The Deeper The Hate The Deepe...

By myangelicstar

41.5K 1.6K 239

"How you !! I..I don't believe these bullshits. Parth ...Parth!!!,I know this this is... More

1- Mr. Red Shirt
2 - The person behind Krystle's heartbreak
3 -Parth deciding to help
4 - Project With Parth?
5 - A Silly Leaf
6 - Parth's favorite hobby
8 - Commotion in locker room
9 - Sneaking into his bedroom
10 - Slipped again
11 - Sad flashback
12 - Winning Akansha's support
13 - Parth's fear
14 - Akansha's wicked plan
15 - Partners?
16 - Surprise Visit At Green World
17 - Akansha's Panic Attack
18 - Unplanned night of being close
19 - Finding a beautiful spot
20 - Parth to apologize
21 - Caught Red-handed
22 -Truth or Dare
23 - I need you
24 - My savior
25 - Duty of Waking Parth
26 - Need For Money
27 - The Real Fun
28 - Winston Diner
29 - Enlighten Me
30 - A Walk Together
31 - A Tragic Accident
32 - To Dance?
33 - My Childhood
34 - I Love You
35 - Hated Nature
36 - Parth With Jacqueline?
37 - Dare Completed
38 - My Girlfriend
39 - The Prom
40 - Heartbroken
41 - Did I Make A Mistake?
42 - I Hate You
43 - I Am Sorry! I Can't!
44 - Surprise!!!
45 - I Feel Jealous
46 - Trip to U.A.E.
47- In Same Room
48 - The Exhibition
49 - Be Mine
50 - Just Like Those Old Days!!
51 - A Final Conclusion?!!
52 - To Explore
53 - Unexpected Surprise!!
54 - Sweet Revenge
55 - Shock For Whom?
56 - Unexpected Reunion
57 - Is she...??!!
Author's Note
New Book!

7 - Thoughts on Love

521 27 4
By myangelicstar

Akansha POV:

I went towards my locker in the sports room to take my shoes and then changed my dress into sportswear and put my hair in a ponytail.

As usual I got the stares from the students. I guess they got to know what had happened in the passage. Can't they mind their own business?? Whatever!

Soon we reached the ground. The coach asked us to run the whole ground ten times and then to exercise to keep ourselves fit.

Soon the class got over and I refreshed myself and changed back into my dress and went outside and was hit by a hard chest on my way. "Ouch ",I groaned.

That person's hand grabbed me before I fell and helped me steady myself.

"Thank you for the help and sorry for hitti-- ",I looked up to see Theodore, Parth's friend smiling at me.

"No problem. You are amusing me ",he smiled.

I smiled back at him. "Even you are amusing me "

"Do I? "

"Yes!! I don't know how you became his friend. You are friendly unlike him. Since you are his friend, I would request you to give him a good sense. "

He just laughed. "You are so cool; And about Parth, I would say that don't judge a book by it's cover. "

"A friend in need is a friend indeed; you are protecting him as a friend; that's fine. I heard that you don't speak much. Is that true? ",I asked curiously.

"Yes "

"But I feel like you are speaking well. Why? "

"Because I am speaking to you. I speak only when there is a necessity. But your character intrigued me, so I guess that's the reason why I spoke to you ",he smiled.

"Then I guess I am a lucky person to hear your voice. "

"It seems like Theodore is finally speaking and laughing freely to someone other than us ", Andrew said, who walked with Parth and came near us.

Theodore just shrugged. "Well I am a lucky person ",I said to Andrew and smiled.

"You truly are because Theo speaks rarely to anyone. "

I smiled and nodded my head at them and walked my way towards the canteen.

I reached my friends and started eating with them.

"I heard so many people talking about you, Kanz. Is that all true? ",Chloe asked me.

"I guess that I am the talk of the town now ",I laughed.

Kryz, Harry and Chloe laughed hearing my reply.

"I guess so too,'' Chloe said.

"Just be careful. The so-called college beauty may harm you ",Harry warned me.

"Well, to tell the truth, she has already spoken with me a couple of times I think. "

"Whaaat?? ",the trio shouted.

"She just warned me not to go near Parth and I just decently told her not to disturb me ",I said innocently.

"Oh god Kanz! Why didn't you say this to us before? ",Kryz asked me.

"Don't worry babe! I handled those situations perfectly. If something would have gone wrong, I would have surely said to you ",I said sincerely.

They nodded and started speaking

I looked toward the popular table to see Parth, Theodore, Andrew sitting among them.

Even though the popular group is a little big, one can easily spot those three. And of course, Jacqueline is trying her best to gain Parth's attention. Silly girl!

But he is currently busy flirting with someone. Don't ask me the name because I don't know.

I am damn sure that he too doesn't know her name. Most of the girls worship him like a god!!! And he uses that advantage greatly.

I don't blame those girls too. He is hot, handsome, and even rich too. Everyone will surely fall for him.

But he is a playboy!! And his soul is full of darkness!! If he had a good character, I would have surely fallen for him.

I saw him making out with Bella in the morning and now he is flirting with someone else. And I don't know with whom he will be with in the evening.

A great example for a playboy!!! Why is he like this?

I saw his concern for his friends and he even dropped me home like a gentleman. Even though it was not necessary, he did it.

Is he trying to hide his true self by this attitude? But why?

But my train of thoughts was disturbed by Kryz shaking me.

"What? ",I asked, looking at her.

"You have been looking at Parth for quite a long time ",she whispered only for me to hear and started talking back with Chloe and Harry.

But my mind was shocked hearing Kryz's words and I looked at Parth to see whether he saw me seeing him.

That was the biggest mistake I made. I should have not looked in that direction again.

Because.......because Parth was looking in my direction with an amused face.

Oh my god!! I am caught!! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Don't worry Kanz! He would have simply glanced at you. You are not caught! Keep calm and be cool.

I made myself strong and opened my eyes and glanced at Parth to see him smirking at me.

Oh no! Why did he smirk now? That girl with him put her hands on his chest and Parth turned to look at her.

She said something in his ear and soon both Parth and that girl walked out together.

I don't want to think about what they will be doing. It's none of my business. This is all so normal to him.

I am telling you again that Parth is a player. And don't even think about him. He is just an annoying person in your life. Nothing more!

"Are you feeling okay? ",Chloe asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah I am sorry. I just dozed off due to tiredness. "

"No problem Kanz. "

"Eat Kanz! You have hardly eaten your food ",Harry said looking at my plate.

"Are you okay? ",Kryz asked.

"I am fine ", I then started eating my food with zero interest since my appetite was already lost.

Soon the lunch break got over and I bid my bye and went toward my next class.

I hope my mood will be changed before this day ends.

I shrugged and entered my next class.

I took my seat and waited for the staff to come. Parth entered the class and sat on the last bench.

"Hi Akansha! I am Neil Kayston ",he said and sat next to me and stretched his hands for me to shake.

I shook his hand in return and said, "Nice to meet you Neil. "

He is handsome but not as much as Parth. Wait! Where did that come from? Ugh!

"I was absent for a couple of days as I went for a long vacation. But when I returned back, I heard a lot about you. "

"Oh! I hope you heard only good things about me. "

He laughed and I laughed with him. Soon the staff came and started taking the class.

After taking class for some time, he asked us to go through the book.

"Does he always teach like this? "

"You should be lucky because he has been teaching for some time. "

"Are you telling me that he hasn't taught before? "

"Yes. He rarely teaches. He thinks that self-study is the best way to learn. So he just suggests the topics and books for preference. "

"Oh! But if we get doubt, what should we do? "

"If you have any doubts, you can ask him. He helps us to clear the doubt ourselves. He is a great guide. The only problem is that he doesn't teach. "

"Oh! So tell me something about yourself ",I asked, changing the boring topic.

"There is nothing interesting about me ",he shrugged.

"Come on! Don't be a spoilsport! Shouldn't I know about my new friend? Will you be my friend? "

"Sure friend ",he chuckled. " You are quite a character ",he added.

He seems like a good guy. He is so cool!

"Well, I am. You are nice and handsome too. "

"For your kind information, I have a girlfriend ", he chuckled.

"Wow! You have a girlfriend. That's so cool. Is she studying here? ",I asked curiously.

"No. She is studying in the medical college. "

"Wow! That's so cute. "

I felt a constant feeling like someone was watching me intently. But I just ignored it and continued speaking with Neil.

"What about you? "

"I am single only ",I said sadly.

"Why are you sad? "

"I wish I had experienced love like you and my friends around me. "

"It seems like you have a great belief in love. "

"Yeah! You can say so. Love is so pure. It is a great feeling to feel. You will feel safe when you are with that person. You can feel his emotions without speaking. He will be a great moral support to you. Even though there are many feelings in this world, I feel that loving someone and being loved by that person is the best feeling ever. I hope that I will find mine soon. "

"Wow! It is so surprising to hear this from someone who hasn't got her love. Your thoughts are so awesome. "

"If you grow by witnessing the true love of your parents, and your surrounding people, you will surely be like me ", my eyes filled with tears thinking about them.

"Hey! What happened? Are you okay? "

"I am sorry ",I wiped my eyes and smiled.

"It's just that I am missing my family ",I gave him my half-smile.

"Do you have any other friends here? ",he asked, changing the topic, sensing my nervousness.

"Yeah! I have my best friend Krystle Spears and got two new friends Chloe Swan and Harry Steyln. "

"Oh! That's nice. I have my classes with Chloe and Harry too. "

"Wow! It's so good to hear it. Now you have become my friend too. "

He chuckled in return. Then the bell rang indicating the ending of the class.

"Time runs too fast when speaking with you ",I smiled.

"I am glad to hear it ",he chuckled.

I smiled back at him and felt like someone was watching me more intently than before. You can call it female intuition or whatever.

So I turned to look in that direction and saw Parth looking at me with a straight face.

Before I could react, he walked fast and exited the class.

What happened now? Why did I feel like he was furious at me? But why? You are overthinking again Akansha!! Stop it!

I took my bag and went to my locker and took the necessary books and made my way towards my next class.

I entered the class and saw Parth sitting in his place.

He looked at me and then ignored me and looked down.

I went and took a seat far away from him. Soon Andrew and Theodore entered the class.

As soon as Andrew saw me, he smiled at me and came near me.

"Why are you sitting alone? Come let's sit together ", Andrew offered.

Theodore smiled at me, giving me a nod to come and join them.

"It's okay. I can manage ",I politely declined their offer. "I insist ",I added.

They nodded. "Okay. Take care ", Andrew said and I nodded my head with a smile.

Both went and sat near Parth. By that time, the staff entered the class.

"I am not going to take class today since I have my own work to do. "

Everyone cheered but he continued, "Don't feel too happy. I am not going to let you all free. Everyone should use this time to discuss the project with your respective partners. "

No!!!! Oh god! Why are you against me? Now I should go and sit near Parth!

"So, students now go and sit with your partner and discuss your project ",he then took a seat to do his work.

I slowly looked back to see him sitting in the same place. Can't he come here? What an attitude!

Just bare with him for Krystle and Andrew. And yeah for this project too!

I shrugged and stood up with my bag and walked my way towards Parth.

I stood near him but he just ignored me. Argh! Does he have eyes? I am waiting for him to move but he is just sitting like a psycho ignoring me.

Calm down Kanz! Calm down! He is trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't give him that satisfaction.

"Parth! Can you move? I need to sit so that we can discuss the project ",I said politely.

He finally looked at me and then slowly moved to give me a place to sit.

I slowly sat near him and looked at him to see him already staring at me.


Hello guys!!!!!! Did Parth really feel something or was that Akansha's illusion?? What do you think?

For your information, I would like to share that Parth doesn't know that Neil is committed. (;

I hope you liked the chapter.

If so, then please vote and comment.

Thank you!!

With love,

S.M. Skyler.

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