
By LilySaxton7

11.5K 498 32

It's been three months since Chris went back up to the mountains , rescuing Josh , who was in the process of... More

The night before
Getting ready
Getting there
Meet up
The time warp
A cry for help
Finally ;)
Boyfriends ?
Pjs and drives
Loss of control
we need to talk
party ?
Morning darling
the hunt
Butterfly effect
Movie star
Can we order pizza ?
Why did you hurt him?
lets go to the pool
they all know
when the worst happens
wendigo walkies

How to take a wendigo on holiday

135 8 1
By LilySaxton7

Two weeks later , Josh was boarding his father's private Jet , his red duffel bag under his right arm and left hand interlocked with Chris's . He had spent the majority of the last couple of weeks with his father , working on the script and creating the characters for the movie ; to put it simply he was ready for a break . As he entered the doors , he looked around the plane in awe . Inside the plane was: plush leather sofas , 3 areas with small beds and curtains for privacy , stocked mini fridges and modern fluorescent lighting. "Josh this is amazing!" Emily exclaimed as she sped in , laughing with excitement . Josh smiled under his mask as he walked towards one of the beds and collapsed into the soft mattress. "Honetsly , I think im going to hijack his plane a lot more !" He joked . Chris grinned and planted a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek . Josh laid back and snuggled under his boyfriend's arm as he watched the rest of the gang enter . Sammy twirled in and spread out on one of the sofas , Matt and Emily claimed a bed and so did Jessica and Mike , and Ashley sat opposite Sam . "So can we explore the mini fridge ?" Jessica giggled , playing with her platinum blonde plaits . Josh nodded in agreement as she began raiding them . Five seconds later she emerged victorious , holding eight mini bottles of champagne. " Lets get this party started !" She shouted and handed them out to everyone, her grin stretching ear to ear . Josh went to open his but remembered his harsh wendigo reality and halted. Chris had told him the other week how Sammy and Mike wanted him to tell the rest of the group , but he decided that he wasn't going to tell anyone until after the wedding; he had told Chris he would wait so he didn't ruin their big day but in reality he was just terrified of being cast out of the friendship group he'd only just been welcomed back into. So Josh just placed the small bottle in the cup holder next to Chris and watched everyone else toast to Emily and Matt's big day. Sammy went to come over to the two boys when a cheerful voice filled the plane. " Hello everyone, I am your pilot for today , please stay within a seating position as we prepare for take off " it announced throughout the speakers .
As they sat in their seats, Chris pulled the curtain across the pair and pulled down Josh's mask , and kissed his scarred lips . Josh smiled, then grabbed the champagne bottle , popped the lid off and downed the sweet succulent liquid .

Five hours later Josh starfished onto the king size bed in his and Chris's large apartment. They had spent the last half an hour unpacking and they were finally settled in to their room . His eyes were already stinging from the sun but a gigantic smile was spread across his face . He pulled his sunglasses down over his milky eyes and pulled Chris down onto the soft cotton sheets . "Our first holiday baby " Josh giggled and playfully nipped his boyfriend's neck with his fangs . Chris laughed and began to play with Josh's curls . The whole plane ride had gone without an incident with Sammy Chris and Josh playing card games together for the majority of it , while everyone else proceeded to get absolutely hammered from the mini bar . Everyone had parted ways to unpack before going down to the pool for cocktails . Josh jumped up suddenly and walked towards the balcony , his eyes viewing the orange landscape filled with beaches and palm trees . It was beautiful! The air was warm against his cold scarred face , it felt kind of soothing against his skin , compared the coldness back home .  Although after standing on the balcony in his black surfer shirts and white vans shirt for a few minutes  , Josh felt boiling . He ran his hand over his mouth softly . '"Babe ?" He shouted . Chris appeared behind him his arms wrapping around his boyfriend's slender frame . "I think I may die in my mask in this heat " Josh moaned . Chris sighed and kissed him gently on his lips . "Well i guess we shall go swimming A LOT that'll cool you off Cochise " he said , emphasising a lot for comedic effect . Josh giggled and let his lips explore Chris's , his boyfriend tasted like sun cream  and champagne . A very strange combination, Josh thought , and smirked . Before letting himself grind against Chris softly . Chris moaned feeling himself harden as Josh pressed up against him , his hot breathe in his ear , sending shivers down his spine . Chris began to turn around to pull Josh into him when a loud knock from the door interrupted. Chris turned too frantically and One of Josh's canines sliced down his throat . The cut was only shallow but the sight of blood after not eating since before the flight made The wendigo's  hunger arise . Josh whimpered and let his tongue lick the wound moaning slightly at the sweet taste , before realising .  what had happened . He forced himself to step back  , taking deep breaths to try and diminish the hunger before putting a mask on his face as Chris went to answer the door . Before he could apologise, Chris whispered " it's okay baby "and kissed Josh's  sweaty forehead . Then he walked to the door . Mike was stood on the other side a lopsided grin on his face . He was wearing a pair of red swimming shorts , and a tan so fake it should be comedic , yet it really worked for his muscular build .  Two clear shopping bags were in his hands . Chris let the man in . " So My dudes does your apartment have a fridge ?"  Mike questioned . Chris nodded and proceeded to show Mike what Josh's dad's master card had upgraded their room too . The room was all a mosaic tile with wooden floors , a king size bed , a bathroom with a jacuzzi bath and shower , as well as a mini bar , fridge freezer and cooker . "This is fucking sick !" Mike exclaimed "Me and Jess only have a shower and mini fridge , anyways Josh I thought you may need some supplies , with the well ya know wendigo situation ... so I got these for you man " he continued awkwardly . Josh grabbed the bags from Mike , and looked inside to see some steaks , hearts and a massive three litre black bottle . " cheers dude , What's in the bottle ?Josh smiled ,the scent of the meat being overwhelmingly appetising to him right now . "Pigs blood " Mike laughed "Basically I entered the butchers and saw the man like actually carving the pig and I decided to see what the weirdest thing I could buy from him was , and you being well a little bit of a cannibal I wondered if you was also a little bit of a vampire " . Chris laughed and pulled Mike into a hug . Josh unscrewed the lid and smelt the liquid and in all honestly it smelt divine . The hunger was still quiet strong so he let himself chug a few gulps in front of them both , accidentally moaning at the rich taste , it was nowhere near as good as Chris's but it still softened the starving pleas of the wendigo . After he drank a bit he looked up to see Mike staring at him in awe . "So you are a vampire !" He laughed . Josh wiped his mouth on the back of hand before pulling a black mask over his features and hugging his practically orange mate . " I appreciate this dude , wanna go for a swim ?" . Chris quickly put the contents from the bags in the fridge before jumping between the two men .
"Finally !"Chris shouted , smiling ear to ear .

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