A Second Chance - Superflash

By Korijin

223K 3.9K 1.1K

During the batttle of Infantino Street, instead of Savitar killing Iris , Barry does the unthinkable and save... More

A Hero's Sacrifice
A Whole New World
Scary Sister
A Quiet Place
Lake Day
Suprise Visitor
The Moves
You're The Only One For Me
Yes, Yes It Will Always Be Yes
Secrets Revealed
Proper Introductions
The Return of The Flash
Wedding Bells
He's Alive?!
Original Team Flash Is Back
The Return Of Barry Allen
When Kara Met Kara
Room For One More?
Truth is Out
Where it All Started
Double Trouble
Tornado Twins
A Crisis is Coming
Christmas Time
Haunting Past
The Merge
Becoming One
Heroes Unite (Part 1)
Heroes Unite (Part 2)
Heroes Unite (Part 3)
Heroes Unite (Part 4)
Heroes Unite (Part 5)
Just in Time
Hurting Without You
Future Sight
Sooner Then expected
Visiting Roots (Part 1)
Realities War (Part 2)
Realities War (Part 5)
Realities War (Part 8)
Visiting Roots (Part 2)
A Hopeful Future
Lost Hope
A Hero's Duty
The Fight of Their Lives
A New Multiverse
A Gift That Keeps Giving
Remnants of Krypton
Family Reunion
Welcome to Earth
Dead or Alive
Back Then
Hyperion and Aurora

Crisis Arrives

1.2K 32 23
By Korijin

Grant remembered back to the future when he and Melissa were talking to Barry's grave and that's when he and his sister swore that they would make their mom smile no matter what, by going back to the past and saving their dad. 

Melissa remembered how painful it was to listen to Kara talk to the grave, the sadness and pain in her voice. She vowed that she would never hear that type of pain from anyone else ever. Saving her dad was the only way she could think of to rid her mom's pain.

"Morning guys." Barry smiled seeing his children zone out slightly

"Morning dad." Grant said as Melissa hugged her dad tightly.

"Are you sure you don't have super strength?" Barry chuckled rubbing his ribs

"Sorry, i'm still getting used to you, you know not being dead." Melissa chuckled sadly as Barry kissed her forehead

"I'm not going anywhere Melly." Barry said smilnig at her as smiled and nodded. Kara came into the kitchen holding the babies in her arms. Barry smiled at her and took Grant into his arms

"Morning Barr." Kara said pecking him on the lips

"Morning honey." Barry said smiling, "Hmm that's weird?" He said looking out the window and standing their in shock

"What?" Melissa and Grant asked

"The skies are red." Barry said confused. The Moniter teleported into the apartment bearing the news of their lives.

"The Crisis is here." He said as Barry and Kara sadly nodded

"Have you checked The Book of Destiny again, are their any casulities?" Kara asked worriedly

"It hasn't changed but the future is always uncertain, don't expect us all to come out of this unscathed." The Moniter said as Kara sighed in relief. The Moniter snapped his fingers and they all appeared on Earth-1 in their suits along with both baby and teenage Grant and Melissa. The heroes were now gathered in the Cortex of STAR Labs. Team Arrow, Legends, Flash and Supergirl.

"What now?" Kara asked still holding Melissa in her arms

"We need to defend this Earth with our lives, this is the centre point of the entire Multiverse. Once this Earth falls, the entire Multiverse falls along with it. I set up quantum towers in all the major points on this Earth, the quatum towers will repell the Anti-Matter wave that is why we must protect it with our lives." The Moniter explained as everyone nodded, "Not only that but we need to gather the seven Paragons." He finished

"Paragons?" Sara asked

"People who have the purest hearts, people who would lay their lives down for the sake of everyone else." The Moniter said as Sara slowly nodded

"Who are the seven Paragons?" Sara asked

"I only know of four." He said, "Kara Danvers-Allen, the Paragon of Hope. Barry Allen, The Paragon of Love. Oliver Queen, the Paragon of Humanity. Sara Lance, the Paragon of Destiny." He said as the four nodded slightly.

"Wait, how am i a Paragon, i'm not pure hearted?" Sara asked confused

"Are you sure?" The Mointer asked, "You've put your life on the line multiple times for the sake of others, you have displayed the qualities of a hero." He said as everyone in the room nodded, "The indentites of the other three Paragons are a mystery to me but i know the location of them." He continued, "The Paragon of Truth is located on an island shrouded in mystery, The Paragon of Courage is located in a city of darkness and The Paragon of Honor is located in a ocean of myth." He finished (A/N: Let's see if anyone can figure out the location and identites;)

"Why don't you tell us where they are instead of giving us riddles?" Cisco asked throwing his hands up

"That is all the Book of Destiny showed me and that is all i can tell you." The Moniter said before teleporting out.

"Okay, someone of us need to collect the other three Paragons while the rest of us defend the quantum towers." Oliver said as everyone agreed

"Actually we might be too late for that." Cisco said bringing up news feed of thousands of shadow demons swarming the quantum tower.

"Everyone suit up this is the fight of our lives." Oliver said as everyone nodded

"Cait can you look after the kids?" Barry asked as she nodded and took both Grant and Melissa into her arms

"Thanks Aunt Caity." Melissa smiled before speeding into her XS suit. The heroes breached to the quantum tower and wasted no time in fighting off the shadow demons. Arrows, lightning bolts, blue laser beams, the heroes were using everything they had to fight, the world depended on it. During the fight everyone knew that it would be enough, they were outnumbered and people were getting tired.

"Everyone cover your ears!!" Kara yelled as soon as everyone had their ears covered she clapped her hands together creating a shockwave that got rid of the surrounding shadow demons

"Thanks mom." Melissa said panting and wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Are you and your borther okay?" Kara asked worriely as Grant sped next to them

"We're okay mom." Grant chuckled

"Have you seen your father?" Kara asked as they looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, "Oh no, Barry!!" Kara yelled worried that Barry died without saying goodbye.

"Yeah?" Barry asked walking up to her as she leaped into his arms

"You had me so worried." She cried into his chest

"I'm okay, i'm okay." Barry whispered kissing the top of her head and holding her close

"Guys we got incoming!!" Rene yelled seeing another giant swarm of shadow demons

"This battle is lost, you need to retreat." The Moniter said as everyone stood up ready to fight

"You said a Paragon is someone who is willing to lay down their life to save others. I wouldn't be much of a Paragon if i left now would i?" Sara said whiping out her bo staff

"You need to save your strength for when the real battle starts." The Moniter said teleporting everyone away expect the Paragons

"Is this not a real battle?" Kara asked sarcastically as Barry smiled a little and shook his head

"The Paragons are our best chance at stopping this Crisis, i've already evacuated your friends and family, but this Earth is going to perish." The Mointer said with some level of sadness as he teleported everyone away. The Earth was consumed by a red wave of anti-matter and the only thing left was.......nothing.

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