Smile (P5/Royal Story x OC/Ma...

By zer0420

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(Note, there's a few changes in the Persona Timeline for the sake of this story) The prettiest smile hides th... More

Chapter 1 Royal Beginnings
Chapter 2 Arriving At Shibuya
Chapter 3 Awakening
Chapter 4 First Day At Shujin
Chapter 5 Rumors Of Abuse
Chapter 6 The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back
Chapter 7 Calling Card
Chapter 8 Change Of Heart
Chariot Confidant Rank 2 And 3
Lovers Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Chapter 9 The Phantoms
Chapter 10 Mementos
Chapter 11 The Councillor and The Artist
Chapter 12 Enlightening Conversation
Chapter 13 Rumors Of Plagiarism
Chapter 14 Artistic Betrayal
Chapter 15 Artistic victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Lovers Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Emperor Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Chapter 16 Operation: Maid Watch
Chapter 17 A Faithful Meeting
Chapter 18 Busted
Chapter 19 Rumors Of Extortion
Chapter 20 Full Throttle
Chapter 22 Gaining Trust
Chariot Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Lovers Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Emperor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Priestess Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Faith Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Councillor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Chapter 23 Differing Stances
Chapter 24 Alibaba
Chapter 25 Tales Of Deception
Chapter 26 X-Day
Chapter 27 I'll Guide You To Victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Lovers Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Emperor Confidant Rank 5 and 6
Priestess Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Faith Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Hermit Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Councillor Confidant Rank 5
Chapter 28 Hunting For Clues
#1 in Persona
Chapter 29 Aloha
Chapter 30 Falling Out
Chapter 31 Apologizes
Chapter 32 Tales of Forced Marriage
Chapter 33 A Miscalculation?
Chapter 34 Our Fault?
Chapter 35 Never Again
Chapter 36 No More Pain
Chapter 37 Tales Of Desired Death
Chapter 38 True Family
Chapter 39 An Unexpected Awakening
Emperor Confidant Rank 7 to 9
Priestess Confidant Rank 5 to 9
Hermit Confidant Rank 4 to 9
Empress Confidant Rank 1 to 9
P5/ Royal Smile Thoughts
Justice Confidant Rank 6
Councillor Confidant Rank 6 to 9
Chapter 40 Laying Low
Chapter 41 Set Up
Chapter 42 Post Festival Party
Chapter 43 Alliance
Chapter 44 Coming Clean
Chapter 45 Tales Of False Accusation
Chapter 46 Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 47 Unforeseen Ambush
Chapter 48 Tale Of Betrayal
Chapter 49 Damaged
Chapter 50 Breakdown
Chapter 51 Tales Of Realization
Chapter 52 Promises
Chapter 53 Black Mask
Chapter 54 Best Friends
Chapter 55 Sacrifice
Chapter 56 Changing Society
Chapter 57 True Mastermind
Chapter 58 Recollection
Chapter 59 Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 60 Christmas Eve Surprises
Chapter 61 Christmas and New Year's Eve
Chapter 62 Not Right
Chapter 63 3 Man Squad
Chapter 64 True Ruler
Chapter 65 True Identity
Chapter 66 True Wishes
Chapter 67 Rejected
Chapter 68 Final Goodbyes
Chapter 69 Aftermath
Chapter 70 Explanations
Chapter 71 Reawakening
Faith Confidant Rank 5 to 10
Chapter 72 Apologetic Part 1
Chaptet 73 Apologetic Part 2
Chapter 74 Apologetic Part 3
Chapter 75 Apologetic Part 4
Chapter 76 Final Exploration
Chapter 77 Final Negotiations
Chapter 78 The Final Battle Part 1
Chapter 79 The Final Battle Part 2
Chapter 80 One Choice...
Chapter 81 One Night...
Chapter 82 Unlikely Help
Chapter 83 Unlikely Meeting
Chapter 84 Valentine's Day
Chapter 85 Separated Ways
Chapter 86 White Day
(Final Chapter) Chapter 87 Royal Endings

Chapter 21 Breaking The Piggy Bank

4.8K 106 18
By zer0420

No one's POV

Currently, Nhzual, Morgana and Akira are in there room and they were talking about how Makoto is a Persona user.

Morgana: A motorcycle shaped Persona, huh...You know, I can turn into a car too, so it's like...I feel a sense of familiarity?

Nhzual: Maybe you're a Persona.

Morgana: Uh, no. I'm supposed to be human! Well, motorcycles are nice too, but it can't carry large numbers of people. I really am special after all...huh? Wait...Carry..? No...Take somewhere?

Akira: Something wrong?

Morgana: Something just crossed my mind...It's no use. I can't remember at all...Eh. There's nothing I can do about it if I can't remember. I need to concentrate on Kaneshiro for now. Unlike you guys, Makoto's clever, so we can expect great things from her.

Nhzual: What do you mean? I'm plenty clever.

Morgana: Yeah, yeah.

Magician Rank 4


Currently, everyone is running through the halls away from guards after Skull triggered an Alarm.

Makoto: Is it always like this?!

Tenor: Skull being clumsy any triggering alarms? Pretty much, yeah.

Skull: Hey!

Makoto; Do you guys even have a plan?!

Mona: Um, we go in, have a look around, and if there's something of note, we use the Navigator...

Skull: And if there's shadows, we kick their asses!

Makoto: I see. I have a feeling I'll be useful to this team.

After escaping from the guards, the seven of them made it to a monitoring room and Tenor pulled up multiple screens and Makoto walked up next to him.

Makoto: Looks like there's another level below this one.

Joker: Then let's head there.

Everyone: Right!


After reaching the lower levels, everyone saw that the paths to the center elevator that led to the Treasure was blocked off by multiple walls and had to find codes around the area to open and currently, their on the last wall and Tenor was putting in the code and had three numbers punched in.

Makoto: Hold on,  it's 2 at the end.

Majority then put in the last number which removed the final wall blocking the elevator and then they took it down and found Kaneshiro's Treasure.

Mona: There it is! Treasure!

Makoto: That?

Joker: Not yet. It hasn't materialized.

Skull: We'll need to leave a calling card.

Makoto: Calling card...I see. Making the target believe that the Treasure is in danger will cause it to materialize. A bold but simple trick.

Tenor: Wow, you catch on quick.

Panther: T-That's it! Pretty simple, right?

Fox: The problem is getting Kaneshiro to see the Calling card.

Makoto: He just has to see it, right? Then that's easy.


Currently, everyone is at the train station getting ready to head back into Kaneshiro's Palace after leaving their Calling cards all over his territory.

Makoto: Putting them up all over guarantees one of Kaneshiro's stooges will inform him.

Morgana: You're a sharp one! Ryuji, you should follow her example.

Ryuji: Hey! I'm the one who posted it everywhere! It was tough doin it without getting caught!

Morgana: The stage is set! It's about time.

Ann: We're going up against a truly horrible criminal this time.

Ryuji: Couldn't ask for anything better! Especially now that we got our new member!

Makoto: Evil adults are noticing more then garbage and I am not better...I swear, I will resolve this!

Nhzual: Then let's put this fucker in his place.

Yusuke: We're certainly fired up.

Akira: Then lets do this.


After heading back into Kaneshiro's Palace, everyone was shocked to see a vault where the Treasure was supposed to be.

Tenor: Well...That's new...

Skull: W-What the hell?!

Mona: He changed the entire room into a safe so quickly!

???: Greetings.

Everyone looked over and saw Shadow Kaneshiro.

Shadow Kaneshiro: Welcome to my private city bank.

Makoto: Kaneshiro!

Skull: We finally made it here! Now we're gonna kick your ass and change that rotten heart of yours!

Shadow Kaneshiro: My heart's already been changed. I went through shit until I crawled my way out of the dregs. Now it's my turn to profit on everyone else! It always the fools who get tricked! Only the clever come out on top! Fools must pay for their foolishness! Fools will always be fools! You people are slaves. I hope you're ready to work for the rest of your lives. I'm gonna swarm all over you and squeeze out every last penny!

Shadow Kaneshiro then transformed into that of a fly with his eyes and growing a pair of wings.

Makoto: A filthy fly on dirty money...Get out of my face!

Shadow Kaneshiro: Here we go, you little shits, yo!

The seven of them then started attacking Shadow Kaneshiro from all sides with their weapons, but they barely had any effect.

Shadow Kaneshiro: Yo-Yo-Yo, that doesn't hurt a bit, yo! Your fierce attacks are like a handful of thumbtacks!

Skull: Cocky bastard...

Shadow Kaneshiro: Now my counterattack begins, like steal pork skins! Move out, pig snouts!

The vault behind Shadow Kaneshiro opened to reveal a giant robotic piggy bank and he flew on top off it.

Tenor: The fuck?! He has a gaint robotic piggy bank?!

Mona: A pig?!

Shadow Kaneshiro: Not just any pig! My swine model defensive mechanoid, Piggytron!

The Piggytron then aimed its guns at everyone and started firing at them.

Mona: Some pig, huh?! He had a secret weapon?!

Tenor: Do you think it knows I had that bacon cheese bagel for breakfast this morning?

Makoto: Will you stop making jokes and just run?!

The Piggytron then fired off multiple missiles at everyone, but Tenor used his sniper to shoot them all out of the air.

Skull: Damn it, he's not even given us a chance to fight back!

Makoto: I'll create a distraction by changing him.

Tenor: You might not have to.

Panther: Tenor's right, look!

Everyone looked over and saw the pile of money behind Shadow Kaneshiro.

Fox: Money?

Tenor: This asshole's obsessed with money, isn't he?

Mona: I see. You're both on point, Panther, Tenor!

Shadow Kaneshiro: It's time for the finale, yo! Piggytron! Super VIP Form!

The legs of the Piggytron then went into it's body and Shadow Kaneshiro then started rolling at them at high speeds, but they all managed to dodge it.

Mona: Tenor! Panther!

Tenor: Let's do this, Panther!

Panther: Yeah!

Tenor and Panther: Orpheus/Carmen!

Tenor and Panther both summoned Orpheus and Carmen and blasted the money with their fire skills burning it and distracting Shadow Kaneshiro.

Shadow Kaneshiro: What the hell are you doing, yo?! What a waste!

Joker: Now!

Skull: Steal it, Kidd!

Skull then summoned Captain Kidd and hit Shadow Kaneshiro and the Piggytron, pushing them back.

Skull: Alright! Passing the baton, yo!

Skull then Baton passed to Panther.

Panther: Roger!

Panther then jumped into the air, summing Carmen and blasting Shadow Kaneshiro with fire skills.

Panther: Heads up, Mona!

Panther then Baton passed over to Mona and he summoned Zoro.

Mona: Show him your might, Zoro!

Zoro then blasted Shadow Kaneshiro with multiple wind skills and Mona passed the Baton to Fox.

Fox: Blow him up, Goemon!

Goemon then pushed back Shadow Kaneshiro even more with his ice skills.

Shadow Kaneshiro: Damn it! Don't think I'm a pushover, yo!

The Piggytron then fired off multiple missiles Fox then Baton passed to Makoto.

Fox: I'm counting on you!

Makoto: Okay! I'll do it!

Makoto then summoned Johanna and used a nuclear skull to blow up all the missiles and she then drove past Tenor and Baton passed him.

Makoto: You're up next, Tenor!

Tenor: Thanks for the boost! Now, burn him to ash, Orpheus!

Tenor then summoned Orpheus and blasted Shadow Kaneshiro with a powerful fire skill, trapping him in a vortex of fire, burning him.

Shadow Kaneshiro : Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! This is to much heat for me, yo!

Tenor then landed next to Joker and Baton passed to him.

Tenor: Finish him off, Joker!

Joker: Leave it to me! Nue!

Joker then summoned Nue, and hit him with a powerful electric skill, knocking Piggytron down.

Tenor: Let's end this!

Everyone then hit the Piggytron with an All our attack, destroying it.

Tenor: Your death was inevitable.


After defeating Shadow Kaneshiro, they all walked up to him and he was holding on to multiple large gold bars.

Shadow Kaneshiro: I just wanted a place to belong... I'm stupid, poor, ugly...Money's all I got. As long as I've got money, I'll have a place to belong!

Tenor: You honestly think you can buy a place where you can belong?

Panther: You don't get to victimize other people!

Skull: Everyone struggles! So quit actin like you're alone!

Makoto: You'll have a place to belong. Somewhere you can make amends, for the rest of your life.

Shadow Kaneshiro: Seriously? You guys don't have any tact. Especially with that incredible power...You can change people's hearts. You can do whatever you want.

Fox: That's true. Just being able to that probably makes us villains.

Joker: But we don't intend to use our powers to satisfy our desires.

Skull: We're not like you!

Shadow Kaneshiro: Where do you find meaning in that naive sense of justice? Even when there's already someone taking full advantage...

Everyone looked at Shadow Kaneshiro confused.

Tenor: What?

Makoto: There's already someone?

Shadow Kaneshiro: They use other people's Palaces to do whatever they damn well please. Psychotic breakdowns, mental shutdowns...Anything goes.

Skull: Hey, I'm sick of hearin your nonsense!

Shadow Kaneshiro: You'd better be careful of the man in the black mask.

Tenor: Black mask?

Shadow Kaneshiro: Your powers are nothing compared to his.

Shadow Kaneshiro then returned to his real body.

Fox: To think someone other then us could go into Palaces...

Suddenly, everything started shaking, as the Palace was being destroyed.

Makoto: We'll think about it later! No time right now!

Tenor then looked over and saw that Mona was all over the Treasure.

Mona: I can't get enough! This feels great!

Tenor: That isn't cat nip God damn it!

Tenor then grabbed Mona and threw him and he turned into his Car form.

Mona: You shouldn't throw animals, damn it!

Panther: Let's just get a move on!

Fox: Pile as much as you can!

After putting the gold bars in the back, everyone got in and they started to make their way back to entrance and they forgot their wasn't any road.

Mona: There's no road!

After returning to the real world, everyone landed on the ground and they started getting up moaning in pain from the fall.

Makoto: Is everybody okay?

Akira: Yeah.

Yusuke: I'm fine.

Nhzual: No...I think I cracked my ass...

Makoto then smiled at Nhzual.

Makoto: Isn't it suppose to have a a crack in it?

Nhzual...-_-...Oh Miss student president has jokes now.

Ryuji: Well, not everyone...

Everyone looked back and saw Morgana in the street with a gold suitcase on top of him.

Nhzual: We should probably get him before he ends up road kill...

Ann: Nhzual's right! The signal's gonna change!

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