One word of Love | Taekook...

By bts_bangtang7

447K 21.3K 8.2K

( Completed ✓) Taehyung and Jungkook are forced to get married , not really forced . But Taehyung fall in lov... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1 - Let's see who is in my destiny
Chapter 3- Jungshook
Chapter 4- Rainy Night
Chapter 5- Not really a bad man
Chapter 6 - Thief
Chapter 7- Bunny and Bunny's Papa
Chapter 8- Jungkook the boss
Chapter 9 - Amusement Park
Chapter 10 - Old friends
Character Introduction 2
Chapter 11 - Memories
Chapter 12- Paradise
Chapter 13- Friends?
Chapter 14 - Such a Tease
Chapter 15- Yeonjun
Chapter 16- Back to Busan
Chapter 17- Go Ara
Chapter 18 - Human are than dangerous Animal
Chapter 19 - Chaeyoung
Chapter 20 - Jungkook or Doctor Kook?
Chapter 21- I will have my Kookie
Chapter 22- Blushing Bun
Chapter 23- Sarah
Chapter 24- Weird Day
Chapter 25 - Day Dream
Chapter 26 - Bun
Chapter 27- I won't hurt you
Chapter 28 - Love Birds
Chapter 29 - CuTae
Chapter 30- Yoonji
Chapter 31 - Little Boy
Chapter 32 - Touch him and you're Dead
Want to Ask something
Chapter 33 - Can't Wait
Chapter 34- Taekook
Chapter 35 - Dance with Love
Chapter 36 - Jealous?
Chapter 37 - Date ?
Answers 🌚 Part 1
Answers Part 2
Chapter 38 - Right or Wrong
Chapter 39 - Crazy for you
Chapter 40- Shy Jungoo
Chapter 41- Yoonmin Date
Chapter 42 - Brave Bunny
Chapter 43- Little Questions Match
Chapter 44 - Taehyung's Genius Bun
Chapter 45- Some Sugar Please
Chapter 46- Namjin anniversary
Chapter 47- Tae is a Meanie
Chapter 48- Were you trying to make me Jealous?
Chapter 49- Insane Woman
Chapter 50 - Doctor Kim Jungkook
Chapter 51- Battle of love
Chapter 52- I love you hyung
Chapter 53- Kisses and Elder's plans
Chapter 54 - The Court room
Chapter 55 - We believe in you
Chapter 56- Parents Surprise?
Chapter 57 - Son's Love for Father
Chapter 58 - Another Mincho
Chapter 59 - Lucy In love
Chapter 61- Pushiment
Chapter 62- Angry Yoonji
Chapter 63- Single one's and Dating one's
Chapter 64- I fell out of love
Chapter 65- She is different
Chapter 66- Hoseok's New Boyfie?
Chapter 67- Beautiful Ladies
Chapter 68 - Mood Swings
Chapter 69- Fight Club
Chapter 70- Distance
Chapter 71- Sleepy, Cuddly
Chapter 72- Sope Wedding
Chapter 73- Family day out
Chapter 74- Few Months back
Chapter 75- Delivery
Special Chapter
Special Chapter
Special Chapter
Note 💌

Chapter 2- Sweet Voice

8.9K 443 62
By bts_bangtang7

Ignore my mistakes plz...

No one's Pov

Chang wan ( Jungkook's father ) was sitting in the living room, checking some test paper...he sighed " Choi failed again " He said to himself....he heard a car horn coming from outside of his house " A car in here ?" He mumbled to himself confused....he stood up from the couch and went to open the door.

He opened the door and smiled when he saw a man with a dimple standing there while the driving behind him waving at him , he waved back with a soft smile " Welcome Namjoon ".

Jungkook Pov

After the so called blind date I was walking towards the hospital because I already wasted my 39 minutes because of him and now I really will kill someone now " Jungkook " someone called my name " What?!" I yelled when I saw Hoseok and Yoonji....I'm already really angry at them and if that say something again I will right here bury them alive.

" Woh ! Why so angry you bunny?" Hoseok hyung said...I glared at him " did you start dating that guy ?" I looked at Noona ( and it was this moment-) " don't talk about that jerk " I said and start walking again... mostly likely marching , Hoseok and Yoonji running behind me

" Why? Did you drank your banana milk?" Hoseok asked trying to joke around but made me  more angry" if he had touched my banana milk then he would not be alive " I said and that's true...I'd someone will touch my banana milk ..I will murder them..Yoonji Noona grabbed my hand " first stop walking like an elephant...the whole road he shaking because of your heavy steps....let's go drink a something and you will tell us everything okay?" I sighed.

" I have to go to the hospital...only 30 minutes are left " I said looking at my wrist watch...She scoffed " and the hospital is 5 minutes far from here and your favourite cafe is there sooo " She said with her annoying smirk...I looked at Hoseok hyung who was shining like a sun right now with his bright smile, I sighed " fine ".

No one's Pov

" What brings you here? You never come here before Jungkook's birthday " Chang wan said to Namjoon, who smiled and sip his tea " Well many things brings me here " He said and sighed...Chang Wan looked at him with frowned eyebrows " something wrong?" Chang Wan asked him concerned.

" I will tell you, first where is Jungkook?" Namjoon asked a soft smile was visible on his lips, Chang wan chuckled " he must be in the hospital or helping someone right now " He said...Namjoon smiled once again " That boy still spend most of his time in hospital ? " Namjoon asked and leaned back in the sofa.

" Yeah as you know before I adopted him, he spent 7 years in the hospital alone and the little hospital was his only home for him " Chang wan said and looked at his and Jungkook's picture, which the hand on the centre of the hallway " yeah...I's nice that he becomes a doctor....this world need doctors like him " Namjoon said and sip his tea again.

" So what's the matter how tell me ?" Chang wan frowns when Namjoon sighed " You know about Taehyung...we spend his time fucking around and coming home early in the morning " Chang wan sighed this time " Taehyung is a very talented man...he is ruining his life " Namjoon nodded in agreement, because he know that Chang Wan is right.

" And Mom...always insulting him...she never loved him just because she thinks that Taehyung is not from our blood and is adopted " He paused for a little " I know Taehyung also wants his grandma's love...he wants grandma to love Taehyung too just as she love Yoongi " Chang wan smiled sadly.

" Just because she don't know about the truth she is acting like this....but after she will know, she will regret " Namjoon nodded " Yesterday, Mina told me that Taehyung went to Bike racing again....and on a hill " Chang wan wide his eyes " That's really dangerous " Namjoon nodded " that's why I'm worried about him...and " Namjoon nervously looked at Chang wan who frowns.

" What happened Joon? Why are you looking at me like that " Chang wan asked him rising his one eye brow " I want someone to take care of him and Change...I want him to get married " Chang wan chuckled " so why are you nervous about that...he will agree with you...and I know you will chose the right person for him " he said.

Namjoon smiled sheepishly " Actually...I already chosed someone more him " Namjoon said...Chang wan smiled " I'm sure you have chosen the right person for him " Chang wan said smiling...Namjoon gulped " It's non other than Jungkook ".....

In the Cafe

" So now tell as " Yoonji said, Jungkook was still angry and it was visible on his face...which confused everyone in the cafe, because everyone in the village ( let's just call it village ) knows about Jungkook...he is that one person, who don't really get mad easily " Come on Kookie...spill the tea " Jungkook glared at Hoseok.

" You know what that guy said ?" Jungkook asked with an angry smile...Yoonji and Hoseok shook their head " He said that I'm not a Virgin but I want my partner to be " Jungkook said cleanching his fist " Well- " Yoonji was about to say something but Jungkook stopped her.

" You know Noona...He asked me if I am a virgin..and with a smirk " Jungkook scoffed remembering his cheap smirk....Hoseok and Yoonji looked at each other and than again at Jungkook " what happened next?" Hoseok asked getting interested in the topic but he gulped when Jungkook glared at him.

" I said no....and he called me a ' whore'.....can you believe it " Jungkook said and dryly chuckled " he called you whore?" Yoonji asked him in dead serious tune...Jungkook sighed and nodded " I will kill him " Hoseok said and was about stood up but Yoonji grabbed his collar and made him sat back down on the chair.

" You over actor sit down...he must be out of this area now " Yoonji said in a sassy tune...Hoseok pouts and caress the back of his nap " I got angry he called Kookie whore " Hoseok said...they looked up at Jungkook....who was looking really pissed " Are you okay?" Hoseok asked and out his hand on his arm.

Jungkook sighed and nodded his head " I'm just surprise...he can't put there dick insides there pants...just for there pleasure but in return they want a pure and simple seriously " Jungkook said and sighed again...Yoonji and Hoseok looked at each other " okay calm down...let's go to the hospital hmm " Jungkook nodded and stood up from chair.

Back in Jungkook's house

Chang wan was laughing so hard while Namjoon sitting there awkwardly and a cookie in his hand thinking If it's the right moment to eat or not " A-are you serious " Chang wan stopped laughing and asked him...Namjoon nodded his head...Chang wan start laughing again.

Namjoon rolled his eyes " why are you laughing?" He asked him with frown eyebrows...Chang wan looked at Namjoon holding at his laughter " well " he sat up straight on the sofa and cleared his throat and Namjoon finally continuing with his cookie.

" You know Jungkook will make your son a perfect man...and I'm worried that you will miss your this son " Chang wan said and put his hand on his mouth controlling himself not to laugh again...Namjoon scoffed " what's so funny in that?" namjoon asked...Chang wan looked at him " funny thing is that your son is from the big city Seoul and my son is from this small place " Namjoon looked at him confused.

" So ?" He asked " well...the think is I know about Jungkook....he will make Taehyung stop doing or the bad thinks he do and also I know that Jungkook is the right person for him " Chang wan said and smiled " Taehyung is not a bad know why he spend he so much time in club " Namjoon sighed " For his pleasure " Namjoon said .

Chang wan smiled and shook his head " he is your son but you don't know him very well...If he do all of that to get away from the hate his grandma and media give him " Well yes Chang wan is never leave him alone, always spreading false news about him and his Grandma always cursing at him.

" I know it's not a good reason for all of that...we all have different ways of handling our's Taehyung's way...if he will get someone in his life , who can love him...he can change for that one person and I know that's Jungkook....and after me I believe he will be safe in your house " Namjoon looked up and him smiling " so?" Chang wan smiled.

" I agree in this wedding....Jungkook will marry Taehyung " .

Taehyung Pov

I was standing in front the window , which was inside my office...why do garndman hate me so much...I want her love to, I sighed and grabbed the lighter and a cigarette from the table...I light up the cigarette and start smoking making the smoke move around me....I don't know why all of these things relax me.

My phone vibrates meaning that I got a notification...I took out my phone from my pocket and opened the messages.

Papa Jin :

Taehyung your father went to meet his friend in Busan...he is not picking up my calls.

Papa Jin:

He recently changed his number...I will send you his number , call him and tell me if he will pick up.



Papa Jin:


I sighed and looked at the number, but dad never visit his friend before 1st September...what happened this time? i sighed and dialed his number, why did he change his number tho. 

......Calling 82764581679........

" Hello " a very sweet voice came from the other line....of course it isn't sweet voice and him, i mentally chuckled " Umm hello ?"  What a sweet voice " H-hello can I talk to Kim Namjoon please?" Wow It's the first time spoke to someone in my normal tune " Namjoonie uncle? " I frowns when I heard that.

" I'm sorry but he not not here...he must be in Seoul, and maybe you dialed the wrong number  and it's **** Hospital " The sweet voice said again...I put the phone away from my ear and looked  at the number and then at the one Papa send me " Hello..are you there Mister?" What is this voice.

" Yeah yeah sorry, I dialed the number wrong...sorry for disturbing you " I said, Wow I apologized for the first time " It's fine...have a great day " He cut the call....what was that voice, I want to to talk to him again....I dialed the number again...after few seconds someone picked up the call " Hello ?" This time there was the voice of a woman not that sweet one.

" Hello, where the person I talked to few minutes ago " I asked in my usual cold tune which i use with everyone " Wait I will call him....Doctor Kook " kook? He is a doctor I see "  Noona, how many times do I have to tell you to don't call me Doctor Kook...You're elder than me " I heard that voice again, he was whining like a baby....which made me smile.

" Enough whining, There is a call for you " The woman said to him " Hello " He said , I smiled hearing his voice...But i said nothing " Hello?" He said again " Nonna, there is no one on the other line " He said and cut the call....I wanted to hear his voice more...I sighed and looked outside the window.

That was voice really sweet, like really talking to him it felt like he is really innocent...Just like my i was thinking that my phone vibrates again.

Papa Jin:

Did you called your dad?





Chapter 2

Any thoughts?

I know the story is not really good, still thank you who is reading it.

This chapter was really long I know, sorry

Thanks for reading 😘

- I purple you 💜

- author nim 🐰

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