Izuocha one shots

By Author-kun77

705K 15K 26.3K

Come read the best one shot book for MHA along with the best ship ever! #1 in Dekuraka 7/18/20 #5 in Izuocha... More

1-Until I die
4-Eri catches Izuocha
5-Izuku tells Ochako
6-Izuku's birthday
7-Izuocha as Villians
8-Ochako has had enough
10-Break up
11- 7 minutes of heaven
12-Ask out the customer
13-Ochako is pissed off
15-No more vanilla
18-Old times
19-Old times (Reverse)
20-Out shopping
23-Double date
24-Drunken wake up call
25-Villian Ochako
Villian Ochako (2)
27-I love and hate you
32-Sinful dating
33-Moving in
35-Online dating
36-Amazon Women
37-Truth or dare
39-Pucca Izuocha
40-Paper boy
42-Izuku leaves
43-Poor Ochako
44-Izuku fails
Amazon woman 2 (50k special)
45-Skyrim Izuocha
47-Halloween 1-Trick or treat
48-Among us
49-Halloween 2-Eris trick or treating
51-Ochako got hit
52-Halloween 3- Scary movie
54-Prank war.
Vampire Izuocha 2(100k special)
56-Paper airplane
57-Christmas 1-Christmas Night
58-Stress relief
59-Christmas 2-Christmas break
60-Sending pics
61-Ochako's birthday
63-Arranged marriage
64-World war 2
65-Secret dating
66-Pockey game
69-Drawn to life
71-Legend of zelda
72-Mini shots
74-Valentine's day
75-Ochako's crush
Sending pics 2(200k view special)
Traitor part 2
76-Fake dating
78-Teasing master Uraraka-san
79-School project
81- Gardening
82- Apocalypse
83- Too long
84-Memory loss
300k special sinful dating part 2
85- College roommates.
87-Dinner with the Midoryias
88-The teacher
90-Cute polls
91-Bleeding out
Memory loss part 2
Traitor part three
98-Movie Night
99-Eri ships Izuocha
Mini shots 2
100 - Izuocha
The End
Snow cone -Mini one shot


6.5K 117 95
By Author-kun77

Guys. The part two was just a one time thing.

Tears rolled down Ochako's face as she looked down at the ground.

Izuku's lifeless body laid out with a knife stuck into his stomach.

"DEKU!" Yelled Ochako as tears kept coming.

They were supposed to be out on a date at the fair. How did this happen?

* Earlier

"Deku this place looks amazing!" Said Ochako excited.

" Have you never been to a festival Ochako?" Asked Izuku.

" No but I have wanted to go so much! Thank you for taking me" Said Ochako latches onto Izuku's arm and wasn't letting go anytime soon.

"Well what do you want to do first?" Asked Izuku.

"You tell me. I wouldn't know what to do" Said Ochako.

" Well let's try this! " Said Izuku bringing her over to a booth with lots of strings.

" What this?" Asked Ochako looking at the strings which were all scattered around.

" You get to pull one and hope that there is a prize at the end. Like this" Said Izuku.

He grabbed a single door and pulled it and won a coupon for some cotton candy.

"Ooo! I want to try!" Said Ochako.

She yanked on a rope and won a black permanent marker.

"My luck is cursed" Said Ochako.

"Pfft" Said Izuku starting to chuckle.

"Is it funny?" Asked Ochako.

"A little bit" Said Izuku holding in his laughing.

" Let's do something that doesn't involve luck" Said Ochako.

" Sure. Let's try this one" Said Izuku bringing her over to another game.

" Look at all these fish!" Said Ochako.

"You get to try to scoop some and put them in a plastic bag" Said Izuku as they were handed scoopers by the attendant.

"I will catch at least 1!" Said Ochako.

She immediately scooped up five and Izuku got 4.

" Good job Ochako" Said Izuku holding his bag.

"Thank you Deku. Only problem is that I don't really have anywhere to put them. I'll release them in a river later" Said Ochako.

" Actually that's not a good idea. In a different kind of water they can die. I can just by us a fish bowl tomorrow." Said Izuku.

" Okay sure. Oh Deku look! " Said Ochako dragging him to another stall.

"This is a Ring toss. You throw the rings and try to get them around the bottles. You need three to win" Said Izuku.

" What kind of prizes is there?" Asked Ochako.

"Oh cool there is a small All might fan book!!!" Said Izuku.

"Leave it to me Deku! " Said Ochako paying to play.

She got five rings so she could only afford to miss two.

She took a deep breath at threw the first one landing in on a bottle.

She threw another one that bounced off and hit the ground.

She threw another that bounced around but then safety landed around a bottle.

She threw another but she was completely off target leaving her with one more chance to win.

She took another deep breath and threw the ring. It bounced around a bit but it settled around a bottle.

"I won!" Said Ochako.

"Great job Ochako!" Said Izuku.

Ochako was asked which prize she wanted and she choose the All might book. She held it in her hands and then extended her arms to Izuku holding it.

*I-i can't take this" Said Izuku.

" It's fine Deku. I won this for you anyway. And if you don't take it I'll just throw it away" Said Ochako walking towards a trashcan.

" NO! I'LL TAKE IT!!! " Yelled Izuku.

Ochako smiled and walked back to him and gave it to him.

"T-thanks Ochako" Said Izuku bow happier.

"You're welcome" Said Ochako.

They walked around some more eating overpriced funnel cake and other games.

"It's getting really crowded around here" Said Izuku looking around at everyone.

" Yeah it is " Said Ochako looking away for a split second.

That was a bad idea and just like that she completely lost Izuku in the crowd.

"Oh no. DEKU!?" Called out Ochako.

She pushed through the crowd desperately looking around for her boyfriend.

"Ochako over here!" Called out Izuku over at a stall.

" Deku! " Said Ochako making her way to him.

" Are you alright? " Asked Izuku.

" Yes I am thanks for asking." Said Ochako.

" Hey Ochako... There is a hill over there. We could go there and stargaze if you are up for it" Said Izuku.

" I would love to" Smiled Ochako.

They both walked all the way over outside of the festival and up the hill.

"It looks amazing Deku" Said Ochako.

"It sure does Ochako~"

That wasn't Izuku's voice.

Ochako turned around and she was not with Izuku.

It was Toga.

Before Ochako could react Toga punched her into the ground and grabbed her hands handcuffing them behind her back.

"Hello Ochako~" Said Toga taking out her knife.

" Toga! What did you do with Deku!?" Asked Ochako gritting her teeth in anger.

" Oh don't worry about it my dearest Ochako. He is fine. I'm not sure where he is though. I saw you get sperated at the festival, so I decided to join you as him~" Said Toga.

" What do you want!? " Asked Ochako.

"I've been ordered to bring back one of you as a hostage. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to stab whoever I bring back. So we will just wait until Deku comes" Said Toga.

" If you hurt him I will make you regret it! " Said Ochako.

" Oh don't worry Ochako. I'm not going to even touch him. In fact I will be giving him a choice" Said Toga.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

"Awww the background is so sweet! It's of you and Deku. It would look better with some blood though" Said Toga.

Ochako used her legs for support and stood up and kicked at Toga, but Toga easily overpowered her sending her back to the ground.

"You better be nice or I will kill you both" Said Toga.

She looked up Izuku's number and texted him that she was in danger and to come to the hill alone.

"And now we wait" Said Toga.

It took only a few seconds. Toga saw Izuku just several yards away.

" Hey Deku~" Said Toga.

" Toga. Let her go!" Said Izuku.

"No. I'm afraid I can't. But I will do this! " Said Toga.

She lifted Ochako up grabbing a fist full of hair and placed a knife to her throat.

"You bitch!" Said Izuku.

"Oh thank you! Now here, pick this up" Said Toga throwing a knife at his feet.

Izuku reached down and grabbed the knife.

"I'm afraid only one of you can live. Deku you choose. Either you stab yourself,or I slice Ochako's pretty little neck" Said Toga.

" Deku don't! Just go get some heros and don't worry about me!" Pleaded Ochako.

".....Will you let her go?" Asked Izuku clutching the knife.

" Deku... Y-you can't!" Said Ochako.

"Nope. But I was told to bring her back alive and unharmed. And if you choose to live I will take you back instead. But whoever goes, will go unharmed. It's your choice" Smiled Toga sadistically.

" Deku! Don't! Just run away!" Said Ochako knowing what he would choose.

" I'm sorry Ochako. I can't do that... Thanks for being in my life Ochako...I...I love you" Said Izuku aiming the knife right at his stomach.

" DEKU NO!" Screamed Ochako.

Izuku shoved the knife right into himself. He immediately collapsed on the ground.

Tears rolled down Ochako's face as she looked down at Izuku's body

"DEKU!" Yelled Ochako as tears kept coming.

" Haha! Well this was so much fun! " Said Ochako letting go of Ochako to clap.

"... I'm going to kill you for this" Said Ochako still crying.

" Not a very heroic thing to say Ochako~" Said Toga.

"SCREW THAT! YOU KILLED HIM! I WILL TEAR OUT YOUR FUCKING THROAT! " Screamed Ochako at Toga with her face complety covered in tears.

"Oh Ochako! I didn't know you had this in you! Well anyway let's get you back. Maybe I will get to stab you later. Then you will be reunited" Said Toga.

She placed a blindfold around her eyes.

"This is so you don't know how to get there" Said Toga.

She picked her up and threw her over her shoulder as Ochako kicked and screamed.

"Don't worry Ochako. You will love everyone there! " Said Toga walking away from the scene with Ochako in tow.

But then she heard a voice.


Toga turned around only to get a punch in the shattering her jaw and causing her to drop Ochako as she was sent to the ground knocked out.

Ochako watched as the blindfold came off and she was looking at Izuku still alive.

"DEKU!" Said Ochako completely relieved.

" Hold on" Said Izuku.

He walked over to Toga and retrieved the key and then unlocked the handcuffs.

"Are you al-

He was cut off from Ochako tackled him into the ground.

" Deku! I thought you were dead!" Said Ochako.

"I'm alright" Said Izuku holding onto her.

" B-but how! You stabbed yourself!" Said Ochako.

Izuku lifted up his shirt to reveal the All might book with a knife hole.

" It's a good thing you won huh" Said Izuku.

Ochako pulled him into a kiss and hug.

" Please don't ever choose me over yourself again!" Said Ochako now crying tears of joy.

" We'll see" Said Izuku tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

" So what do we do about her?" Asked Ochako pointing at the knocked out Toga.

" I will call some heros to come pick her up" Said Izuku.

" Before you do...let me just do something" Said Ochako grabbing the handcuffs.

* Later.

" So this is where she is?" Asked Present Mic walking up the hill alongside Aizawa.

"Yeah. Midoriya said she is handcuffed. There She is" Said Aizawa.

He and present Mic walked up to her.

"Um... Why does she have a donkey written on her forehead from a marker?" Asked present Mic.

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