Ms Jenner

Autorstwa kendallsbitch

412K 11.8K 3.1K

Y/n's boss has moved to another branch, and as an assistant she's had nothing to do since he left, but her ne... Więcej

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


2.6K 77 8
Autorstwa kendallsbitch

"Y/n!" Kendall snapped while Ella and I leaned into each other "time for Ella to go" She followed us to the door and slammed the door after Ella had left, and didn't even look at me before heading upstairs. I followed her and poked her shoulder, but she ignored me.

"Kenny, why won't you talk to me?"

"Because you hurt my feelings too" she said and went into her closet, but I followed her "y/n, can I get changed?"

"No, cuddles" I demanded

"You've made me upset" she said and took her shirt off, and I passed her some pyjamas to try and hurry her up, and went through her suits and got her one out for tomorrow "are you my stylist now?"

"I am, I remember before we dated you used to wear skinny jeans. Now you wear nice jeans and sweatpants"

"I don't wear sweatpants"

"If you're not feeling well you do. Are you mad at me?"



"I don't wanna make you sad when you're drunk, that's not very nice"

"I'm still me, you can still talk to me" I said and she kissed my temple and walked past me "I wanna... no, Kenny!"

"Can we just go to sleep?" She asked and I got between her and the light "what are you doing?"

"Why won't you talk to me?" I sniffled

"I just think that it's so hypocritical of you to be all over your friend, who you don't even really like-"

"But I do like her"

"No you don't, you told me so literally a week ago when you were bitching about everyone you know. I do actually listen, you know?"

"I know, but it's different. She was there for me when I was sad"

"And so am I. All the time, every single time you're sad, happy, mad, excited, heartbroken, anything. But you never let me be there for you"

"Yes I do, I wanted you to stay last week when I was sick"

"But you weren't really sick. You were faking to avoid addressing the problem" she told me

"Come on, talk to me" I straddled her lap and kissed her neck gently

She sighed and gave me a hug "do you still definitely want to marry me?"

"Yeah" I chirped and moved up and down a few times to get comfy

"You're so drunk, what on earth were you trying to do?"

"I wanted to be comfy" I said and she nodded

"And do you wanna move into a house?"

"Yeah, I don't mind where though"

"Because I'm thinking about selling my country house and buying a townhouse here for us. Only with your permission of course"

"Of course. I just wanna live with you. But will you associate work with home more?"

"I think I'm going to have to work from home anyway"

"Why?" I asked

"That virus" she yawned "so I might have to spend the next few days really hard at work, making sure everyone knows what they're doing, then I was thinking we could move house before we're forced to stay at home"

"But what about furniture and stuff?"

"Takes a few hours with the right moving guys, and I know the right guys" she said and I nodded "I'll ask you again in the morning, okay?"

"No, do it now"

"Do what now?"

"Buy house" I demanded

"It's a big investment to buy a big house in the city, I'm not making that investment unless you're sober"

"Come on" I whined

"No. Sleepy time now" she said. I grumbled, got off her and lay down beside her but she put her arm around me and I held her hand while I went to sleep.

"Y/n, wake up" she said and I frowned at her for sounding so urgent

"Morning Kendall, nice to see you too"

"I'm sorry" she said "I know you were drinking last night but I have to put the money for the house down now because New York's going into lockdown and I wanna know if you still want it"

"The big one with the swimming pool in the basement?"

"Mhm, the one I took you to see the other day"

"Yeah, I was mad when we went to that one"

"But are you mad at the house or me?"

"I'm mad at what you did" I said "get the house, I love it"

"Okay, I'm sorry I woke you up. I love you, go back to sleep" she kissed me and got up

"I love you" I said "and I'm sorry I was like that with Ella last night. I won't hang out with her anymore"

"You don't have to do that for me"

"I want to. It's the right thing to do"

"Thank you" she smiled softly "are you coming into work to help me organise anything? I have three days if we're gonna move house as well"

"Does that mean I have to come in or we're not moving house?"

"No, it means I'd like you to be there"

"I'd rather go to sleep"

"Okay, goodnight" she said and I nodded and snuggled under the covers to go back to sleep. She kissed the top of my head, then I heard her leaving quietly.

When I was ready, I got out of bed and started to organise some of our clothes, which turned into organising the whole of our closets, then the bathroom, then the bedroom and before I knew it I'd spent the whole day tidying up the apartment. I really wanted to move into a real home with her, but I was afraid of staying with her forever now because of her history with cheating. I just hoped that me flirting with Ella had been enough of a wake up call for her to realise how horrible she'd made me feel when she'd actually gone through with cheating on me.

"Baby?" Kendall shouted


"That's not my name" she joked and I rolled my eyes "not funny?"

"Nothing you say is funny until further notice" I said and she nodded and wrapped her arms around my waist

"I missed you. Have you been cleaning?"

"I organised our whole bedroom, even the bathroom and closets so we can pack it up faster"

"Awesome. Thanks baby" she said and kissed my cheek "what's for dinner? It smells great"

"Pasta" I said and pointed to the pasta boiling on the stove "how was work?"

"So boring. But I put the money down for the house and spoke to the realtor on the phone about this apartment and the country house and he said he'll put them on the market as soon as possible" she said

"You smell really bad, have you been smoking?"

"Little bit" she nodded

"Why? Can you stop?"

"I'm stressed out at the moment, just give me a few weeks" she told me and ran her fingers through her hair "just chill out about it, okay?"

"Okay, I can't tell you what to do" I sighed and she wandered out of the kitchen, presumably to the balcony for a cigarette. I found it disgusting, whenever we'd kiss she would taste like an ashtray and it made her hair smell weird at night when she the perfume had worn off. She'd cough and breathe more heavily, and I'd noticed that when she smoked, she'd work out less and get moodier when she needed another fix. She came back for dinner, and there was a very tense atmosphere between us so I tried to lighten the mood. "So how was your day?"

"It was okay, it had good and bad parts. It's a good thing that everyone just works on their computers all day and we can just do meetings online" she said

"That's good. So everything's running smoothly?"

"I'm making it as smooth as it can be" she said "I'm gonna have to go into work really early tomorrow so we have to go to bed earlier"

"How early?"

"About eight" she said

"That's in half an hour"

"I know, I'm sorry" she said

"Can we watch a movie or talk though?"

"We can" she said "I still wanna spend time with you, but I'm very conscious of the fact that I'm gonna have a few weeks or months alone with you to make up for these next few days"

"Okay" I said and followed her upstairs "it's too hot"

"I know, let me put the A.C on" she yawned and went to put it on. I got into bed in my shorts and bra, and when she saw me she raised an eyebrow and kissed my jaw, then got on top of me

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Giving you kisses"

"No thanks"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't wanna do that yet"

"Not even little kisses?"

"No thank you"

"Is it because I smoked?"

"A little bit, but also because of what you did"

"Mmm" she nodded "does my mouth taste weird?"

"Probably" I said "I'm buying you a vape tomorrow, I don't care if you think they're for middle school kids or not, they don't destroy your lungs or make anything taste or smell weird"

"Fine, but get me a good one" she said and lay down

"I'll get you a good one, don't worry" I told her "and you have to seriously quit normal cigarettes, they're gross"

"Okay" she yawned again "I'm going to sleep"

"Goodnight" I said and rolled away

"Hey, no, come back" she complained. I hugged her until she was fast asleep, then went on my laptop to find her a vape pen.

2 Days Later

"So, what do you think?" She said while she showed me around the new house, which I'd already been to once with her, but I hadn't really been paying attention because I'd been upset with her.

"It's really nice, I love it" I said and gave her a hug "like I love you, but a little bit less"

"So a little bit less than endlessly?" She teased and I nodded "you're so pretty. I'm so lucky"

"Yes you are, don't forget it"

"I won't" she said and kissed the top of my head "did you get your nails done today?"


"Why?" She whispered in confusion

"Because I wanna have pretty nails" I said innocently

"That's not very gay of you"

"Don't you like them?" I asked

"They're very pretty, but they're not very practical" she said and got her vape pen out and took a puff. She was happy with it because it meant she could use it in the house, and I liked the smell so she could do it right next to me and not feel bad about it.

"I like them, I thought they were nice" I said

"They are. I just think they get in the way"

"Of what?"

"Sex" she laughed

"But we're not having sex"

"Until when? Just so I can put it on the calendar"

"I hope you're joking. And I don't know, when we both feel like it"

"I feel like it" she said

"But I don't" I sighed "I'm sorry"

"Don't apologise, you're the one who's in the right here. Take as long as you need princess"

"Thanks Kenny" I smiled up at her and she pecked me on the lips twice, then looked out at the small garden behind the kitchen.

"I hate that garden"


"No grass"

"But it'd be so tricky to take care of, plus the fumes from the city would kill it"

"I guess" she agreed bitterly

"Are you upset about your fucking $20 million home because it doesn't have grass in the back yard?"

"Yeah, if I have a garden I want it to have grass. It's the least it could have"

"Okay" I laughed "but it's got a stone floor and some plants"

"And I'm mad at it. I'll just pretend there's grass"

"But if you're gonna pretend there's grass then what are you gonna do when your imaginary grass grows too long and you have to cut it?"

"I'll hire an imaginary gardener" she said as if it were obvious

"Good idea"

"Are you comfy standing up?"

"Are you? Old woman" I said and she tickled me, so I ran away upstairs to the living room

"Come here, you little shit!" she exclaimed when I ran upstairs to our bedroom. I sat on the bed and she sat next to me and pulled me down so I'd lie next to her "are you out of breath from just running up two flights of stairs?"

"I don't work out" I said

"You should, it'd do you some good. You have a very nice body, but-"

"But I'm fat?"

She scoffed "if you're fat, then most other women are obese. I'm just quite skinny"

"You're muscly though"

"I know, so sexy" she said "should I work on my abs for you?"

"If you want to"

"You can see them and touch them whenever you want" she said and I sat up

"Shut up"

"Okay, maybe not then" she said

"That's right" I said "also hug me"

"As you wish ma'am" she said and gave me a long hug, then went upstairs to her study so I followed her to see what she was doing "why are you stalking me?"

"I'm bored"

"Do you like me now you're bored?"

"No" I said "you're still nasty as fuck and I'm still gonna put pillows between us when we sleep"

"What? You've never done that, not even on the day you found out"

"I was kidding. But I won't be if you piss me off"

"I'm gonna throw you off that balcony if you're not careful, you're already driving me insane" she mumbled and I slapped her wrist "hey!"

"I'm joking"

"Hmm" she frowned, then threw her jacket at me "go, woman"


"You're not leaving?" She gasped dramatically and I shook my head "leave"

"Make me"

"I will" she said and tried to lift me up, but I went floppy and sat on the floor

"Why are you making me leave?"

"I'm throwing you out of the house, let's go" she chuckled and dragged me across the wooden floors by holding underneath my arms, then stopped when I was outside her office and went back in. Because there was no door, just an opening, I leaned around the corner and she pretended not to notice me while she put some files into the cupboards.


"Yes ma'am?" She tried to hide a smile

"Why are you calling me ma'am all of a sudden?"

"Because it's the respect you deserve"


"Okay dumb whore" she said and I gasped loudly "oh please, you know I didn't mean that"

"Fuck you too, cheater" I said and she sat on the floor next to me and I sat between her legs and leaned back onto her

"Go back to the kitchen"

"You're a woman too"

"Wanna see my massive dick?" She asked

"You don't have a dick, just ask me and your other girlfriend"

"You're not my girlfriend, you're my fiancé" she said "and she's not my girlfriend, she's probably back in England with her husband"

"She has a husband?"

"I mean, I think so"

"Kendall!" I scolded her "it's not funny, marriages aren't something to fuck around with. You of all people should know"

"I'm sorry, I won't bring it up again if you won't. Are we still on joking terms or should I go somewhere else?"

"I can't find my lingerie"

"I had it burnt because you'll never use it again" she said with a straight face


"I'm joking. They're just in a box for you to unpack because I know you like to keep that sort of thing to yourself"

"At least you're respectful" I said and kissed her and went down a few flights of stairs to get to our room and carried on unpacking all of our clothes. I'd finally made a home I was happy in.

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