The Nightmare (DiegoXOC)

Por Bubblesrox33

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Fears are what nightmares are made of. Malia's biggest fears? Abandonment, being alone, and losing her loved... Más

1 - Somewhere I Belong
2 - One Girl Revolution
3 - I Think We're Alone Now
4 - Never Tear Us Apart
5 - Sinnerman
6 - This Years Love
7- Feels Like Heaven
8 - Fear
9 - Mad About You
10 - All Die Young
12 - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
13 - I'm a Man
14 - I'll Never Do You Wrong
15 - I Was Made for Lovin' You
16 - Twistin' The Night Away
17 - Wonderful World
18 - Breakout
19 - Dancing With Myself
20 - Run For Your Life
21 - Wicked Games
22 - All The Way

11 - Saturday Night

335 3 0
Por Bubblesrox33

Diego grabbed my hand and we ran, everyone else running in different directions. If we were spotted – which I don't think we were – they wouldn't be able to chase all of us. We made it a few blocks away before slowing down and I had to lean on the side of a building to catch my breath. I'm sure some of the concrete dust I inhaled had settled in my lungs.

"Hey, you alright?" Diego asked.

"Yeah." I said, standing up straight, "Just needed a breather. How's your head?" I touched the cut and he winced.

"It's fine, I heal fast." He said.

I used the sleeve of my sweater to wipe away the blood on his forehead, "You know, you get hit in the head a little too much. I'm not sure I like it."

He chuckled and wiped my cheek with his thumb, showing me the small bit of blood, "Well you get hurt a little too much, period. And I definitely don't like that."

I hooked my arm with his and continued walking, "All a part of the job description babe. You'd think you'd be used to it by now."

We arrived at the Superstar Bowling Alley twenty minutes later since we walked the whole way and the others were already there. I told Diego to go over without me and watched as he went over to sit beside Klaus. Luther and Allison were in the chairs across from them and Five was sitting in the chairs down the middle facing the lanes.

I went to the concession stand and ordered a large soda because I was parched. I wouldn't be able to focus on anything if my mouth felt like sandpaper. I paid for the soda and then joined my family, sitting beside Five in the closest seat to Klaus as I took long swigs from my drink.

"Oh, thanks." Klaus said, taking my drink from me.

"Hey! Get your own!" I protested, trying to take it back. He managed to get a few good slurps in before I was able to snatch it back.

"Okay, now that everyone is here. We can get started." Five said, turning the conversation back to the problem at hand.

"Listen, I hate to be the one to say this but everyone needs to prepare." Luther said.

"For what?" Diego asked.

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Luther said as if it was obvious, only to receive a hit from Allison. Good. If she didn't do it, I would have. "We may not have a choice Allison."

"Bullshit." Diego said.

"Seconded." I said.

"There's always options." Diego added.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Five asked skeptically.

"I don't know."

"We can try talking to her. Since you know, we haven't tried that yet." I pointed out, shooting a

glare in Luther's direction.

"Whatever we decide, we need to find her first and fast. She could be anywhere." Luther said, standing up.

"Or... here." Klaus said, looking at the newspaper. He got up and held it in front of us for us all to see.

"That's right, her concert is tonight." Diego said.

"There is no way should would miss that." I said.

"Hello everyone." One of the attendants said, coming over to us, "I hate to intrude but my boss says that if you're not going to bowl, you gotta leave." She shrugged with a stupidly infuriating smile and left.

"The customer service here really leaves something to be desired." I said as loudly and as sarcastically as I could.

Luther lifted up one of the bowling balls angrily and tossed it over his shoulder. It bounced across two lanes before knocking out a strike. He did it while glaring at the manager. The Luther I knew last week would have apologized and suggested we all convene elsewhere. I'm not sure I liked this edgier Luther because he wanted to kill Vanya.

Allison wrote a note on her pad of paper and showed it to Luther. It read 'She's our sister'.

"We're the only ones capable of stopping her." Luther said, "We have a responsibility to dad."

"To dad?!" Diego shouted, "I've had enough of -"

"He sacrificed everything to bring us back together." Luther cut in before Diego could go off.

"I'm with Luther on this one." Five said.

"I'm all for trying to stop her but that doesn't mean we have to hurt her. There are other ways to do it." I tried, standing up to face Five who I didn't think would be the first to agree with him.

"We can't give her a chance to fight back Malia. There are billions of lives at stake, we're past trying to save just one."

I shook my head and walked away from him, standing at the beginning of our bowling lane, facing the pins.

"You know guys, maybe I could help." Klaus said. My ears perked up to listen but I didn't turn around.

"Now's not the time."

"Let him speak, he saved my life today." Diego said.

"Is that true?" Luther asked, the surprise evident.

"Yeah, yeah I did... take credit for it." Klaus finished and I finally turned back to face everyone, "In fact, the real hero is Ben." No one seemed to believe him but everything I observed recently had me suspicious anyway, this just confirmed what I'd already been thinking. "Today, he punched me in the face. And earlier at the house, he's the one that saved Diego's life. Not me." Klaus finished, standing

beside Diego and pointing to him now.

"You are unbelievable." Luther said.

"You want proof? I'll give you proof." Klaus picked up a bowling ball and tossed it to an empty space where he'd previously been sitting.

I stepped forward with anticipation, waiting for the invisible force to catch the ball but my face dropped in disappointment. The ball hit the floor and rolled away and Klaus clutched his hands behind his head in embarrassment. I had no doubt that Ben was there but it would have been amazing to see him manifest in some way or another.

"Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?" Luther asked.

"Lay off him Luther. He's not the only one who wants everyone's attention all the time."

"Yeah." Klaus agreed and then... didn't shut up like he should have, "I definitely liked you a lot better before you got laid."

I brought my hand to my forehead at his idiocy, "Klaus why?" I whined.

Klaus tried to backtrack immediately, "Which, I mean... Wasn't his fault. Because he was ridiculously high, right? And the girl, she thought he was a furry-"

I took another step forward and clapped my hand over Klaus' mouth from behind him, "You're not helping buddy." I said quietly and then removed my hand.

"Sorry." Klaus said and turned away from Luther and Allison.

Allison walked away and Luther went after him. Klaus and Diego sat back down in their chair and I still stood off to the side. Who knows how long Allison and Luther would take to work their shit out? I looked to my right when I saw a red-headed lady come over with her son that looked the same age as Five.

"Excuse me. This is my son Kenny. It's his birthday today. Wouldn't your son be happier playing with kids his own age?" She made eye contact with Five then, "Assuming it's okay with your two dads of course."

I smirked at the whole situation, deciding to have a little fun. If the world was going to end, might as well have a little fun right? This lady looked to be a little more on the conservative side. She seemed accepting of Klaus and Diego as a pair but let's see how uncomfortable this makes her.

I stepped between the chairs that Klaus and Diego were sitting on and looked at the lady, "Two dads and mom, you mean." I said, kissing Klaus on the cheek and pulling Diego in a quick deep kiss. I turned back to the lady, "We're a very... progressive family. Keeps things interesting in the bedroom, if you know what I mean." I winked and then turned to Five, "It's alright if you want to go play."

Five frowned at me and then turned to the lady and her son, "I would rather chew off my own foot."

I giggled, "Kids these days am I right? He's an old soul at heart."

The lady looked uncomfortable and offended just being in our presence and pulled her son away with her. I vaguely heard her say something to the boy about how there was a certain place in hell for

people like us and that we should have raised our son better. I shrugged and then looked down at Klaus and Diego. They were peering up at me, one with a glare and the other in shock. Can you guess which was which?

"What? You would both be lucky to have me."

"I do have you and now I'm wondering why." Diego said.

"And Diego is more my type than you are."

"If I was gay, you'd be the last man I'd date."

"You'd be lucky to have me." Klaus said, getting up to take a turn bowling.

I sat down on Diego's lap, my legs dangling over his right leg, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Without much thought, his hands went to my waist to keep me in place. I pecked his lips and smiled at him. I wanted to give him a little more than just a peck but we were in public and I've already made enough of a scene today.

"Did I embarrass you?" I asked.

I felt his grip on my waist tighten, "No. There really isn't much point in being embarrassed about anything anymore is there?"

The mood went from fun and joking to serious in an instant. I knew what he meant and I placed my forehead on his. The world might end in a matter of hours and we might not be able to do a thing about it even though we're trying. I could feel tears begin to pool but forced them down as I placed my hand on Diego's cheek.

"Diego, I know you noticed I didn't say it back." I said shakily.

"Malia don't. You don't hav-"

"No, let me finish okay?" I asked, pulling back a bit to catch his gorgeous brown eyes with my pleading hazel ones. "I know you noticed I didn't say it back. It's just you've had fifteen years to process and understand your feelings and I've only had a few days. These feelings took me by surprise because they came so fast and became so strong but the world might end and if it does, you have to know that... I need you to that... I love you too."

Diego pulled my face to his and crushed his lips on mine with so much fervor it made me dizzy. Not a single man, in my entire life, has made me feel even a fraction of the way Diego makes me feel. We were an explosive, detonating in the best way possible. I wanted to spend years exploring this feeling but knew we may only have a few hours more.

When we pulled away, I licked my swollen lips and smiled at him. Suddenly, everything was clear. Everything Luther and Five were saying made sense. Diego was my future which means we had to stop the apocalypse. I didn't want to agree with them but if I wanted this, I'd have to be prepared to stop Vanya in any capacity. Have this end with all eight of us coming out alive? I hope, yes. Keep what I have right in front of me? I have to, at all cost.

I saw Allison heading back over to us and got up to meet her by the scoring machine. Diego and Klaus followed suit.

"Oh, you're done sucking face? Awesome." Klaus said.

"Shut up. You're just jealous." I teased and then looked around, "Wait, where did Five go?"

"He left a while ago. Didn't say a word to anyone." Klaus said, waving his hand dismissively.

Allison threw her hands up in the air as if she wasn't surprised. I wanted to defend Five like I always did but even I couldn't come up with an excuse as to why he would leave at such a crucial time. That boy, err man, always had his own stupid agenda.

"Where's Five?" Luther asked, coming up to us.

"He took off." Diego said.

"Oh for the love of... where'd he go?"

"Didn't tell us." Diego said.

"He didn't even say anything to you Malia?" Luther asked.

"I'm not his keeper." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"She was busy playing tonsil hockey with her boy toy." Klaus informed as he hopped over a seat to get closer, while eating some popcorn.

"Really Klaus, really?"

"Whatever guys. We're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in thirty minutes." Luther said.

"Alright, so what's the plan." Diego asked.

"Well I think...we the theatre." Luther said.

"That's a location, not a plan." Diego deadpanned, "Is that all you got? Look, you want to be Number One, fine but you're going to have to get us on the same page because right now we're all over the place."

"You're right. We need a plan." Luther agreed.

"I have one." I said, raising my hand, "When we get there, let me go in alone. If I can make eye contact with her, I can easily put her under my glamour. She'll be living in a happy dreamland until we can get her somewhere safe."

"Nuh uh, no way am I sending you in there alone." Diego rejected my idea without much thought and continued to do so.

I stopped listening to him when I felt that odd feeling in my chest build. It's as if something was wrong and I started to tune into my surroundings, "Wait." I said, interrupting Diego's dismissive thoughts about my plan.

"Don't tell me to wait. You need to understand why your-"

"No, not that. Somethings not right." I said as I looked around. Every time I say that, it puts them on edge because I'm never wrong. They started to look around as well but that's when I saw the men with gas masks come in with assault rifles, "GET DOWN!"

Guns started blazing as we all dove for cover. I ended up behind a bowling ball shelf (that also

doubled as a table) with Klaus and Allision, Diego and Luther were behind another. All the other patrons were screaming and trying to escape but lucky for them, these guys were likely only here for us. I bet there were still some casualties though.

"Who the hell are these guys!" Diego shouted.

Klaus, with his ears covered because of the nose, replied, "Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!"

"I love your sense of humour Klaus but now is not the time!" I shouted as I tried to peek over the table. I felt a bullet fly past my ear and ducked back down, "Fuck! They're all wearing masks!"

Diego got up and threw a knife at one, hitting him square in the head. It knocked him back into the electric board causing the lights to go down and disco lights to turn on. Music also started playing. It was Saturday Night by the Bay City Rollers. At least we get to fight to a catchy tune.

Diego was throwing more knives as Luther started to launch bowling balls at them and his aim was impeccable. I took this opportunity to sneak out from behind the shelf and attacked the guy closest to me. I ignored Diego's shout to get back under cover and I swept the guys feet out from under him. I took off his mask when he was down. He was an older man with a grey goatee but he was completely bald.

"Hey there. Nice to meet you. They call me Nightmare." I said, looking him directly in the eyes.

My hazel eyes flashed to blue before I backed up off him and hid behind a pillar. I heard him gasp as he got to his feet and look around at all his friends in paranoia. They didn't notice anything amiss but when Klaus threw a cake at one, the shooting picked up and the guy I glamoured began shooting at his comrades while shouting 'you demons will never get me!'. He took a few of them out before he got shot himself.

"They're blocking the exit!" Klaus shouted.

"What's the plan now Luther!" I heard Diego shout as even more of these bastards came in.

I saw Allision point to the bowling lanes and Luther shout in agreement at her plan. I was flying down the one beside Klaus when I saw him slow down and look back. I told the idiot to keep running. I used the momentum from the run to drop and slide into the pin's feet first and jumped up when I was on the other side.

I followed the others down the narrow hall and saw Diego waiting at the exit for me since I was the last. He motioned me through and then come out behind me. We got to the back alley of the bowling alley and I bumped into Klaus who stopped running. I pushed him to keep going and we ran down the alley, around the corner and down a few blocks before finally stopping. We were all breathing deeply.

"Guys." I breathed deeply, "Guys... that wasted a lot of time and the concert is about to start. We have to go." I said.

"The theatre isn't far from here. Let's hurry." Luther said.

"Can we take a beat more? I'm not used to all this cardio." Klaus said.

"Bullshit! You just spent ten months in the Vietnam war!" I called him out, "Get your ass in gear and get moving soldier!" I pushing on his shoulders to keep running.

He whined and did what I said and I started jogging beside him.

"Did she just say..." Luther asked.

"It's a long, messed up story man." Diego said

We got to the theatre as quick as we could and burst through the front doors. We were going to blow past the clerk at the front desk but she stopped us.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you in there. You need tickets but no one is allowed in once the performance has started." She said.

"Listen lady-" Luther started.

"I got this." I said to Luther and turned to the girl with a smile, "If you could be anywhere, right now, where would it be?" My eyes flashed blue and the woman was overcome with a glazed look and a dreamy smile. When I turned around, the others looked uncomfortable aside from Klaus.

"I've seen you use it before but it's still kind of scary, you know that?" Luther stated.

"Thanks?" I said or did I ask?

"You would be the best drug! Why didn't I ever think of this before!" Klaus said as if he just had an epiphany.

"Time to go!" I said and we ran up the stairs to the main floor of the concert hall.

We were all going to enter but Allison stopped us. Her note said she wanted to go alone. Luther tried to refuse but Allison was adamant.

"Do you hear the music? It started!" Diego shouted.

"Do you honestly think she's going to listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther asked Allison

"You have to let her try Luther. Vanya knows Allison didn't want her locked up in that cell. Vanya saw her try to fight you to get her out." I said, "She might listen. It's worth a try."

Luther nodded, "Okay." Allison squeezed my hand in thanks and then went into the concert hall.

"You let her go as a distraction, didn't you?" Diego asked, clearly impressed with Luther's deviousness.

"It will be our best chance to incapacitate Vanya." Luther explained, "She'll thank us later."

Diego nodded in agreement.

"Can we at least let her try? I'd like to get through this with the least amount of bloodshed." I complained as we started walking forward.

"Deny it all you want but I know you're loving all this." Diego said.

"So what's the plan?" Klaus asked as we got to the top of the stairs.

Luther turned around, "You wait out front."


"Yeah, you're the look out." Luther said.

"The look out?" Klaus asked, "Malia?"

I stopped at the door, "What if those guys followed us here? You'll need to warn us."

I didn't wait to see what his reaction was because he and I both knew that what I said was complete bullshit. I also didn't have time to feel bad about leaving him behind. Klaus didn't like to hurt people; he was not the best choice as a partner in combat.

I used my powers to get us back stage and told Diego to take the left and Luther to take the right. They were going to hold her in place while I jumped down in front of her from the service area above the stage. I still think we should have gone with my original plan but this would have to do. Hopefully it worked.

I was above where Vanya was sitting and she was playing so beautifully – the best I've ever heard her play. I saw Diego and Luther creep in from the sides and I readied myself to jump. She noticed them but they made for the grab anyway, so I jumped. I never touched the floor though. Vanya swung her bow out in front of her and I was hit with a bright light and was sent flying into the audience with the other two.

I fell into the center isle and groaned as audience members kicked me as they screamed and tried to escape. I curled into the fetal position until the crowd dispersed and didn't sit up until everyone was gone. I looked up at the stage as I held my ribs, sure some of them were bruised, and saw Vanya standing in the center. She was still playing and so was the rest over her band.

Diego and Luther were thrown into a row of seats and were using them as cover. Allison was using the row of seats across from them for her own cover. I crawled backwards into the row of seats in front of Luther and Diego. I held out my hand for his through the seats because I needed to feel him right now. He seemed to understand and took my hand as well. It was uncomfortable but I didn't care.

"She's stronger than expected." Diego said.

"Yeah." Luther agreed.

"She turned the Academy into a pile of ash while barely lifting a finger and you expected her to be weak?" I asked, completely baffled.

Allison threw a book at Luther, clearly pissed that he didn't listen to her and I don't blame her. Then again, I went along with it, so she was probably pissed at me too. I had my reason though and I was clutching his hand tightly in my own right now.

"We're fine, thanks for asking." Luther said sarcastically, "I already lost you once, I wasn't going to let it happen again."

"Okay, so much for the element of surprise. What else you got?" Diego asked.


"Try again." Diego denied.

Allison grabbed their attention and pretended to play the violin. I ignored her though as I suddenly felt really anxious. I let go of Diego's hand and put it on my chest where that odd feeling usually bubbles up when danger is about to strike. I tried to tune out Vanya's music to listen to everything else

but it was very hard to tune it when it was so powerful. Still, the feeling was there even if I couldn't listen for it.

"No shit Allison. Tell us something we don't already know." Diego said.

"She's talking about the violin. It's her lightning bolt." Luther filled in.

"Guys, I think we're in danger!" I called out.

"Way to state the obvious Malia." Luther said, "Vanya is going to-"

"Different danger Luther!" I snapped just as bullet's started flying over our heads, "I think those bastards followed us!"

"No shit!" Diego shouted.

When I told Klaus to watch out for these guys, I was joking. I didn't actually want them to find us. Why can't we deal with one thing at a time? I would have been more than happy to kick their ass AFTER we've dealt with Vanya. But nooooo, that was too much to ask for.

I heard Vanya's orchestra pick up and leave in a hurry but judging by the sound of the violin, she kept on playing. I peeked up over the seats, the bullets weren't even touching her. I ducked back down as more bullets were being shot. I should really start carrying a gun.

"I thought Klaus was supposed to be our look out!" Diego called.

"Are you surprised?!" Luther replied.

"Don't act as if you were serious about the stupid job you gave him!" I cried out.

"What's with all the lollygagging?" I looked up and saw that Five had appeared.

"Get down stupid!" He ducked into the row of seats across from me.

"Five! I thought you bailed on us!" Luther called out.

"I had an errand to run!" Five replied, "This is not good."

"You know these guys?" Diego asked.



Five looked up and down the aisle as more of them poured into the room, "We're screwed."

"Guys!" Klaus shouted as he ran into the room, "Cha-Cha! She's coming!"

"GET DOWN!" We all shouted at him and he managed to duck in time before being shot.

"Screwed or no, I'm not going down without a fight." I said as Five blinked away and reappeared on the back of one of the shooters, turning him around so he would shoot the two behind him.

"Stay down Malia! I'm warning you!" Diego demanded as he threw some knives, killing two more guys.

"Oh? And what are you going to do to me if I don't listen?" I asked as I stood up.

I glanced around me quickly and then hopped up on the seats. I ran, using the back rests as my stepping stones for a few feet, managing to avoid being shot, before launching myself into the stomach of one of the soldiers that just pointed his gun at me. I knocked him to the ground, straddling his waist and punched in the face hard enough to knock him out. I took his rifle and shot the three that were coming at me from the side entrance and then turned and started shooting the ones in the private boxes up and across from me.

I ran out of bullets soon after that and turned in time to see two others holding rifles poised and ready to shoot. I closed my eyes, waiting for death but I blinked them open when it didn't happen. Glowing blue tentacles that looked pleasantly familiar, had just killed the two men who were about to turn me into swiss cheese. I turned and saw Ben standing in front of Klaus. He took out the rest of the men no problem.

I turned to focus on the stage but saw Cha-Cha come out. Diego got up without any restraint and went after her, "Diego!" He either didn't hear me or ignored me, either one was possible.

I looked over to the rest of my family. Ben wasn't visible anymore but I knew he was still here. We were all scattered around the theatre as it started to crumble around us, just like the Academy did. I ran and met my family in the center aisle so we could all be together. We moved to the back of the seating house as Diego came back.

"Where the hell were you?" Luther asked.

"Letting go." Diego said, linking his fingers with mine, "So how do you want to end this thing?"

"We surround her. We come at her from all angles." Luther planned out.

"So Suicide mission." Klaus said with a nod.

"One of us could get through. It's the only chance we've got." Five agreed.

"All in?" Luther asked.

"If you're sure there's no other way." I said.

"Allison?" Luther asked but she refused.

Luther directed us all where to go and we went. I waited for the signal and when Luther started yelling, I ran at Vanya with the rest of them and jumped onto the stage. Vanya swung her bow and I was lifted into the air by a string of white energy that connected me to her. Klaus and Luther were in the same position to my left, Five and Diego to my right.

I don't know what was happening but it felt like my life force was being sucked out of me. I felt like I was dying and I tried to call out Vanya's name, to plead with her but I couldn't make a sound. All of a sudden, I heard a gunshot and I was dropped to the floor in front of the stage and everything was silent. I could move again though and I ran onto the stage to crowd around Allison who was holding an unconscious Vanya in her arms.

"Is she alive?" Luther asked. Allison nodded as she cried, "She is? Then we did it, we saved the world."

I stood up and stepped away from them as I looked around. We saved Vanya and we saved the world from being destroyed by her but I still had an overwhelming feeling in my chest like we were in imminent danger. Something was still very seriously wrong. I looked toward the doors, half expecting

more soldiers to come in and shoot us up.

"Malia. What's wrong?" Five asked.

"I don't know." I said with a frown, turning back to everyone.

Diego got to his feet and came over to me, "What do you mean?"

"Something is about to happen. I can feel it." I said.

"Uh... guys? I think Malia is right." We turned to see that he was pointing toward the glass ceiling that had been shattered, "Do you see that big moon rock coming towards us?"

"That's not good." Luther said quietly.

"So this is it huh? So much for saving the world." Klaus said in defeat.

"If only Sir Reginald could see us right now." Diego said hoarsely, "The Umbrella Academy. A total failure."

"At least we're together again. As a family." Luther said.

I felt my tears pool and as much as I wanted to force them away, I couldn't. I laced my fingers with Diego's again and held on for dear life. I did not want to let go, no matter what. I didn't want to lose this. Diego kissed my temple as he clutched my hand just as tightly.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

"This doesn't have to be the end." Five said from behind us.

We turned back to him, "What are you saying Five?" Luther asked.

"We may have a way out of here but you have to trust me on this." Five said.

"Nah, I don't think so." Diego said.

"Pass." I leaned my head on Diego's shoulder.

"Then we might as well accept our fate because in less than a minute we're all going to be vaporized."

Diego looked down at me and then our hands before turning his gaze back to Five, "What's your idea then?"

"We use my ability to timetravel but this time, I'll take you with me."

"You can do that?" Diego asked.

"I don't know. I've never tried it before."

"What's the worst that could happen?" I asked, "The end of the world is already happening."

"I'm also a fifty-eight-year-old man inside a child's body. So there's that." Five added.

"What the hell, I'm in." Diego said.

"I'm in." Klaus agreed.

"Me too." That was Luther.

"Definitely." I said.

Allison nodded in agreement and Ben was apparently all for it as well. Five told Luther to grab Vanya and we all stood in a circle holding hands. Five, me, Diego, Klaus, Luther, then Allison.

"Should we even be taking Vanya?" Luther asked, "Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?"

"The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause unless we take her with us. Then we fix her." Five explained.

I looked around at everyone as Five concentrated on using his ability to take us back in time. I was holding Fives hand but I was holding Diego's hand even tighter. I don't know what to expect from time travel but I needed Diego to stay with me no matter what. I needed him. I don't know how someone who got under my skin so horribly, someone I never much cared for, became so important to me so quickly but he did and that wouldn't ever change.

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