Turn: Washington's Spies: Ham...

By Ashalynn87

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One-shots and other TURN and even Hamilton(the musical) stuff. (But mostly TURN) I've never done something li... More

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Andre x Reader (Angst/fluff)

303 5 17
By Ashalynn87

This was a request from one, Afife_Nurbanu_Sultan, I hope you like it, I tried my best.

Enjoy folks

TW: !!!There is slight mentions of death, suicide, non-con, and other really dark topics, if any of these things bother you, it might be best to skip this chapter/story. (18+)!!!

I am not good at angsty fluff, angst in general I think? but I think I did okay here, again there is slight hints to dark topics in this chapter, do not read if even a slight nod to dark topics will upset you. I also rushed it a bit, but I hope its okay...


You hated what you did. You had too, your family demanded it. You married a greedy older man, he was so cruel. You were forced to wear dresses with long sleeves and scarfs, even in the summer from all the bruises he gave you. Then the redcoats moved into New York. You had so hoped they might arrest your husband as a spy or something to get him out of your life. You could run away, but to where? You had no money, and they would just bring you back to him if you were caught or asked for help. You heard rumors his first wife might have been murdered by him in rage and he payed off the judge, his second wife killed herself. His third mysteriously drowned in the bath in their room. Should you take the same fait as his wives? Would you be murdered? Or finally...end it all...

You brushed the idea aside and made your way out the door and into the street to begin your way to the shops. You needed cloth to make a dress and pillows. You kept your eyes to the ground most of the time, you didn't really like looking at people, or anything really. You arrived at the shop to purchase the fabric you needed. You opened the door and bumped into a tall redcoat, "I am so sorry sir." you almost flinched and broke down crying.

"It is no problem, I should be the one that is sorry for bumping into a lady."

His voiced sounded kind, you looked up to see a handsome man with a small braid behind his ear. A gentle smile. He moved out of the way to let you in. "It...thank you, Sir."

"I do hope I bump into you again." He then walked away. There was a softness in his eyes. You wanted to look at him again, and those eyes, that smile.

You quickly purchased the fabric and cloth and exited the shop and made your way home. You opened the door to see your husband in a drunken rage, yelling at his desk. You figured you leave him to it. "Is that my wife I hear?" his voice boomed, shaking your ribcage. "Yes, my love." you said with obvious shakiness in your voice. "Look at this..." he quickly charged at you and pinned you against the wall. You clutched the fabrics and cloths to your chest as protection, as if fabric would save you. He held the paper to your face. "We are loosing money."

"I am so sorry, my love. I had no clue."

"NO CLUE!" he then punched the wall next to your head. "No more buying shit we don't need. You buy things again, I will make you pay me back. Understood?"

"Yes..." you took a gulp, you were shaking too much, "Yes, my love."

He then let you go and crashed onto the sofa, you ran to your room. You sat on the edge of the bed and began to cry from all the fear that rushed threw your body. The last time he said that, the payment...the payment...was sex...never again...never again...you would just leave the house, no more buying anything...just walking around the city. You had to escape but how? How? You had no money, no where to go. If you get caught they would just return you to him, he would be even more angry.

You ran into your room and locked the door behind you. You crashed onto your bed and laid back onto it and looked up at the ceiling. Dark thoughts began to cloud your mind and there was nothing else inside. Your pressed your hands to your eyes, trying to turn your focus onto something else. You then lifted your hands, palms facing the ceiling, then you rotate your arms, your wrists facing you, you pull down one sleeve, bruises from the last time he grabbed you, on the other wrist, cuts, a series of cuts. You pull your sleeves back up and then rolled over to your side. You pulled a pillow towards your chest. You were inspired to make pillow cases and dresses, but now that inspiration was gone. You clutched the pillow tightly, then that man at the shops crossed your mind. Why was he crossing your mind? 

You tried to push him too out of your mind, just sleep, you told yourself. Just sleep. Go to sleep. Your eyes closed, curtains closed, but your mind was just not letting you fall asleep. You looked at both your hands once more, then you crossed on over the other and held your own hand. You closed your eye and pretended it was the man from the shops. You fell asleep, peacefully.

You awoke the next morning and tried to sneak your way across the hall past your husbands room and down the stairs with the fabrics from yesterday. Once at the bottom you saw he was still on the couch. "Where are you going?" he groaned.

"I am returning the fabrics I purchased yesterday."

"Will they take back cut fabric?"

"Yes, they are quite nice, understanding, I will just say I have no need for fabrics at this time." There was a long silence, he then grumbled something, his hand waved in the air, telling you to go. You rushed out the door and closed it behind you as quietly as you could but it creaked. You walked down the stairs of the front of your home and down the street to the market shops. You walked around trying to find the man that sold you the fabrics. You began to panic. Was he here only for yesterday? Is this stolen fabric that he sold to some dumb girl and left? Was- you then bumped into someone. "Oh, I am sorry."

"Oh, it's you again." that voice was familiar, the one from yesterday. "I had hoped to bump into you again."

"Oh, I am sorry, Sir."

"Please, Call me Andre."

"Andre, Hi, Um, do you-uh-perhaps-uh-um..."You pulled the fabrics to your face, trying to hide yourself. "Is that the fabric I saw you with yesterday?"

"Yes, I want to return them, my husband needs money..."

"Your husband? Cheep man is he?"

"Yes, sir." you whisper, as if your husband was nearby. "I will buy them from you, and you can keep the fabric." 

"Oh, no, you don't have tuh-" he dropped silver pounds in your hand, you looked down and counted. "This is too much..."

"I insist, perhaps you can pay me back by making me something from that fine fabric." You were scared when he said 'pay me back' your heart had jumped but soon after were puzzled. "What shall I make you?"

"Anything. He then opened his sketchbook and began to wright onto a page. He ripped out the paper and handed it to you, "This is where I live, you can bring it anytime. Please, bump into me again." He then walked away. He just left you. What a strange and kind man. 

You were at the front door of your home. You looked down and saw the fabrics. You had to hide it, you quickly rolled it up and placed it between your legs, you counted the silver, you held in one hand the amount you paid and slid the rest into your shoes and corset between your dairy(boobs). You open the door and your husband was standing right there. "Good husband, my love," You held open your hand, "they gave me the money back."

He held out his hand, you placed the money in it, he looked down and counted it. "Good. You may retire to your room."

"Yes, my love." You then rushed up the stairs to your room. You closed and locked the door behind you. You dropped the fabric and crawled onto the bed and pulled on your corset, shaking it, the coins fell out and plopped onto the bed softly, not making a noise. You grabbed the coin, the pounds, and hid them under a broken floorboard you ripped out months ago to hide a gun and other money you have been saving up in a cute little baggy. One day you would finally leave and run from this place. You began fantasying the scenarios in your head, some involved the strange man named Andre. There was just something about him that you liked, perhaps it was the feeling that was missing in your marriage, love. What a silly thought, you said to yourself but could not help but blush anyhow. You put the floor board back and got onto your bed. 

What could you make him? What would he like, he is stranger that you know little to nothing about other than that he is a little to kind to random women on the streets, bumping into people at the market. With a cute braid, and charming smile, and warm hands. What could you make for a man like that? Bingo.

After a few days of hard work on the special gift for the mysterious Andre you finally finished it. You looked at it very happy and very proud. It was a lovely waistcoat. He probably would not wear it, but you were sure he would find it attractive, a beautiful article of clothing. You also hoped it was his size. You were just guessing, going off of memory, but you were sure you had it just right. Now, the really hard part, sneaking out, past your husband without him seeing what you had, maybe you could hide it in a purse? Or a bag? A purse, that is a good idea.

"My love," you said as your turned the corner, looking into his office, he was perched at his desk, he looked angry, and exhausted. "might I ask, to kindly go into the shops? Not to buy anything, just look around, admire the-" He raised his hand in the air, you learned that when he does this to be quiet. He then waved his and in a manner, a jester for you to just leave and go. You left the front door, you sighed in relief, you looked at the piece of sketchbook paper he gave you, now, off to Mr. Andre's house.

You arrived and  knocked on the door. A woman opened the door. "Hi, um, I am the woman, from the market, I bumped into...um...ah....A-"

"No worries Mrs. Mr. Andre will see you now, he told me about you."

You entered the home and looked around, it was cozy, lovely, bright. It didn't feel dark, damp, and cold like your home. Andre descended the stairs and quickly smiled looking at you. His eyes almost sparked, light a quick glimpse of light shined in them. "Welcome, I am so glad to see you." He came right up to you but not in your space, such a gentlemen. "I must apologize, I never asked for your name."

"Its [y/n] (a-hole hubs last name)"

"Is it alright if I just call you [y/n]?"

"I would like that, Mr. Andre."

"Please, call me John, please."

You blush, a light smile on your face. "Oh!" you reach into your purse, "Close your eyes." John closes his eyes, "Open." He smiles and grabs the waistcoat. You let go and he pulls it towards himself and looks down at it, "Looks like it will be a perfect fit, I love it, it is quite," he looks up at you, "beautiful. Thank you, [y/n]." 

"[y/n], this is Abbigail."

"Hello, Abbigail, you can call me [y/n] too. If you like." Abbigail nodded her head, "I will try this on, I shall be right back." Andre then went into another room to get into the waistcoat. You and Abby began talking, you both got along quite well. Andre came out and looked amazing in his waistcoat. 

After that day, you came to visit him as much as you could, telling your husband you were just walking around the city. It kept working to the point he would see you walking around the house and ask "Aren't you going into town to walk?" and you would respond with, "Yeah, I would like too." and you would leave. You and Andre would play music and dance. He even took you on a date, he wore the waistcoat you made him. You even told Andre a deep secret, your husband and the way he treated you, that you didn't want to rush anything, Andre understood and listened. Andre was so kind, so generous, then one day Andre sat you down and told you about a small plan he had in mind. Andre held your hand, "You wont have to do anything, other than just stand their and play a playful girl."

"You will come in before anything gets to..."

"I will come in before anything happens. I promise, nothing will happen to you." he placed his hand over your cheek. 

You place your hand over his hand, "I will do my best, I promise." You smile and blush. Andre then sat behind you and you leaned onto him. "Just play the smitten girl for one night. You could do that, you act before your husband, pretending to love him. This, General Lee, is no different."

You walked into the pub, Andre pointed out Lee before, all you had to do was find him, seduce him, and lead him to room ten.

There he is.

You made your way to him and practiced, your name is Ivy Lanllorea, half French, and half English pearl. You then did what you did best, bump into him. "Oh, sorry."

"Oh, no worr- Oh, hello. Who might this lovely diamond be?"

"Diamond, how kind of you, I am Ivy Lanllorea."

"Lanllorea?" He asked, curiously. "French, but my mother is English, yes, I do get my looks from my mother." 

You and Lee talk for a while then you lead him to room ten. You then go to the next step of the plan, Marco-Polo. You take his coat, you take his boots, you take his wing, then Andre steps out from behind a secret door after you lead Lee under a table. 

While Andre interrogates Lee, you scream in the other room, play cards with some redcoats, this was the most fun, the most you had felt alive in years. Andre sparked life and happiness in you. After all that you and Lee part ways, saying you will see him again. You get home before Andre and tell Abby to help you with something.

Andre entered his room and looked in love. He looked at you, smiling, just standing there in your night gown. You slowly began to pull your nightgown off your shoulders and onto the floor. You were shaking. Andre walked to you and stopped you, gently holding his hand over your hand and pulling the dress up and over your shoulders. "We don't have to, if you are not ready."

With those words you crashed into him, wrapping your arms around him, burying your head into his chest. He held you, and pet your head. "When you are ready, no matter how long it takes, or if it is never, I will wait for you." He said so softly. He rested his chin on your head. You just wanted to stay their in his arms. Just stay there forever. "Thank you, John." you mumbled. He smiled.

You look past Andre and see the clock. It was really late. get in trouble late. You tell Andre you have to return home. You run as fast as you can then make it to your house. You opened the door to see him sleeping on the floor. You grab a blanket and place it over him. He opened his eyes scaring you. "What time is is?" He asks. "Late, my love. I did not wish to wake you."

"Thank you, help me up, will you?"

You help him up and carry him to his room. "What time did you get home?"

"Not too long ago, before curfew."

"Okay." he then grabbed your arm, "My love, you are hurting me." He tightened his fist, "I have not seen you a lot, you will be here everyday, you will not leave this house, till I feel, I have made up for the lack of appearance in this marriage. I will see your face more than those strangers in the streets!" he let you go, you walked to your room and were scared. He kept you on house arrest for a month, then out your window you saw Abby. You called out to her, you told her you need her to wait and that you were to send down a letter. In the letter you explained to Andre that your husband  was locking you in the home like a princess in a tower. A day later Abby returned with a letter from Andre, John was leaving to Philadelphia. You had to leave. You packed some bags and began your way down the stairs once you figured your husband was out of the house. Right as you reached the bottom of the stairs there he was. A dark, dangerous figure in the night, only illuminated by the light outside. "My love..." you mumbled.

"You are leaving?"

You look at your bags, "No, I just want to donate some of my belonging to a girl I know, I-"

"LIAR." he ran towards you, hand on your neck as he pulled you behind him up the stairs to his room. Your husband let you go then grabbed you and threw you onto the bed. He began to pull down his pants. Not again, not anymore you said to yourself. You kicked him in the face once he jumped on top of you. You pulled and twisted one of his arms and then grabbed a quill and gabbed it in the spot Andre had shown you to do before. You ran down the stairs hearing him cry from the bedroom. You ran out the door, red coats stood their and passed you. One stopped and asked if you were okay, you said yes but that someone attacked your husband and you need to tell your sister. He let you go and ran inside your home with the other red coats. You just had to get to Andre, as fast as you could. You hoped he had not left yet. You prayed he was still there.

You got to Andre's door, Abby was their with the bags. "Abby!" you cried out. "Is Andre still here?" you stuttered, you could feel your heart racing, ribs shaking, your body shivering. "Why yes, he's inside." Abby looked and saw the blood on your hands, "Go inside." Abby then pushed you past her and into the home, Andre came down the stairs and was met with the sight of you, hands covered in blood and shaking. "John..." was all you could say, stuttering as you said so. Andre ran to you and held you to his chest. "Just match your breathing to mine. You are safe here." You tried to match your breathing to his, you could hear his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel your heart racing. "We are both leaving today, the both of us." he whispered. The warmth from his body, wrapped around you. His hands held you tight. "Both of us."

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