The Nightmare (DiegoXOC)

By Bubblesrox33

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Fears are what nightmares are made of. Malia's biggest fears? Abandonment, being alone, and losing her loved... More

1 - Somewhere I Belong
2 - One Girl Revolution
4 - Never Tear Us Apart
5 - Sinnerman
6 - This Years Love
7- Feels Like Heaven
8 - Fear
9 - Mad About You
10 - All Die Young
11 - Saturday Night
12 - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
13 - I'm a Man
14 - I'll Never Do You Wrong
15 - I Was Made for Lovin' You
16 - Twistin' The Night Away
17 - Wonderful World
18 - Breakout
19 - Dancing With Myself
20 - Run For Your Life
21 - Wicked Games
22 - All The Way

3 - I Think We're Alone Now

733 11 1
By Bubblesrox33

I looked up at the building before me with a weary gaze. There were lion statues imbedded in the walls on either side of the staircase that lead up to the front doors. They were large, heavy wooden French doors with frosted glass which were engraved with umbrellas. I've passed the building many times over the years - living in the same city, it was kind of hard not too – but it's been twelve years since I've stepped inside.

Aside from Luther, I was the last to leave. Mr. Hargreeves did a lot for me by taking me in when I was eleven years old and I had a hard time just letting that part of my life go even though I wanted more. I eventually found the courage to leave and go to college though and I'm proud of who I am and what I've accomplished. I still feel bad that I wasn't here to say goodbye but I suppose everyone takes life for granted in some way or another.

I went up the steps and entered into the immaculate foyer of the prestigious house just to see Allison and Vanya slightly to the right of small center table and Diego trudging up the stairs.

"At least I'm wearing black." He called down to the two, not even registering that I just walked through the doors.

"Maybe he's right and I should go..." Vanya said quietly, glancing back at me.

"Don't listen to him. I'm glad you're here." Allison said and then turned to me as well, "I'm glad you're both here."

She gave each of us a hug, "Am I the last to arrive?" I asked.

"I just got in too." Vanya said quietly.

I smiled slightly at Vanya, "How are you Vanya? I read your book; it was very well written." Was all I could say, considering it kind of bashed the Hargreeves family.

I don't blame her; she was kind of the odd one out and disregarded by pretty much everyone. I still tried to make her feel as significant as the rest of us though since she was more a part of the family than I was. The things she wrote in the book about me however, were harsh and degrading, making me seem patronizing and cruel. If that's how she saw me while we grew up, she should have said something because that was never my intention.

"You read my book?" Vanya asked hesitantly.

"Of course! I was proud of your accomplishment as a published author. I wanted to share in something with someone whom I thought to be close too... turns out I shared in it more than I originally thought." I forced a smile.

I saw the guilt in her eyes, "Malia, I'm -"

"Don't apologize Vanya. You can't help how you feel." I said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "I think I'm going to go see how what my old room looks. It's been awhile."

I took my leave and went upstairs. I had a small bag with me since I thought I might stay a couple days but now I'm wondering if I even should. It's not like I live far, I was easily accessible if they needed me.

I pushed the door open to my room and saw that it was exactly as I left it. There wasn't even a speck of dust and the red sheets and black duvet looked freshly washed. My pens and pencils were still in a cup on my desk, sketchbook neatly placed in the center. My dresser still had my jewelry box with my

old hairbrush placed in front of it. Stickers lined the edge of my mirror, some of them lifting up at the corners but mostly still intact. Before understanding what true art was, I was like any other teenaged girl and had posters of the Jonas Brothers, Maroon 5, and Usher on walls. They were there still but a little faded.

"You made it back I see." Diego said from behind me. A little too close but that was perfect. I turned quickly and punched him in the shoulder, "Ow! What was that for?"

"You know what that was for." I snapped and dropped my small bag on the bed.

"It's not my fault you made it so easy! It's like you forgot all your training."

I turned back to see him leaning against my doorframe with his arms crossed and raised an eyebrow, "I could definitely still wipe the floor with you if I wanted."

"Ha, yeah right."

"Care to test that out?" I goaded.

"How about you ask me again when you're wearing something more... flexible?" He said smugly as he eyed my outfit from toe to head, meeting my eyes in the end.

I was wearing a grey pleated, knee length skirt with a black chiffon blouse that tied in a bow at the front. I had a black peacoat on as well since the late March weather was still cool enough and it also called for rain later today. I also had on healed, knee high leather boots to complete my outfit. I couldn't help but blush at how he was looking at me. It wasn't lewd per se, but there was an inkling of something in his eyes.

"Love the boots by the way." He said slyly as he turned and left my door way. I grabbed the hairbrush from my dresser and launched it out the door at him and heard it clutter to the floor after hitting a wall, "You missed!" He called out, shortly followed by a quiet chuckle.

About a half hour later, I was seated in the living room with the rest of my family as we tried to figure out what to do next. There wasn't going to be a grand funeral since Mr. Hargreeves was cremated earlier this morning. We were going to do something on a smaller scale, out of the media's eyes.

It was silent for a while as neither of us wanted to speak first. I had a gin and soda in my hands and I wasn't the only one thinking this conversation would call for a drink. Allision had a glass of bourbon and Klaus was at the bar mixing himself something as well. I'm pretty sure he was already high but to each their own.

Luther was the one to finally speak as he stood up, "So I guess we better get this started. I was thinking we could have sort of a memorial service in the courtyard at sun down. Say a few words at dads favourite spot."

"Dad had a favourite spot?" Allison asked. The rest of us were confused as well.

"Yeah, underneath the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?"

"I definitely didn't. I was just an add-on, remember?" I stated.

"Will there be refreshments?" Klaus asked as he came over with his drink, taking a drag of his cigarette, "Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."

"A good buttery crumpet does sound amazing." I threw in and Klaus pointed at me in approval and I giggled.

"What? ...No...and put that out Klaus. You know dad didn't allow smoking in here." Luther said.

"Is that my skirt?" Allison asked Klaus.

"What?" Klaus turned to her, "What this? Yeah, I found it in your room. It's a little dated but it's very breathy on the bits." He said as he gestured to what 'bits' he was referring too, as if we didn't already know.

"Listen up." Luther said, getting frustrated, "We still have some important things we need to discuss, alright?"

"Like what?" Diego asked. He was sitting in a chair beside the sofa Luther was originally sitting on. I was sitting in the chair on the other side.

"Like the way he died." Luther rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean the way he died? Was it suspicious or something?" I wondered.

"And here we go." Diego muttered.

"I thought they said it was a heart attack?" Vanya asked.

Luther nodded, "According to the coroner's report. Yeah."

"Then wouldn't they know?" Vanya pointed out.

"Yes, they would know. Believe me." I said, sending a scathing look at Diego who just smirked at me in return.

"Only theoretically." Luther explained.

"Tell me Malia. Was it only theoretically for you?" Diego questioned.

"What is he talking about?" Allison asked me, intrigued.

"Forget it. Diego is just being a dick, like normal." I said through my teeth, gripping the edge of my seat to keep from launching myself at him with the intent to kill.

"Look, I'm just saying." Luther began again, getting everyone back on track with his line of thinking, "At the very least, something happened. The last time that I talked to dad he sounded strange."

"Strange how?" Allison asked, seemingly getting annoyed.

"He seemed on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust."

Diego stood up and stepped toward Luther, "He was a paranoid, bitter old man who finally lost what was left of his marbles."

"He must have known something was going to happen," Luther tried to explain and then turned to Klaus, "I know you don't like to do it but I need you to talk to dad."

Klaus sat forward in his spot beside Vanya, "I can't just call dad in the afterlife and be like 'Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?'"

"Since when? That's your thing isn't it?"

"I'm not... in the right frame of mind." Klaus explained as if it was obvious and it was.

"You're high?" Allison accused.

"Of course he is. It's not like it's an uncommon occurrence." I added.

"Well how are you not? Listening to this nonsense?" Klaus slumped back in his seat.

"Sober up, this is important." Luther demanded.

"Important to you, maybe. But I don't think Mr. Hargreeves was murdered. There would be evidence to back that up. Tell me Luther, where is the evidence?" I asked as I got up from my seat with crossed arms. It was hard to intimidate someone as large as Luther but I always liked to try.

Luther turned his glare on me, "The issue of the missing monocle is your evidence."

"Who gives a shit about a missing monocle." Diego said quietly, clearly fed up with this conversation.

"Exactly, it's worthless." Luther agreed as if it proved his point, "So why take it? I think it was personal, someone close to him, someone with a grudge."

"You're seriously not going there, are you?" I asked disbelievingly.

"What do you mean? Where is he going with this?" Klaus directed his question to me but it was Diego who answered.

"Isn't it obvious? He thinks one of us killed him."

I couldn't see Luther's face but I saw his shoulders sag at the accusation. It's true, he thought one of us killed Mr. Hargreeves but it was also clear that he didn't want his theory to come out like this. Too bad for him.

I scoffed and left the room, not wanting to listen to him anymore. Sure, Mr. Hargreeves wasn't that great a person and some of us disliked the man, or in Diego's case hated him, but none of us were murderers. Well... none of us killed the innocent and just because he wasn't a great person, didn't mean he was a bad one. Luther needed a good whack in the head if he truly thinks any of us could have killed the man that raised us.


I remember when I made my first debut as the seventh member of the Umbrella Academy. I say seventh because Vanya was never allowed on missions since she was completely ordinary – as she painfully described in her book. It was a year after I came to the Academy and I had trained vigorously for a whole year in order to be on par with the others. They had made their debut the year before at a bank robbery but I made mine at a child trafficking ring runned by a select branch of the Russian Syndicate.

I looked down the alley at the others who were hidden behind the corner. They were waiting in anticipation of the events that were about to take place. It was about eight-o-clock at night and it was just getting dark. I faintly heard one of them whisper/shout for me to hurry up already. My guess was Diego but he was lucky I didn't know for sure.

I looked back at the solid metal door before me and knocked. I waited a few moments before knocking again. Soon after I heard heavy footsteps and stepped back slightly so the door could open. A man with a scraggly beard, yellowing teeth, and a cheap suit stood before me. He looked me up and down in my Umbrella Academy uniform and smirked widely as if he just won the jackpot.

"Look at you. Who do we have here little one?" He asked sickeningly sweet as he went to bend down.

I looked up and made eye contact with him with a smirk across my lips. He seemed startled at the look upon my face before backing up but it was too late, my eyes flashed blue, "Your worst nightmare."

I'd never heard a grown man scream in such a high pitch before this moment. It was almost deafening but it was exactly what I was going for. As he lived his worst nightmare, which was apparently having his skin peeled off slowly with a machete, the other members ran into the underground warehouse to finish off the others. When the man was out cold from the fear and pain, I ran in after to help.

It didn't take very long for the rest of the evil bastards to be taken down, a couple dead but most of them tied up, and before I knew it the police and the media were there on the street. The police had taped off the entrance to the alley as they brought the men out of the warehouse. Me and the others were standing on the sidewalk as cameras flashed and news reporters asked questions. Mr. Hargreeves showed up soon after to make a statement.

"Although I recognize the talents of every one of my children, the successful execution of this mission was due in large part to a new, seventh member of the Umbrella Academy team. I wish her well as she continues to work with and thrive next to her gifted counterparts. Thank you."


I was sitting on a bench in the hallway upstairs now. I didn't really feel like sitting in my small room, it was too closed in and I was a little claustrophobic sometimes. It frustrated me that Luther thought any of us capable of such a thing. He clearly didn't know us as well as he once thought. Even if we were capable, why would we leave and wait thirteen years to do it. It just doesn't make sense.

My thoughts were interrupted as music started to play through the house. It's true, I loved my boy bands as a teenager but that didn't mean I didn't love the classics either. Through the walls, I heard 'I Think We're Alone Now' by Tiffany. As it began, I couldn't help but bob my head to the music – it was quite a catchy song. Maybe too catchy because before I knew it, I was up and dancing around the hallway with a stupid smile on my face.

I spun in a few circles as I made my way down the hall and nearly fell before catching myself on the railing that over looked the living room. I saw Diego down there dancing as well and it was so ridiculous that I couldn't tell if it was good or not which made me giggle. He looked up at the sound but didn't quit dancing, so I continued as well, not breaking our eye contact. It was odd, the look in his eyes as he watched me dance and I wondered if there was a similar look in my own.

I spun around one more time before connecting my eyes with his again as I moved my hips to the beat of the music. I was getting really into it before the music suddenly cut out and thunder sounded from outside. Blue lightening was flashing through the windows and metal objects started flying into the back wall. I looked all around, just as Diego was doing, then we looked at each other again but with worry this time. It was only for a split second and then we both took off outside to the courtyard.

Diego and I were the first ones out but the others were seconds behind us. There was this strange blue force field in the center of the courtyard that resembled isolated lightening mixed with water. Not a good combination.

"What is it? Don't get to close!" Allison shouted over the noise.

"Yeah no shit!" Diego snapped, not taking his eyes off it. I don't think any of us could.

"It looks like some sort of temporal anomaly. Either that or a black hole. One of the two." Luther explained.

"There's a pretty big difference there Paul Bunyan!" Diego shouted over to him.

I was frightened of it, whatever it was. I was used to seeing strange things, being part of the Umbrella Academy and all. Ben grew tentacles out of his chest after all but this takes the cake. This, whatever it was, was so far out our pay grade. Mr. Hargreeves taught us not to fear much but nothing could have prepared us for this.

"Get out of the way!" Klaus shouted as he pushed through.

He knocked me right into Diego who put an arm around my shoulders to steady me. I looked to the side and up at him before stepping away and turning to see what Klaus was doing. He tried to spray the fire extinguisher and when it didn't work, he threw it into the anomaly.

"What is that going to do!" Allison shouted.

Klaus threw his arms up, "I don't know. Do you have a better idea?"

The anomaly changed suddenly and Klaus stepped back and Luther stepped forward, "Everyone get behind me."

"Yeah! Get behind us!" Diego agreed and grabbed my shoulders to shove me behind him as well.

I lost sight of the anomaly for a moment at the action and when I looked back at it over Diego's shoulder, I looked at it with confusion. I tried stepping forward again but Diego put his arm up to keep me back. I rolled my eyes at his incessant belief that I couldn't handle myself but let it go as I looked back up.

"Do you guys see an old man too?" I asked loudly.

No one answered because no sooner had I asked that, the old man turned into a familiar boy and dropped from the anomaly before it completely disappeared. The boy stood up as we all took cautious steps forward. I wanted to rub my eyes to ensure I wasn't seeing things but this wasn't a cartoon and there is no way this was a trick of the light.

"Does anybody else see little Number Five or is that just me?" Klaus wondered.

The boy squinted at us before looking down at himself in confusion. He looked back up, seemingly unimpressed, "Shit."

"It really is you, isn't it." I said out loud.

"And I thought you were the smart one." Five said with a roll of his eyes as he walked past us and into the house.

"He's still a smart ass I see." I muttered as I followed the rest of the crew back into the house.

Klaus put his arm around me as we walked and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I only knew Five for two years before he disappeared but I typically got along best with him. I enjoyed learning just as much as he did and soaked up all information regarding academics or combat like a sponge to water. We'd have many intellectual conversations in our down time, but whereas I was modest in my intelligence, he was arrogant.

We all sat around the kitchen as we watched Five prepare himself something to eat. He was moving around the kitchen as if he never left. Considering he looked the same age as when he disappeared, maybe he never had? There were so many questions and I just hoped he wouldn't be as sparse as he usually was when it came to relaying information.

"What's the date? The exact date?" Five asked, picking up a loaf of bread.

"The 24th." Vanya answered.

"Of what?"


Five nodded, "Good."

"So... are we going to talk about what just happened?" Luther asked.

"Please?" I added.

Five completely ignored us and continued to make his sandwich. PeanutButter and Marshmallows, his favourite. My chin was hooked onto Klaus' shoulder as he sat crisscross on the table in front of me and Allison stood beside me with her arms crossed. Vanya was sitting on a stool beside her and Diego and Luther were on the other side of the table as we watched Five silently. How long would this go on?

"It's been seventeen years!" Luther exclaimed, standing from his stool. Not long apparently.

Five looked up at him, "It's been a lot longer than that."

My brows furrowed in confusion as he said that. My mind went back to the day he disappeared and the argument he had with Mr. Hargreeves at dinner about time-travel. Could it be that his disappearance has something to do with that? Did he try it?

Five space jumped from in front of Luther to the cupboard behind him and then space jumped back to his sandwich.

"You time travelled, didn't you?" I said more than asked because I already knew the answer.

"Nice to see that you didn't lose your intelligence while I was gone." Five said, not even looking up from what he was doing.

I pushed aside my anger at his snotty attitude, "Past or future?"

"To the future. It's shit by the way."

"Called it!" Klaus exclaimed, putting up his left pointer finger.

It jostled me off his shoulder and I stepped around the table to sit on the stool that Luther was

once sitting. My back was pressed against Diego's leg, as he was sitting on the table beside Klaus but I didn't move. Instead, I lifted my arm and elbowed him right in the thigh. I smirked in satisfaction at the hiss I heard as he shuffled away a tiny bit.

I looked back to Five to see him looking at us thoughtfully, "Still not getting along I see."

"Never." Diego and I said and frowned after realizing we said it at the same time.

"Back to what you were saying about the future being shit."

Five shook his head, "I should have listened to the old man. Jumping through space is one thing. Jumping through time is a toss of the dice." He looked at Klaus then, "Nice dress."

"Oh, Danke." Klaus thanked in German.

"Wait. How did you get back?" Vanya asked.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that existed across every possible instance of time." Five explained as if it was simple.

"That makes no sense." Diego said.

"It would if you were smarter." Five said.

Luther reached above my head to stop Diego from attacking Five at the same time Diego stood up from the table. Luther was able to keep Diego at bay but now Diego was standing and pressed up against my back. I closed my eyes in annoyance. Did he not see me? Or was he going to leap through me to get to Five? God he was an idiot. One thing at a time though.

"I am smarter and it still doesn't make sense." I told Five.

"True but out of the two of us, you were still the less intelligent one." Five said as if it was obvious.

"Fuck you." I snapped. Wow did he ever get mean.

"Stop." Luther said and looked back at Five, "How long were you there?"

"Forty-five years, give or take."

My mouth dropped open in disbelief as I leaned forward with the rest, "You're serious."

"So, what are you saying? You're fifty-eight?" Luther asked.

Five looked at Luther as if he was stupid, "No, my consciousness if fifty-eight. Apparently, my body is now thirteen again."

"That explains it!" I exclaimed as I snapped my fingers.

"Explains what?" Klaus asked.

I looked to Klaus and explained, "Why Five has the attitude of a bitter old man. It's because he is one."

"How does that even work?" Vanya asked.

"Delores kept saying the equations were off." Five said with his back to his us. He took a bite of

his sandwich and then turned to face us again, "Bet she's laughing now."

"Delores?" Vanya asked what I'm sure we were all wondering.

Five picked up the paper, "I guess I missed the funeral."

"How did you know?" Luther asked.

"What part of the future do you not understand?" Five asked in return, "Heart failure huh?"

"Yeah." Diego said at the same time Luther said, "No."

Five shrugged, "Nice to see nothing's changed." Five gave a curious look to Diego and I, "And good to know I haven't missed the things that will change." He then left the room with his sandwich in hand.

"Wait, that's it?" Allison called to him.

"What else is there to say? It's the circle of life." He called back.

"Well... that was interesting." Luther said, looking at all of us.

I felt a weight on my shoulder and looked up over my head at Diego. He put a hand on my shoulder to get my attention, "How did you figure out he time-travelled?"

I shrugged as I stood from the stool and pulled away from him, looking at the curious gazes of everyone else, "I didn't know for sure. I just put the pieces together. The argument with Mr. Hargreeves the day he disappeared and the fact that he's still in the body of a thirteen-year-old boy. The look of loneliness in his eyes. Something happened and it seemed logical considering what he is capable of."

"You got all that from the moment he first arrived to now?" Diego asked with a raised brow.

"I have a career that relies on me being able to read body language, take visual cues, and make educated... assumptions based on the past experiences, traumas, and attitudes of an individual." I said as if it was a no brainer. To me it was, "I'm going to get ready for the memorial. See you all outside."

I left the kitchen and went to get my peacoat from my room. It was hanging over the footboard of my bed and I grabbed as I heard a pitter patter on my window. I looked and saw that it had begun to rain and let out a sigh. I put on my coat and grabbed the black umbrella that rested against the wall beside my door and made my way to the courtyard just as everyone else did. We all stood in a circle under the oak tree in order, with Pogo and Grace in the mix.

"Did something happen?" Grace asked.

That was a weird question. Then again, she's been pretty absent all day.

"Dad died, remember?" Allison asked and when Grace replied with an 'oh', Allison asked if she was okay.

"She's fine. Just needs rest. You know, recharge." Diego answered, glancing at everyone. That made sense but I couldn't help but look to Grace in concern before turning my attention back to the current event.

Pogo gave Luther the go ahead. Luther and Diego were the only ones without an umbrella – Luther because he was holding the urn and Diego because of what it symbolizes. Luther took the lid off

the urn and tipped it over to set the ashes free but they just poured out into a lump on the ground. If it wasn't such a somber mood, it would have been funny. Actually, it kind of still was and I couldn't help but crack a smile as Luther looked up at all of us.

"It probably would have been better with some wind." He said, seemingly embarrassed.

"Does anybody wish to speak?" Pogo asked.

There was silence from everyone and I looked around before coughing a little to gain their attention. When all eyes were on me, I looked at the ashes a little shyly. Feeling shy felt odd because I wasn't a shy person so I stomped down the feeling and began to speak.

"Mr. Hargreeves was cold and, in many ways, unfeeling but despite his harsh persona, he showed me a kindness that no one else had. Not even my own parents. I know it was because he deemed me useful but sometimes, I like to think there was more to it even though it's highly unlikely. He found me on the streets struggling to stay alive and gave me a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and a family to love." I glanced at each and every one of them before continuing, "Without him entering my life when he did, I'd probably be dead today and for that I will always be grateful."

"Thank you, Miss Malia. Anyone else?" Pogo asked, when no one else said anything, he continued, "Very well... In all regard, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master and my friend and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy."

"He was a monster." Diego cut in and Klaus laughed.

"Diego, not now." I tried but he ignored me.

"He was a bad person and worse father and the world is better off without him."

"Diego." Allison warned this time.

"My name! Is Number Two. You know why?" Diego asked toward Allison, "Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it. And Malia," He pointed to me, "Came here with a name but he didn't see her as enough of a person to use it and numbered her off like the rest of us."

"Would any of you like something to eat?" Grace asked.

"No, it's okay mom." Vanya told her.

Diego stepped forward, "You want to pay your respects? Go ahead but at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"None of us have any delusions, Diego." I said, "But now is not the time."

"Not the time?" He asked incredulously.

"Listen to her Diego. You should stop talking." Luther told him.

Diego turned away from me and toward Luther now, "You know, you of all people should be on my side here Number One. After everything he did to you, he had to ship you a million miles away."

"Stop! Talking!" Luther demanded.

Diego pointed his finger at Luther, punctuating each word with a poke to his chest, "That's! How much he couldn't stand the sight of you!"

Luther slapped his hand away and then tried to punch him but Diego was a lot more agile and dodged. We all backed away from the two of them as the fight broke out completely. The boys ignored Pogo's demands for them to stop and we all just watched on. The only one that seemed to be all for the fight was Klaus who was egging them on. Pogo was just fed up and walked away.

At one point, Diego got away from Luther's hold and stood in front of Ben's statue, telling Luther to hit him. Luther took the bait and threw a punch and when Diego dodged, Luther's fist hit Ben's statue, knocking it over. When it hit the ground, the head broke off and I shook my head at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

"And there goes Bens statue." Allison said unimpressed and then turned to me, "Are you going to do something?"

"Me?! What the hell do you want me to do? Why don't you rumour their asses?" Why was it my job to do something? Like hell was I putting myself between a Longshot and a Hulk. Allison rolled her eyes and went inside.

"Diego no!"

At Vanya's shout I whipped around to look at what happened and saw Diego throw a knife at Luther. He clearly wasn't aiming to kill but the knife sliced into Luther's arm as it whizzed past him and I saw the blood seeping into his coat from the wound. Luther clutched it in shock before hurrying into the house. I blinked, unable to believe that just happened. I watched as Vanya went up to Diego.

"You just don't know when to stop, do you?"

"Got enough material for your sequel yet?"

"He was my father too." Vanya said and went inside.

Diego looked over to me and Grace who were standing beside each and came over. Grace didn't even seem to notice the massive fight that just went on, she was just staring up at the sky. I touched her arm as Diego got to us and I looked at him.

"Anything to add?" He asked snidely, seeming to sense that I wanted to say something. He wasn't wrong.

"You may have hated the man but that doesn't mean you should take your anger out on us. It wasn't us that treated you unfairly." I said calmly. Normally I'd be mean and make some sort of passive aggressive comment to get under his skin but I felt the direct approach was best right now.

"What do you know!" He snapped, "You practically sang his graces with your little speech!"

I looked to Grace who was still oblivious before looking back at Diego, "I'm not saying you didn't have it bad Diego and maybe you didn't get the kind of attention that you wanted from him. I'm not defending his actions either but I know what total neglect feels like and I know what having no one feels like."

I didn't say anymore to him, instead, I turned to Grace and kissed her on the cheek. I would have brought her inside but I think Diego had that covered. I wasn't wrong. Diego took her by the arm and spoke to her with a soft tone that he only reserved for Grace and directed her into the house. I saw Klaus

sitting on a bench off to the side as Diego and Grace walked by and went over to sit beside him.

I put my umbrella on the ground and huddled under his as I hugged his arm. I didn't like the smoke but I could put up with it for a moment, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said and sighed, "They broke Ben's statue."

"He probably would have hated it anyway." I said.

"You really get him. He used to tell me that."

I smiled softly and kissed Klaus on the cheek, "Are you coming in? It's cold out here."

"I'll be in in a minute."

"I love you Klaus."

"Love you too."

I stood up and looked at the open black umbrella on the ground. I nudged it with my foot slightly before ignoring it and walking to the door. I think I'll get a new umbrella. Maybe one with a silly pattern, I thought as I entered the house with a small smile.

I was just about to enter my room when Diego rounded the corner and nearly bumped into me. He took a couple steps back and we just stared at each other. He had a bag over his shoulder which meant that he was leaving. There was really nothing for either of us to say but we still stood there for a couple moments. His hair was still wet from the rain but he removed his jacket and was back to his regular attire. I would never tell him this but the leather pants and the knife holsters made him look dangerously attractive.

He sighed, breaking whatever trance we were in and walked around me, carrying on down the hall. I followed him with my eyes before going into my room. It was colder now that the sun went down so I opened my bag and grabbed my blue jeans and changed into them. I was just zipping my boots back up, regretful that I didn't bring my converse, when Klaus barged in and grabbed my arm.

"Hey! I could have been naked!"

"Who cares! Let's go, we're leaving! Let's go on an adventure!" He said as he dragged me down the hall.

"Going where? Hold on!"

"No time! Let's go!" He pulled me down to the kitchen and out the side door where the cars are usually parked and to an idling one.

He opened the back door and pushed me in and that's when I noticed Diego in the driver's seat, "I thought you said you were getting your things?" He asked Klaus but eyeing me.

"I got what I needed."

"Nope, nuh uh. I love you Klaus but you're a few screws loose if you think I'm going willingly."

Klaus turned to me with his hands fisted together and the best pout I'd ever seen, "Please come with us. I promise it will be fun." He whined.

I groaned and leaned back, "Fine."

"Good." He said and turned to Diego, putting his hands on his shoulder, "You know every time I close my eyes, I see a diaurated hippo about to shit on my face. It's terrifying."

"Terrific." Diego said, staring out the windshield, unimpressed with his tag-alongs, "Lean back."

Klaus did as he was told and sat back in his seat beside me as Diego took off. I had no idea where we were going but Klaus promised me fun. It's been awhile since I've had some proper fun and Klaus was always a good time. At least he was when we were teenagers.

The car was silent for a while and just as I wondered how much longer Klaus would last, he started to whine. Klaus was the kind of guy who loved constant chatter. Well, more like constant chaos but I think he would take what he could get at the moment.

"You guys are so BORING... let's do something pleeeeease." He dragged out.

I looked into the review mirror and my gaze connected with Diego. He clearly didn't want us here so why did Klaus bring me? I really shouldn't complain, I was happy I was getting under his skin without even doing anything.

"Oh, I know! Let's play charades!" Klaus exclaimed with a clap of his hands.

"We're in a car." I pointed out.

"Let's play I Spy then."

"It's night and everything is dark." I vetoed his second idea too.

"Rock, paper, scissors?"


"Thumb war?"

"I broke your thumb the last time, remember?" The last time being when we were fifteen.

"Never have I ever?"

"We're 29."

"So?" He had a point.

"We have no booze." I shrugged.

Klaus sighed, "I guess you're right."

"Would you two shut up." Diego snapped and then sent a quick glare over his shoulder at me, "And stop encouraging him."

"As if he needs any encouragement." I rolled my eyes.

We fell into silence again for a few minutes and then we stopped at a pier outside an abandoned, broken down building. Diego told us to stay in the car as he got out and went to the river's edge. I looked out the windshield but I couldn't see much with his back to us. I did see him pull something out of his pocket it though and he stood there just looking at it. I crawled into the front seat to try and peer out the window a little better but it didn't work and I slumped in my seat.

"I wonder what he's doing." Klaus said.

"Whatever it is, it's private, so leave him be."

"Since when do you care about his private needs." Klaus giggled.

I sighed, "Really Klaus? Really?"

"Whatever, I've had enough of watching him brood." Klaus said and opened the back door to tell Diego exactly that. He ended his whine with how hungry we were before shutting the door again.

"I'm craving...eggs." Klaus said, "Wait, it's too late for eggs. Hmmm, waffles? You like waffles, right?" I was about to answer but Klaus did for me, "Of course you do. Everyone likes waffles."

It wasn't until then that I realized Klaus wasn't talking to me but someone else. Someone who didn't even appear to be in the car. He said a few more things to this invisible person before going quiet again and I had to wonder. It was no secret that Klaus could speak to the dead but could he really be speaking to who I think he is?

Before I could dwell on it any more, the radio that Diego put on the hood of his car went off saying there was a shooting at Griddy's and Diego walked back to the car. He grabbed the radio before getting back in and starting it up. He glanced at me before putting the car in drive.

"Klaus was talking to his imaginary friend. I thought I'd give him some privacy." I answered his unasked question of why I was in the front seat.

"Thank you for joining us Diego. We have decided on waffles." Klaus said.

"By 'we', he means him and his friend." I corrected.

"Actually, I'm going to drop you off at the bus stop. I have to get back to work."

"Breaking balls, cracking skulls." Klaus dejectedly.

"Saving lives baby." Diego said.

"I guess it's frozen waffles again." Klaus said, almost sadly.

Diego adjusted his rearview mirror as Klaus continued his conversation. He turned it left then right before putting it back as it should be and then looked at me. I lifted my hands in a shrug to convey that I wasn't kidding; he had an imaginary friend.

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