Acarophobia || {Minsung} ✓


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In which Jisung was popular until an ailment brought about his downfall and the new transfer student refuses... Еще

༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺


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Damm, I've realized how repetitive my writing gets, the amount of time i've typed out the words 'Minho chuckled'

also this isn't proof read so please don't hate me if theres a bunch of mistakes

AND wattpad is messing around, so if the spacing is weird... you know why


my apologies


"Hey Minho nice bag"
Minho shifted, slightly embarrassed at the cat embellished backpack that was slung over his left shoulder,"Shut up dongmin."

Dongmin chuckled and left Minho who's cheeks where now a nice shade of plum pink, he took a moment to shake the colour out of his cheeks and fixed his hair a little before taking a running jump at Jisung who just barely manged to piggyback him.

"Who the fu- Minho?"

Minho slid of his back "Suprised?"

"and disgruntled by the look on his face." Seungmin spoke, slightly chuckling

"Disgru- what? Speak english Minnie!"

"Then expand your vocabulary Hyunjin."

Hyunjin pursed his mouth and scrunched up his nose "Or just use easier language."

"And why should I cater to you simply because you've never bothered to pick up a thesaurus in your life." Seungmin spun away from Hyunjin to Chan "Hyung back me up on this."

Whilst Chan had been invested in watching Seungmin and Hyunjin practically have a lovers spat, he was 100% not getting involved "I have music now.... bye."

"He wasn't going to agree with you anyway Seungmin, I'm right aren't I Jisu-"

"I've got maths bye"

Minho watched as they left one by one and realized he was next "I have.... somewhere to be..... probably...." He quickly sped of in the opposite direction to Jisung and Seungmin just shrugged and started to walk to lessons, Hyunjin happily skipping next to him, already over the small argument.

"Hey Seungmin..." Felix ,who had been quiet the whole time, gently grasped the edge of his sleeve just as the younger was about to enter the mathematics block "Can we talk?"


"So let me get this straight" Seungmin went over what he'd been asked to do, Hyunjin shifting from foot to foot behind him, having followed him the entire way there "You want me to follow Minho and Jisung on their date this afternoon and make sure that Minho is genuinely interested in Jisung and not just messing around and potentially hurting him."

Felix sighed, now Seungmin said it back to him it seemed a kind of unreasonable request "I mean you don't have to... It's not that i don't trust Minho, it's just in case, I cant risk-"

"Say no more amigo" Seungmin flashed a reassuring smile "I assume you want to come?"

 The last part of the sentence was directed at Hyunjin who eagerly nodded "Then it's settled."


"Okay but was the bush really necessary."

"Shush Seungmin" Hyunjin mumble from underneath the plastic foliage "Let me have my fun okay!!"

Seungmin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he was really beginning to regret letting Hyunjin come along. He was currently stood watching Minho wait at the gate for Jisung and next to him was Hyunjin who had somehow managed to fit himself in a tiny fake bush insisting that it was necessary for their 'stealth mission'

Seungmin walked over to a nearby real bush and plucked a single purple flower from it, he approached Hyunjin and bent down, placing the flower in the bush
"There, at least now you look like a pretty bush." 

The endearing giggle that then came from the bush brought a cute smile onto Seungmin's face, he rocked back and forth on his heels, completely forgetting the job at hand until he was suddenly yanked by his wrist and forced to lurched forwards.

"Come on their leaving!" Hyunjin who had abandoned the bush and began pulling Seungmin along on site of Jisung, he stopped for a moment before running back to the bush and then back to Seungmin within a few seconds

"What're you doing?! Come on!" 

Hyunjin slid the flower he had retrieved from the bush into Seungmin's soft hair and then patted his cheek gently, 

"Pretty" He said and then almost as soon as he had caught his breath he was off again, running after Minsung who had made their way quite far.

"W-wait up!"


"Do you even know where we're going? we've been walking for ages."

The two of them where following at a safe distance, which was quite far considering how loud Hyunjin could be, Seungmin had to shush him several times already and they had only made it of the school grounds a very short while ago.

"Yes and incorrect. We're going to the zoo, I heard Minho-hyung mention it to Chan-hyung earlier also we've been walking for three minutes so stop complaining, we'll be there in another five."

Hyunjin pouted and slouched a bit, his feet landing on the pavement a little heavier in his strop. Seungmin was correct though and within five minutes they drew up at the gate to the town Zoo.

"Wait how do we get in!?!?!?" Hyunjin cried, suddenly panicked as he watched Minho and Jisung hand their pre-paid for tickets to the gatekeeper.

"Relax" Seungmin whipped some pieces of paper out of his pocket and handed one to Hyunjin, They where printed tickets which he had paid for online at lunchtime as soon as he overheard Minho mention the zoo "Who do you think you're dealing with, I'm always well prepared.. oh and by the way, you better treat me to food later or something, since I paid for your ticket."

Hyunjin nodded and wrapped his arms around Seungmin nearly strangling him in his embrace, "Thank you Minnie."

"Thats- fine- but- please- get- of- cant- breath-" Seungmin was released and almost as soon as Minho and Jisung entered the Zoo, Seungmin and Hyunjin did.

"There's penguins Minho-hyung!!!"
Minho laughed and chased after Jisung who had already taken off like an excited child (Which he was) stopping only to take a quick mental screenshot of the map. Seungmin waddled up afterwards to look at the map but was dragged of by Hyunjin who was as or rather; even more excited than Jisung.

The entered a dimly lit tube like passage after going through the blue door next to the penguin sign, ten seconds of walking and they where plunged into a cavern like room with a deep pool at the centre surrounded by rockery.

It was light only by the lights in the pool and the light bounced of the ceiling in wavy water reflections, occasionally hitting one of the boys in the eye and causing their lashes to shutter closed.

There was nothing for a few moments and one little girl in a lilac dress began complaining to her father that it was boring, she was promptly shut up as a penguin skyrocketed out of the water and landed on the rockery, his flippers slipping around until he found his balance and his chest proudly puffed out.

"This guys name is Mumble." said a keeper who had just entered with a big bucket of fish, the smell obviously being the reason for the hoards of penguins who where following Mumble's lead, the keeper began telling the little girl and her slightly older brother all of the penguins name at their request.

Jisung, being the curious creature he was, tried to pet a penguin. This didn't end well as i'm sure you can imagine, he nearly got his finger bit of and an angry keeper had a go at him, pointing to the list of rules by the door: No touching, No Feeding, No screaming.

After a while, Jisung found that they didn't interest him anymore and so Minho suggested giraffes to which Jisung eagerly jumped up and pulled Minho up, Seungmin then having to ya-hoink Hyunjin in order to follow them (He had a hard time making himself tear Hyunjin and the animals apart as it was quite endearing to watch how happy Hyunjin was.)

This trend continued over several areas of the Zoo, The giraffes, Lions, Snow leopards and bird enclosures, Seungmin and Hyunjin keeping a safe distance all the while, hiding behind trees and poles where necessary.

Little over half an hour had passed and everyone except one was perfectly satisfied; Hyunjin was still insistent on seeing the Kangaroos (aussieboo) and he had also started complaining that he wanted ice cream,
"Aren't we done yet?! please please please please." He whinged continuously and childishly, 

Seungmin took a moment to consider it. 

He had been observing carefully and was almost 100% certain that there was absolutely no malicious intent behind the way Minho gazed at Jisung so lovingly and to be honest Seungmin was quite fed up of watching Minho watch Jisung watch animals, but before he could even make a decision Hyunjin's loud insistent whining brought the attention of the very two they where supposed to be inconspicuously stalking.

"Oh hey, Seungmin and Hyunjin!"Jisung pointed and the two of them walked over to the two of them

"Hey guys, what a coincidence running into you here, wait.... are you-" Seungmin braced himself, ready to interrupt with some kind of excuse that he hadn't thought of yet "On a date!!!"

Hyunjin who had just made is way to Seungmin's side immediately turned red and backed back into the corner not really wanting to listen to Seungmin explain how they weren't on a date.

For one of the first times in his short life Seungmin found himself with no response, he stood opening and closing his mouth like a fish stuttering whilst his hands flapped around meaninglessly,

"It's okay" Minho laughed, "You don't have to explain" He winked at Seungmin and slung his arm over Jisung's shoulder, the two of them wandering of into the distance.

"Sorry Minnie" Hyunjin pouted as Seungmin approach the corner he was sulking in "We got caught because of me." 

Seungmin took a moment to admire the adorable sight that was Hyunjin poutily kicking his legs like a child, Seungmin ruffled his hair and for once he reciprocated the nickname "It's fine I was done anyway Jinnie." and then "You wanna go get ice cream?" This was met by eager nodding and of they went on their way.

Meanwhile Minho and Jisung continued to look at animals for the next hour and then when Jisung got hungry Minho led him out of the zoo 

"Time for your next surprise" He said.

After a short walk they arrived at the local park, i know what your'e thinking but this wasn't just your ordinary park, this was a big park with a vast expanse of sweet green grass, forest area, running track all around the outskirts and a lake in the center which was home to many breeds of birds.

The school they attended was sort of prestigious, so it wasn't really surprising it was situated in such a nice town.

The two of them crossed the grass and Minho, after telling Jisung to wait under a willow tree, dipped into the forest for a few moments and reemerged with a blanket and a basket.
A picnic? Correct.

But this was not just a normal picnic, oh no this was a picnic with food that Minho had worked very hard to make.

The weekend after Jisung had agreed to the 'five dates' idea Minho had visited Felix who was living with his sister, he'd heard from Seungmin who had gone over once before, that Felix's sister's cooking was on par with Mrs. Han.

So with that in mind, he had practically begged Felix to ask his sister to teach him. Felix had begrudgingly agreed and all in all the three of them actually had quite a lot of fun.
The result of his two day toll was layed before Jisung and lets just say is stomach did him no favours by grumbling loudly.

"Where did you get all of this food?" Was all Jisung paused to ask before picking up his chopsticks and digging in.
"I made it."
Jisung nearly choked on his rolled egg omelette "You what!?!?! You can cook."

"Yup, I'm perfect husband material right." Minho winked at Jisung and this time the younger actually did choke on his food, Minho patted his back and he just about managed to survive
"Please.... no .. winking..."

"Why? Too"

Minho was about to call himself hot or something along the lines of that but his words where promptly cut of by a roughly 500 gram football whacking him on the side of the face.

Jisung tried his best, he really did try not to laugh but it was just too hard and in the end he shoved a bunch of food down his throat in an attempt to keep himself quiet.

Minho who had dramatically flopped backwards from the hit was glaring from hi position at young boy who was approaching to collect his ball. Minho brushed himself off and, standing, he picked up the ball. Completely disregarding the calls of "Over here" coming from the 6 or so boys in the distance he dropped the ball onto his foot and kicked it powerfully far into the distance, much to the dismay of the boys.

"Don't make a mistake." Minho called out to the boy who was turning to go get the ball and was clearly very annoyed "I don't have bad aim, I'm just mad that you hit me in the face."
The blonde boy tutted but after a glare from Minho he became slightly scared and muttered an apology before running off.

"Mean.... but also impressive."

"I'm cool right?" Minho forgot his previous annoyance at the sound of compliments from Jisung and sat down, holding out a piece of kimbap for him to eat.

"Not really." Jisung replied nonchalantly and aggressively bite the food from his hand.
The continued comfortably in this way for about an hour, Minho feeding Jisung little tidbits and the later aggressively biting each time. By this time it was around 5:30 and the people who had been in park where beginning to clear out slowly, of to make dinner for their family's or go out to eat with friends.

As the two had been eating they had slowly begun talking more and more comfortably, Jisung laughing at Minho's silly little jokes and puns like he used to, when things where great between the two of them and they could happily talk with no worry's. Jisung was happy. This was all he wanted, to be happy with Minho like this.

"Hey the suns sinking a little."
Minho looked up at the sky, distracted momentarily from clearing up the leftovers of their picnic, he looked down at a bread bun in his hand and had an idea, he gathered a few items of food and set them aside, clearing up the rest.

"Our date isn't over yet." He said, standing and holding out his hand to help up Jisung "Follow me." He led Jisung across the park, the grass tickling their ankles as the breeze gently pushed and pulled the strands, the sun made it almost look like a field of gold.

They hit a path and a little way along it there was a wooden gate, through this gate and you where led to a little bank on the side of the central lake.

"DUCKS!" Jisung screech and took a run at them, effectively scaring them all of,

"American coot actually." Minho took a seat on the bench and handed the small bag of bread to Jisung when he walked over.

"The birds you're feeding, there not ducks, there American Coots, the man that founded this park was fond of the species and had them moved here, they're normally confused with ducks since they look really similar." Within the time it took Minho to finish his short speech about bird species Jisung had fed all the bread to the birds and taken a seat next to Minho.
"You know a lot of random stuff..."

Minho shrugged, "Animals are interesting."

They sat for a few minutes in silence, admiring the reflecting of the half lidded sun shining on the surface of the peaceful water. They stayed like that until ripples crossed the lake as a majestic white bird swam into view from around a bushel of reeds. 

Jisung gasped "Is that-"

"A swan."

Excited at meeting such a beautiful creature, Jisung lept from the bench and practically ran to the water's edge, Minho smiled at the endearing site and got up to follow him, they stood at the edge together.

"Hello Mr. Swan!" Jisung reached out a hand to shake with the swan in a playful way even though the swan was too far out for Jisung to even brush his hands against the feathers. 

Too far out. 

Way too far out.

"JISUNG!" Minho yanked him back and into his chest at the very last minute, Jisung had been leaning out dangerously far and almost fell in. He would've, if Minho hadn't noticed.
Jisung was still wrapped in Minho's arms as the elder panted and stared into his eyes."Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah..." Jisung tried to wriggle out of Minho's arms but Minho firmly kept him in place,
"Be more careful okay?" He said gently and with plenty of purpose behind his words, he continued to stare at Jisung, awaiting an answer, there was a slightly unsettling intensity behind his gaze. 

As Jisung's breath gently fanned against is neck and he mumbled an 'okay' the only thing running through Minho's mind was 'Do I kiss him?'


He released Jisung and ruffled his hair, "Come on, It's getting late. We should head back."


"So how was your date yesterday?"

Hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows across the table at Jisung who was , as usual, seated between Felix and Minho.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Jisung quipped and Hyunjin looked down sheepishly.

"What??" Chan, who had been writing in his notebook, looked up suddenly interested, he did seem invested in the couple's drama these days.

Everyone seemed interested actually, seeing as Hyunjin never dated so Jisung's remark was of significance. 

In that very moment Seungmin entered the cafeteria and began strolling over to the table, holding the books he had just taken out from the library under his arm. He arrived behind Hyunjin and the elder shifted to face him slightly, He stopped down a little and let Hyunjin place a kiss on his cheek, sliding in to the seat beside him Hyunjin looped and arm around his waist casually.

A fry dropped from Jeongin's mouth and onto the table as his jaw hung open, putting everyone's emotions at that moment into a perfect motion. Seungmin and Hyunjin just casually carried on eating, not seeming to notice everyone's gazes on them.

"Y-you two are a thing....?!?!?" Felix shout-whispered, Seungmin nodded to confirm the statement as he looked up from his book which he had absorbed himself in, letting Hyunjin fed him small pieces of food instead of exerting the effort and feeding himself.

"Since when!!" Chan asked, ever the gossip lover.

"About six o'clock yesterday i think.." Seungmin shrugged and went back to reading, pausing only to huff at Hyunjin who was teasing him by drawing the food away whenever he went to take a bite. Hyunjin let him have the piece of sandwich eventually, calling him cute and pinching his cheek gently in the process.

"What's the big deal?" Hyunjin asked, momentarily breaking from smothering Seungmin, he frowned at Jeongin "Close your mouth Innie."

"T-there's no problem..." Jeongin stuttered, shutting his mouth immediately afterwards as instructed.

Jisung sniggered at Jeongin, at any rate he was just happy that Hyunjin and Seungmin had finally sorted out their issues and realized they liked each other. It had bothered him before just how oblivious they had been.

How did they get together anyway..?

lol sorry if this sucked, I've been on hiatus for so long so I'm only just getting back into the swing of writing...

I might write a special chapter at the end of this book about how Hyunjin and Seungmin got together at the zoo.... do you guys want that?

Also since we're on the topic, When I finish this book I'm going to start a Hyunmin book called 'Babyboy'Here's the synopsis:

"Seungmin always said he didn't like being called cute especially when it was coming from Hyunjin, he actually quite enjoyed it but what happens when adorable transfer student Yang Jeongin arrives."

So yeah check that out if you like when its published..

That's all for now! Bye-bye!

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