By _maryamabba

3.7K 679 204

Nadiya, a teenager who grew up and was unaware that her father existed. First her mother abandoned her, then... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 1

440 42 33
By _maryamabba

The Beginning

"Mom, I will go check on the tailoring shop, if I'm lucky, I might get work there". Said Nadiya.

"Okay Nadiya, I pray immediately you reach there, they will let you work for them and please dear, act calmly and suppress that your anger okay?". Said her mom.

"Okay mom, I will try." Upon saying that, she rushed out.

Nadiya was on her way to the tailoring shop, praying and hoping she will work there as it is her only last hope because she has been to many other working places to become an apprentice, but was denied the work and she doesn't want to start a fight with anyone because her mom instructed her not to.

Sometimes she prefers showing her anger because that will make you get what you want and even if you didn't get what you want, at least you will show someone his place.

She finally reached the tailoring shop and gazed at the building.

"Assalamu Alaikum." said Nadiya trying to enter the shop while peeping into the room.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam lady, what do you want?" Said a lady that was the same height with Nadiya, just that she's fatter than Nadiya and Nadiya even concluded she's older than her mentally. Then there's another woman who look like her mother's age, probably the boss.

Then she saw four young ladies gossiping about her and she was right because they were pointing at her and eyeing her. Nadiya calmed herself down and didn't even look at them. She was surprised as to why this sudden behavior, she knows that she isn't someone that people like so much but she didn't even start introducing herself or even talking further, she thought. This is going to be a tough row for her.

After five minutes of thinking and wondering what she will say, Nadiya finally spoke.

"Well my name is Nadiya and I was told you guys take apprentices, so I came here to work here as an apprentice." Nadiya concluded.

The woman after listening to Nadiya looked her from head to toe and at the same time looking at the lady whom was also doing the same.

The lady didn't utter a word nor did she start telling her the amount to bring and all the things she needed to bring before becoming an apprentice.

After taking too long of replying, she finally spoke, "you need to bring 50 thousand...." She couldn't finish before Nadiya interrupted her.

"50 thousand?!! But that's too much for just a single person." Nadiya said demanding answer from the lady not knowing that the 'boss' is shooting daggers at her.

"Young lady, I didn't even finish listing out the things you need to bring you're exaggerating this much? Well looks like you can't work here."

"Listen, I really want to learn how to sew but at the same time, I can't simply pay 50 thousand. It's way too much. But still tell me what I need to bring and also change that amount into something cheaper like 30 or 25 thousand... and you" pointing at the four ladies "don't mess with me because ever since I entered this shop, you've been eyeing and gossiping about me, but let me tell you something, I'm Nadiya and no single soul mess with me and get away with me." Nadiya said angrily.

The four ladies kept shut, feeling scared to utter a word to her. Nadiya is taller than them and fatter than them as well, so that makes them feel scared of her, and why wouldn't they? Judging by Nadiya's angry face, they are bound to be.

The lady and the boss, stare at Nadiya, wondering how someone will just come inside a shop that doesn't belong to him, wanting something but changing the rules of the shop about the money at the same time. Finally, after a minute or two of wonders and imagination, the boss herself spoke.

"Hey girlie, I've been quiet since when you entered my shop because I don't want to speak to such little girl like you as you're too small for me to even talk to, that's why I let Fatima spoke, but that doesn't give you the audacity to change the way I deal with my apprentices when getting enrolled in my shop. If you are interested in getting enrolled in my shop, fine but if you keep getting angry and won't talk politely to me, then you're free to leave my shop." After a long speech, the boss finally sat and gulp down a full glass of water.

"Take a look at her, she doesn't have manners at all, and she's so full of herself, I wonder how she cope with her fellow humans." Fatima spoke, so full of herself, testing Nadiya's patience whom just stand there watching them, saying what they feel like.

"I can't simply work here with such people like you all. And you Fatima, don't ever say I don't have manners because I was trained well unlike you, full of pride just because you're a head of a mere tailoring shop". Nadiya said calculating Fatima's face and seeing a lot of anger coming down her face, just what she wanted.

"Get lost! That's how you will be forever and never progress if you don't change your habit, fool". Said Fatima.

Nadiya been the angry girl she is gave Fatima handful of slap. The tiny shop was silent just the sound of Nadiya's slap earned echo and Nadiya left the room quickly leaving confused boss, Fatima and the four ladies.

Fatima recovered from the slap just short minute after Nadiya left and was like "leave me Hindatu, I must slap her back! How dare she, who does she think she is?" She was held by her boss. She has forgotten her manners by calling her boss by her own name Hindatu instead of Madam or boss, whatever they call her.

It was then Nadiya knows that the bosses name is Hindatu.


Nadiya came back home feeling so exhausted and also thinking about how she's going to tell her mother about the event that happened earlier on. After putting so many hope on her getting a job in that crazy tailoring shop, how will she start telling her now?

After questioning herself about what to do, she just got inside and upon sighting the parlour, her mother wasn't there and she was glad she wasn't. So she climbed the stairs and got into her bed, prayed Asr and slept off.

"It's 5:30pm and this girl hasn't come back yet. Ya Allah where is she?" Hajiya Hadiya, Nadiya's mother said worriedly. She checked her phone and dialed her number. Just after doing that, she heard her ringing tone when passing her room because Nadiya's room was close to hers, upstairs. She angrily entered the room and woke her up.

"Tashi! (get up), you got me so worried. So this is where you are, sleeping soundly in your room on your bed right?!" Her mom looked furious, Nadiya can imagine she can even beat her to a pulp. Afraid of that, Nadiya quickly got up.

"I'm so sorry mom, I didn't see you in the parlour and I swear I was so tired, that's why I slept off."

"It's okay please. So tell me about how you got the job. You got the job right?." Her mom said full of excitement. The guilt of what her mom will feel when she heard of what sh has done will really break her up. She needs to know though.

"I'm sorry mom but I didn't get the....." She didn't finish when she got a hot slap on her face, it was so hot that she didn't get the chance to cry even.

"What is wrong with you Nadiya! Why are you doing this to your own mother hmm? You've displayed your behavior once again koh? This behavior of yours is very bad don't you see? I don't know why you're doing this. I wanted to give you sixty thousand naira for it but then, now I know I can't." She ended with a sigh of disappointment.

Ohh so it was 60 thousand mom gave. Ohh Nadiya, you didn't even know how much the money is, yet you refused to pay for that amount they told you. You're a bunch of a work. She thought to herself.

"Forgive me but mom, you didn't see how they behave with me, I'm sure if you were there, you would have slap one of them." Nadiya finally spoke, adding some spice into the story.

"Kede kika sani da halinkinnan (it's up to you now with this your attitude). Don't forget you're a girl!" And she left the room.

"Wow, now I can't sleep it's 6:00 and the Laadan will soon call the prayer". Nadiya said getting frustrated.

Surely, the slap she got repaid the one she gave that Fatima girl. She thought angrily but laugh though.

Hello everyone 👋

I'm so glad I'm into Wattpad and I'm even writing💃 I hope you're loving it even though I'm just starting. I just need you to vote, comment, recommend and share too please.

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