Brothers' Keeper

由 TariusMTeeDeeMo

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Welcome to Dominion Falls University! Let me introduce you to the brothers of Sigma Iota Psi and Phi Beta Rho... 更多

The Invitation
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Playlist for Brother's Keeper
Supporting Characters
Author's Corner

Chapter Twelve

1.2K 84 29
由 TariusMTeeDeeMo

Trevor's POV

Last night was... I don't even have the words to describe it. I mean the party was lit as fuck. Well it was until that bitch ass funny lookin ass bitch made... ya know what... not going there. It was good until that incident. Then when I made it home, maaaaaaaan... Talk about epic as fuck! Adrian is... from start to finish... all four ... five... times. We didn't go to bed until like 7 am. I wonder if we can get in one more round before we leave this bed? I reached over to his side of the bed and... nothing. I opened my eyes and nope no Adrian. Maybe he's in the shower? But I don't hear anything. Maybe he's downstairs making breakfast? Ok, cool. I got outta the bed and make my way to his bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and rinsed out the dry morning ick. I found my pajama pants over the back of his desk chair. As I slid them up my hips, I smiled a bit remembering how he pulled them off me. Ok, Trev, you're tripping. Brush your teeth, go downstairs, throw Adrian over your shoulder  and drag him back to your bed. Less than five minutes later, I found myself in the kitchen but no Adrian. The hell?

"Sup, Sisko? You good, frat", Judge asked.

I dapped him up. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Man, that party was one for the history books. Even after that punk ass Da'Quan tried to ruin it, that shit was bomb as fuck."

"Glad he didn't ruin it. Hey um... you seen High Note?"

"Yeah, he left about an hour ago."

I got mad. "He did what? I told him not to leave out by himself. The fuck!"

"Man, chill. He wasn't by himself. He went to breakfast with Chris, the fine ass twins and Gio."

I calmed down a little bit but still wondered why he didn't wake me up. I chopped it up with Judge for a few more minutes and then went upstairs to get dressed. I called Adrian's cell as I laid back on my bed.

"What's up, Sisko?"

"Good morning, Lil Bit."

"Morning. What's wrong? And before you ask, I'm not by myself."

Gio shouted in the background, "He's got four escorts. He's fine." High Note laughed and told Gio to stop being so country.

"I woke up and you weren't there. I just thought that we..."

"Oh yeah. I was hungry when I woke up and my girls wanted brunch. And Gio decided to tag along since he can't be away from Chris without whimpering like a puppy and shit."

"Why didn't you wake me? I would've taken you to breakfast, baby. I just..."

"I'm sorry, Sisko. Hold on. This bitch is about to make me read his ass if he touches my plate again."

I could hear him going back and forth with Giovanni and the fun that they were having.

"Sorry about that, Sisko. Anyway, everything's good at the house?"

Wow... is that what our morning after is about to be? A talk about the house? No sweet nothings in each other's ears? No stolen kisses?  No round two... three?

"Yeah, everything's good. I just thought that we'd... ya know... after last night... just thought we'd talk or hang out or something."

Man, I was sounding like a straight bitch but I couldn't help it. I really wanted to wake up to his face and get some morning kisses and shit.

"Oh. Um... wow. Um... can we talk about this when I get back to the house?"

"I guess. I mean, I..."

"Aiight cool. Talk to ya later."

He hung up before I could respond. What the fuck? What is really going on? Aiight, he said he'd be back to the house. They've been gone for an hour. So... I figured another hour and he'd be home. Cool. Let me run to get something to eat, clean up my room, make a new playlist for our next go round. Bet. I can do that in an hour.

Three hours later... no Adrian. I'd sent him a couple of 'wyd' texts but no reply. I tried to do some reading for my classes but I couldn't concentrate. My room was spotless. I'd reorganized my shoes. Hung up my new caps and rearranged my old ones. Made notes for the upcoming pledge meeting. Hell, I even washed the sheets on Adrian's bed and made up his bed. I was starting to get on people's nerves by asking them if they'd heard from High Note. Another hour passed and nothing. I couldn't sit still but I didn't wanna leave in case he came back. I went outside to smoke a Black n' Mild. I only do that if I was stressed out. As I was sitting on the front steps, Gio's Expedition pulled in front of the house. Adrian got out of the backseat and my jaw hit the steps. Did he really leave the house dressed like that? He had on a pair of faded distressed jeans blue jeans that fit him way too good and the holes in the pants showed off way too much of his sexy ass legs. He paired it with an overly large muscle shirt layered over an A line shirt. His hair was pulled up into a high puff and a hair hand. I really wanted to take his hair down and run my fingers through it. He hadn't acknowledged me yet as he was too busy laughing and joking with Cne, D'Ovanay and Chris. Gio had opened the tail gate so that Adrian could grab some bags from the rear. I stood up and made my way over to the group.

"Sup, Sisko", Gio greeted.

We dapped up and I did the same to Chris. 

"Hello Cne and D. Glad yall made it home safely last night. Sorry about having to rush yall out of there."

"Oh, it's all good. As long as my baby was safe, I was good. Besides, I'd entertained the peasants long enough for the evening", D'Ovanay informed me.

I nodded at her and looked at High Note. He was giggling with Cne and she was gesturing towards me.

"You need help with your bags, Adrian?"

He finally looked at me and said, "Nah, I'm good. Thanks though. Hey gang, it's been a fun day but I'm running on fumes. Didn't get much sleep last night. So, I'm going to go take a nap before dinner."

"Why didn't you get any sleep, Addi", Cne asked. "What were you doing?"

Chris mumbled, "More like who was he doing?"

Gio pushed him and said, "Man, get your messy ass in the car. Ladies, let's load up so I can get yall back to the queendom."

They gave hugs to Adrian and they all piled back into the car. Once they pulled off, I looked back at Adrian.

"So how was your day?"

He rolled his eyes and smirked, "Day was fine. Yours?"

"Didn't go as planned. Woke up by myself. Thought this sexy lil dude would've been in the bed with me so we could cuddle or some shit. Maybe spend the day together. I spent the day alone, bored."

Adrian looked at me strangely for a minute then sighed. "You said you wanted to talk? What's up?"

"Can we go in the house? It's hot as fuck out here."

"Yeah aiight. Hey can you grab me some bottled water from the kitchen and then meet me in my room? The drawback from drinking and weed is the thirst afterwards."

We walked into the house and I went to the kitchen. I grabbed us both a bottle and went to his room. He was pulling clothes out of his bags and laying them on his bed. I walked in and closed the door.

"Hey, here you go."

He smiled his thanks and went back to his purchases. I saw several pairs of colorful boxer briefs before he tucked them into his drawers. Oh, I can't wait to see him in those.

"Aiight, so what's up, Tre? Everything ok? Da'Quan didn't show up, did he?"

"Am I in jail? Cause had he showed his face, that's where I would be for stomping his bitch ass."

"Ok ok. So, if it's not Da'Quan, then...?"

"You really don't have anything to say to me after last night?"

"Um... anything like what? I mean we partied, we danced, we kissed, we had sex... several times... What's there to talk about, Sisko?"

"Well I just thought that since we slept together that we'd wake up together. Spend the day together. At the very least have our first meal together. Instead, I woke up by myself and didn't know where you were. No note, text, call... nothing."

"Ooookaaay... am I missing something? I know you don't want me to go anywhere by myself and I get that because Da'Quan is fifty shades of crazy but I wasn't aware that I had to check in and out with you. As far as the us hanging out together... I mean... I just didn't even think about it. I was gonna hang out with my friends anyway and go shopping. I guess Chris told his dude and that's how Gio ended up with us."

"Ok. You could've woken me up though. I would've gone with you, baby. Then you said you were coming home so we could talk. I waited for four hours and then you didn't reply to my texts."

Ok I was really sounding like a begging ass bitch for real. This is a new feeling and I'm not liking it! At fucking all! I'm Trevor Muthafucking McCarty! I don't beg, people beg me. I don't do the morning after conversation. Not trying to share a meal unless it's before the sex and I really like you. But listening to this shit I'm saying is making me want to fight mydamnself!

"Sisko, I never said I was coming right home. And why would you wait around that long? What the hell? I'm confused Trevor. I'm not up on the protocol for this type of situation. No shade but I thought that with you, once you bust your final nut... that's it. It's back to the friend status. Is that how it's done? This part was never discussed."

I mean that's how it usually worked for me and it's been fine. But I wanted more with Adrian. Hell, I didn't understand it but I can't help how I feel. I wanted more than one time with him. I wanted to be the one he made weekend plans with. I wanted to be the one that put smiles on his face with simple things. I wanted... fuck... I wanted a relationship! What the...? Ok usually that idea scared the fuck outta me. Me? Settled? Nah, playboy. Not for me. But the thought of walking through the campus, holding hands with Adrian didn't bother me. Now the question was how to get Adrian to believe me that I was being for real about wanting to be with him?

"Adrian, look I'm gonna keep it a buck with you. Usually when I get with someone, we both know what it is going into it. A fun time with a quick expiration date. Once it's over, it's over. And I've been fine with that. I'm man enough to admit that when I first started flirting with you on move in day, I was just fucking with you because that's just how we worked. We argue and shit and that's our relationship. Somewhere along the line... I legit started feeling you. Like I wanna be your dude, boyfriend, man, whatever you wanna call it. And I get it. My track record doesn't exactly help me but I'm for real. Like I was seriously about to get put outta the house today because I kept asking people if you had called. I just... I don't know, man. Fuck... I don't... don't know how to get you to believe me."

The look on his face after all of that was not a good indicator that I was going to get my way on this.

Adrian's POV

Am I in the Twilight Zone? In the Upside Down? Was Trevor Lamont McCarty really on my bed, telling me that he wanted to get with me while looking both nervous and sexy as fuck? Yeah, that's him. He looked and smelled the same but the words coming out his mouth didn't line up.

"Um, Trevor. Wow, this is unexpected. Like seriously unexpected. But since we're putting cards on the table, I'll keep it a hunnid with you. I never expected last night to happen. Do I regret? Not in the least. I knew what I was doing and that shit was top tier fucking. Like for real, not gon' cap. The dick game and head game are superb. But on the flip side to that, and this is no shade to you but Sisko, you are a self-professed asshound. You tell people from the gate that it's just sex and not to catch feelings. And even though you didn't say those words to me, that's how I went into it. Great sex and friends afterwards. So, this is new for me. I don't know how to process... this. The Trevor I'm looking at now is a new Trevor. Are you sure you're not just saying this because the sex is still new and we live in the same house?"

He stood up and said heatedly, "Damn, a nigga just put his feelings out there and shit and that's what you have to say, Adrian? Because of my past experiences, a nigga can't change? Is that what you're saying? That I'm only saying this to keep the peace?"

I took a deep breath because I didn't want to piss him off even more. "Tre, look at it from my side. I've known you for years. I've never seen you be in a serious relationship. You've said yourself that you don't catch feelings for nobody. So, for you to do a complete 180 and start telling me that you want a relationship is kinda hard to believe."

The look on his face almost broke me. "Wow. This is so fucked up. So, what was I to you, Adrian? Just a nut? Is that why you slept with me last night? You kept talking about hooking up with some dude. Was I just convenient? If someone else had stepped to you, you would've been in that nigga's bed? So, I was just some dick, is that it?"

"Honestly, Trevor, I didn't plan on sleeping with you at all. And yeah, last night I was horny as fuck. Would I have gone home with somebody else? I dunno. If the night hadn't panned out like it did, I had some other offers. I could've left with someone else if I wanted to. Could I have stopped you last night? Yeah, I could've stopped you but I didn't because like I said... I was horny. Does that make me a ho? Probably. Does it make me the bad guy in this situation? No, it doesn't. I was going by the script that you've always set out. I'm not trying to be cruel or mean, Trevor, but you're the one that's changing the script in the middle and now you're mad because you've broken your own rule: don't catch feelings."

Trevor didn't say anything for a long time.  He slowly walked to me and reached out to me. Without a word, he took my hair down and wrapped his hands in it. The kiss that he laid on me was... sad almost. He ended it and touched his forehead to mine.

In a husky whisper, he said, "I would've changed for you, Adrian. I would've put aside my fears for you. You are the difference, Adrian. Take care, Lil Bit."

With one last kiss, he walked out of my room. 


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