By Bel_la_la

507K 13.9K 2.5K

An evil smirk appeared on his lips as he walked closer and closer. "You can't escape from me baby girl." My... More

Chapter 1 ~ Suicide
Chapter 2 ~ It isn't over
Chapter 3 ~ Escaping
Chapter 4 ~ Who is he?
Chapter 5 ~ The dark room
Chapter 6 ~ Fear
Chapter 7 ~ Torture
Chapter 8 ~ Painful
Chapter 9 ~ His anger
Chapter 10 ~ Punishment
Chapter 11 ~ I will fix you
Chapter 12 ~ Don't be so daring
Chapter 13 ~ Shoot
Chapter 14 ~ Tricked
Chapter 15 ~ His warning
Chapter 16 ~ Don't play with fire
Chapter 17 ~ Like a prey
Chapter 18 ~ Betrayer
Chapter 19 ~ The truth
~ Update ~
Chapter 20 ~ Can it be?
~ New Chapter ~
Chapter 21 ~ Broken Soul
Chapter 22 ~ Ooh Shiteu
Chapter 23 ~ Regret
~ Authors Note ~
Chapter 24 ~ Revenge
Chapter 26 ~ Forgive me
Chapter 27 ~ I Love You
Chapter 28 ~ Making love to you
Quitting the story??
Chapter 29 ~ Don't mess...
Chapter 30 ~ Lipstick stain
Chapter 31 ~ Nauseous
Chapter 32 ~ The Devil
Chapter 33 ~ Execution
Chapter 34 ~ Too late
Chapter 35 ~ Deserved
New Story
Chapter 36 ~ Valentino
Chapter 37 ~ Childish
Chapter 38 ~ Training
!!Chapter 39 is coming!!
Chapter 39 ~ Elenoor
Authors Note about Mr. Zayn
Chapter 40 ~ Without you
Note ~ Chapter 41
Chapter 41 ~ Only Mine
! ~ Chapter 42 ~ !
Chapter 42 ~ My wish
Chapter 43 ~ Came true
Chapter 44 ~ Valeria
Where have I been...
Chapter 45 today!
Chapter 45 ~ Nightmare
Chapter 46 ~ Who?
Chapter 47 ~ Delmar Ramirez
Chapter 48 ~ Untold feelings
Chapter 49 ~ Heartache
Chapter 50 ~ Missing you

Chapter 25 ~ Love me back

8K 282 116
By Bel_la_la

"Go, before I change my mind."

"Then change your mind." I whispered.
"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Zayn.. I-I need to tell you something."
"Don't Jasmine, dont. Please go."
"I..I think I have feelings for you."

"I told you not to fall in love with me, didn't I?"
The fire was burning in his eyes.

"I know, you did bu-"
"When are you going to realize that I don't care?" He cut me off.

Ouch. That did hurt.

"Zayn listen to me. I-"
"No, you listen. I don't give a damn about you. Did you hear me? I don't give a shit about you. You were here just because of the promise. And now that I have killed Giovanni you have no reason to stay here. So do me a favor and get out." He hissed as his pointed towards the door.

My lower lip trembled. He hurt me. Again. Just like the last time.

"I thought that you loved me. I guess I was wrong." I said my voice trembling.
"Indeed, you were incredibly wrong."

I couldn't take it anymore as the tears made their way out. Stupid Jasmine. Stupid feelings. Now go. Go before he hurts your feelings even more.

"I guess I have been a burden to you. I'm sorry. I'll go, I won't bother you anymore." I managed to say as I sniffed.

"Before I go, can I ask you for a one last favor?" I asked.
"Quick Jasmine."
I walked closer to him, tears still pouring out of my eyes.

"Can I?" I asked as I touched his arm.
He nodded.
I lead him towards the sofa as I removed his coat. His eyes were piercing mine. They were a  mixture of anger and pain.

"James call the doctor." I said but Zayn cut me off again.
"Jasmine I don't have time for this!" He said as he wanted to get up.

However, I pushed him back. "Please sit. At least let me treat your wound." I sniffed.
"Jasmi-" "Ssh!" I said as I put my finger on his lips. "Don't say a word. The quicker I treat your wound the sooner I'll leave."
He gave in with a sigh.

James gave me the bandage afterwhich I put it on his arm. My tears were dropping on his arm as I cried. Seeing his wound made me even more sad. Why are you so stubborn Zayn? Why can't you just love me, like I do.
I sighed when I was done.

 "James when I leave then please call the doctor. Otherwise his wound will get an infection. Also don't-"

"Ooh look at her! The drama queen. Are you leaving?" That damn voice. I moved my head in her direction. Sara. That bloody bitch.

She ran towards Zayn. "O my god! Baby what happened? Are you fine baby. O my god! James call the doctor now!" She yelled at him as she pushed me to the side.

James furrowed his eyebrows clearly not amused by her commanding him.
Still he gave in as he called the doctor.

"Hey, James here. Can you come over as quick as possible. Yes Zayn. Yes. Thank you."
James looked with an irritated face at Sara as he hung up.

Zayn got up from the sofa standing in front of me. "Jasmine leave." He commanded.

I sighed while I smiled bitterly at him.
"Thank you for everything. I'll get going now."
I walked towards the door as I remembered something.

I turned around. "Ah by the way, you don't need to pay for anything Zayn. I don't need your money nor do I want it. I can take care of myself. Once I'm out of this door, I truly hope to not to see you again."

"You drama queen, get out! Zayn doesn't want to see your dirty face either." Sara yelled at me.

I looked at Zayn.
"Leave." He said sharply as he looked me in the eyes.

I walked out of the door towards the car.
"Driver, can you remove the suitcase?"
"Why mam?"
"Because I don't need it. There aren't any belonings of me in there."
"Oh okay, as you wish mam."

He took the suitcase out of the car afterwhich he opened the passengers door for me. I glanced at the mansion for a last time. His grandmother was standing on the balcony. I saw pain in her eyes. I waved at her but she didn't wave back. Instead she murmered "don't go Jasmine."

I smiled. I didn't want to go but he didn't leave me any other choice. By now Zayn, James and Sara were both standing at the door.

"Driver get her away, quick!" Sara yelled.
The anger build up inside of me. Control Jasmine control. I glanced at Zayn for a last time to see any kind of regret. Nothing. His gaze was all empty.

I gave him and James a last painful smile. Okay, get in the car Jasmine.

I got into the car and the driver drove the car out of the driveway.

~~Zayn POV~~

I looked at the car as it faded away in the distance. She left. I lost her. F*ck me, f*ck me.

I recalled the sentece that she said earlier.

I thought that you loved me. I guess I was wrong.

You weren't wrong my love. I love you more than anyone else on this cruel earth. But I can't. I just can't keep you with me.

Until now I haven't give you anything, but pain.
It's better that we seperate from each other. You deserve to be loved. You deserve a happy life, which I can not give you.

"Ughh that damn bitch is gone!" Something snapped in me when Sara said that.
In a reflex I slapped her right across her face.

"Never, I repeat never ever try to insult Jasmine again. You are the bitch here. You get me Sara!"
"Cut the crap you bitch! Get out of my sight before I do something to you."

She was holding her cheek, which was all red now.

"Zayn why do you hurt me for a her? Why? Am I nothing to you?!" She screamed.

I laughed sinisterly. "You are indeed nothing to me. Just a useles woman I have saved a few years ago when you were being raped."

"Don't lie to me Zayn you love me! And I'm sure you want to marry me!"
"Yeah sure. I'd rather marry a dog than being with you. Being in the same room with you makes me miserable let alone loving you and marrying you."

"Stop it! Don't you lie to me Zayn!" She said as she grabbed my arms.
I was losing my temper now. Control yourself Zayn before you smash her head. I pushed her away.

"James get her filthy face out of my sight. Pay for her living and don't let her appear infront of me again."

"Yes boss."
"No! No! Let go of me!" She was struggeling, but James was way too strong for her.

"Ughh." I sighed while I walked upstairs to my room. As I entered the room, the smell of Jasmine entered my nose. Her beautiful smell. I went towards the bed laying there with her pillow in my arms. Her beautiful odor was still there. This odor will vanish as well, just like she left me.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm really sorry. I swear I wanted to keep you close to me. Being away from you for a split second makes me go crazy. In order to make you leave I had to be mean. Crazy Zayn, you are talking to yourself now." I chuckled bitterly.

Look what she made out of you. She has had such a big impact on me. She made me wanna be a normal human again. At the same time she would wake up the devil inside of me.

"I love you baby, have a good life full of happines."

The end.😭

Lol joking did I scare you😎?

~~Jasmine POV~~

My tears had dried. I won't shed a tear for you Zayn. No more. You don't want to see me right? Let's see how long you can keep that up.

We were still driving in the woods. "How long will it take to reach the city?"
"We still have 15 minutes." I smirked internally. Good, 15 minutes. That means walking will take me around 45-50 minutes.

There were trees on each side of the road. I examined the surroundings. If I jump out of the car here I'll probably roll down. I might hit a tree and I might hurt myself badly since the car is driving 80km/h. I sighed. I need to do this.

I undid myself from the seatbelt.
"Yes mam?"
"I'm sorry."

I didn't let him finish his sentece as I jumped out of the car.

An extreme pain went through my body as I hit the road. I didn't have enough time to think about the pain since I rolled down the hill. Small branches scratched my body and face. I came to a halt by bumping into a tree. Fortunately it wasn't that hard cuz I could stop myself a bit before hitting it.

"Argghh..." I moaned. Damn it. I hope I didn't break anything. F*ck you Zayn, look what you make me do. Pff wait until I'll see you again. I'll make sure to whoop your ass for this.

"Jasmine mam! Mam!" The screams of the driver echoid through the woods.
I'm sorry old man. I truly hope Zayn won't hurt you.

"Get up and go, silly girl. You stupid, stupid Jasmine."

I stumbled away slowly. Every part of my body was aching. There was a lake which I followed with the hope that it would lead me to the city.

After walking for like an hour which felt like ages, I finally managed to reach the city. There were many people walking on the street. Everyone had their own worries. No one seemed to notice me, or my condition.

Well I guess that's only good for me. I don't want anyone to notice me. Only this way I can hide myself from Zayn. Cuz I'm sure he'll try to find me again.

After walking for a few more minutes I found a cute café at the corner of a street. "Let's get a cup of coffee Jasmine. You need to stay awake." I murmered.

A lady around her fifties approached me.
"Hi may I hel.. ow dear! What happened to your face my poor girl!" The lady spoke shockingly.

"Uhm.." Yeah and now? How do I answer her? I just got kicked out by a mafia boss. And on my way to the apartment he'd chosen for me, I decided to jump out of the car. Nope. That won't work.

"I.. I just fell."
"Oh dear, please come with me."
"No I'm f-"
"I don't want to hear anything. You are coming with me and that's final!" She said holding both of her hands on her hips. She looked quite kind. Her wrinkels made her look kind, if that makes sense.

"Okay." I gave in.
She lead me towards a door which revealed a stairs that went up.
"Come sweetheart, don't be scared I just want to help you." She reassured me.

Believe me lady, I have been through a lot. You can't scare me Lol.

I followed her upstairs. There was a small living room which we entered.
"Welcome. This is my small house."
"It looks so cozy!" It really was cozy.
"Thank you!" She smiled. Her smile was so warm. A smile that reminded me of my mom. How would she be doing now?

"Come sit here. She patted on the couch. I'll get the first aid kit."
I nodded.

"Can you roll up your sleeves?"
"Uh yeah." When I rolled them up I was shocked to see the bruises. Some wounds were pretty deep. The blood had dried up on my arms. No wonder that my body was aching like hell.

"O my god!" She shrieked.
"You did not fall! I knew it something else happened to you. Please tell me. Did someone else hurt you my love? Tell me sweetheart."
Her words were genuine. Can I tell her?

"Tell me sweetie, I only want to help you." She assured me as she placed her hand on mine.
I sighed. Will she believe me?

"Okay, but promise me not to interrupt me eh..."
"Daisy." She said. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. How stupid of me." She said as she smacked her forehead with her hand.

I chuckled. "My name is Jasmine. Nice to meet you Daisy."
"Nice to meet you too sweetheart." Her warm smile appeared again.

She placed both of her hands on mine to encourage me.
"Okay so....."

Her mouth was wide open after I told her the whole story. "Wait wait, break it up break it up. So you are telling me that a mafia boss kidnapped you? And that he married you, then divorced you afterwhich he threw you out his house?!" She was panting.

This is what I was scared of. I couldn't blame her though. How could I make her trust my story? Ah wait!

"Uhm Daisy have you ever heard about Zayn Matteo?"
"Yeah of course! He is a mafia leader. I've heard that he is a ruthless man with no mercy. Why?"

"That's my ex-husband. He is the one."
She was quiet for a moment. As if she needed some time to process everything.

"Woahhh for real?!" She shrieked finally.
I nodded.
"Do you believe me now? Like Daisy, why would I lie about this in the first place? What would I gain from it? My life has been a roller coaster since my dad passed away. I really didn't make this u-up..." my voice cracked as tears welled up in my eyes.

"No, no. Please sweetheart don't cry. Look I'm sorry. I truly do believe you. It's just that I've never heard something like this."
I nodded.

"Listen my love I trust you. I truly do."
She smiled at me. "Thank you." I murmered almost unintelligible.

"Now let me take care of you." She said as she took care of my wounds.
"You don't have a place for now, right?"
"Yes, I don't have a place for now."
"Then what do you think about this. You can live with me."
"Huh? Really?" I asked somehow devastated.

"Yes of course! You can stay here with me. I live alone in this house. There are two rooms here. I sleep in one and the other one is empty. So you can use that one."

"But I don't have money to pay you."
"You don't need to pay me honey. I would love to have you here living with me. I'm always alone so I wouldn't mind it at all to have  someone else here with me."

"Wait, can I maybe work in your café once that my wounds are healed?"
"Uh yeah but why?" She asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"I truly appreciate your kindness for letting me stay with you, but I just can't live here without doing something back. So please let me work  here."

She nodded. "Okay promise!" She laughed.
"Jasmine honey, for now you have to take a shower and rest. Your body is all bruised. I'll give you some clothes and we'll buy some more later one. Ah before I forget. I'll bring you some food, you must have been hungry."

I got up. She really made me emotional. How do people like her still exist? I hugged her tightly. "Thank you Daisy. Thank you so much for everything."

She padded me lightly on my back.
"You're welcome honey you're welcome. Now come and take a shower."

~~Zayn POV~~

The doctor had just left. Suddenly someone burst the door open. "Damn it James never heard of knocking?" I said clearly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Zayn, but this is important."
"Someone be better dying now."
"It's even worse. I'm sure you won't like it." He answered me.
"What is it?" I asked uninterested as I still layed on my bed.

He had all my attention as soon as I heard her name.
"What's with Jasmine?" I got up in one go standing in front of him.

"She jumped out of the car in the woods."
"What?! Damn it Jasmine, damn it!"

I walked frustrated with my hands in my hair.
"How is she now?"
"That's the problem. We don't know where she is."

"What the f*ck do you mean James. For what did I train you, you idiots!"

I marched out of the room.
"Where are you going?" James said as he runned after me.

"Going to take a shit. You fool I'm going to find Jasmine."
"Stop it Zayn, stop it!" He yelled at me as he hold me by my shoulder preventing me from walking further.

I turned around. "Let go off me before I break your teeth."
"Do it. I don't care. Now Listen to me Zayn Matteo. You have been pushing that poor girl away for a long time. Then what the heck are you trying to find her now?! You have hurted her feelings many times. Why on earth are you still going after her!?"

The anger was rising up in me. I had to hold back from not punching him in his face.

"Shut up James!"
"No! you f*cking shut up! Who on earth are you, damn it! You ruined her, you f*cking ruined her! Then why are you still going after her, answer me answer me!" He said as he grabbed my collar.

"Wrong move dude." I hissed as I gave him a punch in his face. It didn't take long before he punched me back in my face. I was confused, did he just punch me?

"It hurts right. That is how you hurted Jasmine every damn time." He panted.
"Piss off James before I knock you out here." I warned him.

"Do it. I'm not holding you back. Answer me damn it! Why are you going after Jasmine?! Why?!"

"Because I f*cking love her you idiot!"


Hey everyone!

There you go, a new long chapter!
Enjoy reading it and let me know how it was.

Don't forget to vote☆
I'll update again when this chaper gets 70+ votes.

Everytime I really do want to update asap. But guys I'm a university student, so please bear with me.

Take care!♡


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