Star Slayer | Ahsoka X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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(updating frequently) In this story, you play the role of the 16 year old DOOM slayer in the Star Wars univer... More

Chapter 1 - Hell On Earth
Chapter 2 - Priests
Chapter 3 - Journey Back Home
Chapter 4 - Master
Chapter 5 - Remember
Chapter 6 - Anger
Chapter 7 - Exultia
Chapter 8 - Hell
Chapter 9 - Return
Chapter 10 - Past
Chapter 11 - Training Discovery
Chapter 12 - Panorama Trouble
Chapter 13 - Trandoshans
Chapter 14 - Ahsoka
Chapter 15 - Rescue
Chapter 16 - Med Bay
Chapter 17 - Blame
Chapter 18 - Forsaken Word
Chapter 19 - Missions
Chapter 20 - Carlac
Chapter 21 - Padmé's Introduction
Chapter 22 - Terror Dome
Chapter 23 - Christophsis Crisis
Chapter 24 - Christophsis
Chapter 25 - Teth
Chapter 26 - Stinky
Chapter 27 - Prophecy
Chapter 28 - Questions
Chapter 29 - Meditation Trouble
Chapter 30 - Fake Friend
Chapter 31 - Lower Levels
Chapter 32 - Super Gore Nest
Chapter 33 - Aftermath
Chapter 34 - An Eventful Morning
Chapter 35 - Fun In Bed
Chapter 36 - Unexpected Departure
Chapter 37 - ARC Complex
Chapter 38 - Sentinel Prime
Chapter 39 - Council Report
Chapter 40 - Repaying Nightmare
Chapter 41 - The Gathering
Chapter 42 - Return Encounters
Chapter 43 - 79's
Chapter 44 - Hangover
Chapter 45 - The Show
Chapter 46 - Rescue Operation
Chapter 47 - Healing
Chapter 48 - Lethal Mistake
Chapter 49 - Broken and Breathless
Chapter 50 - Repaying Questions
Chapter 51 - Happy Together
Chapter 52 - Distress Call
Chapter 53 - Mortis
Chapter 54 - The Force
Chapter 56 - Ghosts of Mortis
Chapter 57 - Apology
Chapter 58 - Meditating Realisation
Chapter 59 - Separate Missions
Chapter 60 - Barracks and Blindness
Chapter 61 - Traitorous Loss
Chapter 62 - Distractions
Chapter 63 - Funeral
Chapter 64 - Resurrection
Chapter 65 - Phobos Facility
Chapter 66 - Lightsaber Training
Chapter 67 - Bane's Holocron
Chapter 68 - Children Of The Force
Chapter 69 - The Other Hole
Chapter 70 - Panorama Savage
Chapter 71 - Lux Gets Roasted
Chapter 72 - Lux Gets Bullied
Chapter 73 - Sacrificial Delay
Chapter 74 - Cyberdemon Alignment
Chapter 75 - Corrupted Control
Chapter 76 - Meditating 79's
Chapter 77 - Hungover Duel
Chapter 78 - Blue Shadow Virus
Chapter 79 - Underground
Chapter 80 - Virus
Chapter 81 - Talk
Chapter 82 - Morning
Chapter 83 - Rich Dress
Chapter 84 - Naboo
Chapter 85 - Worrying Talk
Thank You.
Chapter 86 - Past Marauder
Chapter 87 - Divinity Meltdown
Chapter 88 - Seraphim
Chapter 89 - Divinity Machine
Chapter 90 - Unnecessary Trial
Chapter 91 - Nekravol Kidnapping
Chapter 92 - Rage
Chapter 93 - Icon of Sidious
Chapter 94 - Urdak
Chapter 95 - Reunion
Chapter 96 - Icon
Chapter 97 - Portal
Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps
Chapter 99 - Ahsoka
Chapter 100 - Peace
Chapter 101 - Helping Decision
Chapter 102 - Hell's Diner

Chapter 55 - Dark Side

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By cheesEPIC

"What on earth is going on back their?" Obi Wan asked as I rushed into the cockpit.

"Turn the ship around! The son's taken Ahsoka!" I shouted.

"What do you mean he's taken Ahsoka?" Obi Wan asked.

"It means, we've got to go get her back!" Anakin shouted as he turned the ship around and sped up.

After only a few seconds, we could see the son as he carried Ahsoka away from us.

"There he is!" I shouted as I pointed at the son.

"I'm on him." Anakin said as he flew our ship closer to him. Suddenly though, the air was filled with huge stone mountains, rising up in the gaps between us. Anakin dodged them all as best he could while being as quick as possible. Even though Anakin had been trained to do this from his pod racing, the son was still able to get distance away from us.

Just as we exited the mountains, the son dove away from us as quickly as he could. Anakin stared in amazement before speeding up to go after him.

Just as we all thought we were about to catch him, a huge glowing green tower emerges from the smoke Infront of us.

"Look out!" Obi Wan shouted. Anakin immediately dodged the ship out of the way and around the tower, but as we realigned ourselves, the ship started to beep and blare at us.

"We're going down!" Anakin shouted as our ship began to plummet to the floor. Anakin and Obi Wan braced themselves while I just got myself out of the way.

Our ship hit the floor with a tremendous crash before sliding itself across the planet floor. We slid for a few seconds before we eventually came to a stop.

I rushed back into the cockpit to check on my Masters to see if they were ok.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked.

"Yes, we're fine, thanks to Anakin's skill when it comes to rough landings." Obi Wan said.

"Hey, it isn't my fault that every time we fly, we crash." Anakin replied.

"Doesn't matter." I said. "What matters is that we get Ahsoka back in one piece."

Obi Wan and Anakin nodded before standing up out of their seats.

We all walked outside and the first thing we all noticed was the huge tower with a green sphere at the top which was the reason why we crashed.

"That's where Ahsoka is." I said as I began to walk towards it.

"Hold on, (y/n), don't we think we should talk to the father first?" Anakin said.

"I mean, surely you can feel how strong this part of the world is in the dark side." Obi Wan said.

"Yes I can, but nothing is going to get in-between me and Ahsoka." I said.

"But what happens now could result in catastrophic events throughout the entire galaxy." Obi Wan said.

"I could blow this entire planet up if necessary." I said as I stopped and turned around. "Nothing is going to get in-between me and Ahsoka, ok?" I said.

Anakin and Obi Wan both looked at each other and sighed.

"Alright, go help your girlfriend." Anakin said.

I smiled at them before beginning my long walk to the huge tower.

Ahsoka pov

I can see (y/n) and the ship chasing after me. They are so close when all of a sudden, the son dives onto a platform of some kind. I get knocked out in the process, but when I wake up, I'm in chains. I try my best to break free from them, but they're just too strong.

"You can't keep me here forever!" I shouted.

"Hmm relax, young one." A creature below me says. I look down and see this tiny little grey thing walking around below me. "I've been here for more years than I can count. There is no escape." It said.

"I am a Jedi with some incredibly powerful friends." I spat.

"Hmm yes, but they are not powerful enough." The creature replied.

I glared down at it as menacingly as I could.

"Hahaha, let me do the easy part for you." It said as it climbed onto me. It did something to my cuffs and they came off. I landed on the floor and stepped away from the creature. "That's the easy part." It said.

"What's the hard part?" I asked.

"The hard part is what goes on in here." It said as it pointed at the side of its head.

As it did so, I began to feel slightly light-headed.

"What's, going, on?" I asked. I looked down to see the creature holding my arm just as it bit me. "What the?" I shouted as I drew my arm to look at it, just as it became excruciatingly painful.

"Hahaha, you are mine now." The creature mocked as it turned back into the son. I clutched my arm as my head began to fill with horrible, horrible thoughts and darkness. Very quickly, it wasn't just my thoughts that were turning to black, but my vision too. Within a matter of seconds, I blacked out.

(Y/n) pov

I've been walking for about half an hour now and I've just made it to the stairs to the tower. I immediately began to climb up them. I had to get to Ahsoka as quickly as I could.

As I got nearer the top, I could hear fighting going on. I could see the son and daughter fighting each other, but no Ahsoka. I continued going to find my Ahsoka as I got to the top of the tower.

I walked onto a plateau and saw my Ahsoka standing over by the edge.

"Hey Ahsoka, it's me (y/n)." I said. "We can go now." I said.

"Do you love me?" She asked.

"Of course Ahsoka! I will always love you." I said

"He's right." Ahsoka snapped as she turned around to face me. Only then could I see that she had yellow eyes and black, cracked skin.

"What's he done to you." I gasped as I stepped back.

"Always with the criticism." Ahsoka said as she turned around.

"This isn't you Ahsoka!" I shouted. "The son has poisoned you! Snap out of it!"

"Is this not me?" She said. "I feel more like myself then I ever have!" She shouted as she began to laugh to herself. "Even more, he says if I disobey him, he will kill me!" She says with another evil laugh.

"I won't let him kill you." I said.

"Then you will have to kill me!" Ahsoka shouted as she turned to face me and drew her green lightsaber. I didn't have any weapons which wouldn't hurt her other than my own lightsaber, so I drew that.

Ahsoka leapt at me and began to slash furiously at me. I tried to do everything I could to just dodge her shots, until I remembered, I can take lightsaber hits. I put my lightsaber away and let Ahsoka hit me with hers.

"I'm not going to hurt you Ahsoka." I said as she continued to hit me.

"Just die already!" She shouted.

"I'll never hurt you, I promise." I said as I looked down at her.

"Fight me! Kill me! You know you want to!" Ahsoka shouted.

"My 'Soka, I will never hurt you, nor will I ever let anyone hurt you." I said as I held my hand out to touch her face. She smacked my hand away at first but I was persistent and tried again. " 'Soka please, I love you." I said to her.

She stopped slashing at me and just stood there for a second, looking up at me. Her eyes faded out of yellow and into their beautiful blues which I knew and loved.

"(Y/n)?" Ahsoka asked, but before I could reply, the son landed down behind her.

"Kill him my pawn!" He shouted. Ahsoka's eyes widened as they turned back to yellow.

She once again continued to slash at me as the son watched in enjoyment, however Ahsoka was still unable to do any damage to me.

"Kill him!" The son shouted. Ahsoka tried her best to do so but just couldn't do anything to me.

The son's anger quickly became too much and he began to fire balls of energy at me. I didn't know if I could take them or not so I dashed out of the way. The ball hit the wall behind me and melted a hole right through it, letting me know that I definitely couldn't take these.

He continued his onslaught as Ahsoka now stood and watched. I dodged around all of his shots and let my lightsaber take the rest. Soon though, one ball did get through and it hit my right in the shoulder, melting a hole in it.

"Pawn, finish him." The son said to Ahsoka. Ahsoka smiled and walked over to me. She knelt down next to me as I laid there on the floor with an exposed shoulder and neck and she pressed her lightsaber handle against my neck.

"Ahsoka, it's me, (y/n)." I whispered.

"Silence!" She shouted.

"I love you 'Soka." I whispered as I brought my hand up to her cheek. She immediately slapped it away from me but I didn't give up. "Ahsoka, I love you, and you love me." I whispered.

"Silence, you liar!" She shouted.

"I'm not lying." I said. "Remember when we went to 79's together? Remember our trip to Carlac? Remember when we went to Lothal together?" I whispered.

Ahsoka looked down at the floor as her yellow eyes slowly began to fade again.

"I love you Ahsoka." I whispered.

A tear began to form in Ahsoka's eye as she loosened her grip on her lightsaber.

"I love you too (y/n)." She whispered.

We smiled at each other just as the son pulled Ahsoka to his side. He bit down hard on her arm and Ahsoka screamed in pain before her eyes went bright yellow once again.

"I hate you!" She screamed.

I stood up and took my lightsaber out but before anything could happen between us, Anakin appeared next to me.

"2 Jedi." Ahsoka said as she drew her yellow lightsaber as well. "Finally a challenge."

Ahsoka leapt at us and began to slash furiously at us. Both me and Anakin did not want to hurt Ahsoka so we tried our best to just dodge her swings, only ever blocking her attacks, never striking our own.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked as Anakin force pushed her back.

"We cut her free!" Obi Wan shouted as he appeared next to us holding a dagger.

"Where do you get that?" Ahsoka shouted. "Give it to me!"

She leapt at us again and began to swing at us once more. All 3 of us only ever blocking her attacks.

The son and the daughter had gotten into a fight themselves with the father watching over everything.

Both battles were a stalemate with none of us wanting to hurt Ahsoka and the other 2 being too powerful to damage each other.

"Anakin, now!" Obi Wan shouted as he threw the dagger to Anakin. He went to catch it but Ahsoka leapt through the air and caught it in her hand. She leapt off and away from us before running over to the son.

The son force pushed the daughter away before turning to Ahsoka.

"Ah, I see you do have your uses." The son said.

"You showed them the alter?" The father asked with a voice full of worry.

"I'm sorry father." The daughter said. "I saw no other choice."

"And now your usefulness comes to an end." The son said as he put a finger to Ahsoka's forehead. The second he did, Ahsoka's body fell lifeless to the floor.

"No!" I yelled as I charged at the son, only for him to use force lightning on me, sending me to the floor in agony.

I watched as he walked over to the father with the dagger in his hand.

"So father, this is how you end?" The son said as he held the dagger above his head. He brought the dagger down onto the father but didn't connect with him, he connected with the daughter instead! She'd thrown herself Infront of the father to take the dagger for him!

"Why?!?!" The son screamed before turning into his gigantic bat in a fireball and flying away.

Ahsoka and the daughter's body's lied next to each others on the floor. I ran next to Ahsoka and picked her up.

"Ahsoka? Ahsoka can you hear me!" I shouted, but got no response. Her eyes had rolled up into the back of her head and I checked her vital signs. She had no heart rate and was not breathing. S-she, she was dead.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry, she's,"

"Don't finish it!" I shouted back to Obi Wan. "You have to help her!" I shouted at the father.

"I cannot. All is lost, the balance has been broken." He replied.

"No, you have to help her!" I screamed.

"I cannot do what has been undone." He said.

I was about to shout something again when I looked down at the daughter. She was pointing at Ahsoka.

The father nodded to her and stood up. He walked in-between Ahsoka and his daughter and knelt down. He signalled for me to kneel Infront of him, so I did. I knelt down where he told me to and took both of my gauntlets off and put them on the floor.

"And may my daughter's last wish." He said as I placed one finger onto the daughter's forehead. "Be to breath life into your friend." He said as I placed another finger onto Ahsoka's forehead. The second I did, my mind was filled with nothing but light. My vision went white, I could think clearly and I felt no negative emotions, only clarity, calmness and happiness.

After a few seconds in this state of trance, it stopped and I came back to the real world. I looked across at Ahsoka and saw that her skin was no longer cracked but she was still lying there on the floor. It hadn't worked, and I'd failed the only thing which mattered to me, I'd failed the only thing which I swore to do, or so I thought.

Ahsoka shot upright and began to cough. The second I realised that she was alive I threw myself at her. She yelped as I grabbed her and took her to the floor in my arms.

I laid on my back with Ahsoka on top of me as I hugged Ahsoka as tightly as I could, never letting go of her.

"Woah, what happened?" She asked as she kissed me on the lips.

I didn't answer immediately, I just brought one of my hands up to the back of her head and pressed my lips against hers again. She immediately melted into the kiss, seemingly unaware of what had just happened.

After about a minute, we stopped making out and stared into each others eyes.

"Can I get up now?" She asked.

"No, don't leave me." I said as I pulled her head into mine and held her small soft body closely. She smiled as I did so.

After a few more minutes of me and Ahsoka just hugging while Anakin and Obi Wan talked to the father, I slowly loosened my grip on Ahsoka.

She slowly stood up as I did so as well, still holding onto her hand.

"What happened?" She asked as she looked across at Anakin and Obi Wan. Her eyes drifted down and saw the daughter dead on the floor. "Oh my god, what happened? Is she ok?" She asked.

"Ahsoka." I said as I pulled her body into a hug again. "The son turned you to the dark side." I said as I kissed Ahsoka's head. "He made you his slave, set you against me. You were going to kill me but I was able to find the light in you for long enough for help to get here. Anakin and Obi Wan arrived with the weapon to kill the son, but you took it from them and gave it to him. He then, killed you." I said as I hugged Ahsoka even tighter. "He was about to kill the father with the dagger you gave him but the daughter threw herself Infront of it, saving the father. As she laid next to you, dying, her final wish was that she breathed life into you, and so she did."

Ahsoka began to tear up as I hugged her tighter.

"So, I, I killed her and almost you?" She asked.

I slowly and reluctantly nodded.

Ahsoka began to ball her eyes out as she buried her head into my one remaining armoured shoulder. She stayed like that for a while before backing out and looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry (y/n)." She whispered.

I brought her head into mine and kissed her on the lips briefly. "It's fine, 'Soka." I replied.

She smiled at me before turning to face Anakin, Obi Wan and the father as they walked over to us.

"Come on, we're going." Anakin said.

"But what about you?" Ahsoka asked the father.

"I must mourn what I have lost." He said. "Now go."

We all nodded before making our way down the stairs and back toward our ship, with my hand never leaving Ahsoka's for even a second.

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