Ms Jenner

By kendallsbitch

412K 11.8K 3.1K

Y/n's boss has moved to another branch, and as an assistant she's had nothing to do since he left, but her ne... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


2.3K 75 12
By kendallsbitch


Things had just about gone back to normal, but Kendall had finally embraced working from home and had been doing it three out of five weekdays so she could spend more time with me. I thought that she would've gotten sick of me by now, but every day she'd try to get home as early as she could for me, and she'd be happy if I surprised her at work too.

We'd finally got to a place where I was completely happy again, and I couldn't wait to marry her. We were sitting in her office at home one rainy afternoon and she was typing at her computer while I watched something on my laptop on the other side of the desk, and she groaned loudly.

"What's wrong Ken?"

"I just typed a completely wrong paragraph. I have to start again" she pouted

"It's okay, I'm sure it'll be perfect this time"

"It'd better be, or I'll be so mad"

"I have tummy ache" I told her and she softened up and looked at me sympathetically

"Baby" she took my hand and stroked it with her thumb "do you need painkillers?"

"Mhm" I nodded

"Okay, wait there"

"I'll go" I said and got up, but she shook her head and gently pushed me down onto the chair

"Stay, I'll get it for you"

"Be quick" I said and she kissed my temple before promptly leaving. I heard her quick footsteps on the wooden stairs, then a few minutes later I heard her coming back. I felt so tired and drained, all I wanted to do was go to sleep but I wanted to stay with her so I pretended to be okay aside from the pain. I sat up in my chair in time for her coming back, and she gave me a hug.

"Poor y/n" she said and gave me two pills, a glass of water and a hot water bottle

"How did you know it was cramps?" I asked

"You said you were due on for tomorrow. Are you a day early?"

"No. I just have tummy ache" I said

"It'll be okay. Why don't you go to bed?"


"Why not? Won't it make you feel better?"

"No" I grumbled and hunched over the hot water bottle while she watched me worriedly

"You have to go to bed. I'll go with you, I'll work on my laptop and you can go to sleep"

"But that feels selfish"

"To move me into a comfy bed?"

"Yeah, I know you prefer working in here"

"I'm almost finished anyway. You're the most important thing ever to me, I don't mind taking a few extra minutes because I'm a little bit too comfy to concentrate on sending a stupid email to corporate" she said and I smiled softly "what?"

"That made me have butterflies instead of cramps"

"That's what I'm here for. Wait twenty seconds, I have to make sure this is all done on here"

I waited patiently and quietly on the chair for her to be done. When she was finished, she led me to our room and tucked me into bed with my hot water bottle and got herself comfy next to me, and got to work again. I didn't want to sleep, I just wanted to be with her.

"Are you okay baby?" She asked

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"You're so sleepy. Go for a nap, I'll still be here"

"But I wanna stay here with you"

"We have the rest of our lives for that, beautiful" she murmured with her around my shoulders and her face nuzzled into the back of my neck "take an hour or two to feel better"

"Okay. Promise you'll stay?"

"Unless I have to pee" she said, making me let out a small but genuine laugh "what? Is peeing funny to you?"

"Sure" I said

"Just you wait until you find out about burping" she said

"Shut up, I know what burping is"

"We both know that you know all about it" she teased and I nudged her arm "I'm joking, you're adorable"

"Yeah" I sighed happily, then winced in pain

"You're gonna be okay. Come here" she said and held me against her "you smell so nice"

"Thanks, so do you" I said

"And you look really sexy" she smiled and I flashed her a look of annoyance so she stopped "I'm sorry"

"It hurts!" I whined loudly and the dogs pricked their ears up "sorry doggies"

"Not sorry Kenny who's right next to you?"

"No, every day you wake up and you choose to deal with that, they were adopted into our strange family"

"Aww, we have a family" she said

"Can we have another dog?"


"Will you think about it?"

"Aren't we having babies soon?" She asked in her nice voice

"I don't know, we haven't really talked about it"

"Can we? I really want kids with you"

"Me too but I'm not in a good mood right now, I wanna sleep" I sighed and

"Okay, go to sleep. I don't want you to feel grumpy because I'm keeping you awake" she stopped working for a while to play with my hair while I fell asleep.

"Morning gorgeous"

"No" I grumbled and shuffled away

"Why not?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night and I started my period" I told her quietly because I was embarrassed, but she never cared about that, only that I needed some extra help because I had very painful cramps.

"Aww baby, do you want me to make your breakfast?"

"Yeah please. And will you bring me some more painkillers?"

"Of course. Wait there" she said and gave me a hug, then went downstairs to the kitchen. I texted her to say I love her when she'd been a while, and soon after I heard her coming back upstairs. She'd ordered me a breakfast sandwich from somewhere and put it on a plate with my painkillers, which made me laugh.

"I love you too" she pecked me on the lips and then gave me my sandwich

"Where did you get this?"

"I ordered it from McDonald's" she said proudly "I know that's your favourite"

"You're my favourite"

"Thing to eat" she said

"You're also my favourite"

"Wanna have some now?" She was joking, but she was definitely hoping for me to say yes

"But not right now" I said and took a bite "mmm, that's good"

"You didn't have to make that sound so sexual" she mumbled while she stirred her coffee

"I didn't! I was appreciating the sandwich. And don't be mean, I have tummy ache"

"I'm joking baby. I'm sorry" she said "and drink your coffee"

"I don't drink coffee"

"Iced coffee" she pointed to the bedside table and I kissed her cheek, then drank some

"Thanks Ken, you're the best"

"I know" she shrugged and drank some of her coffee "I'll stay home today"

"You don't have to, you can go to work"

"But you need looking after"

"It's just a period, it'll be fine"

"But you're always there for me when mine hurt so I'll be there for you too. Even though mine barely hurt"

"Lucky" I said, reaching up to mess with her hair "mine hurt so bad until the third day"

"I'm sorry baby" she murmured

"It's your fault my body's a bitch"

"I like your body" she told me

"I like yours too"

"So are we still good for October first?" She asked

"I feel like you're only marrying me so we can have sex again"

"No" she frowned "we've had so much time to plan, we're almost done planning"

"I know, I'm joking. But are you definitely ready?"

"The most ready I've ever been for anything in my life" she said

"Why are you being so cute today?" I asked and she smiled and cuddled up to me "get on top"


"It helps, I promise" I said and she lay on me and rested her head on my stomach, staring out of the window. The pressure on my stomach from her body on top of it eased the pain, but I knew she was trying hard not to put all her weight on me "lie down normally"

"I don't wanna hurt you"

"You won't. You're skinny"

"Hey! I'm muscly" she said and showed me her arm muscles to prove it to me

"I know, but you're very slim too"

"But I'm tall"

"So? Lie down Ken!"

"Sorry ma'am" she mumbled and let herself go slightly more limp, but still held her position. I knew that was the best I was going to get, so I put my arms around her shoulders.

"Love you"

"You too baby" she said, her voice muffled in my shoulder "how many babies are we having?"

"One at a time" I said

"What if it's twins?"

"We don't even know how we're having them yet, hang on" I said and she smiled softly up at me "what?"

"I just want us to have our little family"

"We can talk about it, but wedding first, then honeymoon, then back to normal, then babies"

"Okay. I'm just worried"


"You know why" she sighed

"We have to decide where the other part is coming from, who the egg is coming from and things" she said and she nodded slowly

"I have some eggs frozen"

"When were you going to tell me that?"

"When it wouldn't freak you out because I'm scared of not being able to have children with the ones I have at this age?"

"I'm not freaked out, don't worry" I said. At this point, she could tell me anything and I'd be less surprised than I was relieved that she was telling me

"I'm sorry" she said "they're from when I was twenty eight"

"That's almost ten years, are they still alive?"

"That's seven years. I'm thirty five" she said


"Don't apologise, princess. They were meant to be for if my ex wife changed her mind but I kept them just in case when she said absolutely no way"

"That came in handy" I said "how many do you have?"

"A lot" she said

"That's good. So your's first?"

"Yeah. My two, then your two" she said


"Yeah, I've always liked the idea of having four kids. All one or two years apart so they get along better"

"One? That's how long it takes to have one"

"It's less than nine months usually, and you'd have at least three months before you'd have the next one put in"

"Kenny, I'm not a baby factory. I'd also have a young baby to look after"

"I know, of course. But I'll help"

"I know you'll help as much as you can, but you do a lot of work"

"Aren't I taking the day off to help you when you need help today?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"So I'll be there like this all the time"

"What about work trips?"

"Someone can go for me"

"Four's a lot"

"We have tons of space. I can put my gym stuff in the basement and they can have that room for a playroom"

"Next to your office?"

"We can soundproof things. And we'd probably better soundproof our room too"


"For when we're uh... yeah, doing that" she said

"What if they're shouting for us upstairs? We wouldn't be able to hear them" I said "we won't have to stop having sex when we have kids, but it'll have to change if we're doing it in the house"

"Where else are we gonna do it?" She asked sadly

"We can go away for the weekend sometimes"

"But we used to do it every other day at least" she grumbled

"We can still do that if we have the energy, but when you have kids you have to put them first and shut up during sex" I said

"Remember when I did that to you on the plane?" She teased

"I remember. And I remember how you'd planned my fucking outfit so you could do it. You're such a sleaze"

"Sorry I enjoy having sex with my own girlfriend"

"And that-"

"Please don't" she whined "I'm so sorry"

"I know, I love you" I said

"I love you more" she said sweetly

"No" I smiled





"But I do"

"No you don't, it's not possible"

"It is because I do"

"Agree to disagree?"

"Fine" she grumbled

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