Betrayal Of My Best Friend.

By Whitewolfspirit29

5.5K 86 5

When Sailor Mars gets tired of being a loyal and trustworthy friend and gets sick of everyone's love for Sere... More

1. Broken Spirit and Hearted Goodbye.
2. The New Sailor Moon.
3. Sailor Moon's Weapon.
4. Inuyasha's Inner Heart's Confusion. And Rei's Evil Planning.
5. Why Don't You Join Us.
6. The Group Learns More About Serena's Life.
7. The Fox and the Female Fox as Well.
8. Kagome and Inuyasha's Talk.
9. Rei's Dream Has Come True.
10. A Hot Spring of emotions and Naraku's Defeat.
11. Moving Forward Just Seems Too Hard.
12. Girl Talk.
14. The Truth Has Been Set Free.
15. Good Timing and Bad Timing.
16. Why, why, why?
17. I'm Not Returning To The Present.
18. The Group Together for The First Time in A Long Time.
19. Like It or Not
20. Rei's Actions and Her Protection Over Serena?
21. Darien's Threat. And Rei takes a Stand against him.
22. Serena's Acceptance and Forgiveness.

13. Passionate Lovers.

203 2 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

The group has traveled along the roads and forest trails into every village possibly, Villagers were always hiring them for help, Demons were everywhere now no thanks to the jewel breaking once more. 

But everyone was trying there hardest to end this long journey, But Kagome worried how much longer would this take now, and how many more enemies would they have to face for the jewel shards, and to collect it and then too be rid of its troubling chaos it brings too people's lives. 

"So, Kagome anything on the whereabouts of the jewel now? Asked Miroku" curiously. "No, not a peep, nothing even, not even rumors of one either, or sensing them, I haven't sensed it in the last 4 days ago, since that last demon we faced, Say's Kagome" honestly. 

"Well, I suppose we should head for water and set up camp for the night, it will be dark soon, it's best to find shelter while there's still daylight, Say's Miroku" honestly. "I agree, Spoken up Sango" nodding.

"I could eat, I am getting a little hungry, Replied Shippo" honestly. "So why don't we all head to the river or lake wherever is closest too us I guess then, spoke up Serena" agreeing. So Inuyasha and everyone went on following the sound of water, Inuyasha's nose told everyone the river was up ahead, so they all said great news.

Soon they all pitched up camp and set up a fireplace, Kagome looked over at Serena, She and Inuyasha were at the river trying to capture dinner for everyone, Some fish. She had to admit it, she was glad Serena was opening up finally. 

They hardly were ever apart these days, Serena and Inuyasha seem to try to talk with each other and seem to be open to each other's feelings, they spend time together, they were always riding together even, Kagome allowed for him to carry Serena instead of herself, she would even ride on his back now days, And Kagome she was on the back of Kilala along with Sango and Shippo too, she hadn't ever been happier, and now that things were better off now than ever before.

She could see that Serena's heart has indeed opened up completely too Inuyasha, she finally wasn't avoiding him, or pertaining, she acted on her own emotions, and there still fights from time to time, and of course Inuyasha causes her too be provoke, but in the end of the fights she ends up somehow kissing him, in fact they hardly agreed on much at times, and then there was the one thing that they did have in common and that was, they were crazy about each other.

Somehow for picking a fight sometimes Serena would end up slapping Inuyasha across the face when she got so mad at him, and then he would grab her hand and pull her body too him, and ended up kissing her, and somehow this normally made up for their petty fighting.

Serena and Inuyasha knew they were the real deal alright, She loved him, He loved her, He was a small town boy who didn't have a lot of money in fact he had just about nothing but the clothes on his back and his sword, and that's it, he never has had wealth or ever will as he put it, He was a solder and a demon slayer, He was proud of that and of who he is, He won't change who he is, And she loved him for being himself, Even though his temper could be questionable, But there was no doubts in his mind, He was madly, Hopelessly in love with Serena, As Kagome and the other's pointed out to him many times, And he reminded her of this every time they stopped kissing and were ever in a fight he'd just say I love you, and this seem to calm them both down and stop fighting. She would feel better and forget why she was mad and kiss him back.

Sango and Miroku made jokes all the time, and that sometimes didn't help things either, Kagome told them too be a little less perverted about their spending time together. Soon they both returned with fish from the river and sat down with their companions.

Soon Kagome had asks if Serena was interested in truly staying in this era for the rest of her life? Asked Kagome" curiously. "Inuyasha snapped and said why wouldn't she live with him. She is staying with him.

"I know for the moment she is here with You, But I guess I just wanted to ask Serena if this is what she truly wants in her life, like to stay here forever, I mean I don't mind taking you too my time and having mom take you in? Replied Kagome" honestly.

"Kagome, she's not going to leave Me, we are together now, we are opening up too each other even, Serena you do want to stay with Me here, right? Asked Inuyasha" looking from Kagome to Serena.

"It's a hard questions normally for someone to answer, But No Kagome, I won't go back to the more present day times, I wish to remain here, I like being here, I am free too be myself here, I can hunt demons, And honestly I love Inuyasha, So I am going to stay with him, He recused Me, And I rescued him right back like you two girls said, So I am going to stay here, And when we are done hunting for the shards, I've agreed to Marry Inuyasha, Say's Serena" honestly.

"OH...!!! Marry Him, are you sure you're thinking straight on this, I mean you two do fight a lot, Replied Kagome" shocked?

"You pushed me into this, You pushed for me to give him a chance, And now I can see who I am now days, I've found myself again, I'm not lost anymore, And honestly yes Inuyasha and I fight, But who doesn't that's just being a couple sometimes you get on each other's nerves, But under it all, I wouldn't take it back, I love Inuyasha, He's brave, He protects Me, He's not a fake, He's the real deal, He's a true man of honor and respect even, He even respects my values too, He tells it like it is, And he's loyal to me, But I do love him, Say's Serena" admitting it.

"So, you two really do want to get married and be together then? Asked Sango" gently. "We do, Replied Inuyasha" agreeing too that statement. As Kagome nodded her head finally accepting that answer. "Alright then, I just wanted to make sure, that you were happy and that you did have another choice in case you wished to go back to a more stable and safe life, Replied Kagome" honestly.

"I respect you for wanting to help me, and being by my side and being my friend Kagome, But I have no desire to return to the modern-day ages, I want to stay here, besides my mother and father, I don't know any other reasons too want to go back, I think they'd understand and want me to be happy, So I choose love over going back to the other world, Say's Serena" honestly.

As they all nodded for her choice. "I swear I will always treat her right, and protect her, I wouldn't ever hurt her on purpose Kagome, I swear that nothing is going to happen, we are going to be just fine, And I do truly love her, I am finally moving on too, I've put Kikyo in the past, and she's put her past where it belongs too, we are together, we are one now, Spoken up Inuyasha" honestly.

Kagome nodded and said she understood, and just wanted them both too think before acting on just emotions. Of course, Sango got the hint that maybe Kagome was a little jealous of them being together, but not because she wanted Inuyasha, but because she has no one too share that feeling with either.

later on, after dinner, Sango and Kagome had a chat together, she told her the truth, she was jealous a little bit, but she never had this bond with Inuyasha like Serena has, she wished she could have a guy who loved her so much too. She shook her head and said let's return to the others. Soon they did, But Inuyasha and Serena left for a walk alone. She asks where Inuyasha and Serena went.

Miroku and Shippo said they were taking a walk together, Under the moonlight too have some alone time, Like a date night. Kagome nodded and said OKAY, she was off too bed for the time being. Sango and Miroku shared a nice cup of tea together, and then rested against a trees base. Shippo and Kilala curled up by the fire.

Meanwhile Inuyasha and Serena were far away from the others. She and Him walked until they were far enough away from the others, and she sat down in a white field of flowers, She and Inuyasha started kissing, she felt happy right now. As he pulled away for air as did, she.

"Inuyasha......!!!! Spoken up Serena" gently. "Yes? Asked Inuyasha" gently cuddling closer to her as he looked her in the eyes. "I want you to know I meant every word back there; I too am truly deeply hopelessly and madly in love with you too, And I want to live with you, I want to be you're mate, you're wife, Will you have Me? Asked Serena" respectfully wanting him now.

Inuyasha sensed her emotions, and he felt happy too. "You truly mean that? Asked Inuyasha" gently holding her. "I do, I want you forever and ever, Replied Serena" happy. Inuyasha wanted more too, so he gave in and went for this feeling in his gut, He chose to follow his hearts wants. Soon they were laying on the ground, she was cloaked in the scent of the wildflowers, as his hands removed her clothing, she felt a deep desire taking over her body, but she wanted this badly.

Inuyasha wanted her in the worst way, and so he finally went for his own desires too, and did it, He slept with Serena, as her clothes came off, He felt happy as she touched him, she gave him a hand job first, and then her mouth touched it.

He felt his body tense a little bit, but he soon was relaxing too the feeling of her touching it. And soon her mouth making it so wet, and the feeling was getting more intense, He soon stood up and laid her back down on the ground, and now it was his turn too please her. He did and licked her inside and out, her body was giving off a total outburst.

Inuyasha finally was doing the fucking now, as they became one finally, they were one. "Now we are one, Whispered Serena" happily. "Not yet do you trust me? Asked Inuyasha" curiously. "I do, Replied Serena" agreeing.

"Then trust me, Say's Inuyasha" serious tone voice. As she looked at him, but his fangs bit her in the base of her neck placing his mark on her, His mate, He claimed her for his own, she knew what this was now, she felt her body pulsing and then an aura surrounded her body. Her moon mark appeared on her head, and she then did something for him too, Making them one officially. She placed her head over his own now, as he felt his head for the moment, and then noticed the mark on his head for a second.

"What's this about? Asked Inuyasha" confused. "Like you're mark on me, this one just means I chose you as my mate too, Say's Serena" seriously. He smiled and then noticed the mark left. "Don't worry the mark won't stay there, it's inside you're skin now, we are one, we are truly connected now.

"I understand, we are one now, And I will always be there for You, I promise, Say's Inuyasha" honestly. "Me too, Replied Serena" laying there for a while longer. Until they both got dressed and went back too camp. Miroku noticed them returned and then noticed the mark on Serena's neck. He smiled and gave Inuyasha the thumbs up.

He grinned and then cuddled up too Serena in her sleeping bag for the night. So now they were one, they were mates, but what happens now when she finds out that Darien is alive, or he finds out that She's alive too? Keep reading. To Be Continued.

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