Betrayal Of My Best Friend.

By Whitewolfspirit29

5.7K 91 5

When Sailor Mars gets tired of being a loyal and trustworthy friend and gets sick of everyone's love for Sere... More

1. Broken Spirit and Hearted Goodbye.
2. The New Sailor Moon.
3. Sailor Moon's Weapon.
4. Inuyasha's Inner Heart's Confusion. And Rei's Evil Planning.
5. Why Don't You Join Us.
6. The Group Learns More About Serena's Life.
7. The Fox and the Female Fox as Well.
8. Kagome and Inuyasha's Talk.
9. Rei's Dream Has Come True.
10. A Hot Spring of emotions and Naraku's Defeat.
11. Moving Forward Just Seems Too Hard.
12. Girl Talk.
13. Passionate Lovers.
14. The Truth Has Been Set Free.
15. Good Timing and Bad Timing.
17. I'm Not Returning To The Present.
18. The Group Together for The First Time in A Long Time.
19. Like It or Not
20. Rei's Actions and Her Protection Over Serena?
21. Darien's Threat. And Rei takes a Stand against him.
22. Serena's Acceptance and Forgiveness.

16. Why, why, why?

211 2 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

How could this of happened, Serena was on the ground, she was on the ground, she was below the secret tree, As the others came looking for her after she ran away. She couldn't stop herself from feeling terrible, she felt angry, she felt sadness, and yet she also felt pure hatred, but she wanted to move on, she let it go months ago she moved on, she was married too Inuyasha now, she accepted him and she was his woman now, Darien wouldn't ever understand, when he died, she thought he was dead, she died too A part of her felt dead too.

"There you are Lady Serena; we were so worried about you. As she looked at Kagome's face. As everyone slowly moved towards her. She didn't want to be touched or seen. "Why...!!!! Why now...!!!! Why couldn't you have stayed away, this was already hard enough on Me, do you like seeing me in pain? Asked Serena" screaming at Darien's face.

"Of course not, I love you, I've never stopped loving you, I won't ever stop loving you, You're my girl, Say's Darien" worried with her behavior. As she pulled away from him pretty hard. "What's the matter Serena, please talk to us, let us talk please, we've missed you so much, Let's just talk, okay? Asked Leeta" pleading for her to give them a chance again. 

As she looked at Inuyasha's eyes. She shook her head no. He walked too her and hugged her too him. "What the hell is this about? Asked Darien" feeling rather something odd for the first time. 
She always came running into his open arms, she never ran from him, why was she behaving like this. 

"You all died...!!!! Screamed out Serena" crying even harder now. As Inuyasha warned them all too stay back from the girl. "We told you what happened, we didn't know, Rei lied to us all, I never meant too abandoned you, I swear it, Say's Darien" trying to come up closer to her.  

"Yes, I figured that much out...!!!! But honestly...!!!! In my heart I believed you all too be dead, and now it's like your back from the dead, and you have no idea how much this means to me, and maybe if it was year ago like when I was first sent here, I might have been excited or happy about it......!!!! But now things have changed, I've changed, I am not the woman you all remember anymore, I've changed and so has my heart, Spoken up Serena" extremely sad and angry at the same time. 

"Did you expect us too just leave you here? Asked Mina" shocked. "We are not going to just leave you behind, we didn't mean for any of this, we truly wish we knew that Rei was lying the whole time and tricking us, but we didn't know back then, but now that we do, we wanted to come after you, we wanted to save you, we wanted to help out in any way possible, we'd never abandoned you, Say's Leeta" serious tone voice.

"I....!!! I am grateful to hear that you're all alive, But honestly...!!!! Girls, Darien, this has become my home, I live here now I was for crying out loud berried back in the future, my mother and father berried me, how do you think they'd feel if they see their dead daughter walking into their house, I can't do that too them, bringing them such pain and heartbreak, its why I also wish all of you didn't know I was alive and here, Say's Serena" serious tone voice. 

"You rather us believe that you were dead? Asked Amy" shocked. "It's better for Me, it's what best for Me, I am not ready to talk about this, Say's Serena" walking too Keada's. "Wait stop running away, talk to me, you'd honestly rather I just forget about you. Well, I am sorry but I can't do that I love you way too much I can't do it, don't tell me to leave? Asked Darien" shocked and hurt. 

She could see it in his eyes his pain and his heart breaking. 

"You married Rei, she managed to trick you all, and you believed it all for a whole year basically, and then you found out that I was alive, and let me guess you came running like always, right? Asked Serena" annoyed. "Of course, we did, we love you, we don't want to hurt you, we want our family back, I want my girl back, I want the woman I wished to marry, where is that girl, Where's my girl? Asked Darien" touching her hand. 

"She's not here anymore, she's gone, she's dead, she died the day she fell into the well, and into this world, The Serenity you knew is no more, I am only Lady Serena here, And I wish to leave now and to get my feet off the ground, I need to take it easy now, so please excuse me, Spoken up Serena" serious tone voice. 

"What's the matter with her, I thought she'd be happy to see us, Alive and well, she's not acting at all like herself, what is the matter with her? Asked Leeta" shocked. "She looked at us like we were ghost, Say's Mina" worried. "I think she's just shocked to learn about us being alive, Replied Amy" honest with them. 

"Calm down please, I am sure your all concerned and want answers, but she's been with us all for a whole year now, she's been through a lot, she struggled a lot to move on, we had to take care of her, but she also cares about us too, and she loves us too, and we love her too, and sadly you all need to understand something very important too, Say's Kagome" serious tone voice. 

"What's that Priestess? Asked Darien" confused with his arms crossed over the other one. "No....!!! Kagome, it's time to go, please come along now, I will explain later, Inuyasha please can we go back home now please? Asked Serena" begging. He nodded he wasn't liking the ex-lover being around, but he feared that Darien would try and take Serena away from him, but she loved him, and he loved her, and she and him were suppose too be expecting a baby. 

"What the hell was that about? Asked Mina" shocked that she saw Serena carried off by another man. As Darien growled and then shouted out what the hell was going on, who is that Half Demon too Serena? He demanded to know. Sango told Kagome that from what she could see, Serena wished to be the one too tells them all, so give them until tomorrow, In Serena's conditions she needs rest, she was obviously overwhelmed by their arrival. 

Soon they all had to admit it, maybe she was just overwhelmed by their news of them being alive. She was obviously just scared and having a lot of emotions surrounding inside her heart.  Soon they all slept at Keada's old hut for the night, and gave Serena time to adjust too this happening.

As Inuyasha laid beside Serena later that night in bed, He refused to leave her alone right now, He just couldn't leave her alone, He told the others to go after the jewel without him, He could catch up in a few days. Inuyasha didn't want to leave her, But Kagome said not a chance, Serena needed them, they were her family too, and her friends, and she needed them right now, the shard can wait it wasn't going anywhere, they would find it later. 

So here they all were later on that night, Inuyasha gently placed a hand on Serena's belly. She turned and looked over at him. "I wish to understand what's going on inside your head, please tell me what you're thinking about Serena? Asked Inuyasha" pleading with her. She didn't want to talk about it, she loved Inuyasha, with all of her heart or what was left of it, and she was sure of that, and she wouldn't ever betray him, and hurt him, but her past wasn't dead, she thought it was and it wasn't and she felt betrayed once again by Rei's evil mind. 

She jumped on top of Inuyasha and kissed him and begged him not too asks her that question, she soon told him too just take her. He rolled her over, and placed her on the ground, He knew this was hard for her, it was hard on him too, He was scared too, He loved her with all of his heart, every part of his soul loved her too, He would hate to lose her too anyone else, and specially that ex-lover of hers, He just did what came natural too them both, they fucked for a long time, and it brought the pain and the detraction she and him both needed.

Soon he was cuddled up beside her, And holding her too his body, She was holding him, She was crying though, He could tell, But he swore he wouldn't let anyone take her away from him, He promised he would always protect her with his life, And he'd never stop loving her, She cried and told him she wouldn't ever stop loving him either, She loved him very much, He meant the world too her, He helped her move on, He was the reasons she lived at all, And went on living too find a reason to keep fighting, Too fight for a future, And she wouldn't ever regret it, She truly loved him.

Soon they both were asleep, Kagome and the others wished to know what to do or how to help her, she must be confused with all of this, plus her pregnancy with Inuyasha's baby, Darien wasn't going to like hearing that, she imagines but they had to stand by her side, and be there for her now more than ever before, And Sango and Miroku agreed that they'd protect her too. 

So, what will happen next. What will Darien do when he hears the truth, Serena is married and is pregnant, she is expecting a baby, she isn't his woman, she is a new woman, she is married to another? Will this cause bloodshed and tears? Will he fight for her still, and demand for her to come back to the future with them all, Will the Sailor Scouts be true friends and respect her for her choices?

Keep Reading and find out. To Be Continued.

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