Oil & Water (GirlXGirl) ✓

By uvonnewrites

751K 39.4K 13.1K

"You're an Assassin, I'm an FBI Agent. We can't be together, we're like Oil and Water. We simply don't mix." ... More

Oil & Water
Acknowledgement & Thanks
Other Works


15.7K 899 197
By uvonnewrites

It had been a while since Xena had gotten dressed up to go out. But then again, she really wasn't 'going out', she was working. But then again, she was technically 'going out', even though it was for work.

Xena now had on her outfit for the night: leather pants, a sleeveless top, and finally, a navy blue velvet blazer. Xena had topped the outfit off with wet-look dance shoes and some jewelry around her neck and on her fingers. Her hair was gelled back from her face and Xena now stepped back from her full-length mirror, admiring her handiwork.

She looked good.

A brief nervousness passed over Xena. She knew what she was about to do was wrong, she could get her license as an Agent suspended. It was risky business, but Xena considered it to be a risk worth taking. Besides, they did not plan to have any close contact with Richard Mascetti; they were basically just making observations.

Xena glanced down, checking the time on her phone. It was time to go.

The drive to La belle nuit was a rather slow one. Xena couldn't tell if it felt slow because of the anticipation she was feeling or if it was the typical New York City traffic. Her mind wandered as she drove. Once again, she found herself thinking of Venus. Immediately, a small smile made its way onto her face. It seemed almost impossible for Xena not to think about the woman. It seemed to be all she knew how to do ever since she met her.

There was still so much that Xena wanted to know. But from how closed off and reserved the smaller woman was, there was a good chance that she might never get to know those things. Her curiosity about Venus might never be quenched.

Xena sighed as she drove into the car park of La belle nuit. Already, she could hear the music that was playing from inside and the numerous people scattered around. This particular club was one of the most popular ones in the whole city. It was constantly packed with people, regardless of the day.

Xena now stepped out of the car, into the night air as a small smile spread across her face. No doubt, it was just like New Yorkers to party on a week-night. It is the city that never sleeps after all.

At that moment Xena's cell phone rang. It was Agent Daniels, perfect timing.

"I'm here." Xena announced the moment the line connected.

"Good. Meet me at the entrance."

The line went dead.

Xena instantly began walking straight for the entrance. There was a long line outside and the music became significantly louder.


Xena squinted, noticing Agent Daniels standing close to the front, waving his hands frantically at her. Both of them had decided beforehand to not refer to each other as 'Agent' whilst at the club. It wasn't a good move, not in a club that was bound to have drug-dealers littered around. No doubt, after all, the owner of the club himself was rumored to be a notorious drug cartel.

Xena didn't care at that moment, she had more pressing issues at hand.

"Daniels." She stated once she arrived next to him.

She had to admit, Agent Daniels had done a good job of pulling off the 'clubber' look. Likewise her, his hair was slicked back from his face. He was wearing a bright button-up shirt, with the buttons undone all the way to his chest. Along with tight-fitting pants and dress shoes, she had to give it to him- he pulled it off seamlessly.

Xena watched as Agent Daniels turned to the bouncer, saying something to him. The bouncer nodded and ushered them both inside.

Stepping into the club was a sudden change of scenery. If she had thought the music was loud outside, it was ear-piercing inside the club. Lights were flashing periodically, blinding in the darkness. Xena pushed her way through the mass of bodies, struggling to keep up with Agent Daniels.

"Richard Mascetti isn't here yet. Apparently, he's meant to be arriving around 10." Agent Daniels yelled, struggling to keep his voice heard over the blaring music. "Until then, let's blend in. We'd meet again when it's time." With that, Agent Daniels was immediately out of view. Xena caught sight of him a distance away, dancing between a sea of women. She got the feeling that he had intentionally made them come early just for this reason.

Xena shook her head and looked around. She had about twenty-minutes of 'blending in' before she would meet back with Agent Daniels and their undercover operation would be in session.

For now, Xena made her way over to the bar at the end of the club, pushing through a sea of bodies as she did so. She remembered why it was that she never really went to clubs, the amount of people crowded together in a space was overwhelming.

"Hey Bartender!" Xena called out, waving her arm once she arrived at the Bar.

The Bartender who was attending to another man a distance away raised up a finger, signaling to Xena that he would be with her shortly.

Xena turned around, leaning against the counter as she watched the dancing bodies a little distance away from her. Everyone seemed to be having fun, 'Tik-Tok' by Ke$ha was blaring through the speakers and Xena even found herself unconsciously bumping her head along to the beat.

"Ma'am, what can I get for you tonight?"

The Bartender had now arrived behind Xena, causing her to turn around.

"Um, yes, could I have coke please?" Xena asked.

The Bartender paused then. He looked around him quickly before bringing his head close to Xena's: "Ma'am, the coke is being sold in the back room. You can't ask for it so outright, you never know who's listening. Law enforcement might be here undercover."

Realization crossed over Xena once she understood the miscommunication that had occurred, she bit down on her lip to keep from laughing out. The irony of the situation was at an all-time high.

"No, not that kind of coke. A Coca-Cola." Xena now specified, a grin spreading across her face despite her attempts to hide it.

The Bartender laughed nervously as he realized what Xena had been asking for.

"Coming right up, ma'am. Would you want that with anything?"

"Just ice."

The Bartender nodded his head and disappeared from view, not before giving a quick weird glance at Xena. Xena understood perfectly what it meant: 'who the fuck orders a coca-cola at the club?'"

Once again, Xena leaned against the counter as she thought back to the night she had met Venus. In a sense, it seemed that she came back to that night every so often as a reference point.

Xena smiled as she remembered the way Venus had reacted to Xena's choice of drink. The utter rudeness, the lack of basic courtesy, was what had gotten Xena hooked. Xena now laughed quietly to herself as she thought about.

She abruptly stopped laughing. In the distance, not so far away from where she was stood, was a woman that looked just like Venus. Xena blinked for a couple of seconds, wondering if she was just imagining it, seeing as she had been thinking about the woman. Yet, the woman in the distance turned her head ever so slightly and Xena could swear that it was indeed Venus.

Forgetting the drink she had ordered, Xena pushed into the crowd, making her way through the mass of bodies as she struggled to reach the familiar-looking woman.

Unfortunately for Xena, at that point the woman started moving as well, disappearing deeper into the crowd. Xena struggled, roughly pushing her way through the crowd of people desperately wanting to get to her.

"Hey, watch it."

Xena turned to mutter a quick apology to the guy that she had bumped into, but by the time she looked back, the woman was nowhere to be seen.

Xena stood, fixated on her position, desperately looking around the crowd of people. Then she caught sight of the familiar dark locs, and once again Xena was on the move.

The woman had her back to her so Xena couldn't see her face, but she was certain it was Venus. She could swear that it was her.

Xena stretched out her hand, about to tap lightly on the woman that was now directly in front of her when Agent Daniels suddenly appeared in her vision.

"Vale, it's time. Let's go."

Just like that, Xena's previous plans flew out the window. She nodded her head and began following Agent Daniels through the crowd of people. Xena glanced back, looking for the woman one last time. But just like the night at the Bar, she was nowhere to be seen.

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