Vanished || l.h. au

By MandyVera

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"Tick tock Your clock is almost out That's bad for you, but good for me Because two can keep a secret, if one... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five

twenty nine

360 24 9
By MandyVera

This is going to sound really weird but I just realized while writing a future chapter that I don't often look at the computer when I'm writing. I actually close my eyes, imagining the scene and I just let my fingers type what I see in my head. I just thought I'd mention it because my mom walked in on me doing that and asked me what the hell I was doing. I guess it would look pretty weird haha

I know my keyboard by heart and I'm a fast typer so it works out.
Also we were really close to the goal I set so I decided to give y'all the Saturday update :)


I sat across from Officer Holmes at the interrogation table which, no surprise, they rarely ever used since crimes of this extremity were seldomly committed.

My hands were handcuffed to the table, arms separated in front of me.

Officer Holmes looked at me with a slightly confused expression, but nevertheless continued his job.

"I never expected us to be in this situation to be honest." he started, clasping his hands in front of him.

I scoffed, my mind in agreeance. "Neither did I."

"None of us knew, you know. The other officers? It was only the Sheriff and apparently Holden who had suspicions of you."

"How coincidental."

"We never saw the updated file. We all believed it to be a cold case when you were notified it as well." He said, seeming to have trouble convincing himself that I was apparently the murderer all along.

"Aren't you supposed to be interrogating me, Officer?" I questioned him, not wanting to hear anymore of how clueless the people in this station were of their chief. It was embarrassing on their part. A new chief swarms in just a week before the incident, then a well-known doctor just falls off the face of the earth and they think nothing of it? These people certainly didn’t know how to do background checks.

"Right." He responded, clearing his throat. “You can start by telling me what exactly happened the night of April 30th.”

I sighed, leaning back in my seat as I began to tell my side of the story.

“That evening Luke and I decided to change things up by going to the diner in the main part of town. Usually we spend our dates on his couch watching films because let’s face it, he was as broke as a teenage boy gets.” I laughed, my mind flashing before me the events of that night prior to the incident. “But that night he told he wanted to spoil me, even if it was just the diner. So we went and were just our usual selves, arguing over cheese fries and just enjoying our time together. We discussed a potential summer job he was going to have with Ashton’s dad, and we also saw our friend Michael there. Nothing at the diner was unusual. After that is when everything happened. We left the diner and Luke almost hit this guy with the diner door, but didn’t even notice since he was talking to me. I wanted to apologize to the man but Luke was still talking to me, not giving me a chance. So I decided to brush it off. However, after walking for a while I had the feeling we were being followed. I looked behind us and noticed the same man that Luke almost hit with the door at the diner, with these distinctive grey rimmed glasses, was following us. He looked away from me when I caught him looking, but I knew better. I tried to convince Luke to look back but he wasn’t budging until I practically begged him. When he did, recognition crossed his face. He knew the man, and he was scared. We started running, trying to lose the older man and I was panicking. I thought we were about to die. Of course, it didn’t even compare to what I felt later.

“Luke pulled us into a nearby alley, pressing us up against the wall as we waited for the man to pass us by. However, he didn’t pass for a while and that made us uneasy. Luke pushed himself off the alley wall, going to go look but I pushed him back against the wall, knowing it wasn’t a good idea. We stood there for a bit, comforting each other until we saw the man’s shadow pass. We slowly exited the alley, checking to see if the street was clear. When we didn’t see the man, a sense of relief flooded through us. But it was gone immediately when the man emerged from the shadows, flashing us a sinister smile. I felt my heart pounding, like I was the prey staring into the eyes of my predator.

“So we ran. We ran away from the man and in the direction of the cornfield. The same cornfield where Holmes was found.” I gulped, seeing the pained look in Officer Holmes expression at the mention of his now deceased nephew. “The man with the grey rimmed glasses continued chasing us as Luke and I tried to make our way through the cornfield, but it was hard with the density and height of the cornstalks to navigate. When it all seemed hopeless Luke made me promise him that I would continue running if something were to happen to him, that I wouldn’t go back to look for him.” My eyes began to burn as tears threatened to spill over. This part of the night is always an emotional drain in my memory. “And the stubborn person I am didn’t promise him what I couldn’t. The man chasing us started yelling, something about how we would pay for what this other man did to him. I didn’t understand, I still don’t. So Luke and I continued to run but then I started feeling alone. I looked around and noticed Luke was gone. I went back to look for him, defying his orders, and I came across a large rock with a blood stain on it. I knew it was Luke’s. I ran home to tell my parents, and I made a distressed call to the police. The next day the story was on the news. A few days later I get the call telling me they found him -- dead.” I finished, feeling a sense of relief as I told someone finally the full story of what happened that night. I didn’t give much of an explanation to the officers that night, my mind had been in a state of shock. Now that I had time to come to terms with some aspects, I could at last tell someone all of what occurred that night.

“I don’t see where you killed him fits into your story, Beth.” Officer Holmes sighed, knowing that he didn’t get the information he was intended to get out of me.

“That’s because I didn’t. The man with the grey rimmed glasses did.” I semi-lied, knowing that Luke wasn’t exactly dead. At least I hoped, but after the last moment I had with Luke, I was entirely unsure.

“That’s not what the evidence proves.” Officer Holmes retorted, sliding the folder that had been in my hand hours ago over to me. I didn’t look down at it, knowing already what the evidence stated.

“It’s been tampered with. I don’t even have the strength in me to strangle someone to death.”

“How do you know he was strangled?” Officer Holmes raised an eyebrow at me, thinking he caught me.

“I read the file before I was arrested. It says that his death was caused by asphyxiation, the fingerprints being mine. I know all of what that file says, and aside from the testimony I made in it, it is all false.” I told him with a straight face.

“I need you to tell me how you murdered Luke Hemmings, Miss Laude.” Officer Holmes stated, leaning forward as he became more frustrated with me.

I leaned forward as well, not at all phased by his attitude.

“I’m not supposed to lie to you, Officer, and telling you a story that never occurred would certainly be considered doing so.”

Officer Holmes groaned, looking at me with complete irritation. I wanted to laugh, knowing that they were getting nowhere with me. Yet again, there was nowhere to get to.

There’s something you’re forgetting to ask me, Officer.” I stated, quirking an eyebrow at him.

“And what’s that?” he huffed.

“What’s my motive?” I asked, seeming to have caught him by surprise.

“Well -” he started, not seeming to have an answer.

“Exactly.” I replied, a smug smirk growing on my face. “What reason did I have to murder my boyfriend that I was in love with, who always treated me right, and never gave me a reason to grow hostile towards him, especially to this extremity?”

“We were wondering that as well. However, going back through footage from security cameras in the town a few days prior we found a possible motive.” he responded, seeming hesitant about what was to happen next.

“And what’s that?” I asked, curious as to the possible motive they’ve created for me.

“We think you could have been playing the enraged girlfriend after finding out you’ve been cheated on.”

I paused, the news bewildering me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, truthfully curious about the new information that was supposedly uncovered by the investigators.

“As if you don’t know.” Officer Holmes said, pushing a new file towards me. I opened the manila folder, seeing prints from security camera footage presented in front of me. “These were pulled from the cameras on street corners from April 28th. As you can see that is Luke walking around closely with someone else who is most definitely not you.”

I lifted the photos, my eyes scanning them. Sure enough it was Luke, his arm wrapped around another girl’s shoulder, large smiles placed on both their faces. Another photo showed them both walking into a small boutique, him holding the door open for her as she looked back him with a thrilling smile. Lastly, the third photo showed them standing at a street corner waiting to cross, as his arm was draped across her shoulder once again, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

I gulped, setting the photos down in front of me as I continued to stare at the images. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions that Luke cheated on me, like these officers had evidently did. On the other hand, there is the fact that Luke never told me about this.

My eyes lingered on the girl in the photo, her brown curls similar to mine cascading down her back as she looked at Luke with complete delight. I had never seen her before, I had no idea who she was.

“Her name’s Laura Jenkins.” Officer Holmes responded, seeming to read my mind. “But you already knew that didn’t you?” he continued, sounding more of a statement than a question.

No, no I did not.

I'm so sick right now all I wanna do is sleep but my body is like nah bruh
Please vote and comment, yalls feedback entertains me which I desperately need as I lie here boredly haha
On the plus side, more time to write so hey


Another question:
So how many ghost readers I got out there? Lol

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