Ms Jenner

By kendallsbitch

419K 11.9K 3.1K

Y/n's boss has moved to another branch, and as an assistant she's had nothing to do since he left, but her ne... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


2.6K 81 11
By kendallsbitch

"Babe, no. Come here" she complained and I rolled off the bed onto the fluffy rug underneath it "princess, come here. You're such a little shit"


"Why not?"

"Because I wanna have breakfast"

"Who needs breakfast for laying in bed all day?"

"You're turning into me, a gay slob" I said and pulled her out of bed "come on, let's go"

"Okay" she sighed reluctantly and traipsed downstairs with me, where I got her to make pancakes with me "I'd better work out or you won't like me anymore"

"I don't care if you don't work out"

"No, I mean I won't have muscles"

"I don't care. They're hot but your personality's a million times hotter"

"I must be absolutely irresistible then" she smirked and I smacked her arm gently

"I'll work out with you if you want"

"You? Working out?" She laughed


"I'm kidding, you can come" she said

"I'm gonna work out just to prove that you're wrong now"

"It'll be a first" she said

"Me working out or you being wrong?"

"Both" she said and I groaned and put my head onto her shoulder "I'm joking, you're always right"

"Too right I'm always right"

"And also a bit of a brat, but I love that too"

"You'd better, that's my only personality trait" I said

"Okay, let's go to the gym" she smiled and carried me to our room to get changed, then I ran upstairs to the gym. After the second staircase I was out of breath, and she laughed and held my hand on the rest of the way up. I stood awkwardly while she picked up a weight, and then sat down on the yoga mat and went on my phone. She turned around and looked at me, then sniggered.

"Shut up, I tried"

"Come here, come and do something" she said "you're already here"

"It's in my house"

"But it's a journey less taken" she said

"I'm gonna take you to your office, take you out to your balcony and throw you off it if you don't shut the fuck up about me never exercising"

"You're so cute because you're trying to be feisty but you're so small"

"You're just weirdly fucking tall"

"Aww" she pouted "anyway, how do you propose to somehow unwillingly drag me kicking and screaming out of this room to my office, to the balcony and then throw me off it, when you can't even run up two flights of stairs"

"I'm gonna cry, then you won't find it funny"

"Aww, you know I'm kidding"

"No, you're nasty to me. Order me McDonald's and I'll forgive you"

"It's eleven o'clock in the morning"

"No more cuddles, kisses-"

"Fine, nuggets?"

"Hash browns"

"How many?"

"Three" I said and she nodded

"Is that all?"


"They're coming. Now come and work out with me"

"Fine" I groaned


1 Month Later

"More wine?"

"Mhm" I sighed contentedly while I leaned back onto her in the tub

"So I've been thinking" she said while she poured a little bit more into my glass

"Go on" I said

"Should we set a date?"


"Maybe August, September sort of time?"

"Yeah" I said

"Check when you're free for a few weeks after so we can have loads of sex" I said and she laughed and kissed my cheek

"You mean go on a vacation?"

"Yeah" I smiled "I really wanna have your babies too"

"Okay" she said "you can have all of my babies and I'll go to work every day"

"Not every day. Four days a week"

"We'll think about it" she said

"Now. So when we have our kids, do you think they're gonna get bored of having me all the time? You should have a day with them at least"

"But I wanna have days with all of you"

"I'm a little bit worried"


"Because what if you're not as present as you think you're going to be?"

"I know I'm going to present. My kids aren't having issues, that option's not on the table" she said "don't worry, I won't let it happen. They're all going to have perfect lives"

"All? How many do you want?"

"Maybe five" she said


"Yeah, what do you think?"

"That's a lot of kids"

"I know, but a lot of people have ten kids or something so it's not a lot in comparison"

"But isn't the average for America just two kids?"

"But we're not average. A lot of people don't have children because they're worried about not being able to support them, but we definitely can"

"We don't have five bedrooms for them"

"We have six spare rooms, we've just turned one into an office and one into a gym"

"We'll see after the first one"

"So you'd definitely want one?"

"Yeah, I want a girl"

"A girl?" She asked

"Why do you hate that so much?" I gasped

"I don't hate it, I just want boys"


"I don't know, I feel like I'd be a good boy mom"


"Totally. i just get on with males better than females"

"Then go be straight somewhere else"

"No I'm attracted to women, but I'd rather be friends with a man" she said

"Oh" I said "so you still love me?"

"Of course I still love you. I love you no matter how many children you want or have, it's your body so it's your choice, baby"

"But I feel like you won't"

"I will, I promise. I love you"

"I love you too" I said and she wrapped her arms around my waist to hug me

"You wanna...?" She asked and kissed my neck

"Not for a while, I'm not ready yet" I said and she tensed up


"You said you'd wait forever. Forever is a lot longer than it'll take for me to be ready so calm down"

"Oh" she said, like she was expecting me to say I was joking. I went to get up, but she held onto me "where are you going?"

"I don't like the vibes" I said

"So you're gonna make me take a bath on my own?"

"You don't have to, you can get out too"

"Why don't we talk about it?"

"I just feel like you're mad at me"

"I'm not mad, why would I be mad?" She asked and I shrugged

"Cause I don't wanna fuck"

"I brought that on myself, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at me for doing that to someone else"

"But we can do it some other time" I said "cause what we have is way more than sexual chemistry right?"

"Of course" she said and kissed my shoulder gently "I told you that you can have whatever you want, and if that's what you want then I'll give it to you"

"You're sort of scary" I said

"Why am I scary?"

"Especially when you're really nice to me, you do that quiet voice and I get really scared" I said

"This quiet voice?" She asked and did it again and I shivered "I thought you liked this one"

"Yeah, I do, but it's scary sometimes. Don't stop doing it"

"So you mean it turns you on?" She chuckled and I shook my head "Jesus woman, I'm so horny and you're gonna tell me that my sexy voice doesn't sound sexy?"

"So it's your sexy voice?"

"It's both my sexy voice and my nice, understanding voice"

"Oh" I said and she held onto me quite tightly "hey, that's a bit of a death grip"

"Sorry" she murmured and loosened her grip

"Should we just go to bed?"

"Are you upset?" She asked

"No, I just wanna go and lie down" I said

"But like, this is as intimate as it gets" she complained "and I miss being intimate with you"

"I thought you were fine with it"

"Yeah, of course I am, it's what you want. But I still miss it" she said

"So you want me to sit between your legs, naked because you miss sex?"


"Fine, but I'm only being spineless because I love you"

"I know princess" she said

"I wanna cuddle, let's just go to bed" I whined after a while

"How isn't this a cuddle?" She asked

"Because it's in the water"

"Fine, let's go to bed" she sighed and stroked my hair gently "yeah?"

"You seem annoyed"

"I'm not annoyed, I'm sexually frustrated but I'm not annoyed" she said and kissed my temple and passed me a towel when she'd got out of the tub

"I'm sorry" I said

"Hey, it's not your fault" she said softly and I nodded "but what is your fault is that there's a bra under the bed and it's not mine"

"I just took it off before I went to sleep"

"So pick it up" she said and went into her closet for some clothes. I picked it up and put it in the laundry basket, then got into bed "y/n!"


"Do you want pyjamas?"

"Nope" I said and she came to bed after a moment and kissed me, then turned the lights off and shuffled up to me and put her arms around my waist

"You feel so good" she whispered and I laughed "what?"

"I'm not doing anything"

"Yes you are, you're being cute" she said

"I'm not even being cute, I'm just lying down"

"I know, but even that is cute to me" she said

"Shut up, weirdo"

"I'm horny" she said after a while

"Then stop it" I said

"Okay, sorry" she said sarcastically and I snuggled into her chest "normally that would be cute, but it's making me wet so calm down"

"That's hot" I said

"You gonna do something about it?" She asked and I shook my head "why not?"

"Because you're banned" I said

"I'm banned from what?"


"What if I just touched myself in front of you? That'd get me hot too" she said

"But you're banned"

"But it's not technically sex"

"If I know that you came, we had sex" I said

"What if I came yesterday and you didn't even know?"

"Then I'd be sad because I wasn't even invited"

"My hand says sorry and you're invited next time" she said

"Gross" I said

"You should drink some coffee"

"Why?" I frowned

"Because it makes me happy when you're full of energy"

"Sexual energy" I said "I have it, but it's on vacation right now"

"Where is it?"

"So it's in a bed" I said

"Yeah" she smiled

"And it's not in this country"

"Which country is it in?" She chuckled


"I don't know, England?"

"No silly, we've already been there"

"So it's in a country that we've never been to?"

"Yeah" I said

"Okay, and is this country in Europe?"


"Is it in South America?"


"Is it in Africa?"



"Yes" I said and she nodded

"Okay, and is this country on a group of islands?"


"Maldives" she said and I gave her an approving look "so when are we going to retrieve your sexual energy?"

"We haven't decided when to go on our honeymoon yet" I said and she smiled and nodded, then her face dropped

"We're waiting until marriage?" She exclaimed

"I thought we were doing it when we were both ready" I said

"Yeah" she said "but we haven't even properly set a date yet"

"Yes we have" I grumbled "we said October first"

"But we haven't booked anything yet" she said sadly

"Are you sad because I won't give you head for a few more months?"

"Yeah, we used to do it so much but I miss it and I love you but I wanna fuck you as well"

"But we should focus on the wedding" I said and straddled her lap, then leaned over her and got her laptop out and put it next to us. I opened it up to a page she'd been looking at about parenting, and she quickly clicked off it "what was that?"

"Nothing, just do your thing" she said

"Are you being a good mommy already?" I asked

"Maybe" she said and rubbed up and down my bare ribs while I typed something into the search bar "are you gonna be called Mom?"

"Well yeah, they can't really call me dad" I laughed

"No, I mean they could get confused" she said

"I think it'll be fine if they call us both Mom, but maybe we could have one of us as Mommy and the other as Mama or Mimi or something"


"Yeah, my brother always used to call my mom Mimi because he couldn't say mommy right anyway" I said

"You're gonna be such a good mom, your maternal instincts come so naturally to you"

"So are you baby. I know you have a different way of showing love than I do, but I know you still have a lot of love"

"I'm just very special" she said and I sniggered "not like that"

"Yes, like that" I said

"Fuck you too then" she grinned up at me

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