Izuocha one shots

By Author-kun77

705K 15K 26.3K

Come read the best one shot book for MHA along with the best ship ever! #1 in Dekuraka 7/18/20 #5 in Izuocha... More

1-Until I die
4-Eri catches Izuocha
5-Izuku tells Ochako
6-Izuku's birthday
7-Izuocha as Villians
8-Ochako has had enough
10-Break up
11- 7 minutes of heaven
12-Ask out the customer
13-Ochako is pissed off
15-No more vanilla
18-Old times
19-Old times (Reverse)
20-Out shopping
23-Double date
24-Drunken wake up call
25-Villian Ochako
Villian Ochako (2)
27-I love and hate you
32-Sinful dating
33-Moving in
36-Amazon Women
37-Truth or dare
39-Pucca Izuocha
40-Paper boy
42-Izuku leaves
43-Poor Ochako
44-Izuku fails
Amazon woman 2 (50k special)
45-Skyrim Izuocha
47-Halloween 1-Trick or treat
48-Among us
49-Halloween 2-Eris trick or treating
51-Ochako got hit
52-Halloween 3- Scary movie
54-Prank war.
Vampire Izuocha 2(100k special)
56-Paper airplane
57-Christmas 1-Christmas Night
58-Stress relief
59-Christmas 2-Christmas break
60-Sending pics
61-Ochako's birthday
63-Arranged marriage
64-World war 2
65-Secret dating
66-Pockey game
69-Drawn to life
71-Legend of zelda
72-Mini shots
74-Valentine's day
75-Ochako's crush
Sending pics 2(200k view special)
Traitor part 2
76-Fake dating
78-Teasing master Uraraka-san
79-School project
81- Gardening
82- Apocalypse
83- Too long
84-Memory loss
300k special sinful dating part 2
85- College roommates.
87-Dinner with the Midoryias
88-The teacher
90-Cute polls
91-Bleeding out
Memory loss part 2
Traitor part three
98-Movie Night
99-Eri ships Izuocha
Mini shots 2
100 - Izuocha
The End
Snow cone -Mini one shot

35-Online dating

5.7K 131 210
By Author-kun77

Been awhile since I last asked so what is your favorite one shot so far in this book?

"Guys...I-i don't know about this." Said Izuku in his college room with his two roommates Kaminari and Kirishima.

"What are you talking about Midoriya? Online dating is normal. Tons of people do it!" Said Kaminari.

" I don't know. It seems kinda dangerous. And besides I don't know how to talk to girls. I don't even know how to get one to talk to me" Said Izuku.

Relatable isn't it?

" Don't worry Midoriya. We made sure to be completely honest about your bio. See look" Said Kirishima clicking on his bio on the laptop.

Name: Izuku Midoriya. Age: 21
Likes: Manga,anime, studying, walking, and ramen.

"I sound like a total nerd!" Said Izuku.

"To be fair you are a nerd so." Said Kaminari.

" Don't worry Midoriya. Lots of girls dig nerdy boys. Heck you might even get a girl who is one as well of you're lucky" Said Kirishima.

" Why are we even doing this though?" Asked Izuku.

"Because you can't just stay in this room studying 24/7 and sometimes hanging out with us. You gotta get laid!" Same Kaminari holding up a condom.

" Kaminari he is much to pure for that. Anyway why not Midoriya? Don't you want a girlfriend?" Asked Izuku Kirishima.

" I'm far to busy for that. We are in college remember?" Asked Izuku.

" Midoriya your taking one class less than us,and we still have time for chicks. At least try. You might even surprise yourself" Said Kaminari.

" Ah fine. So now the profile is complete what now?" Asked Izuku.

" Well you can either look at some girl's profiles or just wait until you get a - oh look you already- nope nevermind that's just spam" Said Kirishima going from happy to upset in three Seconds.

"I guess I can try looking around for someone" Said Izuku.

"Here let me see it. I'm sure I can find someone pretty fast" Said Kaminari.

He took the laptop from Izuku and started to look around on the app.

"Hey here is one! Her name is Ochako Uraraka. She also seems to like anime, manga,and ramen. And loves mochi. And not a bad rack" Said Kaminari.

" Kaminari you already got a girl" Said Izuku.

" Well she can't compete with this...I still love her though" Said Kaminari giving the laptop bad.

" I mean...She is really pretty" Said Izuku looking at the woman's picture.

" And she is the same age as you. And look she even lives in the same area! I say go for it! Be a man Midoriya!" Said Kirishima.

" Alright fine... Hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya. How are you" Said Izuku as he typed a message.

" Eh. Good enough for your first time." Said Kaminari.

" So now we just wait?" Said Izuku.

"Yep." Said Kirishima.

Izuku immediately got up from his seat and stretched.

"Welp who knows when that will be? I better study in the meantime" Said Izuku.

Kaminari grabbed ahold of his shoulder and brought him back down.

"No need. She already responded. She says " Hello Midoriya. It's nice to meet you. My name is Ochako Uraraka. I am well how are you?" I think it's a perfect match for you too" Said Kaminari.

" C'mon let's leave Midoriya alone so he can focus on this" Said Kirishima walking to the door with Kaminari.

" Aren't you worried Midoriya will just give up once we leave him alone?" Asked Kaminari."

"He wouldn't do that. He's to nice to leave someone on read" Said Kirishima as they left.

" I am fine. I'm just nervous is all" Said Izuku on the chat.

" I am too. Honestly my friends thought I spent too much time studying or something else and not enough time for a boyfriend" Responded Ochako.

" That's funny cause my friends are doing the exact same thing! Except for a girlfriend instead" Said Izuku.

" Well it seems like we have a lot in common huh" Said Ochako.

" It seems that way. So what kind of Manga or anime do you like?" Asked Izuku.

" My favorite of all time manga is definitely one piece. As for anime I would say either hunterxhunter or Dragon Ball Z. How about you?" Asked Ochako.

" One piece is also my favorite manga! Although for animes I would say attack on Titan for sure. It has god tier animation" Said Izuku.

" Good choice. So where do you study at Midoriya?" Asked Ochako.

" At U.A. college" Said Izuku.

" No way! I study there as well! Maybe we've seen each other before" Said Ochako.

" Maybe. Are you comfortable with this though?" Asked Izuku.

" Well I was definitely not on board at first, but now you have my attention" Said Ochako.

" Then let me ask a question this time" Said Izuku.

*1 week later

" And then Kacchan got so mad he broke the table!" Said Izuku on the chat with Ochako.

They had been chatting every day for a week now. Izuku even downloaded the dating app on his phone so he could talk to her without his laptop.

" lol. He sounds pretty angry" Said Ochako.

"You have no idea" Said Izuku.

"Hey Midoriya are you doing anything tomorrow?" Asked Ochako.

" No. Why?" Asked Izuku

" Well I was thinking that we've been talking for a week now...So how about we actually meet up?" Asked Ochako.

" Like a date?" Asked Izuku.

He was thankful Ochako couldn't see his red face.

"If you want to call it that sure. I would love to talk to you in person. You seem like a really nice guy. So what do you say?" Asked Ochako.

" Well I was just going to study all day...but I think I can squeeze this in" Said Izuku.

" Sounds great! Say at the park tomorrow around 3?" Asked Ochako.

" See ya then" Said Izuku.

He closed his laptop and sighed.

"Hey Midoriya how is it going?" Asked Kaminari coming in with Kirishima.

"That girl I've been talking to. She wants to meet up tomorrow at the park around 3" Said Izuku.

" Oh sweet! Great job! That's awesome!" Same Kaminari.

"No it's not! What am I supposed to do? I've never been on a date before! I've barely even talked to a girl up until now. And also I don't know if this is what she really is like. She could be a serial killer! How do I even know it's a girl!?" Asked Izuku going on a muttering spree.

"Calm down Midoriya. Look if it has gone this well then it shouldn't be a problem. And if you are in the park you will be in a public area if anything does happen" Said Kaminari.

" You mean you two can't help me out with this?" Asked Izuku.

" Nope. You gotta be a man and do this. " Said Kirishima.

Izuku knew that he was probably the least mainly person in the world.

*The next day

Izuku was now waiting at the park for Ochako to come. Assuming that is who she actually is.

Sure enough she was and Izuku could see her coming.

"Midoriya!" Waved Ochako coming towards.

' Oh my gosh she is real! And she is even prettier in real life!' Thought Izuku.

"Hello Midoriya" Said Ochako finally getting up to him with a smile on his face.

"H-h-h-hello U-uraraka" Said Izuku.

"I'm glad to see you are actually who you are. Talking on the internet can be pretty dangerous after all." Said Ochako.

" T-thats true" Said Izuku.

I'm really nervous about this so I am sorry if I act weird" Said Ochako.

' I'm the one who is stuttering' Thought Izuku.

"S-so where do you want to go Uraraka?" Asked Izuku.

"How about we just walk around and see what looks good?" Asked Ochako.

" I'm fine with that" Said Izuku starting to calm down a bit.

"Wonderful let's go!" Said Ochako.

They just walked to several places including a manga store.

"What do you think about this one Midoriya?" Asked Ochako.

" It looks pretty cool" Responded Izuku.

"Yeah it does" Said Ochako putting it back.

"Huh? Are you not going to get it?" Asked Izuku.

" No.... C'mon let's go to another store!" Said Ochako pretty nervous like.

" Um okay?" Said Izuku a little confused.

They next went to a coffee store.

"What are you going to get Midoriya?" Asked Ochako looking at the menu.

" I think a Carmel cappuccino with chocolate chips." Said Izuku.

" Aw that sounds delicious!" Said Ochako.

"Are you going to get one as well? It's about 900 yen (8.49)

"Um. I think I will just a small one that's 113.36 yen (1.07)

"Are you sure?" Asked Izuku.

"Yeah I am" Said Ochako.

They both bought their coffee and sat down on a bench outside.

"Hey Uraraka?" Said Izuku as Ochako drank her coffee.

"Yes Midoriya?" Asked Ochako.

"I... I don't mean to sound rude...but...are you alright?" Asked Izuku.

" I am why do you ask?" Asked Ochako tilting her head slightly.

'Cute' Thought Izuku.

"Well you out back that manga that you were interested in...And you seemed to want that special coffee but you just got plain. Do you even like that?" Asked Izuku.

"...Not really" Said Ochako setting her cup down.

"I-im sorry. It's not my business" Said Izuku.

"No no it's alright...I'm just poor is all" Said Ochako.

" O-oh" Said Izuku

" I'm sorry. I didn't want you to know. I was worried it would change your view on me" Said Ochako.

" That wouldn't change my opinion on you. I only care about personality and who you are inside" Said Izuku.

' Nice that sounds really cheesy Izuku' Thought Izuku.

" That's a relief! Honestly I was dreading that. My parents don't get a lot of work and if not for my scholarships I wouldn't even be in college right now" Said Ochako.

" Sounds like you're pretty smart Uraraka" Said Izuku.

" Eh. I make mostly B's and a few A's." Said Ochako.

" I make mostly A's and a few B's. Maybe we could have a study d-date sometime" Said Izuku.

Ochako smiled warmly.

" I would like that. You seem like a really great guy Midoriya. Anyway it's about time to head back cause of Curfew." Said Ochako.

" I can walk you to your dorm...i-if that's not weird" Said Izuku.

" It would be alright with me" Said Ochako.

So they threw away their coffee cups and left the area heading back to the college.

Izuku walked the whole way with her and they just talked and talked about meaningless things.

But the conversation was definitely meaningful to them.

"Thanks for walking me here Midoriya" Said Ochako.

"It's no problem...Well I will see ya later Uraraka" Said Izuku.

"Actually can you please wait just one second. I want to give you something" Said Ochako.

She slipped into her room and Izuku waited outside.

He could have sworn he heard Ochako telling some other girls to stop asking questions.

After a little bit more of waiting Ochako slipped back outside in the hallway.

"Here you go" Said Ochako placing a slip in his hands.

" What's this?" Asked Izuku unfolding it.

"It's my phone number. So now I can hear your voice if you want to call instead of just using that app" Said Ochako with a small blush.

" O-oh we-well t-t-t-thanks U-u-uraraka" Said Izuku with a very noticeable blush.

Mainly because he never had a girl's number before.

"Goodnight Midoriya" Said Ochako.

"Y-yeah goodnight U-u-uraraka" Said Izuku.

Ochako went back into her room and Izuku planted his face into his arm to muffle his excited scream.

He was most likely going to get teased about this by Kirishima and Kaminari when he got back to the room and tell them,but he didn't care.

Next one shot is going to be pretty long (and Weird) and it was suggested.

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