Betrayal Of My Best Friend.

By Whitewolfspirit29

5.5K 86 5

When Sailor Mars gets tired of being a loyal and trustworthy friend and gets sick of everyone's love for Sere... More

1. Broken Spirit and Hearted Goodbye.
2. The New Sailor Moon.
3. Sailor Moon's Weapon.
4. Inuyasha's Inner Heart's Confusion. And Rei's Evil Planning.
5. Why Don't You Join Us.
6. The Group Learns More About Serena's Life.
7. The Fox and the Female Fox as Well.
8. Kagome and Inuyasha's Talk.
9. Rei's Dream Has Come True.
11. Moving Forward Just Seems Too Hard.
12. Girl Talk.
13. Passionate Lovers.
14. The Truth Has Been Set Free.
15. Good Timing and Bad Timing.
16. Why, why, why?
17. I'm Not Returning To The Present.
18. The Group Together for The First Time in A Long Time.
19. Like It or Not
20. Rei's Actions and Her Protection Over Serena?
21. Darien's Threat. And Rei takes a Stand against him.
22. Serena's Acceptance and Forgiveness.

10. A Hot Spring of emotions and Naraku's Defeat.

208 5 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

So, it had been over 6 months now, Since Serena arrived in this world, and she hardly knew who she was at times, she knew who she was, and where she was born, but she didn't always feel that way, in fact she was not the girl she was when she first arrived here, she was now a bad ass demon slayer, and she had new friends she adored, And Kagome and Sango became like her new sisters, Miroku a perverted brother in away, And Shippo was like her little brother, and she loved them truly.

She had to admit it even too herself, Inuyasha had his own way too, He had something about him, That drew her in, But she looked at him, At many times, And she always thought it was an excuse to have too always fight with him, He teases her so much, But for a fact he spied on her made her even more curious too, She hadn't said it out loud, But she secretly did feel flattered that he thought she was so beautiful, Kagome told her this that He told her that, But then she thought of what they've been through together And how they worked together, And she knew that he cared for her too, And she cared for him too.

Serena had to admit it, she wasn't the clumsy little girl anymore, she didn't pig out anymore, she didn't cry and scream as she use too, in fact she looked at the reflection in the water and asks herself who am I? Where do I belong? She asked herself many times.

But then one hot day as it was hotter than hell outside, everyone was traveling for the longest time. And Serena felt hot, and she and the group had just gotten done killing another demon, it was rather furiously tiering, everyone was in a bad mood almost.

But sadly, the villagers said that there was 4 of those monsters, and so they were like fire demons and the heat of the sun and the summer was making it worse.

Serena and Inuyasha got pared too together. Sango and Miroku and Kagome and Shippo went looking in another direction.

Soon after the long fighting and the battles with the flame demons. Inuyasha and Serena took out two of them. And then of course the others handle the ones they found. It was officially safe for their villagers.

Everyone left the village on foot; Kagome was complaining about the heat. Serena said she wish for a nice Root Beer float.

Kagome told her that does sound nice to have. And a nice cool bath too, Replied Sango" honestly.

Shortly after a few hours they were all told to check the woods for one more set of demons that were said to have caused trouble. So, and this time around everyone else found it. Serena was on her own this time around, she knew they finished it, she could sense that much.

So, she soon found herself at a waterfall and pool at the base of it, it looked rather mellow waters, and not too strong, she soon chooses to go for a swim.

She felt way too hot, she was smelly, and the hot sweat just made here sink and she hated the smell of herself right now, and so she jumped into the water, she left her underwear and bra on, as she let the cool water cool her off. Soon she was in the waterfall and a cave behind it almost it was nice and cool. But she didn't know that Inuyasha had the same idea as she did.

Soon the others went off to get something to eat, Inuyasha had looked at the water too, and finally said the hell with it, He was over hot for once. And this led to him walking amongst the sides of the pools water. When Serena snapped what are you doing?

He locked eye's with her, she was nearly naked, and of course he already seen her once, but then he fought with her.

"NO....!!! Shouted out Inuyasha" shaking his head. "Yes, Replied Serena" annoyed.

"No, I am not leaving, I am exhausted, I am overwhelmed because of this heat, and I am extremely hot right now, And I stink and smell bad even for my standers, And there's nothing worse than when I feel extremely uncomfortable, so you have two choices you can either get out and leave, or you can stay here and share this waterfall with me, it's not going to bother me, Say's Inuyasha" serious tone voice.

"Well, I am not leaving, I was here first, Say's Serena" stubborn. "Well, the I guess that means we share it then, spoken up Inuyasha" finally removing pants.

Serena's faced turned away, even though she'd be lying if she didn't feel he was hot as hell. But then he jumped into the cold water, it brought his own body temperatures down, He relaxed in the cold water, that feels nice.

As she looked at him from the other side of the waterfall. When Inuyasha caught her checking him out she was staring at him.

"Hey...!!! Shouted out Inuyasha" lightly covering himself. "Well, you looked first, Remember, when you spied on Me, and you're your right in front of me, so of course I'm going to take a look, Say's Serena" seriously.

"Well...!!! Yeah, I look, I am a man, it's what we do once in a while, Even I have moments of curiousness, Said Inuyasha" honestly. "Well, I look too alright, Replied Serena" honestly. He grinned in away and started moving closer over to her.

"Don't you dare come any closer to me, if you touch me or come any closer to me, I'll kill you...!!! Shouted out Serena" serious tone voice. "You're nervous, you're heart is beating ever so hard, I make you nervous, you're body is in full on heat, Say's Inuyasha" smelling it.

"Leave me alone or so help me I will kill you, so don't even think about coming closer to me, Replied Serena" glaring even more.

Inuyasha felt a little joy in this right now, He slowly moved closer anyways.

"I am only stating the obvious, You're into Me, you like what you see, Say's Inuyasha" teasing her. "You're so not my type, you could kiss me right now and I wouldn't even feel......!!!! Cut off. As he kissed her hard.

She was surprised a bit, but she did almost cut him, but his hand grabbed the knife. And he removed it when she dropped it into the water, He pushed her body on the wall behind her. She blushed redder in the face; it was intense for sure.

"So, what about now? Asked Inuyasha" sensing her emotions.

"Nothing...!!! Replied Serena" lying she deny it.

"Lair, you like it but it's not like that kiss did anything for me really, Say's Inuyasha" looking down at himself. Serena grinned only widened up even more.

"I am not surprised if that's the best you can kiss, Half Demon, spoken up Serena" teasing him.

"Oh, so you want the best performance, do you? Asked Inuyasha" teasing her right now.

"As a matter of fact, I.....!!! As he did it again, He cut her off from talking.

As the kissing became more intense and sparks were flying now, they both were into each other more then they wanted to admit it, Serena was stubborn because she wasn't sure if she was ready to move on, And Inuyasha was such a jerk and a pervert and tempered guy, she wasn't sure if she liked him, but then why is she kissing him back she asks herself?

But then it stopped, and he pulled back before he took things too far. "How about now? Asked Inuyasha" gently.

"I will admit it, you're a great kisser, you caused a spark I suppose, Say's Serena" admitting it.

"As do you, I felt it for the first kiss, I just wanted to have another excuse to kiss you again, But I have to admit it, this might actually be the most amazing moment of my life, spoken up Inuyasha" admitting it too her.

She locked eye's with him, she almost let herself kiss him again, and see if this was going to go somewhere else, but then they both heard louder voices screaming coming through...!!! And then here came Kagome and the other jumping into the water too.

As Inuyasha looked at Serena and Said and now it's over. And then he got out.

She got dressed and they never talked about that kiss since. And Kagome and the others didn't see them kiss, just that they both went for a cold bath, or Shippo told the others and they all said they wanted too cool down too.

Soon they went to bed that late night, And Serena pertained it never happened, and so did Inuyasha he had laid in the tree that night, thinking that was a close one, He was almost into the idea of sticking it inside her, He looked down and shook his head no.

Soon thing seem back too normal for the most parts.

Serena's thought carried her away a lot lately at times, even though she had a new purpose in life, Protecting People even in this world, but it seemed to be a lot harder work, but she was all in for magic, she had grown stronger with her sword all of the time, She and Inuyasha's swords combined destroyed Naraku.

He lost his life finally; they all had taken him down together.

Flashback 2 weeks ago...!!!! As the gang was chasing the jewel shards, Kagome sensed, Sailor Moon picked up on their power too.

And this led them all too fighting Naraku, He was after Kohaku Sango's little brother, who was with Rin and Sesshomarou was fighting with Naraku too.

And they all joined in. Naraku had a lot more power than that of the last time they faced him, but they kept fighting...!!!!

Sango rushed too her brother and protected him taking a full force of an attack, Miroku was hurting soon after, He could hear the wind tunnel, and that's not a good sound too hear. Sango and Miroku were next falling off the cliff together.

Kagome was saved by Sesshomarou surprising too everyone else, But Inuyasha was thankful in away. Rin and Kokaku were told to leave, and so they got out of harm's way.

Naraku turned around and made comments about how the Demon Slayer and the Monk wished to die together? It was horrible, sadly in fact.

Serena snapped and so did Kagome, they both lecture Naraku, And Kagome told him her own theories of why he hurt people, and why he acted this way, The Jewel Never granted his true wish, it wasn't what he truly wanted, she could see that much.

Soon after Inuyasha understood now too, and then shouted out at Naraku too, and about being Half Demon, and he had both a human heart and a demon heart, but he too understood now what Kagome was saying too. As they only pissed him off and he attacked even more once more.

He shouted out he would end them all here and now. Sailor Moon shouted out just try it. And He went for her body......!!!! Inuyasha jumped in the way to protect her. And then they both got blasted away together...!!!! Inuyasha....!!! Serena...!!!! Shouted out Kagome" loudly.

But Sailor Moon's body was glowing brightly, she was mad at him, And Inuyasha was fine, He was in her lap for a second.

"Why did you jump in the way, He could have killed you, you Idiot? Asked Serena" sadden a bit.

"I didn't want too loose another person who's important to me, we've lost way too many people because of that Bastard, we need to end him, And I won't lose you so I wanted to protect You, Say's Inuyasha" honestly.

As she looked shocked and then she smiled and felt a piece of her old self once more, she began to fight harder on the inside, her body began to glow brighter and she changed clothes once more, it made Naraku's spell over Miroku's wind tunnel stop.

She manages to shoot Naraku right back, it weakened him, and as he got weaker, Miroku was able to move, Sango and He rushed up too Kagome and Sesshomarou and Shippo too.

"What in the world has happened? Asked Sango" confused. "Serena's glowing why though? Asked Miroku" confused too.

"I don't know, she protected Inuyasha, He went to protect her from Naraku, and this happened, Replied Kagome" confused too. "She's got more power than anything in this world I've seen, Say's Sesshomarou" shocked truly.

But then they noticed the glowing light around her body, she seemed to unleash her true powers at Naraku with a full force of anger, she told everyone too attack together.

As she let her wings out, she took hold of her sword, and told Inuyasha are you with Me? He nodded and said of course he was. She nodded and threw him towards Naraku's body, and he could get a full front attack along with the others, Serena dived herself down.

And so, they did, Inuyasha combined his sword Dragon scale attack with Sailor Moon's Diamond Strom Attack and it was one of many of her sword's powers. Miroku and Sango combined there weapons together......!!!!! As did Kagome's arrow from the secret bow, she had gotten before Kikyo's death, she had the bow now, and she shot him right this time, Sesshomarou also had a hand in helping them end this bastard.

Soon Serena used her finally blast as well...!!!! Even after her Diamond Storm attack. She called out to the sliver crystal around her chest now...!!!! "Moon......!!!! Crystal......!!!! Elimination...!!!! Shouted out Serena" attacking with everything she has now.

As it all combined into an ultra-attack, it made Naraku's body be rip apart, Until Inuyasha used his other attack too use his Meidō Blades too cut Naraku's wall around him off, As Kagome shot another arrow......!!!! And it seemed like it was the end, and it truly was...!!!! Inuyasha's full blast along with Kagome's arrow and Serena's full on sliver crystals attack joined together and blasted him into nothingness.

Naraku was no-more, He was dead, He was gone, and there for the Jewel of four soul it had shattered once again, Naraku tried to use it to save himself, but instead it abandoned him, and it shattered once more like last time.

So, Kagome said she would have to go after it once more, she didn't know how much longer this was going to take but someone has to go after it, wish for it to disappear forever, Spoke up Kagome" honestly.

"Serena told her she wasn't alone in this mission, she was right here beside her, she was willing to help out, and she can see the jewel too, so she can help out when Kagome is in her own world, she has done more than enough for everyone here, if she wished to return home, she'd understand, Kagome smiled and said thanks, but she also said this is my home, you're also my family too all of you are, Say's Kagome" happily as she said that.

"And you will always be one of us too, and we are always going to see You as family, Spoken up Miroku" honestly. "Yeah, you're my sister for life, Replied Sango" hugging Kagome.

"But we also understand if you wished to go home, we can handle the jewel ourselves, Says Inuyasha" serious tone voice.

"Sorry You Guys, But you're all stuck with Me, Even if that means I live in this world with you all, But for the time being I will try and go back as much as I can, And honestly my family will understand, Mom always has understood my choice with being here, And even over a boy I still choose all of you, Besides he was a fake anyways, I can find a better man for myself, I guess that means I am back on the market too, Say's Kagome" serious tone voice.

"So, you're out there looking your stating? Asked Serena" curiously.

"Yes, I am, And I am here for the long run, and of course I will graduate from school and also try and make my choice when we regather the shards once more, So who in for another adventure? Asked Kagome" raising her hand into the air.

"We are...!!! Shouted out Inuyasha and Shippo" agreeing.

"I am in, as long as there's shards out there, we can't allow any more troubling demons like Naraku too be created or what not, And the jewel has to be put to an end, So I am in, I will go along as well, Replied Serena" willing to stay.

Soon everyone else followed along and agreed, As Much as Sango and Miroku really wanted to get married, they did make an agreement as soon as Naraku was dead, they'd officially get married, but they started out as a team first, And the jewel has to put too an end, and they agreed with Serena, so they said they were in, this was there family too and their team, and no one gets left behind in this family.

Soon they were off to the village, But Kagome got curious and wanted answers.

So, she turned too Serena now. And asks where the dress came from exactly back there, and that overwhelming aura of hers, and what not, it was nice to get some understanding here.

Serena realized since she met them, she never told them anything about her life.

So, she said that was a long story. Soon they all ask if she wouldn't mind sharing it with them? She smiled and said OKAY, Let's get a nice campsite and dinner, And I will tell you all over dinner, It's the least I can do, Replied Serena" honestly.

So, they all agreed. Rin and Sesshomarou left a long time ago.

And Inuyasha and the others set up a campsite, they were only 2 days away from Keada's as it was. So, it was nice to sit now that the sun was going down.

So, they all got some fish on the fire, and they all sat down after a long hot bath as the girls all had a nice bath and then the boys got cleaned off, and they all went back and ate their dinner.

It was nice being around the fire and it was warm. Serena smiled and told them if they all had their rice and fish, she was going to start the story now if they were ready. So, they all nodded there.

So, what will she show them, what will she tell them? Keep reading and find out. To Be Continued.

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