Tissues-Taegi [Complete]

By WhyYouGotNoJams

73.2K 3K 2.1K

[Completed] Min Yoongi was....interesting, to say the least. All he ever did was smoke and drink. No one knew... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27

Part 3

3.1K 132 79
By WhyYouGotNoJams

"HYUNG! We brought you out to hang out with you and-oh. Who the fuck is this?"

The small silver haired boy hid behind Yoongi before they could see his face, scared by how loud Hoseok was.

Yoongi sighed, "This is Tae-"

"Dude did you really ditch us to fuck? We were supposed to be spending time together!" Hoseok was fuming, face red. The others didn't seem as mad, but they didn't seem happy either. They stood behind Hoseok at the entrance, frowns etched in their faced.

"No, I didn't. I was helping Taehyung find his apartment, he got lost, and he lives in this building. He asked to come up to mine and I said yes, we aren't gonna fuck, you dick. And what do you mean spend time together? The second you finished your first drink you dragged Jimin to the dance floor and left me alone!"

Hoseok huffed, "So?"

"So? The fuck? You wanted to hang out and then you ditch first, and then yell at me for helping someone! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Taehyung was confused, he didn't know what the fuck was happening and he didn't like how they were screaming at each other.

"Um, am I causing an issue?" He asked, head poking out from above Yoongi's shoulder, the boy having to stand on his tip toes.

"Holy shit he's cute,"

"Namjoon what the fuck? You're sleeping on the couch,"

Jin glared at his boyfriend, who cowered behind Jimin, though the younger was shorter.

The blonde rolled his eyes, turning his head to the youngest in the room, "No sweetheart, you aren't causing an issue. My idiotic best friend is just a giant asshole sometimes that only thinks about himself,"

The room went dead silent, Hoseok staring at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"I'm your best friend?"

"Duh, I just said that. That was the only thing you heard? Not the shit about you being a self centered dick?"

But the orange haired other just sniffled, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. He took a short step forward, and Yoongi objected, "No Hoseok. No,"

Hoseok took a few more steps and engulfed the elder in a suffocating hug, one Yoongi loudly protested, "Let me go! Fuck off dude!"

"Hyungie, why can't he give you a hug? What's so wrong hugs?" Taehyung asked, now exposed with no one to hide behind.

"Because I don't fucking like hugs," He spit, quickly noticing the frown that made it's way to the youngests face.

Taehyung pouted sadly, elicting coos from Yoongi's friends who he hadn't acknowledged yet. Yoongi sighed, wriggling his way out of his best friend's grip and standing besides the youngest..

"Guys, this is Taehyung, he just moved in. He's the youngest and I just realized I know basically nothing else about him," The blonde shook his head at himself. He had just been so.....bewitched by Taehyung's beauty.

Jin scoffed, "So you know nothing about this kid, and yet you still let him into your apartment? It took Hoseok 2 years to be let it,"

"What are you guys even doing here?" Yoongi switched the subject quickly, feeling mildly uncomfortable "Didn't even look like you noticed I left,"

"Hoseok Hyung wanted to yell at you, I'm just here to watch," Jungkook shrugged, snickering when both Hoseok and Yoongi glared at him.

Yoongi sighed again, "You guys are already here, might as well stay the night, it's pretty late,"

The short orange haired male lifted a bag that Yoongi hadn't seen before, "I planned to stay either way, your apartment is really nice and I like free food," Jimin giggled.

The group of 6 friends easily got settled in Yoongi's living room, completely ignorant of the young boy who awkwardly stood in the entrance to the apartment.

Taehyung insantly felt left out the second the elder's friends walked in. Truthfully, he didn't know what he expected from Yoongi. Maybe a friend, just someone he could feel comfortable around in this new environment. Considering Yoongi shared the same building and school as him now.

So he turned and quietly closed the front door, walking over to the elevator with shoulders slumped and hopes diminished.

'Should've known. I should be used to this by now. Why would he want to be friends with me? He probably only helped me because he felt bad,' Taehyung thought to himself, pressing the button for his floor.

He opened his own door with low expectations, especially after seeing Yoongi's apartment.

"Well this is nicer than I expected," He mumbled, turning on the light. It was...kind of empty. There was no extra furniture or anything of the sort, which wasn't suprising in the slightest. He was thankful it was empty, he wanted to furnish it on his own, but he thought there would be some stuff to start with at least.

But it was something. It was a place he could sleep, somewhere he could cry in peace, somewhere he could call his own.

There was a mattress and the bare necessities of a house. A place to cook, shower, use the bathroom.

In a few months it would be filled, he bet. He would get a job, make some friends, and maybe even snatch a boyfriend if he was lucky. His life was going to turn around, he would be happy again.

He hoped, at least.

But oh boy, he was wrong. So, so very wrong.


hey hoes, just over 1000 words

bunch of pics upcoming, feel free to skip them. but theres gonna be pics of puppies, so ur loss

this is my dog, marley. hes almost 13 years old, and hes completely blind. he cant hear shit and bumps into things constantly. but, i love him to death, ive had him since i was 2. hes so annoying and i love him so much. he so damn cute <33

these are the puppies who used to live next door until 2 of them got adopted. theres maisey, patch, beefcake and butthurt. i miss them a lot, beefcake and butthurt got adopted, and the other two have too many fleas now and i cant play with them anymore :(

this is patch. we were allowed to keep him for a day like 4 months ago, because he was really shy and needed to get used to people. hes really fucking violent and loved biting my brother and i lmao. he never strayed far from me for some reason. patch is the second cutest dog ever, marley being the first.

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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