Spaces (Mpreg Narry)

By GhostNiall

326K 12.2K 2K

Niall hated his ex with more than his heart, he hated him with his mind and soul. There was one thing though... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Merry Christmas
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Happy New Year
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I have joined the world of twitter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New Story
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Yo Yo Yo

Chapter 23

7.6K 330 68
By GhostNiall

Niall placed his hand over his mouth turning towards Harry who had his back to him. This wasn't happening. This could be happening. "H-Harry I think you should see this" Niall gulped as Harry turned around. He looked to Niall's lap top reading over the tweet.

Harry stared at it for a while before closing the computer. His hands rested on the counter and Niall noticed his knuckles turning red. Unsure of what to do he wrapped his arms around Harry kissing the back of his shoulder blade.

"I didn't want this. I don't know what she's trying to prove but this isn't what I wanted" Harry let's his head hang low and Niall is unsure of what else he can do besides holding his boyfriend when he is needed.

"I know this isn't how you wanted things to go but...I guess the only bright side to this is that you aren't living a lie anymore"

"Yes but that lie was a protective blanket for you and Demitri. The only reason I had agreed to do such a stupid thing was to keep my family safe." Harry turned so that he was facing Niall. He rested his hands on Niall's small but firm growing stomach and smiled the best he could.

Niall placed his hands over Harry's and smiled as well. "What do you think it is?" Niall asked hoping to calm Harry's nerve.

"Another boy." Harry nodded even though he was hoping for a girl. He had a feeling that it would be yet another boy. Not that he would have a problem with either. As long as the baby was happy and healthy he would be fine.

"I don't know I remember almost everything about me being pregnant with Demitri and this time it's different" Niall trained small circles on his stomach.

"What do you mean?"

"I can tell the differences. I'm having a lot more morning sickness and I'm craving weird fruits. As to where with Demitri all I wanted to eat was Nandos or anything fried"

"Then maybe its a girl. We will find out in a few months." Harry placed his lips to his boyfriend's forehead and sighed. "I need to go speak to management about getting you and Demitri a secuirty guard"

Normally Niall would put up a fight about something like that but he knew how large Harry's fan base was so having a bit of extra protection made him feel better. He nodded and listened to what Harry had to so. Even though he had disagree to the thought of moving he didn't say anything about it. This wasn't the time to disagree with Harry.

Their conversation was cut short when they heard the sound of Demitri walking down the hall. The small boy looked at both of his parents wiping the sleep from his eyes. "Dada, Daddy I feel icky..." His voice came out as a whine and Niall walked over to him bending down feeling his forhead.

"Bug you're burning and your paler than usual" Niall pouted pulling his son into his chest placing a kiss to his forehead. "Go get your coat, we're going to the doctors"

Demitri looked at Niall like he had gone mad. "But Daddy I in jammies. I no leave house in jammies" Niall laughed a bit shaking his head.

"I just wanted you to be comfortable. If you insist on putting some clothes on then go get dressed" Demitri nodded going back to his room shaking his head at the thought of leaving his house in jammies. What was his daddy thinking?

Niall turned around seeing that Harry was on the phone.

"We should be there in about 10 minutes. Have at least one floor clear no pictures no autographs. Understood?" Niall was unsure if it was his hormones or seeing Harry so demanding but all of the sudden the room was becoming hotter.

He bit down on his lip running his fingers through his hair ignoring his growing sexual frustration.  He watched as Harry hung up the phone. "Who was that?" His voice came out raspy and he mentally hoped Harry would ignore it

"I was calling to get a floor in the hospital clear. I don't want any problems when we get there... Are you alright baby you seem flustered"

Niall nodded looking down at his hands. "I'm fine..I just like seeing you take charge like that I guess..."

Harry couldn't help himself as he grabbed Niall's waist pulling his body against his own. "You like when I take charge... You always have"

Niall fisted the fabric of Harry's shirt pulling him down bringing their lips together. But their kiss was short lived due to Demitri coming out all dressed and ready to do.

"Dada no kisses. We go now" Both parents knew that he wasn't feeling well then. Demitri never turned down kisses and he hated the doctors office.


Niall sat in the hospital bed holding onto a sleeping Demitri. He had been seen by about 5 doctors and he was exhausted. So Niall had the doctors let him have a nap.

The doctors were unsure as to what was wrong with the boy but they all assumed that it was the flu or something of that nature.

Suddenly the machines that they had Demitri hooked up to sounded making Niall jump. Demitri on the other hand didn't move. He remained exactly where he was positioned and Niall shook him a bit. But got no response.

Two nurses rushed into the room and looked over the monitors laying Demitri on his back.

"What's happening!" Niall yelled

"Get him out of here" One nurse said to the other. Niall shook his head. He wasn't going anywhere until he knew what was happening to his baby.

The male nurse grabbed him as gently as he could and took him out of the room. Harry walked down the hall his business call now over seeing another man with his hands on Niall immediately becoming defensive.

"What the fuck is going on here..."

"Sir please calm him down" The nurse pleaded

"What's going on?"

"It seems that your son is experiencing heart failure. We're not sure as to why but this isn't the flu as we suspected"

The words sent Niall into hysterics and Harry attempted to comfort him but was only pushed away.

"D-Dont touch me! My son could be dying in there..."

"Niall he's going to be fine I promise you"

"I'm sick of hearing your empty promises! They don't mean shit to me any more. You weren't there for either of us when we needed you. You weren't even here when the doctors were talking to him and he was scared. You weren't there to comfort him like a father should! You let my son down and for the billionth time since I've known you, you've let me down. I hate you just stay the fuck away from me" Niall wiped under his eyes turning his back to Harry who stood there with tears in his eyes.

"N-Niall you don't mean that"

Niall didn't know what he meant but he knew that he didn't want to talk to Harry anymore. Harry wasn't leaving though. Not without knowing what was wrong with his son.

Niall stood near the door with his head against the walls keeping his eyes closed. All he could hear was the sound of chatter when all he wanted to hear was his son as for fingers... Or tell him that he loved him... Or beg to watch Thomas the train.

The thought of not being able to hear that made Niall want to die inside.


Hours passed with nothing. Harry and Niall hadn't spoken and the doctors hadn't said anything to them.

A doctor walked out of the room and both Niall and Harry stood to their feet.

"Please say he's alright" Harry said taking the words from Niall's mouth.

The doctor smiled half-heartedly. "He's breathing again...Your son seems to be suffering from Cardiovascular Disease. It is very rare for young children such as Demitri to acquire such a thing but it happens. His blood vessel count is low which is causing his heart to fail"

Before much more could be said Niall's body had given out and he collapsed against Harry who quickly grabbed him. Harry's heart was racing as he placed a soft kiss to Niall's temple.

"Would you like a room to put him in" The Doctor asked. Harry nodded lifting his pregnant boyfriend off his feet putting him in one of the empty rooms walking back into the hall.

Once he was alone in the hallway everything hit him at once. He broke down against the wall. He sunk to floor and pulled at his hair screaming and crying letting everything he had been holding in that day out all at once.


I know that you guys weren't expecting that. So please comment want you thought about it.

Fan :)
Kik: NiallerHoran99
Twitter: Narry_Ziallsbae

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