The Unknown Doppelganger

By FanFicLaura

226K 5.5K 361

A new arrival has appeared in Mystic Falls to interrupt the known line of Doppelgangers: Amara, Tatia, Kateri... More

Dalia Petrova
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirtheen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

1.5K 40 2
By FanFicLaura

Slowly the friends pulled from their hug to look at each other, a smile was present on both of their faces as Kol held Dalia's shoulders before speaking, "I'll try to visit you, I'm sure Nik will argue, but I've never listened to him before and I certainly won't start with this" he smirked.
Dalia chuckled lightly, "I'll see you later" she smiled, though she was sad to be saying goodbye to him. Kol nodded and stepped back from her, Dalia turned and walked back to the balcony doors. When she looked over her shoulder Kol was already gone, she sighed and then finally stepped back into her room and closed the door.
Walking to her bed she fell back onto it and pulled out her phone from her pocket. She began to flick through it bored, not knowing what to do for the day. She plopped the phone down onto her stomach, placing her hands on top of it. She was sad Kol was leaving, that she no longer could just see her friend whenever she wanted, though of course it was her own doing. She knew Kol would stick by his word, that he would be there whenever she needed him, but she also didn't want to drag him away from his own life that he could now live, even if she had been the reason he'd gotten his life back in the first place. Hearing a noise downstairs she furrowed her dark brows and slowly propped herself up on her elbows as she listened.
Finally she pushed herself off the bed and walked to her door, and then out to the hallway. As she reached the top of the staircase she heard the front door close and made her way down the steps seeing three people; Stefan, Caroline, and Bonnie. She let out a light exhale as she hopped down the last step. "Well, hello" she smirked swinging her arms by her sides. Dalia didn't exactly have the best past with Caroline, and as for Bonnie, she hadn't had many interactions with her.
"Caroline" Stefan started as he turned to look at his blonde friend. "Don't you have something you wanted to say?"
Caroline gave Stefan a bored look of 'do I have to' before Bonnie nudged the blonde forward, "Caroline"
"Fine" Caroline huffed, glancing at her friends before back to the doppelganger. "Sorry for you know getting off on the wrong foot or whatever" she said unenthusiastically as she folded her arms and looked away.
Dalia chuckled lightly at the poor, forced excuse for an apologise.
"Dalia" Stefan then prompted hopefully.
"Whatever, you're forgiven Caroline" Dalia shrugged. Stefan did a pretend, throaty cough signaling to keep going, "And sorry too" Dalia added with an eye-roll. 

"Great, now that's all cleared up, let's have a drink" Damon's voice chirped as he came down the hall.
Dalia smirked at the Salvatore and quirked a brow. "Only if it's not bourbon" she said playfully as she locked arms with him and entered the living room. 
"You know I have a plethora of drinks" he replied playfully as they walked. 
Caroline, Stefan, and Bonnie all shared a look with one another before following behind the pair. Damon brought Dalia to the cabinet while the others took a seat. "Now, what would you like today?" he asked with a smirk. 
"Hmm" Dalia hummed as she tapped her finger on her lips. 
"How about we try some bourbon again?" Damon teased as he gave the bottle a light shake in her direction. 
"Only if you want it spat back at you" she light-heartedly threatened. 
The blue-eyed vampire rolled his eyes playfully before gesturing to the couch. "Go sit down and I'll surprise you"
Pursing her lips to into a smirk she turned and joined the others. Caroline and Bonnie were sat on one couch, Stefan was sat on an armchair and Dalia sat on the couch opposite the girls. 
"So," Damon started as he filled the drinks, "Did you say thank you to Bonnie?"
"Thank you to Bonnie?" Dalia repeated not sure why a thanks was needed. 
"Oh right" Stefan nodded, realising they hadn't mentioned it. "Bonnie was the reason we found you" he smiled at the witch. 
Dalia turned to look at the Bennett witch, surprised. "Really?"
Bonnie nodded, "Stefan got me to come over here and Tyler convinced me. It wasn't that hard to do a locator spell on you" she smiled slightly. 
"Oh, well, thank you Bonnie" Dalia said genuinely though she couldn't bring herself to smile as she began to think of the reason she had initially come to Mystic Falls. It had been Katherine's idea of course. Katherine had been the one to orchastrate prior travels Dalia had made and all with the same intent. Bonnie noticed Dalia's expression but before she could say anything Damon approached with the drinks. 
"Here we go" He said, his voice snapping Dalia from her thoughts as he placed down a silver tray with glasses atop it. "Take whatever one you want" The two girls and Stefan reached for one, but Damon was quick to speak again. "Except that one" he said grabbing the glass from Stefan. "That one's for my special friend" he smirked and handed it to Dalia. 
She took the glass from him skeptically, "What is it?" she asked trying to surpress her grin. 
"That's for me to know, and you, to dot, dot, dot" he smirked as he sat down next to her with his own glass in hand. Rolling her eyes she took a sip of the drink and was surprised that it actually tasted good. 

After they all had talked for awhile Dalia, to her own shock, had come to like Caroline a bit more now. And as for Bonnie, she was very nice, seemed like a good friend, which made Dalia frustrated with herself. She was frustrated because of what she had planned to do before she'd gotten involved with everyone, what she was going to do to a person she didn't know, who was actually a good person. The things Katherine had filled Dalia's head with were lies and in hindsight she should've known. Even though she was Katherine's family, Katherine only looked out for herself, you did something she didn't like and she could turn on you at the drop of a hat. Dalia had tried to live like her for so long, to avoid getting close with people, but Dalia was not Katherine, and she was glad about that. 
Damon stood by the lit fire while everyone else remained in their seats when there was a knock at the door. Everyone looked to Damon who furrowed his brows, "What?"
"You're standing" Stefan nodded, his words meaning you answer it. 
Damon took a swing off his bourbon before blurring to the door and opening it while the rest continued to talk. 
"So Dalia, why did you come to Mystic Falls?" Bonnie asked, a question they were all still curious about. 
Thankfully before Dalia could try to scrambl together an answer Damon spoke, "Dalia, lover boy" he called as he began to walk back to them.
Everyone looked over to see Tyler, "Hey" he greeted them with a smile. 
Dalia quickly put her drink down and stood up to walk towards him. "Have fun with Matt?"
"You could say that" he shrugged lightly. 
"You uh, want a drink?" Damon asked, gesturing to the drink cabinet for Tyler to help himself to one. 
"No, I'm good" he nodded. 
"What did Damon mean by lover boy?" Bonnie asked, clearly out of the loop. 
"Oh uh" Dalia started with a shrug, "Tyler and I are, together, I guess you could say?" she breathed, she certainly wasn't used to announcing her relationship to people, well she wasn't really used to relationships either, not this kind anyway. 
"That's great" Bonnie smiled genuinely remembering how Tyler had admitted to liking Dalia when asking for her help to get her back. 
Dalia forced a smile at Bonnie before turning her attention to Tyler, "Let's head upstairs" she said beginning to walk passed him.
"You sure you don't wanna hang don't here?" he asked looking over his shoulder at her as she walked by. Shooting him a look Tyler realised he better get his butt up the stairs and so he began to follow behind her. 
"Whipped" Damon muttered under his breath with a smirk. 
Having heard his words Dalia raised her finger and made a flicking motion, causing Damon's bourbon to spill on his shirt just as he was about to take a sip. "Whoops" she taunted causing the others in the living room and Tyler to chuckle while Damon glared at her.

Since Dalia had started on her way upstairs first she made it to her room before Tyler and sat on the couch by her window just before he entered. "Hello" she smirked, waving her fingers at him before resting her hands on her crossed legs. 
Tyler chuckled as he walked over to her and sat down. "You looked pretty comfy downstairs" he pointed out, curious as to why she had been to adamant to come up here. 
She shrugged and grinned, "Well you know how much I like the Salvatores" 
"Yeah but just remember, I like you more" he grinned before giving her a playful wink. 
"Yeah, yeah don't go getting all mushy on me Lockwood" she instructed jokingly. 
Tyler shook his head at her before shifting posture slightly, "I heard you guys talking when I was walking up"
"Well aren't you nosey" she teased poking him on the nose. 
"I heard Bonnie's question" he said causing Dalia's teasing and joking to cease as she placed her head on his chest so he couldn't see her facial expression.
"Oh really?"
"She asked why you came to Mystic" he repeated, to which Dalia simply hummed in reply as she bit her lips. "Well, why did you?" he asked, resting his chin on her head. 
"You're feeling especially nosey today aren't you" she said trying to maintain some sarcasm despite her usual smirk not meeting her lips, though thankfully the hybrid couldn't see. 
"Dalia" Tyler said before placing a kiss on the top of her hair. "Tell me" he whispered. 
Huffing the brunette pushed herself off his chest and walked straight into the bathroom closing the door behind herself and locking it. Tyler was left sitting on the couch confused for a second before getting up and approaching the door. "Dalia?" he called from behind the door. 
"Busy" the girl replied shortly. 
"Did I say something?" the confused hybrid asked as he rested his forearm on the doordrame. 
"No" Dalia told him, continuing with the short answers. Dalia was stood with her hands on either side of the drink as she looked at herself in the mirror. She'd certainly changed since getting to the town. Before she could take a life and not think twice about it, like she was an emotionless vampire. She couldn't believe the person she was becoming, it wasn't a worse person by any means, she was becoming a better version of herself, a version untainted by Katherine. 
"Dalia, will you open the door?" Tyler asked snapping Dalia from her thoughts. "I'm sorry for whatever I said" 
Exhaling she moved from the sink and opened the door, Tyler leaned back slightly and Dalia looked at him for a second before speaking, "You don't need to be sorry Ty" she said walking passed him again and to her chested draws moving her makeup around, obviously without any purpose but she was just trying to look busy. 
Tyler turned and followed behind her, "Then what was that?" he asked, wondering why she had suddenly left him alone on the couch and was acting different. 
Knowing that she wasn't being truthful Tyler let out an irritated huff, "Dalia will you just talk to me?" he asked exasperatedly. "It's like one step forward and two steps back with you"
"I angry at myself" she admitted loudly as she spun to face him. "I'm mad at myself for why I came here!" 
"Okay, thank you for being honest with me" he let out a revealed breath. "Will you tell me whay you came here?" Tyler asked with a soft expression on his features as he rubbed the side of her arms. 
"When I tell you, you're gonna hate me" she scoffed at herself. 
"I won't" he chuckled lightly, "It can't be that bad" he smiled before pausing as the smile slowly fell, "Can it?"
"Sit down" she told him lowly as she pointed back to the couch. 
Tyler nodded an gave her a reassuring smile before sitting back on the couch, resting his elbows on his legs. Dalia stood in front of the couch and began pacing back and fourth. "I came because of Katherine" she started as she pushed on her knuckles nervously. "For ages she's had me going place to place, getting powers from powerful witches" she explained, avoiding looking at Tyler. "I'm not completely human, I'm traveler, like Katherine was before becoming a vampire. When I told you guys that Arlo that old warlock gave me powers, he couldn't just do that if I was human" she told him as if it should've been obvious. "He harnessed some of his power into my ring, and I got other witches to do it too. The traveler's curse keeps me from channeling nature, but this" she said pointing to the ring, the one that also had the ability to keep her from dying while she was wearing it, "And my doppelganger blood act as a power source"
 "So... I would watch the witches Katherine sent me to, see what type of person they were. Usually she sent me after bad witches, so when I got them to give me some power, and depending if they were bad I would... dispose of them with Katherine's help" she swallowed. 
"My turn to talk" she quickly cut him off, glancing at him for a second before continuing. "Then Katherine told me about this town, I already knew about her past here and she kept me up to date on things. So then she told me I should come here and do what I always did... she told me Bonnie was a bad person, that she had tried to kill Katherine, and she was my family at that time. She said Bonnie woud hurt other witches and hated all vampires no matter what" she said as she finally stopped pacing and looked at him. "She told me to kill Bonnie, that she deserved it" 
Tyler got up from the couch and walked towards her. 
"But" Dalia continued. "I got close to you guys, so when I got asked about coming here I got angry with myself for taking Katherine's word and almost going through with trying to kill Bonnie, who is nothing like what Katherine said. I would never dream of hurting her" 
"You done?" Tyler asked taking a final step towards her. 
Dalia nodded worried about what he might say, but the next thing she knew Tyler had cupped her cheeks and was kissing her. 
"Ty, ty" she said pulling from the kiss. "Why are you kissing me?" she asked having expected him to be disgusted her. 
"Because you told me the truth" he smiled softly. "No sugar coating, you just told the truth"
Looking into his chocolate eyes she felt the corner's of her mouth pulling into a smile as she placed her hand atop of his. "Maybe I should do it more often then" she grinned leaning her forward on his. 
"Yeah, maybe" he chuckled before leaning in and sharing another soft kiss with her as she wrapped her arms around her neck. Not breaking from the kiss she began to walk back towards the bed before sitting on the edge. Tyler moved to kiss her neck, "Awful feely today, did Matt make you this way?" she teased.
Tyler quickly moved from her neck and looked at her, "Not funny" he said with a serious expression though she could see the slight smirk threatening to appear. 
"Shut up" she laughed as she pushed him back onto the bed and stradled him before slowly leaning down and kissing him. Dalia smirked in the kiss as she ran her hand under his shirt and along his abs
"Someone could walk in" Tyler mumbled in between kisses. 
Dalia pulled away from him and grinned, she flicked her eyes over her shoulder and the sound of the door locking could be heard. "Now they can't" she said smugly as she looked back to him. 
Tyler looked from the door and back to her with a grin as he held her hips, "Let see what else you can do" he teased flipping them over. Dalia giggled as her back landed on the soft bed before Tyler's lips were back on hers. 

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