Smile (P5/Royal Story x OC/Ma...

By zer0420

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(Note, there's a few changes in the Persona Timeline for the sake of this story) The prettiest smile hides th... More

Chapter 1 Royal Beginnings
Chapter 2 Arriving At Shibuya
Chapter 3 Awakening
Chapter 4 First Day At Shujin
Chapter 5 Rumors Of Abuse
Chapter 6 The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back
Chapter 7 Calling Card
Chapter 8 Change Of Heart
Chariot Confidant Rank 2 And 3
Lovers Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Chapter 9 The Phantoms
Chapter 10 Mementos
Chapter 11 The Councillor and The Artist
Chapter 13 Rumors Of Plagiarism
Chapter 14 Artistic Betrayal
Chapter 15 Artistic victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Lovers Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Emperor Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Chapter 16 Operation: Maid Watch
Chapter 17 A Faithful Meeting
Chapter 18 Busted
Chapter 19 Rumors Of Extortion
Chapter 20 Full Throttle
Chapter 21 Breaking The Piggy Bank
Chapter 22 Gaining Trust
Chariot Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Lovers Confidant Rank 6 and 7
Emperor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Priestess Confidant Rank 1 and 2
Faith Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Councillor Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Chapter 23 Differing Stances
Chapter 24 Alibaba
Chapter 25 Tales Of Deception
Chapter 26 X-Day
Chapter 27 I'll Guide You To Victory
Chariot Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Lovers Confidant Rank 8 and 9
Emperor Confidant Rank 5 and 6
Priestess Confidant Rank 3 and 4
Faith Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Hermit Confidant Rank 2 and 3
Justice Confidant Rank 4 and 5
Councillor Confidant Rank 5
Chapter 28 Hunting For Clues
#1 in Persona
Chapter 29 Aloha
Chapter 30 Falling Out
Chapter 31 Apologizes
Chapter 32 Tales of Forced Marriage
Chapter 33 A Miscalculation?
Chapter 34 Our Fault?
Chapter 35 Never Again
Chapter 36 No More Pain
Chapter 37 Tales Of Desired Death
Chapter 38 True Family
Chapter 39 An Unexpected Awakening
Emperor Confidant Rank 7 to 9
Priestess Confidant Rank 5 to 9
Hermit Confidant Rank 4 to 9
Empress Confidant Rank 1 to 9
P5/ Royal Smile Thoughts
Justice Confidant Rank 6
Councillor Confidant Rank 6 to 9
Chapter 40 Laying Low
Chapter 41 Set Up
Chapter 42 Post Festival Party
Chapter 43 Alliance
Chapter 44 Coming Clean
Chapter 45 Tales Of False Accusation
Chapter 46 Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 47 Unforeseen Ambush
Chapter 48 Tale Of Betrayal
Chapter 49 Damaged
Chapter 50 Breakdown
Chapter 51 Tales Of Realization
Chapter 52 Promises
Chapter 53 Black Mask
Chapter 54 Best Friends
Chapter 55 Sacrifice
Chapter 56 Changing Society
Chapter 57 True Mastermind
Chapter 58 Recollection
Chapter 59 Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 60 Christmas Eve Surprises
Chapter 61 Christmas and New Year's Eve
Chapter 62 Not Right
Chapter 63 3 Man Squad
Chapter 64 True Ruler
Chapter 65 True Identity
Chapter 66 True Wishes
Chapter 67 Rejected
Chapter 68 Final Goodbyes
Chapter 69 Aftermath
Chapter 70 Explanations
Chapter 71 Reawakening
Faith Confidant Rank 5 to 10
Chapter 72 Apologetic Part 1
Chaptet 73 Apologetic Part 2
Chapter 74 Apologetic Part 3
Chapter 75 Apologetic Part 4
Chapter 76 Final Exploration
Chapter 77 Final Negotiations
Chapter 78 The Final Battle Part 1
Chapter 79 The Final Battle Part 2
Chapter 80 One Choice...
Chapter 81 One Night...
Chapter 82 Unlikely Help
Chapter 83 Unlikely Meeting
Chapter 84 Valentine's Day
Chapter 85 Separated Ways
Chapter 86 White Day
(Final Chapter) Chapter 87 Royal Endings

Chapter 12 Enlightening Conversation

5.6K 135 71
By zer0420

No one's POV

It's the end of the day and currently Nhzual is making his way to Maruki for a session and when he got there, he saw the red haired girl from before at the door and she saw him.

???: Ah,hello.

Nhzual: Yo.

???: Are you here for a session as well?

Nhzual: That depends.

Nhzual then looked at Maruki.

Nhzual: You do have snacks, right?

Maruki: I indeed have snacks.

Nhzual: Then I'm here for a session.

The girl just giggled at Nhzual and then spoke up.

???: Dr. Maruki is a wonderful counselor. I've actually been seeing him for awhile, before he came to Shujin.

Maruki: Oh? I didn't know you two were acquainted. But don't go overselling me too hard through, I'm really nothing special.

???: Well, I need to get going. Please excuse me.

The girl bowed her head to Nhzual and left and Maruki looked at Nhzual.

Maruki: What you say we get started?

The two of them walked in and Maruki pulled something out of his pocket.

Maruki: Oh, and before I forget, here.

Maruki then handed Nhzual his wallet he had dropped.

Nhzual: My wallet? I was wondering where I put it.

Maruki: You dropped it the other day. I was going to return it to you the next time I saw you.

Nhzual: Thanks.

Maruki: But anyway, thank you for coming.

Nhzual: No problem, now bring on the snacks.

Maruki: Sure, just have a seat.

Nhzual sat down and and Maruki pulled out a box full of snacks and sat down himself and the two of them started taking.

Maruki: I see...thank you. I think I've gotten a good grasp of the situation you're in, Nhzual. Well, full disclosure...The school gave me a brief rundown of your past records.

Nhzual: Shocking...

Maruki: Don't worry, I won't pray on it too hard. But now that you've told me about yourself, I think I've realized something.

Nhzual then finished his third bag of chips and opened another one.

Nhzual: And what might that be?

Maruki: It seems like you're largely been able to reconcile your internal world with your external one. I should note that's really, truly impressive. Even most adults can't reliably manage that.

Nhzual: I'm sorry?

Maruki: How do I put it. You know how everyone has an internal reality? Some conception of themselves they're striving for? Like wanting to be a model student, or wanting to be loved and relied on. That kind of thing. But that idealized reality and the one in actually are often far apart. That gap is responsible for a lot of people's pain. Not everyone can ace their exams. And not everyone can be the heroes they wish to be.

Nhzual: Interesting.

Maruki: Well, let's...

Maruki looked at the time and saw how long he was taking.

Maruki: Sorry, this went on longer then I expected. Somehow, the conversation just took on a life of its own, I guess...Hey...I've actually got one last request. Do you mind?

Nhzual then opened a big cookie and looked at Maruki.

Nhzual: Shoot.

Maruki: I'm actually doing certain research along my duties as a counselor. It's not quite like counseling, more like a type of psychology treatment...Basically, it's a project to learn more about people's metaphorical hearts. What they think, how they feel. If I get far enough with it, I think it'll be able to help a lot of people! So...?

Nhzual: So...? You gotta tell me more then just that.

Maruki: Oh, sorry! Uh, I guess my point is...I'd like to ask you to help me with that research. All you'd have to do is listen to my theories, and then tell me if they spark any ideas of realization on you end. Please! Any time's good for me. I can work around your schedule. And, uh...I've got a lot of snacks, too! You can have them! They're yours!

Nhzual: Well, I was already going to help you, but the snacks just sealed the deal.

Maruki: Really?!

Nhzual: Yup. But I do have a question. Why me?

Maruki: be honest, sometimes I hit a wall in my research. I've been working on it alone, but ...some second opinions from perspective like yours could really push forward. Oh, and don't worry, I promise to repay you for it. Let's see...I know! Maybe I could teach you some tips for mental training? I happen to know a lot on the subject.

Nhzual: Oh, I wonder why.

Maruki: I'm sure I can cook up a special regimen for you. If you're dedicated enough, I'm sure you could draw out your full potential!

Nhzual: Eh, sure, why not.

Arcana Councillor Rank 2

Maruki: Oh, right! Would it be okay if we traded contract information? I'll contact you when I've got time, or when I need some input from you.

Nhzual: Go for it.

Maruki: Alright then. Thank you again for this, Nhzual.

Nhzual: Eh, it's no problem. Plus, who says no to free snacks.

Nhzual then stood up and picked his bag and the whole box of snacks and walked towards the door.

Maruki: I'll contact you soon.

Nhzual: Right.

After leaving Maruki, Nhzual meet you with the others and they saw him carrying the box.

Ryuji: Dude, what's with the box?

Nhzual: Went to see Maruki, and he gave me snacks.

Akira: Snacks?

Ann: Did you really take the whole box...?

Nhzual: For your information, he gave me the box.

Ann then looked into the box and saw all the snacks.

Ann: Oh, let me have some.

Nhzual: Uh, no. They're mine.

Ann: Come on, the whole box is full!

Nhzual: Yeah, full of my snacks.
Plus, why I give you any? You kept getting mad at me for asking about them.

Ann just started pouting at Nhzual.

Ann: Come on, Nhzual, give me some!

Nhzual: Nope!

Ann: Nhzual!

As Ann continued to try and take Nhzual's snacks, Akira and Ryuji just looked at them and sighed.


It's the day of the art show and everyone was currently walking through the museum and saw all the people that were here.

Ann: Look at all those people!

Morgana: So you ended up coming, too, Ryuji?

Ryuji: You guys told me to come, remember?!

As they were walking, Nhzual and Akira looked over and saw Madarame taking pictures and and in a interview and the word "Shack" came up.

Akira: Shack?

Ann: Hey, you hear that? He has a totally different perspective. I could see myself becoming a fan!

Ryuji: Is that right?

Nhzual: Who knows.

Yusuke: Ms. Takamaki! You came!

The five of them looked over and saw Yuskue

Ann: H-Hello.

Yusuke looked at the Nhzual, Akira and Ryuji.

Yusuke: You three came also, huh?

Nhzual: ...-_-...If you didn't want us to come, why did you give us tickets?

Yusuke: Make sure you don't get in the way is the other guests.

Nhzual: ..-_-...Some hospitality...

Ann then left with Yusuke and Ryuji spoke up.

Ryuji: So, you both want to take a look around?

Akira: Actually, I'm curious about something...

Nhzual: I think I may know what you're thinking about.


Currently, Nhzual, Akira, Morgana and Ryuji are waiting outside for Ann and Morgana and Ryuji were playing shoji on his phone.

Morgana: Not yet, Ryuji? Ever heard of, "There's a difference between a poor thinker and a deep sleeper"?

Ryuji: Shut up! Gimme another minute!

Ann then walked over to them.

Ann: What's going on here?

Akira: Sorry, but there's something that's been bugging us.

Nhzual pulled out his phone and showed her the Phan site and they're different comments on.

Ann: The Phan site?

Ryuji: They said the word "shack" stuck out in their mind. They think the comments are referring to Madarame.

Ann: "A master of Japanese art is plagiarizing his pupil's work. " "He makes his pupils live in a shack and treats them like slaves. He teachers nothing and bosses them around. He treats them inhumanly, as if disciplining a dog. "

Nhzual: From just these comments alone, we can scratch off plagiarism and abuse of the cheek list.

Ann: I don't believe it. A kindly master painter like that?

Ryuji: That's what I said to them, but if it's true, it'll be a great catch! He could be our next target.

Morgana: Think about it though. He's in the limelight, which would make it dangerous for us.

Ryuji: I know!

Morgana: Do you really?

Ann: So what should we do?

Akira: We should conform whether or not it's true.

Ryuji: Of course, that's only if you agree

Ann: Yeah. Well, I guess...

Morgana: Alright! Then we've got a favor to ask you, Lady Ann.

Ann: Me?


Currently, everyone is heading towards where Yusuke is living so he could paint Ann after she took him up on his request.

Ryuji: Phantom Thieves going by train...This ain't any different from how we get home from school, y know.

Ann: The train is the fastest way to go, plus, we can bring pets on here.

Morgana: Hey, who are you calling a pet?!

Akira: Well, you're a cat aren't you?

Ryuji: Plus, he quiet! We didn't pay the pet fare.

Morgana: I'm the one guiding you to your destination! You should be calling me "master"!

Nhzual: ...-_-...Yeah, a masterful pain in the ass.

Suddenly, a little girl walked up to them.

Little girl: Ooh, kitty!

Ann: Oh, shoot..!

Little girl: Is that you're pet, Mister? I heard it meowing!

Nhzual: It's just a strange creature.

Akira just elbowed Nhzual in the side.

Nhzual: Ow!

Akira: It's a stuffed animal.

Ann: Yeah, it's just a toy. It meows when you press on it's head.

Ryuji: You heard her, Nhzual. Press on its head.

Morgana: This is ridic-

Nhzual cut off Morgana and petted his head.

Morgana: M-Meowww....

Little girl: Wowweee! Again! Again!

Nhzual just looked at Morgana and smirked.

Nhzual: Welp, Morgana, I guess you know what time it is.

Morgana: Nhzual, don't you dar-

Nhzual: Time to button mash!

Nhzual then started patting Morgana's head repeatedly.

Morgana: Mew...Mewowowowowowowowow!!!

The little girl then started laughing.

Little girl: That's so funny! I wanna hear it again!

Morgana: I just threw up in my mouth...

Nhzual: Oh, you're fine.

Morgana: I hate you...

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