November | ✔

By anxhhh

2.9K 137 46

▪︎▪︎He takes a step forward and I immediately step back. But he doesn't stop. He steps forward and I step bac... More

1. Strong
2. Mr. Rich
3. Playing with fire
4. Princess
5. Call me Leo
6. You'll be mine
7. Omelets
8. One, two, three
9. Pervert
10. Boyfriend
11. Shopping and fun
12. Weird feelings
13. Love and friendship
14. Drama and romance
15. Promises
16. Here for you
17. The eyes never lie
18. Kiss
19. Realisation
20. I love you
21. Date
22. Festive atmosphere
23. Letting go
24. Goodbye
25. Fresh start
26. Too late
28. November
29. Epilogue

27. Gunshot

17 3 0
By anxhhh

Leonardo's POV.

"What about this dress?" Jennifer snaps me out of my thoughts, waving a long strapless purple dress in front of my face.

"Nice." I say.

She frowns. "You said that to the other five dresses too. Come on, you're not being really helpful."

We've been in this clothing store for two hours already and I'm getting really bored. It's just a dress, grab and buy it! But I can't blame Jennifer though, she's excited for the upcoming wedding.

It has been two months since my grandmother died, and now it's April. The days after her death weren't easy for neither of us- especially for my mom. She kept crying and suffering, we had to inject her tranquilizers to keep her calm. She experienced it very badly. But as weeks passed by, she was getting used to the fact that she was gone. I experienced it very badly too. She was the closest person I had after Tamara's death, and now she's gone. It just feels like I'm losing all the people I love one by one. Thankfully, I have my family and my best friends, also Jennifer.

"I think this purple dress is perfect for the cocktail." She grins and decides to buy it. "Okay so, now there's only the wedding dress and your wedding suit left." She smiles at me and I try to turn it back, but it only comes out as a forced one.

Jennifer frowns and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Honey, is everything okay? You don't seem excited about our wedding.

Our wedding was unplanned and unexpected. We, I mean, our parents decided last week to marry us. They said if we got married, their companies would be unstoppable and the most powerful. I didn't argue with them, I just agreed. I had enough of girls leaving me, one because she died and one because she wanted my money. But for me, Amelia is dead. I don't believe I can love anyone else for now. The only right person for me was Tamara, all the other girls are irrelevant. So I thought, why don't I give myself to someone who really loves me. Why don't I start a relationship with Jennifer? She has always been there for me but I was foolish. I had her by my side all my life yet I wanted someone else. She loves me without conditions, and maybe one day I'll love her the same way she loves me. She waited for me, and it was worth the wait. She got what she wanted- me. But I didn't.

"No Jennifer, I'm happy too." I assure her, but it is a lie. "It's just that this happened so fast."

She tilts her head to one side. "Babe, I know you're nervous, I am too. You don't know for how long I have been waiting for this moment. For the day I would become your wife." She leans forward and gives me a peck on the lips which I don't return.

"Okay so let's go buy your wedding suit, I'll buy my dress tomorrow with your mom. You can't see it before the wedding, it's considered bad luck if you do." She giggles and I smile.

After paying for the purple dress, we go and search for my suit. It didn't matter to me, but Jennifer was very excited and was choosing a bunch of suits for me to try on. After trying ten of them, (and they were all the same), Jennifer decides on the one she likes the most. I would never have pictured myself in a wedding suit. It is just too much for me. When me and Amelia planned on being wife and husband, we were more into a small family occasion, not a big one so everybody would know that I was getting married. But of course my dad wouldn't miss the chance to show the world that his son was getting married with the daughter of another's billionaire.

Where did Amelia come up in my mind from anyway?

After paying for my suit also and a pair of shoes, we hop inside my car and head to the apartment. Jennifer has been living with me since two months ago. I wasn't really sure about it but she insisted and I agreed. I don't know, sometimes I feel like I'm doing a mistake. I'm giving fake hopes to her while I don't love her but she does, more than she loves herself. But it's good to feel loved without conditions after all. We arrive at the apartment and go inside. Jennifer puts the bags carefully on the couch and I lean on the wall, thinking about how my life will be after marriage.

"Leonardo, I already asked you once but I'm asking you again. Are you okay?" Jennifer steps in front of me.

I nod. "Yeah, I told you I'm alright."

"Hmm, you don't seem so. Let me cheer you up." She slowly touches my chest with her hands from the bottom to the top and stops them in my shoulders. She presses her body against mine and kisses me lightly, but passionately and tries to deepen it. I don't have any other choice but to let her tongue slip inside my mouth. Her lips and her tongue don't feel like Amelia's.

Fuck it, stop thinking about her!

Angry with myself for letting her make me feel so weak, I kiss Jennifer forcefully which she seems to enjoy. She moans in my mouth and runs her hands through my hair. I grab her ass and lift her up in my arms. I walk towards the bedroom and throw her harshly on the bed, me hovering over her. She bites her lip playfully and whispers in my ear. "Do whatever you want to me. I want to feel every inch of you."

My hormones kick in and she bites her lips. I would lie if I say that she isn't sexy or beautiful. She has the curves every girl would kill to have. She unbuttons my shirt and throws it on the ground. I take off her t-shirt and throw it in the air, too busy to look where it landed. Jennifer unzips my jeans, leaving me in my boxers only and I do the same with her short jeans. I kiss her chest and she gets up. I frown.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

She smirks and shoves me to the bed, and now she's hovering over me. "I said I'm going to make you feel good."

She reaches for my boxers but suddenly, Amelia's face shows up in my mind. I shake my head and grab Jennifer's wrist. "Wait."

She furrows her eyebrows and watches me surprisingly. "What's wrong?"

"I... I can't do this." I reply, getting up from the bed and wear my jeans and grab my shirt from the ground.

"Why not?" She whines. "Babe where are you going?"

I don't reply to her, I just wear my shoes and get out of the apartment. I had to get some fresh air.

What the hell was I thinking?

I don't know which question I should ask myself: why did I almost have sex with Jennifer, or why didn't I continue what I was doing just because Amelia showed up in my mind...

That girl is going to be the death of me.


It's the wedding day. Everyone seems so excited about it, except me. I look around the place which is covered in white; white tables, white chairs, white handkerchiefs... It is weird to me because I was used to wearing black all the time, yet here I am wearing a white wedding suit. Jennifer is nowhere in sight, I guess she's getting ready. All the rich people and paparazzi are here. Of course my dad invited every rich person so they could see the wedding and the paparazzi couldn't miss, of course.

For days me and Jennifer were on the first page of every newspaper and magazine, TV, social media, everywhere. Everyone was aware that today was the wedding day. I am at the mansion where the wedding is happening. At least I convinced my parents to hold the wedding in their mansion and not in a restaurant or something. The people were slowly coming and filling the chairs in the big back garden and I was inside the mansion with my mom. My dad and Jennifer's dad were greeting the people who were joining our wedding.

"Hey." My mom touches my shoulder and I try to smile.

"Hey mom. Why aren't you outside with dad? I bet people have started talking about the fact that you're not there, God knows what kind of bullshit they're saying now." I laugh, knowing that everyone liked drama and of course they wouldn't miss a chance to gossip about this.

My mom shakes her head while laughing. "I excused myself from them, don't worry. I came inside to see you. Leonardo, you don't seem happy."

"No mom, I am." I assure her.

"I'm your mother, I know you're lying." She points her finger at me. "I didn't want to mention her name, especially today but it is about Amelia, isn't it?"

I would lie if I said no. It is about her. Everything is about her. This should've been our wedding, not Jennifer and I's. But she's a lier and never loved me. But why do I keep loving her?

"Mom, I don't want to talk about it."

Mom sighs. "I know you don't, me either. But you have to accept the fact that not all the girls are good and trustworthy. Unfortunately, Amelia was one of them. But hey, look at the bright side. You and Jennifer are getting married and she's the girl you grew up with and will continue to do so. She's the right one for you and you need to stop thinking about Amelia. It was her loss, not yours." She says and pats me on the back before leaving.

She's right. Her loss, not mine.

I make my way outside the mansion. Everyone starts congratulating me and I put on a fake smile. I want this thing to happen as fast as possible.

"Son, the wedding is starting. Go and get ready beside the priest." My dad whispers on my ear and I do as he says. I stand beside the priest and everyone is waiting patiently on their chairs.

The traditional wedding music starts and everyone turns his head around to see the bride coming. Jennifer is holding onto her dad's arm while walking down the aisle. She's wearing a long strapless white dress covered in glitter, and the veil follows her behind. When she sees me, she smiles and I return it. This was really happening, I was getting married. But not with the woman who had my heart.

When she approaches me, her dad lets go of her after kissing her forehead and smiling at me. Then, he sits on the chair beside my mom. Jennifer stands beside me and mouths 'I love you.' Dad comes towards us and grabs the microphone. Once ge gets everyone's attention, he starts holding a speech.

"First of all, I want to thank everybody who attended my son's wedding. Thank you for being a part of our happiness!" All the people clap.

"As you know, my son Leonardo is marrying the daughter of Bernardo Jerry, my beloved friend. I'm so happy to have you as a part of my family now." Mr. Jerry nods at my dad in thankfulness and my dad continues.

"Jennifer and Leonardo have been best friends since they were little and we all knew that one day, they would get married. And I'm so happy that this day, is the day when they will me husband and wife. Also, thanks to their marriage, our companies will be one from now on and I couldn't be more happier! I'm proud of you son!" He turns the microphone back to the priest and leaves.

Of course you're proud of me, I'm making you a thousand times richer than you already are- I think ironically.

Soon, the priest starts reading down the typical lines before he can ask the questions to each of us. Jennifer is grinning at me and I smile. I take a look around and suddenly my eyes widen. Am I imagining things or is that... Amelia?

Amelia? What is she doing here?

She's hiding behind the wall, looking at me from the distance. She brings her hand to her cheek and wipes it. Wait, is she crying?

"I do!" Jennifer exclaims and before I knew it, it was my time to answer. I take a look at Amelia again and she runs away from there. Why did she come here?

".... until death separates you?" The priest asks and I blink several times. I look at Jennifer and she's smiling, nodding at me to answer. I look at my parents and they both nod. I turn my head around but Amelia is no longer there.

"Leonardo, say yes!" Jennifer says awkwardly.

"I think our groom is a little nervous." The priest laughs and I glare at him. "I'm asking you again, do you, Leonardo McConnell, take Jennifer Jerry as your wife in good and bad, rich and poor, happiness and sadness, until death separates you?"

All eyes are on me.

"Leonardo, can you answer?" Jennifer says annoyingly.

I don't say anything. Instead, I leave from there and run as fast as possible.

"Leonardo come back here!" Jennifer yells but I don't listen. I don't know what I am doing either, I just can't marry her and spend my life with someone who I don't love for the sake of my family. That's not what I want. I want Amelia, even though she doesn't want me. I run around the mansion hoping that she's still here.

"Amelia!" I shout. I hear some footsteps behind me on the soft grass and I turn around. There she is, her face full of tear stains and red puffy eyes. "Amelia."

"Leonardo?" She gasps. "What are you doing here, you should be there with Jennifer."

"Actually what are you doing here? Why did you come?" I ask as softly as I can to not scare her. She broke my heart, yeah, but the last thing I want is to scare her away or yell again at her.

"Um, I... I visited Mrs. Darwin's grave and, um...." I know she's lying. She has never been good at it and when she lies she avoids eye contact.

"You came because of the wedding, yea?" I raise an eyebrow and she bites her lip.

"Well, maybe... You and Jennifer are everywhere on TV, newspapers..." She exhales. "I wanted to see you one last time."

I don't know why I sense so much pain in her voice. I want to hug her tightly and never let her go. "Oh, is that all?" I step closer to her.

"Leonardo, I..."

"You fucking bitch!" Jennifer booms. I turn around and see her eyes watering and all the people coming behind her. What the hell?

"Jennifer, calm down!" I say calmly, but she just glares at me.

"Don't you dare trying to keep me calm. Why did you leave me there like a rock? To follow this slut? Why did you come here, whore! I thought I got rid of you but you just won't disappear for fuck's sake!" She yells and everyone starts whispering.

"Jennifer, I don't want to interrupt your wedding. I Just came to..."

"Shut up!" Jennifer takes off her veil and throws it away. Her hair is ruined and she's sweating. "I knew you would come back one day but I didn't expect a visit this soon! You could've came after our honeymoon." She laughs loudly and her dad tries to touch her.

"Get your dirty hands away from me, drunk man!" She shoves him and everybody gasps. "I won't let anyone ruin this day, especially you Amelia." She threatens and laughs out loud.

"You're sick!" Amelia spits.

"Oh, yes. Yes I am. And guess what? I'm going to prove everyone how sick I am!" She brings her hand underneath the wedding dress and reveals a gun.

Everyone screams and runs away from there except mom, dad, Mr. Jerry, Parker and Jason. She steps closer to me and Amelia, holding the gun on her hand and directing it to Amelia.

"Jennifer don't you dare!" I say through gritting teeth. I have to keep calm or something fatal can happen.

"Jennifer dear, what are you doing?!" My mom cries out loud and my dad holds her close to his arm.

"What does it seem like I'm doing, Ellen? Playing hide and seek? I'm going to kill that bitch and then continue the wedding, that simple." She smiles and glares at me. "You'll have to give me an explanation after I'm done with this slut but it's okay. I forgive you."

"Jennifer please, put that gun down." Amelia says, taking a step forward.

"Don't move or I'll shoot!" She yells and Amelia freezes, trying to keep calm.

"Okay, look. I'll leave and you can marry Leonardo. I'll never come back, promise. Please just put the gun down."

Jennifer throws her head back, laughing out loud again. "Oh, I'm so naïve and I believe you. Who you think you're kidding? You're going to come back again if I don't kill you! But it will be useless because Leonardo loves me, only me!! You're nothing to him, and that's thanks to me!"

My head snaps at her direction. "What was that?" What does she mean by that?

She tilts her head to one side, directing the gun at me. My mom cries out loud but I tell her to keep calm. "I saved you from this slut, babe. If it wasn't for me, this was going to be your wedding, not ours."

"Jennifer, what have you done?" I ask angrily.

She pretends to think for a moment. "Hmm, you know... I made up an wonderful plan and it worked! I showed her your video by the grave, I brought her to the cottage, I wrote the letter and gave it to her, I filled her mind with the idea that she was just a toy in your hands. Awesome right? I'm so smart!" She grins.

"You were the one who brought her to the cottage? That's why you called me and told me to pick her up from there?" Parker says, and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah dear, I brought her there. I made her a favour or else if she stayed the night, she would've been eaten by the wolves." She smirks.

"You're crazy!" Jason exclaims.

"Yes I am Jason! And Leonardo is mine now. I loved him all my life and I'm not letting this bitch take him away from me again! I won't!"

I look at Amelia and she's crying. So, that's why she thought I was playing with her? It was Jennifer behind this!

"My baby, please stop!" Mr. Jerry tries to stop her but she directs the gun at him.

"Shut up, father!" She emphasizes the last word. "You have never been my dad and you'll never be! Of course, in front of your friends I am the perfect daughter, but as soon as we're alone all you do is yell and hit me! I'm not surprised that mom left us when I was just a kid." She starts crying. "You never acted like a father towards me, all you did was drink and have sex with random girls in our house. I had to hear those girls moaning and the bed bouncing every damn night. But of course you don't care about that, father! I had only Leonardo who really cared about me and this bitch wants to take him away from me!"

I knew Jennifer's mom left them when she was little, but I never knew the real reason behind it. Oh God...

"Jennifer, can we please talk? I know you're irritated right now but..." I step closer to her but she puts her finger on the trigger.

"Stop right there!"

"Jennifer I'm trying to understand you!How could you do that to Amelia!" I yell on her face.

"I said stop moving! I don't want to shoot you, we have to get married!"

"Leo stop!" Amelia runs behind me and stops in front of me. "If you want to shoot, then shoot me."

"Amelia no!" I yell and step in front of her. "You have to shoot me first.

Jennifer rolls her eyes. "Aww, so sweet. You look like Romeo and Juliet. So you both want to die? Okay then, if you don't marry me then you won't marry anyone else Leonardo! Goodbye forever, my love!" She laughs devilishly and gets ready to pull the trigger.

"Leonardo no!" Amelia tries to step in front of me but I prevent her from doing so.

Then, a loud gunshot is heard and all I see is blood.


Who did she shoot oh my god!!!

P.S: Get ready for the last chapter soon :)

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