My SEXY enemy (Stony Highscho...

By JezzieRS

50.4K 2.7K 4.5K

One thing Steve Rogers didn't expect with moving to Malibu, was meeting someone like the rich kid Tony Stark... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 26

993 54 106
By JezzieRS

Tony had no time to react before he was led to one of the empty corridors and Liam suddenly opened the door to a classroom. He let out a small yelp when the guy pulled him inside and closed to door behind them, immediately being pushed up against the door as the darkness of the empty classroom surrounded them.

Tony's eyes widened as Liams lips connected to his in a rough and hungry kiss. His tongue forcing its way into his mouth. Stark moaned out in surprise before he put his hands on the taller guy's chest and pushed him away from his body.

"Liam for fucks sake-" he hissed, but before he could say anything else, Liam had already pushed himself against him again and claimed his mouth. Making Tony's heart pound in his chest.

"MH-okay wait." Tony said against his mouth when he felt how Liam's hands searched their way under his shirt.

Liam pulled away with hungry eyes. "What? We haven't fucked in weeks." He said before pressing his lips against Tony's again. "I need to get off some steam." He whispered.

"Then choose someone else- Liam!" Tony moaned as the older guy's hands were about to travel farther down his body. Making him roll his eyes in irritation. "Liam stop, listen to me."

Liam finally gave in a released the genius from his steady embrace. He backed away a little, but only as far as necessary. Which meant that their faces were still only inches apart.

Tony inhaled through his nose before gathering his thoughts. The sexual tension making him dizzy. "Look. The last couple of months have been...nice."

"Just nice?" Liam snorted.

"Okay...they've been more than nice. The point is. We should stop." Tony explained, still having his hands on Liam's arms in case the older guy tried to make a move.

"Why?" Liam asked.

"Because I say so."

"That's not an answer."

"It should be enough for you to understand that I don't want to have sex with you anymore." Tony said with a dry voice.

Liam eyed him up and down a few times before humming. "And why would the school's slut suddenly stop wanting dick?"

Tony clenched his teeth. He hated when people called him slut. He could take playboy, but not slut.
Even though, he still kept a stone-cold face as he responded with his normal sassy voice.

"Oh I won't stop wanting dick. I just don't want yours anymore."

Liam bit his inner cheek as his eyes darkened in anger and before Tony knew it, he was pinned against the wall again with a hand around his throat.


"So you've already changed sex partner? Oh you selfish arrogant whore. Who is it this time?" He asked.

Tony's eyes widened. He'd never seen this side of Liam before. This guy was usually very gentle...even though he was an ass in the beginning. He had never called Tony anything like that outside their sex acts.

"I bet the guy enjoys you just as much as I do. But when you get bored, and you will, you're going to come back. I bet that you'll come crawling back to me when you're not feeling satisfied enough."

Now the genius turned angry. Yes he liked sex, and he liked when people were being dominant. But he would never ever let anyone treat him like a toy, an object that wanted sex 24/7, nor a needy slut.

The shorter guy looked at him with angry eyes as he grabbed his wrist and yanked it from his throat. It hurt a lot when Liam's nails scratched his skin but who cares? He was now free and he pushed the taller guy away from his body. Making him tumble back in surprise and hitting a table with his back.

Tony watched him calmy and brushed his hands over his shirt to straighten out the wrinkles it had gain from the hard grip. He turned around and was just about to open the door when he heard how Liam moved, probably planning to do something again.

The black-haired rolled his eyes before turning around. "I forgot something." He said as he came face to face with the taller person, his face unreadable before he clenched his fist and aimed it right over Liam's jaw.

The blond grunted in shock as the pain traveled over his chin and made his head throb. He fell against the tables again and held his chin in his hand as his eyes were wide.

"Never touch, talk or look at me again." Tony said casually while he massaged his wrist and with a small smile, he turned around and opened the door to the corridors. Acting like nothing had happened.

He closed the door behind him gently, and was just about to leave the corridor and return to his friends, before he literally felt another person's presence in the hall.

He turned around quickly, expecting someone else who probably was ready to beat him up for what he just had done.

But there was no one like that. Because there stood Steve with a confused facial expression, leaned against the lockers as he looked from the door to Tony.

"Steve?" Tony asked. "Shouldn't you be at lunch?"

Steve ignored his question. "What happened in there? It sounded very....interesting."

"Eh? Well yes it was interesting. Which means that we should get out of here." Tony said quickly and grabbed Steve's arm, pulling the blond with him through the corridors towards the lunch hall.

But as they had gotten a few corridors away from the classroom, Steve stopped him by placing an arm on his chest and stepped in front of him. "Tony, can you please tell me what happened?" He asked softly.

Tony looked at him, acting like he was thinking about it before smiling. "Nope. Sorry. Let's go."

He made an attempt to walk past the older guy, only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled back gently.

"Tony." Steve warned.

"You're not my mom Steve so I don't need to tell you anything.


"Why do you care all of sudden? Thought you didn't like me."

Steve looked at him like he was dumb. "Okay we both know that that is not true." Steve said, making Tony bit himself on his tongue as a blush started to spread over his cheeks.

"And I care because I've always cared. Now talk." Steve said irritated. Getting impatient with Tony's stubbornness.

Tony looked at him with a childish look before groaning quietly. "Fine. Things started to get dirty and I hit him. Happy?"

Steve's mouth dropped open. "He- he tried to-"

"No. He would never do that. He only said a few things and-"

"Why is your neck red?" Steve suddenly gaped and Tony rolled his eyes before covering his bare skin with his hand.

"It's nothing....he just-"

"Did he try to choke you?!"

"Wha- no! He just pinned me up a wall, Steve it's nothing."

Steve looked at him like he was insane. "Nothing?! What do you mean nothing?!"

"Steve, relax. I've been through worse, it's okay." Tony tried and calm him down as he looked around himself. Not wanting to catch anyone's attention.

"What do you mean; been through worse?" Steve asked loudly .

Tony hushed him irritated before swallowed. Shit.

"Wait Tony...has this happened before?" Steve asked with a lower voice, his eyes now full of concern and worry as he looked into the younger's deep brown eyes.

"Don't be silly-" Tony laugh. Trying to joke this argument away and change the subject.

"Tony," Steve tries to catch his full attention by grabbing his shoulders, making Tony look at his hands in surprise before meeting his eyes. " there something you aren't telling me? Something important?"

Tony didn't answer.


They heard how the bell above them rang, announcing that the classes are beginning.

"I need to get to class." Tony mumbled. "Thank for caring but trust me, there's nothing wrong."

Steve looked from Tony's right eye to the left, trying to read him, even though he knew it was impossible to break down Tony Stark's walls.

"Sorry." He excused himself before releasing his body from Steve's grip. Leaving him in the corridor with a deep frown on his face.


Fire and smoke. It all surrounded him like a thick wall of spirits, full of voices and screams. He had no idea where he was. His big brown eyes erupted with tears as he tried to find his way out of the glowing and skin burning heat. His black hair was blowing in a ruffled mess and his clothes were black in ash and grime. He tried to scream, but his throat and lungs were filled with smoke and he cried out in panic.

The room only got smaller and smaller. And the voices got louder. The voices of his father, the voices of the people talking behind his back. Everything stung in his ears and he pressed his palms against his ears. Trying to block out the sounds.
He fell down on his knees, feeling the warmth and heat burning through his skin.

But he was still alive.

The torturing pain and voices made him cry and scream, wishing that it would just end. But it didn't. He coughed roughly and tried to get the smoke out of his lungs. He buried his head in his hands and screamed-"

"Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark wake up."

Tony shot his eyes open, his skin wet with sweat and his breathing heavy and unsteady.

He was in his bed. In his room. With his laptop resting against his knees and a worried Peter Parker sitting next to him. His eyes big in fear and confusion as he had shaken the older boy awake.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked with a small voice.

Tony ran his head through his hair. "Yeah- yes ofcourse." He said, trying to calm down his breathing. "I must have fallen asleep." He mumbled as he looked at the time on his computer.

Yep.. he had been sleeping for about two hours, and it was still evening. He must have fallen asleep like...6PM?

"You were shaking.." Peter whispered. "I-I thought something was happening to you."

Tony frowned when he looked at the young boy. "I'm sorry kid. I didn't mean to scare you." He said before putting away his laptop and leaned down in the bed, facing the roof.

Peter watches him carefully before doing the same and laid down next to him, placing his hands behind his head the same way as Tony. A comfortable silence growing as they enjoyed each other's company.

"I talked to MJ today." Peter suddenly said. Making Tony hum questioning.
"I don't think she likes me."

Tony snorted. "Why do you think that?"

"Cause she's acting so shy around me. But when I'm with Ned she calls me a loser."

Tony couldn't help but giggle. Making the young boy look at him with big eyes.

"Sorry." Tony chuckled, as he gathered himself again. "Women are complicated. You just need to be patient and they'll come around." He said calmly, smiling as he felt Peter's eyes on him. God this kid was amazing.

But then he sat up and took a look at the time. "Shit Pete I think you should go home. It's almost your bedtime plus your parents will kill me if I don't send you home now." He said and got up from his bed, gathering the homework and books Peter had brought and put them in the kid's backpack.

"I don't think they care.." Peter mumbled. "Can I stay here?"

Tony shook his head. "I don't mind. But I still think your parents should decide that." He said with a sad voice before giving the backpack to Peter.

The boy took it with a frown, looking at it for a few seconds before signing and turning to the door. Tony couldn't help but feel bad for him. Peter doesn't really have an easy life after all. The genius had seen and heard Peter's parents fight more violently with each other, it's a miracle that they're still together.

"Hey kid." He said after him, making Peter stop and turn around.
"It's gonna be okay. When I nail the driver test we can get out of this shit hole."

The boy smiled at him and nodded slowly. Even though it didn't look like he believed him at all. Tony gave him a small smile before the kid disappeared through the door. Soon his footsteps faded and the sound of a door closing was the only thing that was heard, before everything turned quiet.

Tony sighed and laid down on the soft covers again. He was a little sweaty and he could feel how shivers started to run down his body.
Had it always been this cold in his room?

It seemed like the temperature had gone down by at least 10 degrees. Or maybe it was just him who was being a pussy and still felt shaken up from his nightmare.

The nightmare.

He had only dreamed something like that once, and it was after a huge fight with his dad. Howard had gotten home very late and was very very drunk. He probably doesn't even remember the fight, neither the way he had hit Tony in the head so he almost lost consciousness. It hadn't been a pleasurable night when his mom found them and it ended with Tony escaping the fight after Maria had started screaming at his dad.

Tony knew that Howard loved his wife. He just didn't love his son. So he'd rather hurt him than Maria. So it was safe for the genius to just escape through the night and sleep over at Bruce's or Rhodes' house.

Maybe the dream meant something.

Pff...yeah sure.

Tony rolled his eyes at his silliness and pulled out his phone, trying to get his mind on something else than a stupid dream.

He scrolled through his social media one by one with lazy eyes before they stopped at a new post from Sam Wilson.

It was a picture with Steve, him, and Bucky on the soccer field. Steve seemed very happy and surprised as the couch was speaking to him, while Bucky (who took the picture) was smiling smugly and Sam standing behind him with an overly excited face.

The caption read: "Captain who now?" And a tag with Steve's account.

Wait. Steve had become captain?

Why the hell did that fucker not tell him?!

Without thinking about it, he liked the photo before opening up his contact list. He may have been a stalker and somehow got Steve's number through Natasha. But that was a story he didn't want to repeat.

Anyway, after a few texts that said pretty much: "you fucker why didn't you tell me!"

And: "you know it's pretty much thanks to me that you became captain."

"Steve Rogers answer me you asshole."

He decided to do something he never ever thought he would do.

He called him.


"Hello?" Steve asked confused as he picked up his phone. The unknown number covering the screen together with a couple of unread texts.

"You know, the fact that you first try and literally punch words out of my mouth and then become soccer captain without telling me is pissing me off and I want to kill you."

Steve wrinkled his forehead as the speed talking voice made him smile. "Tony?"

"No, it's Darth Vader." The genius responded sarcastically.

Steve smiled even wider as the confusion disappeared and was replaced with surprise. "How did you get my number?" He asked.

"I'm Tony Stark. Don't question it."

"Okay." Steve laughed.

"So why didn't you tell me?"

The blond rolled his eyes before throwing himself on his bed. "I was going to. I just forgot I guess."

"Sure you were."

"I was!"


"Oh c'mon are you seriously pissed off?" Steve asked with a laugh.

"Yes." Tony said with a smile, trying to sound as mad as possible. "Okay no. I actually don't care."

"But you called me either way."


Steve smiled as he casually picked up his sketchbook and a pen from the desk right next to him. "So, is there anything else you wanted to say than lecture me?" Steve asked.

"Wow where did that sassyness come from Captain Confused?"

Steve snorted. "Did you just roast me with the help of my sexuality?"

"I didn't know confused was a sexuality." Tony answered.

"I thought you were a genius."

"I thought you were straight."

"Okay can you just drop the whole sexuality thing?" Steve asked as he made a little hand gesture, even though he knew Tony couldn't see it.


It was quiet from Tony's side for about five seconds, making Steve wonder what he was doing while casually traveling the pen over the plank paper. Not exactly having a plan of what he was going to draw.

"What are you doing?" Tony suddenly asked with a curious voice.

"Hm?" Steve hummed.

"I'm hearing some weird noises, are you doing homework or something?" Tony asked, probably hearing the sound of the pen.

Steve chuckled. "Nah...drawing."

"You draw?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

Tony made an unhearable sound. "Didn't really think of you as a drawing person."

"Well I guess you haven't seen the creative side of me." Steve replied casually.

"Maybe." He murmured. "I've seen a lot of sides thought."

Steve blushed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know what I mean Rogers."

The blond could literally feel how the other guy was smirking from the other end of the line. That bastard knew exactly what he was doing to Steve. He knew exactly how his words affected him.

"I'm sorry by the way." Steve heard himself say.

"About what?"

The blond chewed on his lip slightly as he concentrated on his drawing while listening to Tony's voice. "You know. Being too curious."

Tony didn't answere.

"I shouldn't ask you as much as I do. I understand that you have boundaries on a few...different subjects. But I just- you know I kind of...I'm worried. The fact that you suddenly disappeared with a random guy and that I could hear how the door suddenly started to shake and then a hit- I'm babbling, aren't I?

Tony chuckled amused. "Yeah but...keep babbling so I don't need to answer.

Steve rolled his eyes. "Fair enough."
A small silence followed as the only thing that could be heard was Steve's pen against the white paper, which now was covered in different lines and shades of grey.

"I don't know how much Bruce and the others told you but, Liam and I go way back." Tony said quietly, catching Steve's attention very quickly. "It all started last year at the beginning of the school year. I was need know.."

Steve thought for a while before it clicked. "Oh- okay."

"Yeah...and I heard that Liam had a crush on me so..I took advantage of him." He said with a guilty voice. "- I know! I was an ass and still am but- I was more of an ass back there." He explained, making Steve smiled warmly at those words.

"It was nothing serious, we just fooled around and I of course had different sex partners now and then....and a few times I ditched him for someone else. And then I took a break in laying around for a..while. Which meant that we didn't have sex for like a month."

Steve didn't like where this was going.

"Today he was frustrated and..tried to have sex in an empty classroom. I told him no but he didn't understand so I pushed him away, which lead to him pinning me to the door and saying some things, which lead to me punching him and walking out."

Steve's mouth was slightly open in surprise and his eyebrows wrinkled in anger. His mind processing this new information faster than lightning while hate started to bubble up in his stomach. He couldn't believe that it had happened right in front of his eyes. Okay, there was a wall between them, but still. He could have done something.

"Ay Steve? You there?"

The older guy snapped out of his trance. "Uh yeah. Yeah of course I just..I-I don't know what to say." He stuttered.

"You don't need to say anything. I handled it pretty well." The rave haired answered cockily, making Steve's angry expression soften up.

"Well...will he try and do it again?" Steve asked concern.

"Don't know." Tony answered. "Probably. But don't worry, I'm sure he won't pull me into a dark alley. He's not a bad guy."

"I hope not." Steve said quietly while sketching the last detail on his picture. Not noticing that the face he had drawn was very similar to the person who he was talking on the phone with.

"Anyways," Tony said, changing the subject. "Are you excited about the school party next week?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm not really a fan of parties." Steve answered. "Plus I don't have a date."

Tony made a little pleasing sound from the other end. "Well what a coincidence." He murmured.

Steve laughed. "Sorry Stark but I'm not sure I want to just jump out of the closet the first weeks of accepting myself. I don't even know if I'm gay either way."

"I know I know." Tony said with a little sad voice.
"I in a matter of fact think you're very gay. "

Steve's eyes widened a little and his hand slipped, drawing the line on the sketch a little bit too far to the right.

He heard Tony's smooth voice; "Just saying."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Well maybe you're right." He answered with a little smirk as a plan came up in his head. "Cause I really want to kiss you right now.."

Hehe....see you in a few days ;)♡

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