Illusion: Loved Someone Who N...

By anandruchi

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Their lives were going smoothly with friendship ,care and love.. untill one day!! ___________________________... More

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Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Chapter - 49
Chapter - 50

Chapter - 19

1.8K 196 55
By anandruchi

The calmness she had fade away from her face hearing it.

" What?" Swara asked in mere whisper looking at him not able to understand rather with a kind of fear inside her heart.

"What are you saying Sanskar? You are behind all this, what does the mean!!!" She asked little loudly this time not after getting any reply.

"You heard it right Swara. I am behind all this. Whatever happened till now was all planned by me." Sanskar said.

" Shut up sanskar!! What rubbish is this? Why will you do all this? You love me, right? Wait... Are you saying al this because Laksh forced you or blackmailed you about anything.. please tell me Sanskar. I know you can never do this. You are lying for whatever reason I don't know but please say this." She said with emotions.

" You both!! What did you do? Why is he saying all this? I know you must have forced him.. why??? What do you both want!!" Swara yelled on Ragini and hold her neck.

Ragini struggled to free herself but swara was angrily holding her neck when she felt tight hold on her and she was instantly pushed away from Ragini that she stumbled and hold something not to fall.

" Just leave her Swara!!!" Sanskar shouted on her. Laksh hold Ragini and ask if she is okay. She nods.
" But why Sanskar.. I know they must have done something and you love me.. you are just lying be..." Swara was saying when sanskar cuts her in middle.

"It's all the truth and I DONT LOVE YOU SWARA GADODIA!! I am behind Everything. The car that going to hit you and I saved, I did that. It was controlled through my phone. No one saw the driver right? Because there was no one. The beach party, second attack.. it was also planned by me. That day, someone tried to drown you that was also me Swara Gadodia.. and about your nail mark. It's still there. The mark that you saw on Ragini's forearm was nothing but fake mark. She took the blame on herself on my saying. Ragini was never arrested.. that Inspector was fake." Sanskar said.

He rolled his sleeves up and Swara saw the nail mark on the other hand Ragini wasn't having any. That was fake mark which oviously couldn't be seen on Ragini's forearm. She felt something inside her break.. and her mind was still battling with her heart which was not ready to accept whatever she just saw and hearing is not true.

" want to ki...kill...kill me, B..but why?" She could ask mere whispering and stuttering tone because she wasn't able to say.

"Why did you save me always if you wanted to kill me. What did I do to you that you want to kill me?" Swara asked further in breaking tone and her eyes started watering and getting red.

" If I would have wanted to kill you Swara then you must have been dead till now." Sanskar said in hard tone. Swara shuddered looking at him but gathering a bit courage with a few amount of hope that it's all a lie she said.

"Sanskar.. Please, if this any kind of joke then.. Please I am warning you stop this right away otherwise I will slap you hard. I can't take this!!" Swara said going close to him.

"There is nothing to Joke. This is the truth that you are facing Ms. Gadodia and there is lot more to come." Sanskar said in stern voice.

"But why Sanskar? What is my mistake? What I have ever done?" Swara asked controlling herself not to get shattered there itself.

" What was your mistake??.... No swara, what was my mistake? What was Laksh's mistake that we lost our family due to your selfish father. You should have asked from that Bastard!!.. What was our mistake that he made us orphan. We were happy in our life. We had a whole family. Why did he took all of them away from us and we are left with nothing except each other. Shekhar Gadodia, killed our family.. My mom ,dad ,sister, brother., Bhabhi and, badi maa, bade papa.. we had everyone swara!! But he took their lives in few seconds. He didn't even left my nephew who was just born few months ago." Sanskar shouted.

" What? No!! My Dad can't do that and you are lying. You said your parents live in London." Swara said in shock.

"I lied to you." Sanskar said.
" The pic that you show.... " She said when he interupted.
" That was fake.... And.." he dragged her holding her arm and show her the large photoframe hanging on the wall. "This was my family whom your father killed." He said in venomous tone.

Swara saw the pic and get numb. She had seen this pic in newspapers almost before an year. Her eyes got wide.
"Durga prasad Maheshwari was my bade papa and Rp was my dad. This is my family Swara and they are not in this world now. That's all because of that heartless man Shekhar Gadodia!!" Sanskar yelled at her jerking her shoulder away from hold while swara tried to overcome from the shock and then she said.

"No, I don't believe this. This family was killed in terrorist attack. There is nothing to do with father. And if this is your family then who is Devraj Maheshwari, who lives in London. You said he is your father."swara said looking at him.

" There is no Devraj Maheshwari. Which I told you is my dad. I faked all that so that Shekhar Gadodia can never reach me. I showed no links to my own dad and bade papa, to my family." Sanskar said angrily.

"I could have changed my name too but why should I.. in this whole Kolkata, can be the other Maheshwari? And.... What are you saying?.. Nothing to do with your father And my family was killed in terrorist attack?? The fake news that was spread by your so called father using his influences and power.. if it was terrorist attack then your father is the Terrorist swara. What do you think how drug and guns supplied easily in kolkata.. because police is irresponsible no... It's all because of your dad who is involved in all this. Your father is a killer Swara!! These, clothes, money, luxury, big mansion, Royal lifestyle whatever you are enjoying it's all because of someone's blood whom your father killed. The lives he took away.

An year ago, Maheshwari and son's industry was one of the Top industry in Kolkata. Sanskar and Laksh were in London.
A major Government project was announced. Shekhar Gadodia was pretty sure that he will get the project and being the party member, he easily use his influence to get any project. He never lost it. But this time, the project was given to Maheshwari and son's industry. Shekhar Gadodia fumes in anger. He was not the man to take his lose so lightly and he tried every possible way to snatch the project from Maheshwari's but wasn't successful. This continued for few more projects. Shekhar wasn't able to take it and then he came to know that dp was taking a big loan for a project.. thinking something he offered Dp to work with him to support with funds With profit share. Dp agreed because it will be better for both companies. Project started and construction started but in between of construction only.. the building collapsed. So many workers and masons there died in that and being the company owner, Dp was held responsible. Adarsh and Rp somehow handled the situation but they told nothing to Laksh and Sanskar about it. Maheshwari family started facing mental torchures and slanders due to that incident. Shareholders back our their shares from the company. They weren't able to understand what they should do.
At that time shekhar Gadodia said that he can help them to get away from this situation but only... if he will sell that company to him. Dp and Rp both disagreed. Shekhar threatened them that, in this situation.. no one can help him. He offered money but still they were adamant on their decision. Adarsh insulted him and told him to get out of their office.
Later, Adarsh came to know that Shekhar replaced the material with cheap raw materials and he also overtook 60 percent share of maheshwari industry by cheating. Adarsh somehow gathered the proof agaist him and filed complain against him. Shekhar Gadodia was going to be arrested but he used his powers and escaped from that situation, still the case was going on. Court had given date of hearing. Having strong proff agaist Shekhar Gadodia, Maheshwari were a bit relaxed that now everything will be fine. The blame that was put on Dp was washed away and the responsible was going to get his punishment.
On the other hand ,Shekhar was hell angry. He threated Dp that he will kill him and whole family if he didn't take back the complain and give him the proofs. Dp got angry on him and denied. Adarsh took the phone from Dp and warned Shekhar not to threaten them otherwise he will take legal action and announce in media about his black Business and hunged up the call.
Hearing Adarsh, whole family got worried, what if shekhar do anything. He was really strong person and having political powers. But Adarsh told that their is nothing to worry, he had talked to DCP for police protection for his family. Family members get relieved hearing this. On the other hand, Sanskar and laksh also came to know about all this from Sujatha as she told them. They wanted to come back at that instant but Dp and Rp told them not to come. Everything is under control and anyway they are coming back in few days.
Now, only one day left for hearing. Shekhar ordered his men to kill his whole family. DCP was bribed by Shekhar Gadodia. So, he went from there and decrease the security in mm.
It was Sunday, All family members were in hall spending time together when they heard loud sounds of bullets, they got scared and then only so many armed men came inside and shoot. Within few seconds, whole family was killed. Then bomb was planted in mansion and in few minutes, it blasted turning the whole mansion in ashes leaving nothing.. All proofs, evidences.. all burned with it. nothing was left.
Shekhar faked the evidences with help of Dcp and it was proved that it was terrorist attack and underworld behind it. On the other hand, he was freed from the allegations which were put on him which was actually true. But nothing worked out in front of his powers and influences.

Flashback end..

"Your father thought that he killed whole Maheshwari family but for his unfortunate fate, he knew nothing about Me and Laksh. That's the last biggest mistake he committed that he left us alive. And Now, nothing can save him. If I wanted to, then I would have killed Shekhar Gadodia that day itself when I came from London hearing about our family's death. The day I came to know his cruelty, whatever he had done with our family but that would have been easy death for him. I won't let him die easily. He will die every bit. Without his power, strength and when he left with nothing...I will give him death." Sanskar said.

Hearing all this swara couldn't take it and burst out on him.

"Shut up!! Just shut up Sanskar!! It's all a lie. What do you think you will cook up any fake story agaist my father and I will believe and sympathies with you.. no!! My dad can never do all this. I know him very well more than you. You think, you will put all this rubbish allegations on my dad and try to justify yourself right at your place and I will tolerate it!! What do you know about him haan!! He helps every needy person even he had to bear a bit loss. He joined politics to serve people. He thinks about everyone and he..." Swara was saying when he interupted.

" Serve people??( Chuckled humorously) he joined politics for his own profit, to get the power, prestige that all he wants in his life." Sanskar said.
"The biggest and most important things in your father's life is HIS MONEY, POWER AND YOU. " He further added looking straight into her eyes.

"After knowing that only I came in your life just for my Revenge. It wasn't any coincidence . It was all planned. The destructions, he faced was because of me. I want to see him without any support and as much helpless as he made my badepapa and dad. I want to see him in pain and agony.
The attacks done on you was not meant to kill you. It was just to make him realise the fear and what it feels when you are going to loose your loved ones. But you were so stubborn not to tell your dad because he will be get worried and you don't want that. so I only threatened him.. and then as I expected he tried every possible way to protect you.. to reach killer, the person behind but couldn't. The losses he faced in business.. threw out from his president post... Everything. It was all going as I wanted but in all this, you suddenly got concern for dad knowing about his losses and you were going to give all your mom's share whatever you were getting after turning 25.. and it can no doubt helped Shekhar Gadodia and I can let this happened that's why you are here." Sanskar said.

" How did you know about my mom's will and I was going to transfer the share on dad's name? I never told you this." Swara asked confusingly.

Sanskar look at her then hold her hand and removed the bracelet from her hand.

" I told you to always wear this while gifting and you took it quite Seriously. " He said twisting it such that opened and revealed a micro transmitter." Sanskar said.

Swara looked at him shockingly not able to believe her eyes.
" Do I still need to tell that most of the information of your dad and his projects was delivered by you only. So, coincidentally, whatever your dad is facing is due to you also, Swara. I could know each and everything." Sanskar said with smirk on his face.

" All this.. just to destroy my dad and I became a medium for you. Fine!! But I will never believe that my dad will do all this and why should I believe you, the one who never loved, who betrayed me. I know my dad.. I don't any proof to know he is innocent." Swara said.

" Even I am not bothered whether you trust this or not. I just told you the reason why you are here. Neither my motive will change nor the truth and if you close your eyes and only want to see the goodness then it's not necessary that everything is fine. if you trust your dad so much.. keep doing it. I don't care.. let's see what he can do for you." Sanskar said sternly and hold her hand and dragged her with himself.

Swara struggled to free herself.
" Leave me Sanskar!!!" Swara yelled out.
" shut up SWARA!!" Sanskar said loudly and then threw her inside room.

"Let me go Sanskar!!" Swara said as she winced in pain.
" You aren't going anywhere and don't try to pull any stunt because it won't be good for you. I am warning you!! So, till you are here, you can enjoy everything. You be given all the things you required except freedom." Sanskar said and turned to go.

" You never loved me, you never felt Anything for me? Didn't you feel wrong in doing all this? Playing with my heart, betraying me? " Swara said getting up in verge of tears.

Sanskar stopped in his track. His face expression turned in fury but a kind of emotion shown on his face. He turned toward her and say..


Hearing it, Swara felt someone pierced her heart with dagger. She stumbled back while Sanskar shut the door locking it and went from there.

Swara fall down on the floor and the tear slipped down from her red eyes.

To be continued...

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