I Am The Fifth Member Of The...

By VickyAruwa03

121K 5.1K 4K

My Parent have been dead for a while now, but when the lawyers had finally gotten round to the discussion of... More

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four
End Of Training
Ouch! That's Gonna Leave A Mark!
Your No Hallie Berry
Who is cuter...hotter!
Getting Ready
Go Time
A lesson learned?
I Am Cold...
Home, Sweet,...Dust?
Best. Birthday. Ever!
The Devil finally Shows It's Tail
A British Lunch Date
Meeting Captain America
Hanging With The Avengers
A Girl Lost In Darkness
Pried, Probed and Tubed
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Best. Group. Chat. Ever!
I'm (finally) Over You
A Night On The Town With Tony Stark
Anybody Want Hot Choco?
Several Surprises
Central Park
The Battle Of Central Park
My One Normal Weekend
What happened?
The Truth Unfolds
Looking For Johnny
Finding Johnny...
What A Saturday Night
"Too late, you're adorable"
"He's A Bird!"
Our Weekend, Our Sunday Night...Our Moment
The Gang's Back Together!
"So....I'm not a hero?"
I Decree He Suffers
My Date With Deadpool
Ghost Mode *Activated*
Cold Hot Air Balloon
Paging Doctor Strange
Blood (Loss)
Johnny Has A Plan!
I Am Conscious
Told You So
White, Blue and Black(*To Be Edited After Birthday*)
Yellow Clouds
Oh Brother
Brain and Heart
Obsession Meets Insanity
Everything Will Change
5 Months Later
The Wounded
The Pony Bar
The Wounded Bleeds
Can't Keep Away
We Will Met Again(Author's Note)
Late Night Call
Estranged Conversations
The Advice
Unexpected Events
The Scared, Terrified, and Raped
"I Really Don't Care"
The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss
Steamy Moments (Rated: R/18+)
Tony Stark is a DickHead
More Then Best Friends?
Captain America Wielding A Butter Knife
Underwater Bedroom
Torn Apart
Best Dressed Girl Squad
Remember Me
Marvel Dating Game Show
The Emotions (Feels)
Burning Bridges
Keep Me Warm
The Truth Unfolds...
Author's Video | How I Feel Towards Wattpad
Brian And Harley
The Grand Master
I Had Them All Along!?
Powers Unlocked
Real Talk-Girl Talk
Author's Note: Update (Will Be Deleted Soon...Hopefully)
I Volunteer...
"And I now pronounce you..."
Journey To The Bedroom. Let's Begin... (Preparations)
(18+) Johnny and Vick | Completion

Sunday Morning

1.1K 75 24
By VickyAruwa03

The blaring morning lights flood into the room.

Urgh, why are the curtains open?

Turning over in the bed and grunting I try to shield my eyes and get back into the darkness.

Hmm, my bed is more comfortable and indented then I remembered. I reach out an arm and feel it fall over the edge of the bed.

Why is my brain telling me something’s wrong?

I’m in bed, I’m in bed…

“I was at the bar!” I yell, jumping out of bed.

How’d I get back to the Baxter Building? When did I get to my room? And why can’t I remember anything?

Then something clicked.


I jump out of bed and made a dash for the door, which in retrospect must’ve been a dumbass move since I was drunk off my ass last night. Leaning on the door I catch my breath as the world decided to take dance lessons at that very moment, and it was terrible at it.

“Need to get to Vick. Must find Vick” I chant to myself for encouragement.

Using the wall as support I walk out of my room, everything was clean and organized, as it normally was. I open the door and am insulted by the heavenly smell of good food.

Oh good God, who is the one doing this heavenly cooking?

Wait, Susan can’t cook to save Reed’s life. And Ben is out of town with Alicia on a probable pre-honeymoon. So there must be an intruder in the apartment.

Pushing my annoyingly feeble legs to move I still used the wall as support. If there was an intruder in the house I need to get to them before they find and harm Vick. I pass the living room and rounded next to the kitchen. The scent grew stronger till a pool of my own drool was gestating in my mouth.

Who is the one cooking?

Entering the kitchen I’m pretty sure my brain almost combusted at the sight before me.


She was standing there, all tall beautiful and gorgeous. She turned around to look at me, her hair fanned out around her as her head turn, the light hit her face just about right.

I think I lost the function to breathe.

“Johnny?” she had a dazzling smile and her eyes lit up with joy upon seeing me.

That’s new…

She turned around, away from the burner -it looked like she was making pancakes- and walked towards me.

“Come, sit, eat,” she took my hand and directed me to the table on the left. Upon seeing the content on the table I almost cried.

“Who…” my throat was bone dry, it hurt to talk so I just pointed. It was easier to talk through the pain when it was Vick’s name I was saying.

“It’s breakfast” she says brightly, still looking at me with all but sparkle in her eyes. What’s going on…?

She guided me over and sat me down. She pulled a plate of pancakes, some sliced fruit, and a bowl of cereal infront of me.

“Wait there’s more-” She turns and picks up the frying pan and dumps a hand full of eggs and chicken bacon on another plate. “-and finally” she pours me some orange juice.

“Bon apetite” she says, still smiling.

I look at the food, then back at her, then at the food, then at her…then the door.

“I’m about to run” I inform her pointing my thumb at the door.

She giggles, and it all but hypnotizes me.

“I know this isn’t much like me-” she started.

“This is nothing like you” I correct.

“-but I want to change” she whispers, she walks up to me as I sat at the table and runs her fingers over my hair. I close my eyes and savor the moment. Her scent was everywhere, she smelt like the cold morning breeze of a mountain top forest.

No Johnny, that’s not weird at all.

“C-change?” I wiggle my head from her hand. I couldn’t concentrate with her touching me. “Why, what happened?”

“You don’t remember?” she asked.


“Yesterday, last night, our fight?” she tried to jog my memory.

“Isn’t fighting normally our thing?”

“Not like yesterdays” she said desolately, sadness coating over her eyes.

A sharp pain hits my head.

“Argh” I grip onto it and shut my eyes.

Images flooded into my hazy head. Pouring in memories very painfully, too fast to categorized.

Susan and Reed leaving. Me sneaking away. Hiding out in the apartment waiting for Vick to wake up. Seeing her that morning all rough and sexy. Breakfast. The fight. Me hurting her…burning her.

That memory made me gasp in pain. But they just kept coming.

Then I see her locking herself in her room, on the verge of tears. Me begging her to come out. Then I left to the bar. I see myself, drinking myself to oblivion. Then darkness….

“Here, take this” Vick was by my side, trying to give me something.

“Arg, damn it,” spots were dancing before my eyes.

I feel her soft hand slapping something into my mouth. It was like a capsule and it tasted bitter.

“Have some water” she held a glass up to my mouth. She’d given me aspirin.

I drank greedily.

She’d stuff my mouth full of them but it chased some of the pain away.

“You okay?” she asked, worry filled in her voice.

“Dang spots” I grit out, “They’re flying everywhere”

Vick let out a cross between a giggle and a sigh, only she would understand what I meant.

I feel both her hands cup my face. “Hey,” she coaxed my head up. “Look at me…”

I try.

“Focus on my eyes” she stared at me, her big brown eyes that all but brought me to my knees. “Focus on me till the spots fade and the pain subsides.” She adds gently.

And I did.

I take a deep breath and I look at her. When the pain dissolved I still decided to use this opportunity to steal more time to look at her. So sue me, it’s not illegal.

Her eyes were so beautiful, her face was flawless, and her quiet smile was enchanting. I never get tired of looking at her, she was amazing…the best. Even our fights and our differences just made me more nuts about her.

Then her image changed, and I’m assaulted with the image of her crying, with me holding her up against the wall, the burn marks on her skin. The ones I put there.

I gasp out of the memory.

I jerk my head out of her palms. I grab hold of one of her arms and hold it up for me to see.

There was a red scorch just near her elbow.

“Oh no” I breathe out.

She yanked her hand from my grasp, “It’s nothing” she tries to say.

“I hurt you…”

“Johnny it’s nothing”

“I did that”

“It’s none more than a scratch”

I grab the hair on my head and yank hard.

“Johnny, no” Vick says desperately.

I hurt her, I did it. No matter how hard I tired I still hurt her.

“Vick you need to stay away from me, I’m bad for you” I was about to go into full panic mode. “I hurt you, it could’ve been worst. It could’ve-”

Vick slams her lips against mine.


Author’s Note

Two things:

1. I know this chapter is kinda short for me but I think you guys still liked it.

2. How’d you like getting into Johnny’s head for a while? I’ve been planning this and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Sorry for the confusion at the beginning, I know you guys thought it was Vick, but as a writer you gotta mess with your readers sometimes. I’ll make sure to put ‘Johnny’s POV’ next time (and for those of you who don’t know what POV stands for -cause I know some of you don’t, my first time on Wattpad I truly didn’t know either- it means Point Of View)

If you wanna get into Johnny’s head again in the next chapter let me know in the comments.

And if memory serves me right I don’t think I wished you guys a Happy New Year!<3


Also I’m impressed at how EVERYONE knew I put Deadpool in the last chapter. Kudos to you. So just to keep things fun and interesting I’m giving a dedication to the first person who figured it out and honorable mention to the second.

So this chapter goes to: @Asflokikins

Honorable mention: @ThenaOdinson

I’m sure a lot of you figured this out too. I plan on doing more mentions and dedications in the near future.

So I think that’s enough from me. Later!

~Ya Gal Vicky~

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