Ms Jenner

By kendallsbitch

412K 11.8K 3.1K

Y/n's boss has moved to another branch, and as an assistant she's had nothing to do since he left, but her ne... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


2.3K 84 23
By kendallsbitch

1 Week Later

A week's time hadn't really healed the rift between Kendall and I, although she'd convinced me to keep wearing the ring and visit her at work three days a week of my choosing, but apart from that I stayed at home with the dogs or went to Ella or Sam's places for the day.

I was taking my afternoon nap when Kendall came into the bedroom and seemed relieved to see me lying in bed with the dogs "Kenny?"

"I was really worried, you weren't replying to my texts"

"I was napping"

"Oh" she said "I thought something bad had happened so I came right here to check on you"

"Nope, just sleeping"

"Want me to join you?"

"Yeah" I said and she took her jacket off and got into bed with me "hey"


"How was work?"

"Cut short by your nap" she said and played with my hair, then patted the mattress right in front of her "come here princess"

"I'm sad though"


"Just sad"

"Cause of me?"

"A little bit"


"You know why, stop ignoring it"

"I'm sorry" she said and kissed my forehead "do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't think there's anything to really talk about, we just have to keep trying to work it out" I said

"Thanks for not leaving me and listening to me, I'm trying my best for you" she said. I knew she was trying her very best, but that didn't really make up for the fact she'd cheated on me with someone she'd told me not to worry about.

"I know, me too"

"I just wanna be able to go back to normal with you, I hate it that I've made you so sad"

"I don't even know how I feel anymore, I want to forgive you but I'm still really hurt by it and I keep worrying that if I let you get away with it this time then you'll do it when we get married"

"But I know how wrong it is now and-"

"You haven't had a single relationship where you haven't cheated now. That really worries me, is it true that once you're a cheater, you're always a cheater?"

"No, I'll never cheat again. I promise you" she said

"But you've promised me so much before and you've let me down"

"And I promise I'll never break a promise ever again. If I do, I'll understand you breaking all of yours too"

"Like leaving you?"

"Yeah" she said "I know that it's a big slip up, but it's still a slip up and I want to move past this with you"

"Can Ella come over later?"

"Definitely not"


"Because you're always all over each other" she said and I raised an eyebrow at her "fine, whatever you want princess"

"Thanks. She's coming at eight"

"That's quite late, don't you wanna do something with me?"

"But Ella" I said

"But me" she said and went to kiss me, but I cringed and moved away "okay, that's just hurtful"

"You wanna talk about hurtful?"

"I feel like maybe it's not a good time to have one of your friends over if it's gonna be this tense"

"Then go somewhere else"

"You're not telling me to leave my own house"

"Are you gonna take me to the bronx then?"


"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Cancel" she said

"Just go and do something else, it's a big apartment"

"You're not getting drunk with her alone" she scoffed

"How do you know we're even gonna get drunk?"

"Y/n, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Well, you did fuck someone else" I smiled and moved my face in front of hers

"So stupid of me" she said and stared at my lips, then kissed them gently

"Stop" I said when she tried to do it again

"Aren't I allowed to kiss you anymore?"


"You're saying no?" She asked

"Yeah, why would I wanna make out with you when you've done it with someone else?"

"But I thought we were trying to move on?"

"It takes longer than a week to move on from that"

"I know, and I'm so sorry" she said

"It's fine, whatever"


Ella texted me to tell me she was here, so I got ready to see her "hey" Kendall said and grabbed my wrist on my way past "behave yourself"

"I will" I scoffed and walked out the door to meet Ella downstairs and let her in.

"Hey" she grinned when we were in the elevator

"Remember what I said?"

"Yeah, be really cute and sexy with you" she said "she's gonna be so jealous"

"She's already so jealous. She just told me to behave myself"

"Ooh, she's gonna get so mad" she giggled and I nodded and let her into the apartment and slammed the door shut "hey Kendall"

"Hm" Kendall nodded at her and disappeared into the living room


"Yeah?" She leaned her head around the corner she'd just gone around

"What wine can we have?"

"Anything except the nice champagne. That's for a dinner next week, you know which one"

"Okay" I chirped and took Ella's hand and took her to the kitchen with me

"She's mad already" she whispered and I nodded and got a bottle of wine out and poured us each a glass

"What are you wearing under there?" I rugged at the belt of her long coat, which she opened up to show me a little red satin dress "Ella! Your tits look so good in that!"

She stifled a laugh and took a sip of her wine, then did her coat back up when she heard Kendall walking into the kitchen. She quietly poured herself some whiskey, then went back to what she was doing. We went to the living room and sat on a sofa together while Kendall watched the news and went on her phone.

"Pablo! Harley!" Ella called the dogs over to us while they'd been sitting either side of Kendall. Harley came bounding over, but Pablo stayed sitting with her because she was scratching his head behind his ears slowly as though she were deep in thought.

"Hey doggy" I said and squealed when Harley tried to lick my face

"Could you keep it down, I have work tomorrow" Kendall murmured and sipped some of her drink before glancing over at me. She was already so pissed off with me, I could tell right away when she was mad, and even Ella had noticed because she kept nudging me and giggling.

"Can I take your coat?" I asked her and Kendall eyed me suspiciously, then rolled her eyes and scoffed when she saw the dress Ella was wearing

"Aren't you cold?" She snapped at her and we both sniggered loudly

"What's wrong Kenny?"

"Never mind, carry on" she mumbled and poured herself another drink.

After we'd had two bottles of wine, Kendall was looking tired but she was determined to stay up as long as we did to make sure she could oversee what we did.

"I don't even feel drunk, do you wanna do shots?"

"Yeah" Ella said and winked at me

"I think you've had enough y/n, don't you have to do that thing tomorrow morning?" Kendall said

"What thing?"

"You know, the work thing" she seemed insistent that I went along with it, but I was mad so I decided to be difficult on purpose.

"I don't work. What are you talking about?"

"But I have to go to work" she mumbled

"Yeah, but without me"

"I want to go to bed soon, can you wrap things up?"

"Hold on Ella. Kenny, come with me" I said and took her to the sun room and shut the door "why are you being so mean?"

"I want to go to sleep and I can't do that if she's here and you're getting drunk"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm worried"

"About what? Just chill out, go to sleep"

"I can't chill out, can you send her home please?"

"But we're having such a nice time" I whined "pretty please can we stay up just a little longer?"

"But you're so drunk baby, you don't need any more"

"But I wanna get really drunk"

"Please don't do that. She's so touchy-feely" she mumbled

"So were you with the English woman"

"That's not fair, can we just move on from it now?"

"But I'm still sad about it"

"What do you want to do to make it feel better? Do you want to fuck her? You can go ahead and do it, but you'd be just as bad as me" she scolded me

"Can you not tell me off? She can see us" I was so embarrassed even though I was drunk

"You're behaving very inappropriately and it needs to stop"

"Fine, just let me keep her here for a little longer"

"Half an hour"

"Before we call a cab?"

"Before she walks out of the front door. Alone"

"You're so mean" I grumbled

"Give me a kiss princess" she said and I pecked her on the lips, then gave her a real kiss and pulled away "remember, be good. I'll order a cab for half an hour from right now"

"Thanks I guess" I sighed. Now I only had half an hour to finish the job. I sat on Ella's lap and Kendall shook her head subtly at me, but I didn't pay attention to her and kept flirting with Ella.

"So Kendall, why did you cheat on y/n?"

"Why are you trying to get her to cheat on me right in front of me?" She retorted "you're going home in half an hour, y/n feels tired"

"Oh, okay" she smiled "do you wanna get a wax with me tomorrow?"

"Are you saying my legs are hairy?"

"No, they're nice but remember when we'd always go get a wax together and then go home and have a cuddle and a nap after because our legs felt smooth on each other?" She asked

"Yeah, that was nice"

"What time should we get it?"

"Uh... do you wanna get lunch then go get a wax and have a facial?"

"Yeah, I've been breaking out so much lately"

"No, don't say that, you're still so pretty. I love your face"

"I love you" she cooed and gave me a hug, then kissed my cheek. Kendall wasn't even trying to hide it anymore, she was really jealous. "Your eyes are so pretty, you have to promise me to never do anything to them"

"What, you mean like take them out?" I said and we both ended up hysterically laughing and holding onto each other


"What are you doing?" Kendall asked and I bit my bottom lip while I tried to come up with an excuse "that's cute, but what are you doing?"


"Okay, but give it a few feet between your faces"


"Because you're right in each other's faces, it's not very classy"

"Neither is fucking someone you met a week ago in the backseat of a car, but there we go"

"Can we talk about this when we don't have people over?" She asked

"Yep" I said

"And when you're sober"

"Never mind then" I said and Ella kissed my cheek "you always kiss so loud, I hate it"

"It's cute, listen" she said and kissed my face again

"Okay, that's just inappropriate" Kendall said

"You know Kendall votes Republican every four years? Yeah, she loves Donnie" I said to Ella

"So would you if you had a business" Kendall scoffed

"Racist" Ella pretended to conceal it with a cough

"He's not racist! It's all-"

"Fake news?" I laughed

"It's manipulation of what he says. You two are getting on my last nerve, since when was coming to someone's house and calling them a racist because of their political beliefs"

"I've tried to talk her out of it but all she hears is 'massive tax cuts' and she goes out and votes for him. I guess my vote cancels it out though"

"Sure" she laughed

"Okay Ella, your cab's here" Kendall said

"Aww" Ella whined

"Can Ella stay over?"

"Absolutely not" she said "it's been nice having you, bye"

"Don't be rude, let me give her a cuddle" I said and kissed her on the cheek a few times, then out of my eye I saw Kendall glaring at me and wondered if I could get away with it. I licked my lips, then glanced down at Ella's slightly parted lips.

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