By ICECREAMProduction

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Finally posted this gayness on watty, hope it stays. FIRST SEQUEL OF #IAMSERIES {STORY DESCRIPTION: NOT FOUND... More

CHAPTER 01: Awkward Meeting
CHAPTER 2: Planned Meeting
CHAPTER 03: Unexpected Text from Her
CHAPTER 04: She?
CHAPTER 05: Cleared
CHAPTER 6: Believing
CHAPTER 07: Blackmailer (FIRST KISS)
CHAPTER 08: Blackmailer (SOLVED)
CHAPTER 09: Sneeze
CHAPTER 10: In The Drawer
CHAPTER 11: I Decided To Die
CHAPTER 12: Mysterious Owner of Barden
CHAPTER 13: I'm Not Beautiful
CHAPTER 14: Kissing Missing Pissing
CHAPTER 15: Soft to Hard
CHAPTER 16: Strange Noises
CHAPTER 17: The Letter from Jade
CHAPTER 18: She's Conundrum
CHAPTER 19: Party Gone Wrong
CHAPTER 21: Incredible Hulk
CHAPTER 22: No Matter What
CHAPTER 23: Letting You Go
CHAPTER 24: Broken Beyond Repair
CHAPTER 25: Wrong Assumptions
CHAPTER 26: Blood Lust
CHAPTER 27: Glass of Red Tea
CHAPTER 28: Queen's Revelation
CHAPTER 29: God Himself
CHAPTER 30: The Death Scene

CHAPTER 20: The Wisest of Them All

148 6 21
By ICECREAMProduction


9:08 pm

Chloe's POV

I woke up with a noise of someone.

"Hey please speak if anybody is here! I can smell your perfume!" She screamed.


My headache.

I can't see anything but black. I felt my gown was soaked. What's that?

Where's my purse? PHONE?

Maybe there's something that covers my eyes. I groaned when I felt the tape that was wrapped around my wrist.

"Hey! Who are you?" She screamed.

"I'm Chloe. What's happening? Who are you?" I asked. She sounds so far from me.

"I don't know. I'm Claire! Claire Alvana! Can you see something?"

"Actually no. I can't see anything."

"You're too far from me so it's not your perfume I'm smelling. HEY STILL ANYBODY HERE?!" She shouted that echoed the.. room?

"Oh fuck. You're so noisy- what the fuck!? Why I can't move!?" This time it's guy.

"HEY! Can you see something?"

"No! I can't! What the fuck is happening here?"

"Well. Same question I wanna ask." I said.

"Who are you?" Claire asked.

"Me? I'm Arthur Scott."

"Hi. I'm Claire Alvana! And the other voice was Chloe. What's your last name, lady?"

"Beale. Chloe Beale."

After that. We heard a groans and growls from different directions.

"Hey guys! Gosh. My throat is kinda sore right now because of shouting and screaming to wake you up! Please wake up guys!"

"Fudge. What's the fuck is going on here!?" I know that voice! Is that the girl who called me not beautiful?!

"Hey there! What's your name?!"

"None of your business. Who are you to abduct me huh? Did you fucking know that I can kill you whoever you are?!"

"Jesus. Calm down." Arthur said.

"We have a same situation here. I can't see. I'm tied up. And I don't know why I felt my dress is soak." Claire exclaimed.

"Oh. You're wet too?" I asked, it sounds dirty.

"I am." Claire replied.

"Okay. I can guess we are the unlucky 13. Just to make sure we are 13. Can we count? With name please? I'll start. 1 Claire Alvana."

"2 Arthur Scott."

"3 Chloe Beale."

"Oh man. 4 Emily Junk." Emily Junk huh.

"5 Christian Francisco."

"6 Cristine Peji."

"7 Shania Belinario."

"8 Angela Cortez."

"9 Nick Axel."

"10 Flo Fuentes."

"FLO?!" We all said in chorus.

"What?" She said and groaned.

"The famous MVP football player!?" Claire said.

"If I only knew that this will be happening. I will just go to sleep and sleep the whole day. I have a practice tomorrow!" Flo said.

"Anyway. Why are we only just 10?! Where's the other 3?!" Claire shout again.

"Oh my god." Oh different voice again. This time I can recognize it. It's the emcee earlier! "Hey. What the f- so this is why there's someone hit my head?!" Stacie yelled.

"Relax guys. We need to calm down." Christian said. "And think about how we will get out of here."

"First. We need the 2 shitty head wake up before anything else!" Emily screamed and banged her chair. "FUCK UP! I WILL REALLY KILL THE BULLSHIT WHO TIED THIS DUCT TAPE MULTIPLE TIMES ONTO MY WRIST. SERIOUSLY!"

"What's that?" A guy's voice.


I know this voice.


"How did you know- Chloe? Is that you?"

"What the- Matthew, you're also here! How was that happen?! Did you.." I didn't know he was studying here as well.

"Did you?" He asked back as if he knows what I mean.

"I am!"

"Oh Jesus Christ! Stop the flirting and help us wake the last shit!" Emily infuriatedly screamed. I sighed.

"I'm awake. I'm just listening here." The very manly voice said. "Victor Bohr."

"Anyway, I'm Lawrence Matthew Blake."

After he said that a stuttering noise from every corner of the room, maybe from the big speakers, hurt my ears.

"Hello Unlucky 13." This person used a voice changer. A very creepy voice that you can only hear in the movie Scream. "Welcome to the 13th street. Where you can find yourself in the Forbidden Building."

"We prepared 6 set of questions that each one of you needs to answer here. You need to say your name before answering. The first one who got the right answer will be untied and had a privilege to choose their partner for the rest of the time needed." A different voice again.

"As you can see. It's only 6 questions and y'all are 13 here so 1 will be left alone."

"And that one who will be called as the.. KILLER." And we heard a loud laughed.

Everyone gasped.

So this is the game.

Life and Death game?

Oh fuck.

"This would be fun!"

"Not fun at all."

"Where did you get that blood?"

"It's a chicken's blood."


"This building has full of hidden cameras so we can see and hear what you are doing."

"The killer has a weapon chosen by him or maybe her if given. So you will be playing 'something' while finding also something called 13 QUESTIONS each one of you need to answer by pair first and individual for the rest of being said floor. Each questions will show up in the monitors. Every floor has a microphone beside the elevator key so the elevator will open if you got the right answer."

"We are the one who will choose which floor you are going. And the killer will choose where she or he wanted to go."

"Of course. There's a mechanics. If the first group got the right answer, the question in the monitors will change. The elevator's capacity was 2 person only until 6th floor. So it will not work if it's overloaded."

"5th floor to ground floor was only 1 person capacity so you need to be alone."

"And this will be called Battle of the Brainest plus Test of Courage. Easier and capable to answer by everyone of you. Good luck students."

Everyone got silent inside the room. I bite my lips because I only heard my heart beat and I'm so tense!

This is what I'm nervous of.

Being killed of someone I don't know.

Being killed if I didn't know the answer. I swear. I wish the question are about math.

So it will be unfair for those who hate math and I will be free of this building!


I didn't imagine my life would end like this.

"He who represents Portugal, wins the Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'Amar pelos dois'. Who is he?"

Oh god. Good choice of question!

I didn't even know him!

"Emily Junk! Salvador Sobral! FUCK YOU!" Great. "H-Hey. What the fuck are you do- shit. SHIT. MY WRIST! You'll regret this bitch!"

We heard a loud thud.

"Hey!" It's Stacie.

"Shut up! I'm untying you now so don't move!" So she chose Stacie? "You'll pay for this later." Emily playfully said.


After a seconds we heard a loud bang of door. Telling us someone got out.

"SECOND QUESTION." I'm hopeless.

"He was the King of England from 25 January 1327 until his death, he is noted for his military success and for restoring royal authority after the disastrous and unorthodox reign of his father. Who is he?" Another great question!

What's with the history?

"Lawrence Blake! Edward III!"

Oh nice, Matt!

After a seconds, I heard him groaned and ran.

Towards me.

"Okay Chlo. Let's team up." I heard him say that made me sighed in relief.

Thank God.

There's still someone who cares!

I felt him held my arms behind me that me cringed. He pulled something that made loosen the tie. Oh. So this is not a tape?

Then my hands are now free! I immediately uncovered my eyes and adjust my blurry sight.

I almost throw up when I saw everyone.

"Shhh. Someone told me to shut up of what I saw. Let's go." He whispered and pulled me up.

I just saw them with full of blood in dress and suit. Even the room and the wall was poured with blood. The red bulb that gives us light was also red.


I don't see anyone else here so.. who untied them?

We immediately got out of the room. I also took off my heels coz it's really hard to walk and run with this kinda shoes.

We saw a lot of red footprints on the floor as we walked and observe the quiet hallway. The hallway was clean compared to the room we've been.

"What's your plan Beale?"

"Don't ask me just open each door and look for the freaking monitor."

"Okay. Just don't cuss." He chuckled and looked at me as he opened the first door next to the room we are in a while ago.

"Oh shit." I mumbled.

He immediately closed the door when we saw a bunch of guys in suit and tie with a plain white masks and knife in hand.


My heart beat...

"This is horrible!" I said. "How could we find the fu- okay." I composed myself and exhaled. "How could we find the monitors if each room has a characters of every horror movies?!"

"I don't know." He looked at me.

"Oh my god. We're dead." I slapped my forehead with my palm.

"No. We need to find a way!" He said and open another door. He immediately closed it and looked at me with a terrified look. "Someone's lying on the floor."

"Are you gay? We need to hurry!" I opened the door again and saw a girl in while night gown with a stabbed on chest lying on the floor. I looked around the room and find nothing but her body. I closed it again.

"Help me with this. I think they won't go out of the room. Like in the horror house. They won't hurt you and just scared the shit out of you. So help me before the rest of the players got out."

I opened the next door. I saw a big bulldog in a chain and saw nothing so I closed the door immediately.

I opened the next door Matthew opened and saw a dark room with a headless man sitting on the chair. I closed it again when I saw nothing.

Matthew jumped when we heard a loud scream as he opened the next door next to me. I immediately closed it and the scream stopped.

We moved to the next room and finally saw a big monitor inside.

Oh god.

I screamed out of my lungs when I saw a man with chainsaw jumped into the doorway and glared at us.

He blocked our sight to the monitor.

"Seriously. I will die in heart attack." I said while holding my chest.

"Can you please don't block our-

"Okay." The man in chainsaw said and moved to the side. Oh. Nice.

"Thanks." Matthew said to him and winked at me. "Sometimes we need to be polite." He giggled.

"FEAR OF THE NUMBER 13?" I read. I KNOW THAT! "Let's go." I pulled Matthew towards the elevator and found the microphone. "Triskaidekaphobia."


The elevator opened and we both entered.

"Thank god." He said as the elevator closed. I saw a surveillance camera and smiled on it.

The elevator turned into 12th floor.


As the the door flung open. We saw a huge grand hall. We got out of the elevator before it close.

We looked around. Checking if there's somebody here except us.

"There's a lot of monitors here." She blurted.

"Well. We need to find which one is working." I said and started running to the nearest monitor.

I turned it on and it didn't open. He did the same to the other side of the grand hall.

After a minute, I heard him called my name and ran towards the elevator. I ran towards him.

"13th book of the old Testament?" Matthew asked while breathing in and out.

"Wait. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st Samuel, 2nd Samuel, 1st King, 2nd King... 1st CHRONICLES!"


We entered the elevator.

We're both nervous as the elevator door open. 10th floor.


Now I'm wondering how many elevators are they using in one line.

We got out of the elavator and saw a big LED monitor saying '13 Never Have I Ever' and a table with two placards and video camera in front. This hall is so empty and dim.

"ONE AND ONLY RULE. TELL THE TRUTH to got the question you need."

"Oh. How they will know if we're telling lies or truth?"

"Lie detector duh."

We sat by the chair and wear all the wire and stuff we need to put in our body. After that we took the placard with a sign, 'I Have' and 'I Never Had'.



"Never Have I Ever tried to poison someone."

I widen my eyes. WHAT?

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever made out with my same sex."

Me: I Have

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever fall in love."

Me: I Have

Matt: I Have

"Never Have I Ever prank the police that there's a murder."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Have

"Never Have I Ever sex with my best friend."

Me: I Have

Matt: I Have

"Never Have I Ever stole something in my friend's house."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Have

"Never Have I Ever made out with someone in public."

Me: I Have

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever had an oral sex with someone I don't know."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever bullied someone."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever masterbate in a public bathroom."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever blockmail someone."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Have

"Never Have I Ever killed someone."

Me: I Never Had

Matt: I Never Had

"Never Have I Ever had sex with my partner right now."

Oh my god.

Me: I Have

Matt: I Have


We immediately took off the stuff in our body and ran towards the elevator.

"Did you know the answer?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Apollo 13."

"There's someone lying."

"Oh yeah. I never thought it would be as fun as this."


This is so awkward. I heard him chuckled.

"That was so close."

"Yeah." I said. He looked at me.

"Anyway. You're so beautiful.. even you have a bloody gown." He giggled. "And forget it. Okay? That's just another mistake we both did that night."

Oh yeah. A mistake.

I didn't response.

7th floor.


What's this?!

We both got out of the elevator and saw a hallway with 5 doors.

With labels.

1. Would You Rather?

2. Truth or Consequences?

3. Maze

4. Timezone

5. Horror House

"What do you think?" He asked.

"You have sense of direction, right?" I asked him. I remembered that day he saved me from some assholes who wants to rape me but he immediately saw me in a car and I don't know what happen next but we got lost in track too in the forest but still got out by him staring only at the full moon.

"Hmm. There's no more moon here."

"It's probably much easier if we go to that Maze."

"Do you have something in you like... sharp thing?"

"Why? Uhm.. I don't have anything. But this hairpin in my head." I said and removed my hairpin in my head to give it to him. "Are you nervous?"

"No. Actually I'm enjoying this game." He smirked and started to open the door #3. The Maze room. I followed him inside.

As we entered the room. We saw ourselves in a mirror.

A lot of mirrors, actually.

And I saw how terrible we look like. We continue walking and I'm just behind him.

"Huh? Enjoying? Seriously? I don't get it. We're gonna die Matt. What the hell."

"We're not. Do you think Barden would let us die for this kind of horror game? This is kinda test of courage and a battle of the brainest."

Well. He has a point.

"Okay. Just go ahead."

"Fine. Don't distract me."

While walking.. I touched every mirror we walked by and it drew a blood.

We took almost forever to...

We both gasped when we see.. dead end. "This is not cool. I think going back will lose my track." I went near the mirror and slightly knocked it.

And I heard success.

"No. We didn't." I step backward.

"What do you mean?"

"This is the track to the north, right?" He nodded and gave a confuse look. "Cool then."

And that's it. I threw my heels forcefully to the mirror and it broke into pieces. We saw the hallway. He just looked at me unbelievably and I just winked.

I was about to walk when she stopped me and pulled me closer to him.

The seconds I knew, he was carrying me in a bridal style. "I will not let you walk with bleeding feet in the rest of the game."

He got me down when we get in front of the elevator with a monitor in the upper part of it.

"AUTHOR OF 13/13/13"

He smirked and say.. "James Cullen Bressack."



"You watch a lot of horror movies huh?" I said as we entered the elevator.

"I found it interesting though." He smug. "When did you transfer Barden."

"This year only. You?"

"This year too." I looked down. "But I'm only junior."

"Oh. Why? I didn't know what happen to you after you left Florida with your aunt."

"A lot had happened that it made me decided to left Florida."

"Did Tom and you broke up?"

"Sort of. But worst than that."


11th Floor.

"Why there's making out here Artemis?"

"I heard them they're just resting for a while. I think."

We saw a computer desktop in an empty hall.

It's kinda creepy because the only light there was the spot light that was pointing in the desktop.

We got out to the elevator for the nth time tonight and walked towards the computer.

I moved the bluetooth mouse and the computer turned on. I sat at the swivel chair and gave my attention to the wallpaper.

It has a password.

I read the riddle loud.

"When I'm first said, I'm quite mysterious but when I'm explained, but I'm nothing serious. What am I?" I said and looked at Matthew who was behind me. "We only have 3 trial."

"Well. We don't need to get to that." He smug and type something in the keyboard that made the screen said 'welcome'.

"What's that?"


"I know it's riddle duh but what's the answer?"

"I said the answer was Riddle. Duh." He said trying to imitate my voice. Oh.

"Oh. Okay." I said and rolled my eyes. He chuckled. As I turned my attention to the screen. I only saw 1 Black Folder. I clicked it. "This is seriously a nerve wracking game."

The screen turned into black and a words popped out.



I looked at Matthew. He nodded at me. I will really kill myself if I heard a jumpscare here.

I slowly slide the headset on my head.


I pressed space.

"Please enter your name and your partner's name in the box." I heard a deep voice that almost made me jump off my seat.

I type my name and Matthew's name in the center box.

'Welcome player Chlorine17 and Lawrencium103'

"You only have 20 minutes to answer the 13 Logical Reasoning so you can get your next 13 QUESTION. Goodluck."

"I hope we make sense again. I don't want to die in this kinda situation." I said that only returned by a chuckle.

A 20 minutes countdown started after the question appeared.

1. If SPANK is coded as PSNAK then how will THROW be coded?

"What the fuck." I blurted.

"I hate codes." He mumbled.

"Just say that I will gonna do this alone." I hissed.

I typed HTORW.


I clapped my hands in amusement when the computer say 'CORRECT'

2. In a certain case INSTITUTION is written as NOITUTITSNI. How is PERFECTION written in that code?


I looked intently at the question.

I grinned.


I clapped my hands again as the screen told me 'CORRECT' again!

3. If STRAY is coded as TUSBZ then how will MOURN be coded?

I tried widen my eyes MORE to understand the code.

I immediately entered NPVSO.


"Fuck yeah." I bite my lips to stop myself from smiling.

4. If PURSER is coded as UPSRRE then how will PERIODIC be coded?

This one is so easy.

I typed EPIRDOCI and entered.


"This is more fun than I'm expecting!" I screamed and giggled.

5. If MAGIC is coded as PXJFF then how will LEASH be coded?

My grinned immediately disappeared. I'm now taking back but what I've said.

I mentally take down all possible equation.

= L M N O

= E D C B

= A B C D

= S R Q P

= H I J K

"Chloe the time. 14 minutes left. The answer will not appear by staring at it."

"MATT." I shut my eyes to calm myself. Dude. You're not helping! "Can you shut up? I'm concentrating and fyi. I'm mentally taking down the fucking equation."


OH MY GOODNESS! My head aches.

I immediately OBDPK.


13 minutes left.

6. In a certain case GIGANTIC is written as GIGTANCI. How is MIRACLES written in that code?

This one is so easy as fuck. I typed MIRLACSE.


I'm sorry for a lot of cursing. I'm so frustrated right now and I need to release some big emotions by cussing. You know.

7. In a certain code language, OPERATION is written as NODQBUJPO. How is INVISIBLE written in that code?

I'm concentrating again.

O N = I H

P O = N M

E D = V U

R Q = I H

A B = S T

T U = I J

I J = B C

O P = L M

N O = E F


I immediately entered HMUHTJCMF.


10 minutes.

8. If BINARY is coded as DHPZTX then how will KIDNAP be coded?

B C D = K L M

I H = I H

N O P = D E F

A Z = N M

R S T = A B C

Y X = A B

My poor brain are really in use today.

I typed MHFMCB.


8 minutes.

9. If UDOMETER is coded as DUMOTERE then how will SUBLEASE be coded?




7 minutes.

10. If FISH is written as EHRG in a certain code, how would JUNGLE be written in that code?



I typed ITMFKD.


11. If in a certain code, LUTE is written as MUTE and FATE is written as GATE, then how will BLUE be written in that code?

I smirked and typed CLUE.



5 minutes


12. In a certain case GOODNESS is written as HNPCODTR. How is GREATNESS written in that code?

G H = G H

O N = R Q

O P = E F

D C = A Z

N O = T U

E D = N M

S T = E F

S R = S R

       = S T


I immediately typed the HQFZUMFRT.


3 minutes

13. If GIVE is coded as 5137 and BAT is coded as 924 how is GATE coded?




"This is the fucking last question Matt. HELP ME OUT!"

[A/N: I will not include the answer of the 13th question. Can you solve this one for Chloe? Pleaseeee? Comment below!]

"Okay calm down." Matthew looke at the screen and frowned. I did the same.

2 minutes

What the hell.

How does it possib-




I heard Beca's voice.

"CHLOEEEE. SUBSTITUTION!" I almost forgot that I'm wearing a headset!

50 seconds.

But what?



43 seconds.

How did she-


39 seconds

My heart beat fasten. I let out smiled.

I looked intently at the screen.

If GIVE is coded as 5137 and BAT is coded as 924 how is GATE coded?

GIVE... 5137.. BAT.. 924...


30 seconds

G=5 I=1 V=3 E=7 B=9 A=2 T=4 G=? A=? T=? E=?

15 seconds




8 seconds


7 seconds


6 seconds

I immediately type it!

4 seconds


3 seconds


2 seconds

I type it again!

1 second


"FUCK YOU BITCH! FUCK YOU! YOU'RE FUCKING NOTHING COMPARED TO ME!" I screamed a loud that echoed to the empty dark hall I also mocked the computer with my middle finger. Sounds hilarious but I really did. Matthew loudly exhaled. He also had heavy breathing.

The spot light turned into the elevator in front of us. Another different elevator.

And at the same time, another 13 QUESTION appeared.


Matthew and I looked at each other.

"All of the 13 question are related to number 13 Chloe. Hurry up. I missed you." She said over the headset I'm wearing. I smiled and took it off and got up from my seat.

I don't know why and how did she do that but she already warned me to trust her. So I did.

"It must be related to number 13." I said and pulled Matt to the elevator. I stood by the microphone and mouthed. "13th Ghost."


"You really have a big brain Chlo." He complemented as we entered the elevator. I smiled at him.

My smiled immediately fade when I felt his hand so cold. We're still holding hands though.

"Hey Matty. Are you okay? You're hands is so cold and.. oh my god. You're sweating.."

"I-I'm still fine." He gave me a reassuring smile. "We need to finish this."


"3 down!"

"Useless players must die in this game!"

"I'm still confuse why she hit her in head."


"She's still alive so we don't have to worry."

"Playing dead.."

"Yeah. Maybe she's sleepy enough to sleep on the floor."

"Pick her up after her partner was done solving."

9th floor.

As the elevator flung open...

We saw A LOT...

Like 300 people in suit and tie wearing a blindfold and a gagged mouth. They also in handcuffs!

They bumped on each other so some are crawling and some are so slow to walk like avoiding someone to bump with or step in.

They looks like a real zombies.

As we got out of the elevator, the large LED monitor turned on with a big 'WARNING'.

Without sound.

We just looked at the monitor.


'Be quiet'

'You need to go to the another side of hall without them touching you'

'Bumping you'

'If they caught you...say goodbye'


I almost cussed when the loud speaker spoke and the zombies- I mean people began rambling fast towards our direction!

Matthew pulled me closer to her and began running and avoiding the zombies!

I mean people!

"SHIT." I cussed when someone step in my gown and it forcefully ripped.

They turned their heads towards our direction so Matthew immediately pulled me again but I stopped him to help me pulling my gown that was now being step by two people finding our direction.

I gave him a help-me-look and he did!

He ripped my gown til my legs showed up. Fuck.

It almost near my..oh god. Help!

We immediately run again.


Now the long gown became ALMOST CROTCH dress.

Looks like more, SWIMSUIT.

I focused my sight to the monitor while running.


When we got to the microphone I immediately shout 'ALUMINUM'.


"Oh bitch faster!" I shouted when we saw the zombies are walking towards us. METERS AGO!

Matthew pulled me inside the elevator exactly the elevator closed.

"That was so close!" Matthew said.

"Yeah. I feel so naked." I said and glared at him. He chuckled and took off his jacket and gave it to me. I took it from him and tied it on my waist. He smiled at me.

"Black thong huh?" He scoffed that made me blushed.

"Pervert." I said and looked away.


6th floor

We got out of the elevator and saw the archery set up but before we get there someone spoke behind us.

"Well played." He said and suddenly an electric device touched my nape and everything went black.


1. Scandium21

2. Chlorine17 X

3. Lawrencium103 X

4. Californium98

5. Fluorine9 X

6. Antimony51 X

7. Actinium89 X

8. Francium87 X

9. Tin50 X

10. Vanadium23 X

11. Arsenic33 X

12. Nickel28 X

13. Bohrium107

03:28 am

I woke up in a white room. I adjust my sight to the place and saw a girl beside my bed.. sleeping.

I'm in a hospital?

What happen?

Suddenly my head hurt. I groaned.

"Fuck." I mumbled that made her woke up. She widen her eyes when our eyes met.

"Chloe!" She enthusiastically said.

"Jessica." I said. "Where I am?"

"Hospital." She said. "I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't know that you're one of the Unlucky 13."

Unlucky 13?


"Where are they? Where's Matt? How's the game?" I asked.

"The game is over. The other players are also here. And you're one of the coolest player!" She grinned at me.

Are they watching?

How did they...

"How did you know?"

"It's televised in the University and there's 2 commentators that tells what exactly was happening in the game. All students in the party are watching the whole game and it looks like a real Hunger Game of 21st Century."

"Wait.. I don't get it. How was that possible?"

"I don't know but it's like there are so many cameras in that hotel. Mostly in the wall, corner of the ceiling, elevator and everywhere.  But your game was already over when someone hit you with a stun gun." She exclaimed.

"Oh. So who's the winner then?" I asked.

"Stacie Conrad. The girl emcee." She said and gave me a genuine smile.

"How did she won?"

01:16 am

Stacie's POV


I'm a kind of person who thinks outside the box. So this game gave me so much hints that ghost is not real.

Just manipulation of ones mind.

We're here on our last floor with partners and I'm already exhausted.

11th Floor.

First of all, I'm just an emcee a while ago and I'm not sure why I am here playing with my life. I don't have any idea.

I didn't see my name in the list and even this annoying girl's name in the list.

Secondly, she's so annoying like she always threatening my life wherever I'm answering the questions.

LASTLY, She constantly and shamelessly kissing me whenever I got the right answer.

She said, that's how she say 'thanks'.



As this moment I don't feel anything like scared or what-so-ever.

Not because of my partner in this game that looks so brave enough to punch one of those zombies because that zombie pulled her hair.

I only felt starving. I felt sleepy and exhausted. I can't enjoy the game with this girl behind me, constantly checking me out and hitting on me.

We saw a computer desktop with a spot light on it in the center of the dark hall.

"Oh. We looks like we're gonna play an offline game." Emily said and walk first towards the computer. I followed her.

She sat on the swivel chair. She turned on the computer and saw a Riddle.

"When I'm first said, I'm quite mysterious but when I'm explained, I'm nothing serious. What am I?" I read aloud.

"Easy." She said and type something.

That's it. The computer welcome us. And she didn't waste time to click the only 1 Black Folder.

The screen turned into black and a words popped out.



She immediately wore the headset.


She pressed space and frowned.

She type my name and her name in the center box.

'Welcome player Scandium21 and Californium98'

"Californium?" I confusedly mumble.

"I'm from California." She said and winked.

[A/N: You can search Hailee's bio.]

She started to focus her attention in the computer.

For the first time she insisted to play!

I looked around the hall and I can't see anything except the darkness around us.

Where the spot light came from?


Emily got up from her seat and turn the computer off. She abruptly pulled me to the darkness.

I'm about to protest when she covered my mouth.

With her mouth.

I didn't know what happen next but I only know that we're making out.

She pulled me closer to her.

I squeezed her arms as she touched my ass.

I don't know why I can't protest right now but I felt so thirsty that I need her mouth to fill my thirstiness..

She pushed me to the glass wall and lifted my left thigh. She massage my thigh into my inner thigh and..

I abruptly pushed when I saw the guy's silhouette walked towards our direction.

With an electric device in her hand.

Stun gun.

I gulped.

Emily pulled me again to the other side but our feet are making noise as we step on something so we immediately took off our heels and run again.

"Tss. He won't fucking leave us unless we fight him back." She whispered between gritted teeth. "And for God's sake we only have approximately 10 minutes left in this floor. We need to do something."

"This guy was a little bit taller than us and he has a stun gun in hand." I whispered back.

"Okay. This is the plan." She said ans leaned to my ears to whisper something.

I nodded at her and immediately ran towards the computer and sat there.

Do or die.

I turned the computer on and read the question. I wore the headset.

7 minutes

Oh. Already 10th question?

I heard a footsteps coming behind me. I gasped.

I shut my eyes and waiting for the stun gun touch my bare neck.

Then. I heard a manly groan and growl and a loud thud.

And electric sound.

Oh shit.


"Done baby." She said and ran towards me. "Here." She handed me the stun gun.

I got up from my seat skeptically. "How did you do that?"

"It's really advantage when you're a lead of a gang and know how to fight over a man." She said and smirked. A lead huh? She sat to the swivel chair again.

But wait.


"Where are you going?" She asked. I find myself walking to the other side of the hall. "Hey."

"Forbidden Building huh? We're in a two storey house. No. Not just a house. A huge house. With 2x2 grid room or what we called grand hall."

"What are you talking about?"

"I guess. Already 4 players out." I said. "Did you saw the broken mirrors in 7th floor? We chose the door with a bloody doorknob because we find it easy because of the traces. We step in on that broken mirrors here. A while ago. While we're running to that side." I smirked and gently knocked on the wall. "Tinted glass wall." I forcefully threw my heels in the glass wall and we heard gasps.

I saw a shocked camera men. I looked at Emily's spot who was already gone.

So she was one of them after all?

"Okay. I'll explain shits everyone who's watching. But before that please turn on the lights!" I yelled as I sat back to the swivel chair at the center.

The light turned on.

Now I can see everything. There's no man lying on the floor. There's no Emily Junk who constantly kissing me.

The glass wall, 2 elevators in the east and south wing and the empty hall.

I looked up and saw the LED monitors that will go down to be looks like the 10th floor.

"I don't know how many are accomplices here but I know some of players are part of this big joke. I also noticed that every walls have a secret doorway. That will also looks like 9th floor." I said. "So many surveillance cameras all over the rooms we entered. For some audience out there to watch us. That's why some of the rooms are so dim for us not to notice the changing theme every moment someone entered the elevator.

I heard someone clapping behind me.

"Nice deduction." She said. I gripped on the stun gun I'm holding when I turned around.

I saw her in a mask.

"Are you the.."

"I am. Nice meeting you Stacie Conrad. Goodnight." She said and I felt an electric device touched my neck.

And everything went black.

Chloe's POV

"It didn't show how Stacie won because when she walked to wall and said 'Tinted glass wall' everything went static. but I'm sure the owner of Barden showed up to her as a reward." Jessica said.

"That's amazing." I said.

"Anyway. Your girlfriend was calling a while ago but I answer it. I said you're here and she said she will come."

"Beca was not my girlfriend."


"Okay." She giggled. "Here's your purse and phone." She handed me that and I gladly accept it.

I was about to sit up when my neck hurts.

"Oh don't move. I think you have stiff neck like the other player."

I only felt right now the bruises on my wrists and ankles.

"Battle of the wisest." I scoffed and giggled. She looked at me so confused. "Never mind."

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