don't go underground | jjk βœ“

By -ggukblues

65.1K 3.5K 2.4K

"i told you we should've gone right," you choked out. "but if we had," jungkook smiled sadly, pulling you i... More

don't go underground
01. hot sauce
02. whipped cream
03. dinosaur chicken nuggets
04. cookies
05. grilled chicken
06. crackers
07. sandwiches
08. more crackers
09. piece of cake
10. tomato
11. donuts
12. lemon juice
13. vanilla
14. ramen
15. chocolate pudding
16. popcorn
17. iced lemon cake
18. lollipop
19. lamb skewers
20. eggs
21. butter
22. soggy bread
23. fish
24. nutella
25. licorice
26. dumplings
27. marshmallows
28. grapes
29. strawberries
30. coffee
31. salsa
32. jellybean
33. bubble gum
34. fried chicken
35. cherry
36. oranges
37. pineapple
38. coconut
39. taffy

epilogue: feast

1.8K 82 82
By -ggukblues

two months later

"Joonie, hand me that bowl of garlic!" Jin stirred around the contents within the steaming pot, flame lit below it as he wiped a hand on his apron to take the requested bowl from his boyfriend. "Thank you."

"Smells delicious, Jinnie." Namjoon chuckled, one arm around the eldest's waist as he cooked.

"Of course it does, I made it," Jin grinned and Namjoon snorted, rolling his eyes in amusement. "Taehyung better be grateful. His dumbass really forgot to book a reservation for his date."

"They've all been busy, Jin." Namjoon reasoned. "Taehyung's been working so many hours recently, same as Jungkook."

"That boy said he's saving up for something." Jin nudged Namjoon knowingly. The other raised his eyebrows at him.

"Am I supposed to know?"

"No, but now you can wonder."

"I'm not that curious."

"Pretend to be and entertain me!" Jin complained. "You're no fun."

"Oh, I can be plenty of fun, Jinnie." The low voice made Jin flush and he pouted in return as Namjoon stepped away from the stove where he was working. "By the way, did you see the news? Jackson told me it would be coming in today's paper."


"Pilwoo was arrested, along with someone named SM in the top ranks. They've been running this together." Namjoon picked up the paper and scanned through it. "Compensations for the underground officers forced into the memory erasing is being funded, too."

"Fucking finally." Jin scoffed. "I'm glad Jimin completely disconnected from that asshole."

"Living with Taehyung will do him good." Namjoon nodded, smiling a moment after. "Just surprising each other is difficult when they live under the same roof."

"Yah! Really, why do we have to give up our place for their dates?!" Jin huffed. "Makes no sense."

"We love them anyways," Namjoon laughed and set the paper down as his phone began to ring. "Oh, it's Hobi! He's video calling!"

"Did they reach?" Jin gasped, shitting off the stove and wiping his hands before hurrying to Namjoon's side. The call connected and Jin squealed as he saw both Yoongi and Hoseok in the frame together. "Hello, you two! How was the drive?"

"So pretty, Jin," Yoongi said dreamily. "All the greenery and the cityscapes! Oh, not to mention the horses we saw driving down the freeway!"

Jin'a eyes were fixed on Hoseok gazing lovingly at the excited words falling from Yoongi's mouth. Jin was always skeptical at first— knowing that Yoongi was an ex-Officer— but they were both the best things to happen to each other. Yoongi has someone to show him the world, and Hoseok had someone to show the world to.

"I'm glad, Yoongi," Namjoon grinned. "You nervous about tomorrow?"

"Very." The younger of the two answered for the blond. "It's okay, he's got a night to relieve the nerves before his big day."

"Well, have fun and keep us updated." Jin exclaimed. "Good luck, Yoongi!"

The line cut and Namjoon perched his chin on his propped arm above the countertops. "He's meeting his family... you think I should have a word with mine too?"

"Definitely, Joonie," Jin leaned against the counter and fixed a strangling strand of hair on the younger's hairline. "They've probably heard about you in the news, though. The secret's out."

"It's the least I can do." Namjoon mumbled humbly.

The younger was in the news for volunteering as a brain study's main candidate in attempts to find a way to restore the memories of others who suffered at the government's hands; he was in labs twice a week, his neurological systems being examined and it was a form of his coping, too.

"Can the chef take a break?" Namjoon asked with smile. Jin quickly nodded and turned the gas off for the finished meal. He plated the food before throwing the dishes into the sink to cleanup later. "C'mere." Namjoon swiveled in his seat to hug him and Jin pulled the apron off before accepting the embrace.

"You want me to go with you to you family?" Jin asked gently, playing with the ends of his dusty brown hair that tickled his neck.

"Of course," Namjoon murmured against his shoulder. "You're going everywhere with me. That jail time was torture in itself."

"The most undeserving people get the worst, Joonie," Jin frowned. "I'm sorry about that, too."

"It's okay, not your fault. Besides, I get to do good with it now." Namjoon sighed. "Without me, they would have no lead on how to help all those people."

"A genius." Jin laughed and kissed his cheek. "Medical, life-saving genius."

"Smarty, get your ass over here and help!" Jimin frantically switched between the two ties held up to his neck, unsure of which suited the rest of his formal outfit better.

You came shuffling into the bedroom door, yawning while rubbing your tired eyes. "Hmm? You called?"

"Which tie?" He asked again, looking at you with desperation in the mirror's reflection. "Maroon or navy?"

"Why does it matter?" You scoffed, walking towards Jimin and taking them from his hands to see yourself. "My brother is probably taking it off anyways."

Jimin blushed profusely and snatched a random tie from your hand. "Shut up." He huffed. "None of your business."

You chuckled and watched him out on the tie, the elder checking over his appearance in the mirror again. "Would you stop that? Seriously, that man doesn't care what you look like." You rolled your eyes. "Especially once he messes up your whole appearance..."


"Sorry!" You squealed as Jimin went chasing after you, trying to grasp you with his baby hands. "Jungkook! Help!"

The said male appeared in seconds, eyes widening at the sight of his girlfriend and best friend running around the kitchen of the lavish apartment.

Then, the doorbell rang and the younger boy went to the door, unlocking it for the expected visitor.

"What the hell—"

"Taetae!" You screamed and raced towards him, ducking behind your elder brother's body and saving yourself from Jimin's wrath.

"Hey, Handsome." Taehyung grinned at the huffing eldest standing in front of him. Jimin went red at the greeting, immediately realizing who he stood in front of and and fixing his appearance for the nth time. "Minie, stop that, you look perfect."

His rosy cheeks deepened in color and Taehyung revealed the flowers behind his back. "Oh my— Tae, why? You didn't— god, I seriously love you!" The elder took them and jumped into Taehyung's arms for a hug.

"Ew, gross," you gagged, "I'm out of here."

Jungkook laughed and pulled you aside, both of you moving to settle on the couch again like you had all afternoon.

"Enjoy your date!" Jungkook called out as the two left the door way.

"Oh, we will." Taehyung teased as he shut the front door and took Jimin's hand. Jimin buried his face in the flowers to hide it and Taehyung burst out laughing. "How was your day, Minie?"

"Ugh, crazy. A news company bombarded the cafe while I was working, trying getting some information out of me." Jimin felt Taehyung's grip tighten. The younger was always protective after news of Jimin's father's trial and accusations went public. Jimin was always suffering toxic news chasers and angry citizens on behalf of the elder man— even though he'd cut off all ties. "Got a lot of tips today, though! Mark said it's because I'm handsome, but I told him the same could apply to him— a never ending argument, that was! Eventually I won, he got so frustrated." Jimin laughed. "It's nice, I like it there."

"I'm glad you're happy, Jimin, I really am." Taehyung lead him down to the parking where his car was, the large apartment building filled with hundreds of people in the city. "I had an okay day," he admitted when Jimin asked him. "Kinda forgot to book at a proper restaurant like an idiot, but Jin Hyung saved my ass. Work has just been crazy, I don't know what I'm doing half the time."

"Then you need this night to get your mind off of things," Jimin frowned. "And don't worry, I don't care where we go, or what we do... I just want to be with you, Taetae."

"Jimin," Taehyung sighed and let him go to get in the car. "I don't deserve you."

The elder reached over and grabbed Taehyung's chin, pulling it across the middle section between them and pressing his lips to the silver haired male's. He slowed the touch so that it muddled his mind and Taehyung was left in shock with the sudden control.

"Don't you dare make me have one of those dumb arguments again." The elder whispered before leaning back and letting Taehyung drive him to their date.

"I like how you act like it's the first date every time." Taehyung spoke quite a few minutes later, through the comfortable silence adorned with background radio music. They had left your's and Jungkook's place for the dinner date and the drive was soothing.

"You'll never find me boring." Jimin shrugged. "Besides, you make me feel like it's the first date every time, too."

"The fuck— I would never find you boring." Taehyung scoffed. "And do I do that? I didn't know."

"You make me feel so special, Tae," Jimin smiled and absentmindedly traced fingers over the younger's long ones that gripped the gear stick. "I knew you would, probably why I fell in love so long ago."

"I'll break anyone's neck if they show you anything but love."

"Okay, let's not go that far," Jimin laughed. "I don't want you ending up like my father."

"Speaking of," Taehyung's grip tightened on the steering wheel. "How was therapy yesterday?"

"Good. She actually told me I don't need to come in started next week unless I feel like it's my only option." Jimin smiled wide. "It's great, I can be home with you more!"

"Hell yes." Taehyung sighed happily as he relaxed, interlacing his fingers with Jimin's. "I would love that."

"Imagine you a year ago saying that." Jimin chuckled. Taehyung grinned and brought their locked hands to his lips, kissing Jimin's knuckles.

"I would've questioned my own sanity for loving you, Minie."

Yoongi was exhausted as he left the restaurant with Hoseok at his side.

He'd made a huge decision and was just hoping, praying, that it was the right one.

All day, he had been with his family, Hoseok right at his side, from knocking on the countryside home's front door, to seeing buried and forgotten pictures of him from his childhood. His parents showed him around their new place, where they had loved to after Yoongi was taken into the minor's program. They had gone to a restaurant for one more meal of the day when his parents asked him if they wanted to come home and stay with them.

Home. Sure, Yoongi's family were there, but that wasn't his home. He had a whole world he wanted to explore, a man he'd come to grow everlasting feelings for, and memories to make.

Of course, Hoseok was encouraging any decision of his he wished to make, but Yoongi was the one person who could see through it to his hidden truths. Hoseok needed him just as he did Hoseok.

"I... I can't accept that offer," He had told them. "Thank you so much for today, it's most definitely one of the best days of my life, but I can't settle right now."

"We understand, Yoongi," his father assured. "Just do visit when you can. We have missed you."

"Of course," he nodded, genuinely smiling.

"And bring this sweet boy, too." The elder woman winked and Hoseok laughed with her, getting along with his talented social skills.

He felt at peace with the decision he had made. After all, it was about new memories, not trying to replace the old ones.

"Hey, Yoongs," Hoseok jumped into the convertible that sported its exposed interior with top down. "I have one surprise, are you up for it?"

Yoongi opened the door and stepped in. "Does it involve physical work?"

Hoseok laughed and shook his head. "No, but damn, haven't you gotten lazy, tough guy."

"I've been working since I was nine, don't even, Angel," he playfully glared. "And sure, let's go. What is it?"

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you!" Hoseok grinned as he sped out of the restaurant parking lot. Yoongi felt incredibly free with the wind in his hair, the dark night high above him. The high speed which Hoseok drove with sent him an adrenaline rush and he grabbed the younger's arm with excitement.

Yoongi frowned as Hoseok pulled over to an open field on the side of the road, completely deserted and simply flat grass with small flowers here and there.

"What are we doing here?" Yoongi followed Hoseok's actions and climbed out of the car, meeting him by the trunk where he opened the back and revealed a blanket and small drink cooler. "Huh?"

Hoseok chuckled and pulled Yoongi against him by the waist, simultaneously grabbing the cooler and blanket with the other. The elder sucked in a sharp breath and stared up into the warm sparkling eyes that danced in the moonlight.

"We are gonna say hello to the stars."

Yoongi felt his heart clench with admiration as Hoseok led him deep into the field where they were far from the road. The clear sky above, in the middle of a countryside's nowhere, revealed the clearest stars that glittered like jewels plastered up on a board of black.

They laid the blanket down and Yoongi excitedly sat atop of it. Hoseok followed suit and opened the drink cooler and bottle opener. He handed one to Yoongi and one for himself, the elder looking at him and then the drink in his hand.

"Fine," Hoseok huffed, putting his back. "Only a few sips of yours. This is so unfair— don't laugh at me! I just want a drink! Yes, I know I have to drive, but— okay fine. Ugh, not more than a few sips."

"There you go." The elder grinned, handing his bottle to him and watching him snap the cap off. Hoseok stole a couple of sips before handing it back to him, dramatically splaying out on the blanket and gazing upwards.

Yoongi took a gulp of the burning drink before laying down and relaxing on the soft ground. His smile was immediate as his eyes caught the diamonds of space, trillions of miles away from them.

"It's so pretty." He whispered, hand reaching up to trace certain patterns he could find amongst the stars. "Wow..."

The boy who loved stargazing, he was.

"Hey Yoongi," Hoseok turned to his side and propped his head up on an elbow, looking at him. Yoongi shifted his attention to the younger and nodded. "You sure coming with me is what you want to do? I mean, it's family and I don't want to take you away from them—"

Yoongi set the bottle down and reach a hand over to rest of Hoseok's jaw. "You won't be taking me away from anyone. Angel, I want to go with you. I'm grateful you offered it too. You're more of family than they will ever feel anyways."

"I don't know, Yoongs... I just..."

"Shut up and watch the stars," Yoongi chuckled. "My decision has been made."

Hoseok flushed and nodded, leaning back against the grass flooring beneath them. Yoongi shifted closer to the reddish brunette until his head was leaning against his shoulder and their hands were tickling each other. Hoseok wrapped his pinky around Yoongi's ringed one and both of them relaxed into each other.

It wasn't the kisses that meant a lot to them, Hoseok used to do that with anyone, but instead the small gestures that were intimate and personal.

Reserved just for each other.

You were startled awake to a soft cry coming from beside you. You shot up in bed out of confusion, gazing to the body next to yours— Jungkook's. He was shivering, soft gasps of protests leaving his lips as tears streamed down his face.

"Koo," you nudged him. "Koo, get up." He rolled over and hugged your arm, curling in on himself still miserably sobbing. "Jungkook, baby, get up, it's just a nightmare— Jungkook!"

His eyes snapped open as you shouted in his ear, his bewildered eyes trying to focus as you leaned down to let him focus on your face.

His heavy panting was accompanied with dripping sweat, white tee soaked in it.

"Y/N— y-you're okay— what?"

"Just a nightmare, Koo," you whispered, soothing down his ruffled hair and he wiped his face anxiously. He cupped your face with his trembling hands, shivers running through his body as you willed him to relax. "You're okay, I'm okay, don't worry."

You slipped out of the bed and walked to his side, grabbing his arms and pulling him out of the sheets. He followed you and you gazed at his clothes. Handing him new ones, he quickly changed before heading to the living room of the small apartment you both shared.

He settled on top of the couch, grabbing a blanket and staring out the large windows out onto the city below.

You filled up some water for the two of you and grabbed some blueberries from the fridge. Shuffling your tired limbs to the cushions, you plopped down into them and handed him his water, opening the blueberries and nibbling on some as silence took upon you.

Jungkook's nightmares had spiked in frequency, sometimes three to four times a week, and it was almost a routine of you both finding warmth on the couch where the tunnels were far away from sight and mind.

"What was it about this time?" You asked quietly. Generally they were about you, your risks down there and the tunnels themselves.

"We traded spots in that last collapse," he slowly spoke. "Except, you didn't make it out and the train left with the rest of us— Y/N, I'm never regretting that choice."

"Hey, Kookie, calm down, it's okay." You rubbed his back and handed him some blueberries. He ate them and fell against your side, curling into it and making himself small. "All that matters is that we are safe."

You checked the time. 5:50 a.m. The sun would be rising soon; the dusty morning blue skies agreed.

"Mom and Dad called the other day, they are visiting soon since they stalled their return thanks to the destruction." Jungkook revealed.

"They can stay here," you frowned. "We got the extra room."

"They wanted to stay at a hotel for a few nights, take in the city and not bother us— don't worry, I already tried convincing them."

"Let me talk to them," you sighed. Jungkook shook his head. "Hey, why not?"

"Not right now," he pouted. "I want to keep cuddling."

"I didn't mean right now, dipshit." You laughed. "And me too, silly. Still feeling down about the nightmare?"

"Nah, not really."

Running your fingers through his hair, you felt Jungkook relax into you even more, his arm protectively wrapped around you.

"You've been getting pretty selfish lately." You teased.

"Only when it comes to you." He smiled against your neck, kissing it there. You hummed and pulled away to hold his dazed face instead, finger grazing his parted lips. "What would I do without you?" He whispered, voice soft yet louder than a siren in the emptiness of an early morning.

"We both would have nothing without each other. You were my best friend first, Kook," you laughed. "Tunnels or not, I would be nothing without you."

"Tunnels or not? That changes a lot, doesn't it..." he yawned and pulled the blanket over you. "What about Jungkook or not?"

"Why would I ever have a reason not to choose you?"

"Well, I don't know... what if I were to purposefully cover your face in whipped cream or something like last time?"

You stared at him in disbelief, gazing at the living room for a moment to understand how stupid of a question he had asked you.

"Even then, Koo." You laughed and rested a hand on his neck, pulled him in for a small peck. "Pointer promise me you won't do anything dumb and leave my side, Jungkook?"

"Only if you promise not to leave mine first, Y/N."

the official end of DGU.

here are some notes and things about the book I thought I would reveal:

1. each member was a symbol for something

—jungkook: selflessness
•continuously selfless through the story

—jimin: manipulation
•as seen throughout, he was mistreated as a minor and adult by his father and fake friends

—taehyung: forgiveness
•taehyung learned to forgive someone who broke his heart and ended up being rewarded for it

—yoongi: lost/purposelessness
•yoongi was disconnected from the real world and didn't even have an identity. he had no purpose of life on the surface, but learned how to make his life

—hoseok: the hidden
•hobi hid his fears and sadness from other to portray the best view of himself for others to be contagiously happy

—namjoon: the broken
•represents those who's life are turned upside down and destroyed by learning or finding out about truths

—seokjin: the mediator/anchor
•the person who is a rock that keeps the group together in rough situations or helps satisfy the needs of the group to keep everyone safe

2. character death

I was originally going to kill Jimin when he gets shot, but happy endings are fun and I recently hated an author for killing a member— angst is great, but not for this book :))

3. length

I genuinely thought this book would be closer to 60 chapters, but perhaps because of some of then are extra long, they account for the 'missing' chapters

4. there are many plot holes and plot points I had no will to explain or come up with

such as the tunnel experiments, the process by which children were changed to officers, etc. Please ignore those :")

5. chapter names

I successfully named every chapter by a food, so technically, you feasted while reading :)
(hence this being called feast)

5. This is the first memberxoc/reader I have written.

it is the first one and now I will be writing a second now that this is done!!

it's called 'train tracks' and it is a jung hoseok story.

6. ily guys so much.

thank you for 2K and 200+ boys during the writing of this story, and I hope it grows more <33

thank you for reading 'don't go underground'!!

you have reached the end :)

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