Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred...

By littlemecity

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Gwendolyn Thatcher is a young wizard starting her fourth year at Hogwarts. She will have to face many challen... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Kings Cross Station
Chapter Two: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter Three: The First Week of Classes
Chapter Four: The Transfiguration Tutor
Chapter Five: Beetle Buttons
Chapter Six: Progress Check
Chapter Seven: Gwen's Plan
Chapter Eight: Champions
Chapter Ten: Potter Stinks
Chapter Eleven: Dance Practice
Chapter Twelve: The Yule Ball
Chapter Thirteen: A Waltz in A Minor
Chapter Fourteen: Circus Act
Chapter Fifteen: Snape's Detention
Chapter Sixteen: Plain Parchment
Chapter Seventeen: Luck
Chapter Eighteen: A Balancing Act
Chapter Nineteen: Closure
Chapter Twenty: April Fools
Chapter Twenty-One: Hogwarts March
Chapter Twenty-Two: The End of Fourth Year
Chapter Twenty-Three: Pile of Presents
Chapter Twenty-Four: Summer
Chapter Twenty-Five: Brown Sugar and Cinnamon
Chapter Twenty-Six: Flourish and Blotts
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Prophet
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Black Lake
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Added Stress
Chapter Thirty: The Lion's Den
Chapter Thirty-One: One Little Word
Chapter Thirty-Two: All Before Lunch
Chapter Thirty-Three: Respect and Responsibility
Chapter Thirty-Four: The First Date

Chapter Nine: November 1st

2K 66 170
By littlemecity

Gwen rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Her room looked brighter than it usually did in the morning. She went to reach for her nightstand, but nothing was there. She put her wrist to her face. Her watch was still on.

That's weird. It's already 10:30.

She looked around the room. She wasn't in her bed. She ran her hands on the plush, it felt like the big couches in the common room. Gwen raised her head. She was still wearing her clothes from the day before. The fire had died down to only embers. She sat up on the couch. She had expected to see a mess from the party the night before, but the house elves had tidied up.

At least I'm not the only who fell asleep out here.

There were a few other kids asleep on the floor in front of the fire and in armchairs in other parts of the room. Some were even from other houses. Cedric was asleep on the other side of the room with his head against an armchair. In the armchair Cho was curled up still asleep.

Gwen couldn't remember most of the party from the night before. She did remember the overwhelming excitement and the taste of the red currant rum passing her lips. The last thing she vividly remembered was the conversation she had with Cedric. A wave of guilt passed over her. She had to go apologize to her sister today. She had put it off for long enough.

She stood up and made her way into her room so she could get ready for the day. Her head faintly pounded as she chugged a glass of water that was sitting on her nightstand. It was accompanied with a note.

Drink this and take two of these when you wake up. Hannah.

Hannah was truly the mom friend of her group. She could almost guarantee that Ernie and Justin woke up to a similar note next to their beds as well. When she had picked up the two tiny pills on the paper she noticed something had been written on the other side of the note. Through the paper she saw the doodle of a snake.

Her body went numb. Did Hannah read the note? Gwen didn't even remember leaving the note out. The pounding in her head amplified tenfold. Had she accidentally told Hannah about her and Draco. Maybe Hannah didn't even notice the writing on the other side. Gwen thought optimistically.

Gwen was so distracted getting ready she almost put on her class robes. She caught herself right before she put on her tie. She settled on a pair of baggy jeans and a gray crewneck.

By the time she had finished getting ready for the day it was noon.She smiled to herself.

Seven and a half hours.

Gwen made her way into the Great Hall for lunch and joined her friends. She had decided that she wasn't going to bring up the note unless Hannah did first. She already had enough to worry about with Freya.

"Good morning sleepy head." Hannah said as she sat down.

"I've been up for a while." Gwen defended.

"Well you were still asleep when we left at 10 o'clock." said Justin.

"Okay, I've been up for an hour and a half. It could have been worse though. Other people were asleep in the common room. Like Zacharias, James, Cedric, and Cho."

"And yet they all managed to make their way out of the common room before you." Ernie teased.

Gwen just rolled her eyes, and began stuffing her face. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been. Just then Draco walked into the hall, he was wearing a tight black turtleneck paired with black slacks, and Gwen had felt another hunger take over her body. She thought he looked good in the Slytherin uniform, but this was a different kind of handsome. It made him look toned and strong. The dark color accentuated the white glow of his skin which was subtly contrasted by the sets of rings on his fingers. His hair looked soft as it reflected the candle light of the Great Hall. She watched as he walked to the Slytherin table. He walked with such confidence in his stride. The whole room seemed to freeze. He caught her staring and raised his eyebrows in acknowledgment. She felt heat surge through her body.

"Are you feeling alright?" Hannah asked Gwen to break her trance. She hadn't even realized that Justin and Ernie had left the table.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your cheeks are bright red. You sure you aren't sick."

Gwen felt her cheeks. Her hands felt icy compared to the heat radiating off her face.

"Did you drink enough water?" Hannah probed.

"I drank what you left out for me." Gwen was praying Hannah wouldn't bring up the note.

"That's good. Well then you're probably fine." Hannah paused for a second. "Hey, can I ask you something? And promise you won't be mad."

Here it comes. Gwen began preparing for the worst.


"Have you talked to Freya yet? Because I don't want to overstep my roll, but I think that you were in the wrong and you probably should apologize to her." Hannah blurted out quickly. She looked as if she were preparing for the worst as well.

"No, but I am going to today." Gwen took a deep breath of relief. "You are right though. I overreacted, and I embarrassed her by doing it basically in front of the whole Hogwarts student body."

"I just could tell it was bothering you. You always look distracted when something is worrying you. Well more than usual." Hannah grinned knowingly, or what she believed was knowingly. If only Hannah knew what was really distracting Gwen.

"Haha, yeah." Gwen replied. They spent the rest of the time in the Great Hall talking about all the homework they had to do before class tomorrow.

Close to 4:45 Gwen had mustered up enough courage to go and talk to her sister. Freya almost exclusively hung out in the courtyard, when it was nice enough to do so. Freya was sitting under a tall tree reading a copy of the Daily Prophet. Freya wanted to be a journalist when she graduated school, so she spent most of her time keeping up to date on current events in the wizarding, and muggle world.

Gwen cleared her throat.

"Want to come tell me what to do again?" Freya said without looking up from her paper.

"Can I talk to you?" Gwen said shyly.

"As long as you don't flip your lid on me." Freya folded up the paper.

"I'm sorry."

"Great. Is that all?"

"No. I didn't mean to embarrass you or undermine you. I know you are very smart and an extremely talented witch. I shouldn't have doubted you. I shouldn't have tried to stop you from doing something you wanted to do. I am really sorry."

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. You just pretend I don't exist sometimes, and then when you do it's usually not good. I acted impulsively. You didn't tell mom and dad, did you?"

"I think you would have received a Howler by now." Gwen laughed. Freya laughed too. Freya hugged her sister.

"I do love you, even when you yell at me in front of the whole school."

"I'm still so sorry about that."

"Hey, It was kinda funny. I mean you know it must have been pretty entertaining when even the Slytherins come to watch." Freya smiled.

"Yeah," Gwen knew that being entertaining probably wasn't the reason certain Slytherins were watching. "Um, this might be a little weird, but can I ask your advice?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Have you ever, -er, dated someone?"

"Who's the lucky man?" Freya grinned.

"No one, I was just never have, and I didn't know if you did, and the Yule Ball is coming up, so I just wondered,"

"I'm only teasing. I guess not formally, but I have some experience. I've kinda been seeing a girl named Hazel. She's a Ravenclaw in my year."

"Really? Did you tell the family yet?"

"No, and you better not. Speaking of, we have plans soon. I'll see you later sis."

Freya gathered up her things and walked back to the castle. Gwen checked her watch at 5:30. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She thought of Draco's hands running smoothly all over her body.

The next two hours Gwen spent preparing herself for her study session with Draco. She grabbed all the usual transfiguration supplies she usually had with her. She knew they probably would not end up using them, but wouldn't want to be caught without them if someone asked what she was doing.

She left for the fifth floor art room a half hour early like usual. She set up the room. She lit the candles, placed the supplies on the table, and sat in a chair anxiously awaiting Draco's arrival.

Outside the room Draco paced back and forth. He didn't want to arrive early and give the impression that he had been excitedly waiting to see Gwen. He waited until 7:33 and opened the door.

"Hi." Gwen smiled brightly as Draco walked in the door.

Draco didn't say anything. He looked around the room.

"I've never been in here. Only muggles like all that fruffy painting nonsense."

"Well I like it." Gwen said defiantly.

Draco sauntered up to the table. He looked at the snails, the parchment, and the rope. He picked the rope up and danced it between his long slender fingers.

"I didn't realize you were so kinky?" He smirked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I thought we could actually study." She said standing up to meet his gaze.

"I think... you thought wrong" He placed his fingers on the edge of her chin. He tilted her head towards his.

His crystal eyes fixed on her. She felt every nerve ending in her body send a wave of excitement over her.

With Draco still holding the edge of her chin he guided her around to his side of the table. He led her right up to his chest. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. His aroma was intoxicating. With every second she breathed more of his commanding air into her lungs. He leaned his head closer to Gwen's lips. Her body trembled.

"Maybe you're right." Draco let go of Gwen. He walked back to the other end of the table. "So where should we start?"

Gwen caught her breath.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Draco said suggestively.

"Let's start where we left off last week, snails into roses."

"I really don't think that's where we left off." He said sliding his hands across the table.

"Then... where did we leave off?" Gwen inched slowly towards him.

"I think," He pulled Gwen up onto the table. He gripped the thickest part of her hip. He began tracing his lips across the side of her neck. "Right about here."

She wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him closer to her. She felt the wetness of his tongue following her jawline to her collarbone. Slowly she began to snake her legs around Draco's. He began to suck on the exposed skin of her neck. She could feel a moan building up in the back of her throat. He led his hands under her sweatshirt until it met her bare flesh. She felt the cold rings on her side.

"Draco," Gwen whimpered. "You'll leave a mark."

He broke away from her neck to see her doe eyes.

"That's the point, Thatcher." He laughed. He leaned in to kiss her. Gwen put a finger to his lips.

"Hold on." She placed the jar of snails on the chair and pushed the remaining objects off of the table. "You may resume."

His hands were now pressed firmly in the small of her back. Gwen could fell the muscles of his chest against the softness of hers. Gwen's fingers searched for the end of Draco's shirt. She tugged at it, pleading for its removal. Draco obliged and soon his bare torso had been exposed to the light. She started scratching deeply into his flesh removing any remaining space between them.

"I don't think it's very fair that only one of us is shirtless." Draco moaned between kisses.

Gwen pulled away from his lips.

"Poor baby." She pouted.

"You're gonna regret saying that." Draco ripped the sweatshirt off of Gwen.

He pushed her onto the table so her back laid flat against the wood. He clasped his hand around her neck. She let out a soft gasp as his hands tightened around her throat. He followed the faint purple and white lines that went from her waistband to her breasts with his tongue, leaving possessive bruises along the way. He fiddled with the clips on Gwen's bra.

"What, first time?" She quipped as he spent far too long trying to unhook her bra.

"No." He snapped back, finally removing the bra. He flung it to the other side of the room.

Her nipples became hard the second the cold air touched them. She reached her arms up to pull Draco's warm body onto hers. He grabbed both her wrists before she could reach him, and slammed them onto the table above her. He started to engulf her bust with his mouth. He kneaded her flesh with his tongue. With his other hand he slid into the inside of her thigh. He squeezed the plumpness of her body. His hand lingered to the fly of her jeans. Gwen began to sit up. He raised his head.

"Is this okay?"

Gwen bit her lip and nodded enthusiastically.

He took his hands and began to unzip her jeans and pulled them onto the floor. Gwen sat up and nuzzled her face into his neck. She could taste the mahogany of his cologne. The back of his neck was damp with sweat. She ran her hands through his hair and moved her mouth to his ear. As she suckled on it she could hear a breathless moan escape from Draco's lips.

Draco brushed his hand across the front of her groin. He could feel the restlessness between her legs. He entered the top of her underwear with his fingers. Gwen gasped for breath. Draco pulled her even tighter to him. His fingers swirled around her clit. She was wet.

Gwen arched her back with pleasure. Her flesh was blooming with color. He knew exactly the right places to touch her. He was with her, and yet she had never craved him more. She trickled her hands to the front of his pants. She could feel how hard he was through the layers of cloth. She spit into her hand and snuck her hand under the seam. She felt his erection in her hand. She slowly stroked it focusing on the tip. She felt his pause as his body twitched with delight.

Draco started circling her clit more violently, and Gwen matched his intensity. their moans echoed through the room. Their lips connected as they continued to touch each other. Hot breath filled their bodies. Draco had hit his peak and Gwen felt him release in her hand. He continued until Gwen had finished as well.

The two rested their heads on each other's shoulders as they floated back to reality.

"That was a really good lesson." Draco said as he redressed. Gwen followed suit.

"Maybe we could do it again sometime?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Wednesday night, Astronomy Tower. No one has class there that night. Meet at 8 o'clock." Draco asserted.

"Right 8 o'clock." Gwen looked at her watch. 9:53. "Holy Shit! It's so late. I still have to study for tomorrow."

Gwen quickly grabbed all her belongings from the room. She exchanged one last long kiss with Draco before leaving the room.

She stumbled her whole way back to the room dizzy with bliss. She tried to compose herself to walk into the common room. She combed through her hair with her fingers and tried to cool her flesh with her hands.

The common room was fairly empty by the time she got back. There were a few kids studying, but most people had already retired to their rooms. When she walked into her room all her roommates were asleep.

Gwen was glad none of them had been up to ask where she had been. Her head was too far into the clouds to give a non answer to their questions.

She showered and snuggled into her bed. Even after washing herself down she could still smell his musk. Gwen inhaled the scent. In her head his voice echoed: Wednesday night, Astronomy Tower.

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