done anything for a while... After what happened on Saturday night I was too scared, and found any excuse for us not to.

"Leave the poor girl alone Toni." Carter laughed.

She rolled her eyes and looked back to me. "Is Ashers dick as big as everyone says it is?"

"Everyone?" I repeated with furrowed brows.

I knew Asher definitely had to be experienced with sex, but... I didn't think everyone knew about it.

"Yeah, he's fucked nearly all the girls in school." Toni scoffed. "So is it?"

"Toni, stop it." Carter demanded as he looked at me sympathetically.

It's non of my business with what he chooses to do with his body... but hopefully he's not still having sex with other girls. I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to do that.

But I haven't even made him feel good yet, so maybe he is. I wouldn't blame him, I've been such a bad and selfish girlfriend.

"I haven't seen it." I mumbled as I looked down at my half eaten food.

They gasped dramatically as they looked at me.


"You haven't even seen it yet?" Carter questioned in disbelief.

I shook my head then played with rings on my finger.

"Oh honey-"

"Celeste, you need to suck his dick as soon as possible." Toni said, interrupting Carter before eating some food off my plate.

My eyes widened at her words as I looked down at my hands.

Oh my goodness. I don't know how to do that... and the last time I tried touching him it didn't go very well.

"Ignore her. You don't need to do anything you don't want to do." Carter assured me, as he threw a fry at Toni.

"Of course she doesn't HAVE to, but if you don't, he'll probably sleep with other girls." She shrugged and just pulled my whole plate towards her, so she could comfortably eat my left overs.

Oh no.

She's right, he's probably already sleeping with other girls... maybe that's what he did last weekend.

"Shut up Toni, why would you say that too her?"

"I'm just being real with her, this is Asher we're talking about- wait," she paused as she looked past me then back at me. "Celeste, why is Megan Anderson looking at you like that?"

I looked up to see what she was talking about, but couldn't see anyone.


"Well don't make it too obvious,",she scolded, before leaning to me and whispering. "but the dark skinned girl near Ashers table, to the left."

I looked to where she said then saw who she was talking about. She was a girl I recognise from some of my classes, she's pretty. I think she might of been in my last one.

"I know her- well I don't, but she's really pretty, and she's in some of my classes." I told her, then lowered my gaze from her harsh glare. "Don't know why she's looking at me like that though..."

"Yeah she's really pretty, but she's really fucking mean too." She huffed as she glanced back over to her.

"Shit." Carter muttered, closing his eyes.


Am I missing something here?

"She was in our last lesson, right, and you got paired with her boyfriend. She gets jealous over everything and is really petty, but her boyfriend is always cheating on her so I guess she has a reason." He explained as he opened his eyes and ran his hand through his hair.

I still didn't understand what the problem was. Her boyfriend, Jamie, was really nice, and I don't think he was trying to have sex with me.

"So what has that got to do with me?"

Toni rolled her eyes and sighed.
"You are very slow sometimes... she thinks you're her boyfriends next toy."

I pouted at Tonis insult, then thought over what she said. So this Megan girl, doesn't like me because I got paired up with her boyfriend? It's not even my fault!

"She's not gonna... do anything to me, right?"

I don't think I could handle another situation like last time... ugh, why can't people just like me?

"Like Carter said, she's a petty bitch. She she likes to do old school shit, like put stuff in your locker, spread rumours, steal clothes after gym class, sleeping with people's boyfriends," Toni began to list like it was nothing.

Was she gonna have sex with Asher, to get back at me? She's so pretty, I'm nothing compared to her... Asher probably wouldn't mind.

"and I heard she can beat a bitches ass, but I know I could take that hoe, I won't let her touch you." She added with a determined look.

I'd rather her hurt me instead of having sex with Asher...

"Don't scare her, Toni!" Carter scolded then looked back at me. "It's gonna be fine, sweetheart. Do you want us to walk you over to Asher? I'm gonna go and smoke."

I nodded my head, then we all stood up and walked over to him... and closer to Megan.

I just couldn't understand how she didn't like me, If she didn't even bother to know me. If she did, she would know I already have a boyfriend and I love him a lot. No one could compare to Asher...

"Hey." The guys greeted as I sat at the table.

"Hi..." I turned to Carter and Toni and said bye before they left, then turned back to the table.

Megan was about, two tables away from us and still glaring at me.

"Hey, are you okay babygirl?" Asher whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer to him.

I nodded with a fake smile, then took a sip of my apple juice. I'm not even sure how I'm gonna fix this, maybe I should talk to her?

"Hey Celeste!" Someone shouted and I looked up to see Jamie walking past with some of his friends.

Great. As if things couldn't get any worse.

"Hi." I waved politely, not wanting to be rude.

He looked to Asher beside me and smirked before saying.
"I'll ring you later, yeah?"

Oh no. Why would he shout that? Megan is definitely gonna think he's cheating on her with me now.

"Y-yeah." I answered shakily as he walked off.

"Who's that." Asher demanded and I knew by his tone he was pissed off with me.

"He's just my partner for chemistry..."

"Why does he need your numb-"

"Celeste why is that girl looking at you like she wants to kill you?" Ambrose asked, and I sighed as I leaned my elbows against the table, then held my head in my hands.

"I don't know, Ambrose. Carter told me that she's mad at me because I got paired up with her boyfriend in chemistry. Apparently he cheats on her, so she thinks he's gonna do it with me. But I don't want her boyfriend because I've got mine." I explained as I shuffled closer to Asher.
"Do you think I should talk to her?"

"No, do not do that!" He rushed then sighed. "Just do nothing, and stay away from her boyfriend... girls are fucking bitches."

"For real." Nate agreed as he laughed with the others.

"But he's my partner, we have homework." I frowned.

Asher placed his arm around my waist and held me tightly.
"Don't worry about that," he said as he glared across the cafeteria. "I'm gonna sort it out."
I followed his gaze to see him looking at the table that Jamie was sat at.

"I- I don't need you to sort things out for me." I pouted as I crossed my arms.

I was extremely grateful that he wanted to help me, but... I didn't want him to see me as weak anymore.

"What?" He scoffed as he looked down at me like I was crazy. "You're MY girlfriend, do you think I'm gonna let someone disrespect you like that?"

My cheeks heated up as I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach at his protectiveness, but I could tell he was getting worked up.

"I can sort it out myself." I muttered as I looked down.

"Sure you can, sweetheart." He mocked sarcastically then stood up.

"The fuck are you looking at, bitch?" He boomed over to Megan, and I gasped as everyone stopped talking and looked over to us.

That was so rude!

Megan looked embarrassed as she looked away and turned her whole body away from me. He didn't have to do that to her. The other boys laughed hysterically at his mean behaviour as he sat back down, but I did not find it funny.

"That wasn't funny. You didn't need to embarrass her like that..." I pouted as I kept my eyes down.

"She didn't need to be staring at you like that either. Like I said, I'm not gonna let someone disrespect my girlfriend." He grumbled as he brought his hand back to my waist.

"But it's not like that, Ash. She's just upset, an-" I tried to explain.

"I did nothing to her, okay!" He snapped then sighed before he stood up. "I'm gonna go smoke." He then left the cafeteria, leaving me with the guys.


It was near the end of the day, and I needed to use the restroom. Once I left the cubicle to wash my hands, Megan and a few of her friends walked in.

"Oh," She laughed and a smirk grew on her face. "Look who it is."

I kept my eyes on my hands and washed them as quickly as I could, as I started to panic. I knew what happened in toilets, I was bullied for years.

My breath left my body as I saw her come up behind me.
"Turn around, bitch." She spat and I quickly turned around but kept my eyes to the floor.
"You think you can just try to steal my boyfriend then get Asher to embarrass me in front of everyone?"

I never did any of those things!

"No- it- it wasn't like that, I- I have a boyfriend-"

"Shut the fuck up!" She growled then slapped me across my face, hard.
"And if you think anyone believes that you and Asher are a real couple, you really are as stupid as you look."

I held my cheek as I tried to hold back my tears, but the pain from her words hurt too much.

"Make sure you keep your whore hands to yourself, and stay away from my boyfriend, got it?" I nodded vigorously then doubled over in pain as she punched me in my stomach. "And you better not tell Asher about this either."

It was happening again.

She looked down at me then laughed, "He doesn't like half breeds anyway." The rest of her friends laughed as they left, leaving me alone and in pieces.


I was waiting in the nearly empty car park for Asher, because he was supposed to be taking me home. I just wanting him to hold me as I cried, but I couldn't tell him what happened. He could still hold me though.

Ambrose had already left because he was hanging out with some of the guys. I'm pretty sure Asher had already left too, but he might come back... he couldn't just leave me.

I sighed as I stood up and started to walk out of school.

He did leave me, and didn't even bother telling me or coming back. At least I didn't live too far away. I just wanted to be curl up in my bed, crying as I try to figure out how to fix things.

As I was walking down the street, a car I recognised pulled up next to me and beeped the horn.

"Celeste." Mateo shouted as he rolled down the window, and slowed down the car to match my walking pace.

"Hi." I waved back.

"What're you doing walking?" He asked with a raised brow, as he flicked the end of his cigarette out of the window.

"Oh um- you know- just- I felt like walking..." I lied, terribly, as I continued to walk.

He sighed then stopped the car.
"Get in."

I knew there was no way of me getting out of this, and I needed a ride anyway, so I complied and got in the car... my stomach still hurt too.

He had a nice car, just like Ashers. It also smelled like Ashers too. Like tobacco, weed and aftershave. It wasn't exactly a nice smell, not bad either, but something I had gotten used to.

"Who was supposed to take you home." He asked and started to drive towards my house.

I knew I could trust Mateo. He hasn't spoken to Asher about what we spoke about in his car, I don't think he did anyway. If he did, Asher would be really, really angry, so I don't think he has.


He clenched his jaw and scoffed as he shook his head.

"I should've know," he muttered to himself then turned to me, "why didn't you ask Ambrose or your dad?"

"My dad's out of town and Ambrose said he was going out straight after school... I didn't wanna bother him." I shrugged as if I didn't care.

I also missed my last lesson and was late to leave school, because I stayed in the toilets and cried, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Didn't he see you waiting when he left though?"

Why did he have to ask so many questions?

"I left school a bit later..." I told him and he nodded, thankfully not wanting me to elaborate.

We sat in a comfortable silence as his music played.

"Have you had any trouble from that girl?" He asked me and my heart clenched painfully as I remembered her hurtful words.

"No... I- I think Asher sorted it all out for me." I lied, again, as I looked down at my hands.

He looked at me skeptically and raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

I nodded with a smile as I looked him in the eyes. He smiled back then averted his eyes to the road.

Phew, he believed me. If I would've told him about Megan, he definitely would've told Asher, I know it.

Asher couldn't know what happened. Not just because Megan told me so, but because I'm embarrassed of myself. I told him I didn't need his help, but proved how weak and pathetic I am. I couldn't even stand up for myself.

"Here we are." Mateo said as he pulled up in front of my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I thanked him as I grabbed my bag then opened the door.

"Don't mention it." He said and picked up his phone, which weirdly had not stopped ringing, no matter how many times Mateo ended it. "Are you gonna be okay on your own?"

"Mhm" I hummed with a nod then got out of the car.

I would much rather not be home alone, so that I'd have some sort of distraction, but there was no way I'd ask Mateo if he'd hang out with me. Mostly because I don't wanna feel the rejection and embarrassment of him saying no, and also because he seemed pretty busy. He had already given me a ride, I don't wanna burden him further.

"If you ever need anything, Celeste- and I mean anything, wether it's a favour because you're in some trouble or you just need someone to talk to, you can always ring me, okay? We're friends too."

I smiled widely at his words and nodded my head enthusiastically.

Mateo considered us friends! He was so nice. Asher was very lucky to have him as a best friend.


I had been on my own for a few hours trying to find things to distract myself with. I was currently doing my chemistry assignment which I now had to do on my own...

If I was sat here doing nothing, I would over think, then cry again, and I'm sick of crying! People say it makes you feel better, but I don't think so, not all the time anyway. After I cry my face hurts from being scrunched up for too long, and my makeup gets ruined, I'm also left with the worst headaches ever.

I tried ringing Asher earlier, but of course he didn't answer...

Fuck it.

I stood up from my desk then flopped onto my bed, face first, which was a bad idea considering the massive bruise that was growing on my stomach. I finally let the tears flow as I curled myself up into a ball.

Things were going so great when we first moved here... people were nice, I made friends and I met Asher. But now... everything was going downhill. Asher isn't really the person I thought he was and I've already pissed off the mean girl.

I had no idea how I was gonna sort this out... maybe if I stayed off school for a few days, she would forget?
It's worth a try.

I just don't understand what I did to deserve this. I try to be a good person, I really do. Maybe I was bad in a past life, and this is my punishment.

My phone started to ring, pulling me out of my self pity and I looked to see it was Asher. I hated myself for how quickly I answered once I realised it was him.

"Are you still at home alone?"

My chest tightened, painfully, from his reply.

Is he serious? He left me alone at school, then ignored my calls all day, and this is the first thing he says to me? I couldn't figure out why I was still in love with him. It's like the worse he got, the more in love with him I felt.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Good. Open the door."

Great, and he's here. He needs to stop doing this.

"Asher, I think you should just go home... I don't really feel well, and I don't wan-"

"Celeste, open the fucking door, I wasn't asking." He growled.

I quickly scrambled to my feet, and rushed downstairs to open the door for him.


Once he saw me, he immediately frowned.

"Baby what's wrong? What happened?" He asked as he held my face in his hands.

Uh oh. I forgot I had been crying.
I held his hands and gently pulled them away.

"I'm fine, I promise. I just don't feel too good, remember... and you know how much of a crybaby I am." I lied to him.

Well technically I wasn't lying. I didn't feel very good, in fact I feel awful.

"Are you sure?" He asked with furrowed brows. I nodded and put on my best smile.

He smiled back at me then leaned down to peck my lips.

"I guess I'm gonna have to look after my babygirl then, huh?" He cooed as he picked me up bridal style, and carried me upstairs to my room.

"I still need to look after you!" I giggled as I held him tightly. "You were in hospital a few day ago."

He rolled his eyes then sat down on my bed. "That was minor shit."

Minor? He nearly died!

"You nearly died, Asher." I reminded him seriously, as I tried to move myself from him.

"But I didn't." He retorted and swiftly held onto my waist tightly, restricting my movements.

I winced, but did my best to hide it, as he unknowingly pressed against the bruise forming on my stomach.

"You're right, that's what's important..." I said through gritted teeth as I held the hands that were on my waist, and tried to subtlety loosen his hold.
"Can we lay down, please?"

He moved with me still in his arms, then laid on his side.

"I'm sorry I left you today." He apologised as he buried his face in my neck. "Mateo called me going mad, saying that you would've had to walk if he didn't see you... I thought Ambrose would take you, but I should've told you."

I let what he said sink in, and obviously accepted his apology, but I still wanted to know where he's been. He was wearing different clothes from earlier... maybe he was with a girl.

"What were you doing?"

He didn't say anything for a few seconds before he replied. "Just sorting some things out... don't worry about it."

I scoffed and shook my head at his reply.  I don't even know what I was expecting, it's not like he ever tells me things.

He sat up and looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing." I mumbled as I looked at my white wall.

How comes he gets to not tell me anything, but expects me to tell him everything. It's unfair. He has no reason not to tell me where he's been, unless he was doing bad stuff with girls...
It hurt to think that he would do that, but it's probably true. He probably doesn't even like... half breeds either.

He grabbed me by my shoulder, pushed me back against the bed and hovered over me. "What's your fucking problem?"

"Nothing... don't worry about it." I said bitterly and avoided eye contact with him, as I went to turn back on my side, but Asher stopped me.

"What's with the attitude then?" He questioned with a smirk.

I felt really pissed off. I was clearly mad at him and he found it amusing. Today has been so shitty, and I know it's selfish, but all I wanted was for him to help make me feel better.

I pushed him away, as hard as I could, then sat up. "Would it kill you to act like my boyfriend sometimes? I've been feeling really down today, Asher, and you think it's funny. All I wanted was for you to make it better, but you're making me feel worse. Why should I tell you anything, when you tell me absolutely nothing?" I sobbed.

"Baby..." he cooed and moved to hug me, but I quickly moved away and stood up.

No, he's not gonna get himself out of this with sweet words this time.

"Please, don't touch me right now." I whimpered as I wrapped my arms around myself.

He looked at me confused then stood up. "So you want me to leave?"

I couldn't look at him, but nodded my head as tears rolled down my face, blurring my vision. I felt so overwhelmed with different emotions, I just needed to be alone.

He walked over and stopped in front of me, before bringing his hand up to my cheek and stroking it softly. "I'm sorry that I'm making you feel this way." He muttered, then placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving.


I don't know what to write :/
Like, I know where I want the story to go, but I just don't know how to get there... if that makes sense?

If you enjoyed don't forget to like/comment :)

(P.s. the last few chapter have been A LOT longer than the first chapters. Do you guys prefer the longer or shorter ones?)

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