Angel and her Demons.

By milee1993

8K 654 166

Angel has spent years fighting for her safety, sanity and her survival, running from an abusive father. What... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.
Chapter 57.
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59.
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61.
Chapter 62.
Chapter 63.
Chapter 64.

Chapter 17.

145 12 0
By milee1993

*Dylan's P.O.V*

This is my fault, She fainted because I told her.

"She's ok son, She just needs rest."

"It's all my fault pops."

"How is this your fault?"

"I told her about what Tyler found. About her dad. She wouldn't have fainted If I hadn't said anything."

"That's bullshit Dylan and you know it! Yes, It was a shock for her but you didn't cause this."

"I told her about us. She knows."


"Well she had some questions but she didn't leave. Which was my main concern. She told me about her childhood, Pops I don't know how she is still standing. The things he put her through. I want to tear him apart with my bare hands."

"You need to be smart about this son, If the cops want him, They will find something that will finally stick. If you want to take him out we will need time to plan. Cover our backs. Get help from our guys inside. Bury all shreds of evidence possible."

"When Angel feels better I want to ask her what she would want. She says since she ran away from home she has never felt safe, Always watching her back. I need to know she wouldn't hate me if I kill him."

"I need you to know how deep rooted this is. She needs to trust you and tell you everything. Has she had any help?"

"No she said no one would believe her or they would say she was the one at fault."

"Disgusting son of a bitch. Putting your kid through stuff like that. I think we should talk to Frank and get his advice, He must know some people who could help her."

"Oh shit, I need to call Allie!"

"Who's Allie?"

"Miss Bennett, Angel works at the hotel, Allie is her best friend. I need to get her here!"

"Ok, Take it easy. Call her and tell her about Angel, I'm sure she will want to know she's ok."

"Pops, I don't know how to deal with this. I've fallen for her, Bad. Like my heart hurts and my soul is screaming out for her. I've never wanted someone like this. I told her I want to make her my wife."

"I'm proud of you son, You've finally got what your ma and I always wanted for you boys. A love like ours."

"She reminds me of ma, Pops."

"I can't wait to get to know her then, I'm sure we will love her instantly. Now go call Allie."

"I love you dad. So fucking much."

"You too son, Don't ever forget it!"

I take out my phone and find Allie's business contact number I saved, Hoping she'll pick it up.

*Phone call*

"Hello Allie Bennett speaking. How can I help you today?"

"Allie I'm so glad you picked up!"

"Mr Donnelly?"

"Yes but please call me Dylan. I have Angelica here with me. She had an accident this morning but she is ok, I have had my family doctor check her. I thought it was best to inform you so you can come be with her."

"Oh my God, what happened! We had a fight and she left, I've been calling her and messaging. Oh God is she ok. Where are you, I need to see her!"

"Have you got a car?"

"No, I've never needed one! Oh god, WAIT my dad has one here I can use, Where is she."

"Will you be ok driving? I'll text you my address. My doorman will be expecting you so he'll send you up. Please drive carefully!"

"I'll be fine. Please text me it now and I'll be there as quick as I can. Oh and Dylan?"


"Thank you for looking after my girl..."

"See you shortly!"

*Allie's P.O.V*

Oh God, Fuck why did I let her leave! What happened to her!

I run to my parents office and grab my dad's keys from his safe and race to the car, I'm sat in the driver's seat and Dylan's address pops up.

I set my phone up and get the directions.

20 minutes. Fuck!

I can feel tears pooling in my eyes.

I can feel the panic rush over me again.

Slowly taking over.

"NO! NOT NOW! I have to get to her!"

*Angelica's P.O.V*

I'm in a massive bed alone, Where the fuck am I....

"Argh. My head..."

"Easy there sweetheart."

I sit up in bed and instantly know where I am.

"Hi, Frankie...."

"How you feeling?"

"Heads a bit sore, Where's Dylan?"

"Talking to his old man, I'll go get him for you."


I watch as Frankie walks out of the room.

I feel scared and pretty confused.

My mind racing with the things Dylan told me this morning.

My mum didn't kill herself....

She didn't leave me.....

She never wanted to leave me...

I feel sick.

Sicker than I have ever felt.

My mum was murdered.

By my dad.

"Hey there darlin'."

I sob and mumble out, "Dylan....."

He rushes by my side and wipes the tears away with his thumbs, Caressing my face.

Wrapping me up in his warmth.

God, This is my favourite place.

"I'm sorry...."

"Don't be sorry Angel, It's my fault. I can't believe I did this to you...."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I had no right to tell you what I did, I shouldn't have told you everything. I understand if you hate me. I can't bare the thought of you in pain because of me....."

"Kiss me you knob..."


"I could never hate you." I kiss his neck.

"You told me the truth...." I kiss his jawline.

"You told me my mum didn't leave me." I bite his bottom lip.

"Now KISS ME!"

"Yes, Baby."

Our mouths collide and instantly all the air feels like it has disappeared and all my senses are overpowered by this man.


What did he just say?!?

I pull back from him.


"What did you just say?" I question him.

He plants kisses over my neck and face. "Mmmmm"

"I said, I love you..."

"You do?"

"Ummhmm" He moans into my neck.


"I want you Angel, I need you. My soul is craving you. I don't want you to say or do anything till you are ready. I just need you to know. I'm in this, For always."

Am I dreaming?

I must be.

I must have hit my head really fucking hard....

"Hey pretty lady..."


"Where did ya go?"

"My dreams..."

"I better be in them..."

"Uh Huh.."

"I called Allie baby. She's on her way."

"Oh shit, Is she mad? Did she sound mad?"

"Hey. Breathe. In and out, slowly."

I start blowing breaths.

"She's worried but she's coming."


We hear a light knock on the bedroom door and Dylan gets up to get it.

"How's everything in here?"

"Ok pops, Come in. I want to introduce you to someone properly...Angel, I'd like you to meet my dad, James...."

The gentleman steps out from behind Dylan.

Holy shit.

I whisper, "Mr.Moody....."

"Huh?" James says.

"What?" Dylan looks between both of us, Confusion washes across his face.

"It's you!"

"What the fuck is going on? You two know each other?

"She's the cleaner at the hotel dumb arse!"

"Who the fuck is Mr.Moody?" Dylan asks.

"Evidently me..."

"" Is all I can say.

"HAHAHA" Dylan has tears streaming down his face.

"Mr.Moo, I mean Mr. Donnelly."

"Oh God hahaha" Dylan cracks up again.

"Wow. She really is like your mother...."

"I'm so sorry sir, It's just you snapped at me and I was only trying to help...."

"I don't take kindly to being called moody.....But yes I remember and yes I was very pissed off...."

"I was only worried about your hand sir..."

"Please call me James, You're gonna have to get use to calling my name....Seeing as you're with my boy."

"Hi James."

He laughs, "Hello Angel."

"Enough flirting there old man, She's mine." He winks at me.

"Shut ya face you little shit haha I look forward to our dinner later, Hopefully a chance for us to get to know each other."

"Sounds nice. Thank you."

"Allie should be here soon, Do you want to stay here or I can help you into the living room?

"Can I stay here for now please?"

"Sure thing baby"

"I need a drink, You two want anything?"

"Some tea would be nice please.

"Coffee for me pops please."

"Be right back." James leaves us.

"Do you want me to stay with you and Allie or do you want to tell her about us?"

"Maybe I should tell her myself. I don't know how she is gonna take me moving here with you. Or any of the stuff with my dad. Fuck, What about you. How do I tell her."

"How about we don't mention my lifestyle at the moment. She will have a lot to process and I really don't think I can take another person fainting on me today."

I playfully slap his bicep.

"My God man, What are you packing in there, You the hulk or something, Bloody hell...."

"Haha what are you on about darlin' these little things?"

He stands up and poses.

I bite the inside of my cheek, Trying with every ounce of my being and failing to hide how much I want to jump on him.

"Do you really need to do that...."

"Should I hide? Oh you don't want all this" He gestures to his body, "Ok then I guess you won't mind if I take my shirt off, I'm far too warm right now...."

"Don't you dare Mr!"

"Too late....."

"Come here. Right. Now"

"Yes ma'am"


"Mmmm" I run my hands over his chest, Dipping in his abs. Playing with his smattering of chest hair.

"Fuck Angel, That feels glorious...."


"Hmm Angel..."

I notice his friend is saying hi...

"Your buddy seems happy down there...."

I lick along his abs tasting him, Savouring every delicious inch of him.

"What are you doing to me baby...."

"I think I love you too Dylan...."

There is a knocking on the door which stops us in our tracks.

"Lillie pad?"

"Hold on..." He shouts then whispers to me, "Pause this for later...."


"I need a really cold shower...."

I giggle.

Dylan opens the door for Allie and she runs to me.


"What was I meant to do Allie, You really hurt me. I couldn't stay near you and I ended up here with Dylan...I'd been walking for a while and I called him. I didn't want to talk to you, I needed space. I love you but I was so mad at you."

"Fuck, Lillie pad I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was angry too. You didn't seem to notice that I was struggling. I need you sometimes too..."

"Allie.....Please don't make me feel guilty about how I am. I can't help it. I only had you Allie but saying I'm selfish....I can't believe that's how you see me."

"I love you more than anything. I wish you felt like you could have told me. I'd understand. We could have been there for each other. You're my soul sister Allie."

"I was upset! Fuck sake Angelica! This is what I'm talking about! You're head is stuck up your own arse, You don't see the world around you! I've tried my fucking hardest with you and never get a thank you, I gave you all I could when you left and look at our fight, You threw it in my face! I feel like I can't be honest with you. I'm afraid that I will break you, I give you all my attention and even my parents would do anything for you!"

"Stop. That's enough! I think you should leave." I had enough, I just snapped.

"I'm not going anywhere till you listen to me! This isn't your house. You can't dictate who stays and goes!" Her body furiously shakes.

"Actually she can, She's moving in here. As of last night this is her home. So if you've finished upsetting my girl."

"What the fuck is he talking about A?"

"I'm staying here, There are things that have been discussed between Dylan and I. We shared a lot and I feel safe here."

"You can't be serious. You've known him what less than a week and you're moving in with him! I'VE PROTECTED YOU ALL THIS TIME AND NOW YOU'RE LEAVING ME!"

"Raise your voice one more fucking time and I'll carry you out of here! Do you understand!" Dylan raises his voice, His whole demeanour changes.

"What has gotten into Allie. Why are you acting like this?"

"I think it's best if you don't come back to the hotel. You clearly don't need me, I'm useless to you now. Now you have Mr.Muscles over here."

"That's it."

"Wait, Please Dylan." I beg him.

"Angel you can't have her talk to you like this. You can't get stressed right now. Your head is still recovering."

"What do you mean her head?" Allie glares at him.

"I got some news yesterday, Bad news and I fainted. Luckily Dylan caught me but I haven't felt well since. I've been resting."

"Yes and now your screaming at her. Acting like a petulant child throwing her fucking dummy around the place!" Dylan hisses.

"What could be so bad that you passed out again?" She snorts.

"What do you fucking mean again!" Dylan is beyond angry now. Shit...

"It's happened before. Someone came into the hotel and she freaked out, I found her hiding and after talking she collapsed."

"That's enough. I really want you to leave now. Dylan can you get the phone out of my bag please."

"Of course baby." He hands me the phone.

"I won't be needing my work anymore. Tell your mum and dad I'm sorry and thankful to them. I never thought you would feel like I used you Allie. I quit. I can't work for you now."

Allie bursts into tears, Realizing that her words have finally cut too deep.

"It's time for you to go." Dylan starts moving her out of my room.

"I...Please....I'm sorry......Angelica"

"Goodbye Allie."

I turn away from her, Holding back the streams of tears till I finally hear the door open and Dylan walking her out.

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