2 am.

By ItsTenzy

3K 146 17

"Who did this to you, why are you here?" I asked the sickening creature in front of me. She just stuttered cl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 12

82 6 0
By ItsTenzy

    "Remind me again why we are actually preparing for his arrival?" I asked Bella again sighing. We were baking pies and cookies. Mom had called us in this morning giving us different things to do, to set the mood for him.

    I didn't want to do this, dad loves pies and making them for him showed I liked him. Bella sighed placing the tray in the oven before removing her gloves.

   "I should be asking you. Do you guys always prepare all this?" I nodded not smiling. Those times were different because mom and Kian awaited a faithful and loving husband and dad. Not a divorcee.

    I asked mom after she shared the duties, why she still cared. According to her, we should not repay evil with evil, instead with love. It made absolutely no sense but I shrugged it off. Anything to take my mind of Liv.

    "How's it going?" Mom asked entering the kitchen smiling. Bella faked a smile as well but I couldn't, I just don't like this attitude. She was too good for her own good.

   "You mean the pie and cookies we are making for a man whore? Its almost ready." I pressed my lips in a thin line while Bella sighed again removing her smile.

    "Maddie..." I held my hand to her stopping her from saying anything. I wasn't ready for all these nonsense, not now.

    "Bel. I'd be in my room." I stated leaving the kitchen. I can't believe mom was actually doing things for that man, it was sickening and dumb.

   Why would she even consider it? Even if considered why did she implement it? Even if implemented why did she make me do it against my belief. Bella and the rest might love or manage but I can't, we never bake pies except when dad is coming home.

   And the cookies, Claire told mom that it was Mae's best sweet. Why would mom make dessert for a rival? I don't care what anyone says Mae is a home wrecker, and she doesn't deserve a welcome, but now she gets her favorite dessert.

    I sat on my sit taking my mind away from hurtful things I'd to that Mae and focusing it on my story. I was in an engrossed state when my name was yelled snapping me out of it.

   "Maddie! They are home!" Claire called from Kian's room, I guess. I groaned in displeasure before leaving to the living room where dad stood with a brunette.

   She looked young enough to be in her early thirties, with brown eyes and full lips. She was pretty, young and now I realised why dad wants to marry her. She had a wicked glint in her eyes behind that happy face. I saw right through her mainly because I have a thing for detesting, mischievous people.

   Dad smiled as I stood in front of them, he was 50 last month. Kian came down with a frown on his usual smiley face. Bella and Claire were in the kitchen finishing the desserts. The room was silent as we all stared at each other.

   "I'm bored, let's go eat." Mae whined looking innocent.

   "I'm sorry, right this way." Mom proposed wanting to lead her to the dining eagerly. What is wrong with this woman, the girl had indirectly insinuated we were boring.

    "Taking strangers to your dining now?" I asked mom calmly and she stopped, looking at me. I sighed looking back at Mae. "So, who's the today's catch?" I asked wanting to piss her off. She looked shocked but it transformed to a smirk.

   "This is the permanent catch." She flipped her hair, looking like a model. Focus Madd!

    "That must make you feel whole, doesn't it?" I sneered at this young woman. Her smirk turned upside down to a frown, before she smirked again.

   "Maddie enough. I can see you haven't changed." Dad spoke for the first time. That stirred his dumb mouth open, for sure.

   "You bet." I smiled gracefully. I was anything but graceful right now.

   "That's my point Blair, you are not training her..."

    "And you have a say? She did what you could never do in centuries." I narrowed my eyes at mom, then back at him. Look who's talking about train like the best dad ever.

   "Madd, let's not be rude. Go tell your cousin to serve the appetizers." Mom commanded leaving no room for argument. I glared at Mae, then dad before leaving.

   "You got balls." Bella chuckled as I joined them, of course they eavesdropped. I sat on a kitchen stool tired of everything. I can't imagine mom was still siding that piece of work.

    Claire placed the plates on the dining for all of us, they were included. You see, their parents are on vacation and won't be back till school starts. Meaning, they are spending summer break with us, should we separate they get to leave with either of us.

    "Come on, they are all sitting in the dinner." Bella called as she came back. They already laid even the main dish. I went to the dining, my usual sit occupied by dad. After we were all seated and eating, mom initiates a conversation again, old habits die hard.

   "So, how was the journey?" She asked dad who shrugged in response. She opened her mouth to talk but Mae spoke up faster.

    "Darling, doesn't she have table manners? Don't they all?" She asked in her annoying shrilled voice. Kian chuckled lowly beside me and I looked at mom wanting to know what she'd say. I still hate Mae, but she wasn't lying. We don't have the table manners she expects.

    "I'm sorry." She apologized and I rolled my eyes.

   "Blair hun I know what it feels like." Mae dismissed acting nice and bitchy all together. I was so going to have fun messing with her. I stayed quiet eating my food when dad decided to spoil my dinner.

    "You know we are having a divorce right?" He asked with food in his mouth. I lost my appetite after seeing the one in his mouth, he couldn't even care less. Kian hummed in response but I kept quiet looking at him. "So who's staying with me Blair?" He asked and I looked at mom. Her eyes was moisturized and held emotions in them.

   "Maddie is." She spoke, her voice low and breaking. She was about crying. I looked at dad and his wife to be, she was smirking. Now, we all lacked table manners, including miss perfect wife.
    "Okay. I'd help you move in tommorow after showing you the building today. I'd miss you son." He smiled at Kian, he was a good child afterall.

    "Yeah? I doubt I would." Kian replied and I turned to him, his face held a scowl.

   "I'm sure you would cutie." Mae said again in that voice of her I hate along with everything else in her.

   "Won't you introduce us?" Claire asked dad. He hadn't introduced Mae yet.

   "I'm sorry. This is..." Mae held his hand over the table making sure mom could see it.

   "I'd have the pleasure." He nodded and she stood up. "I'm Mae, and I'd be the new mom here." She smiled looking at me. Honestly, when Claire told me she was mischievous, I expected a sweet but cunning girl. She wasn't even hiding anything from me with that fake sweet smile of hers.

    "Maddie, introduce yourself." Dad asked looking at me. He had to ask me among every other person here?

  "I'm Maddie." I replied looking at my nails. I polished it last night among my list of boring things to kill time. I was still sitting and as expected Mae had to pick on me, she really loved me.

   "That's all? You are boring but at least your age?" She asked smirking at me, can't count how many times she smirked at me today. I smiled widely standing up. I was quiet because I didn't want to ruin meal for mom, but now, the hell I care about anything, anymore.

   "I'm boring Mae hun, but I don't wreck families. I don't build it so I must confess, my life is boring unlike yours. Pretty much all about me." We were both standing up and looking at each other. Hatred was in hers while excitement was in mine.

   "Madd..." Dad began but I looked at him laughing.

   "You didn't add you were a lunatic sweetie." Mae chuckled at my reaction.

   "I didn't plan to tell you, I planned to show you." I smiled at her. She clenched her fist and unclenched them before sitting down. I followed suit.

   The table was quiet and I was happy, I still did not touch my food, the image of dad chewed food, fresh in mind.

    "Why aren't you eating baby?" Mom asked and I sighed keeping quiet, I couldn't tell her the reason since obviously, only I noticed.

   "The girl doesn't even have manners. I got a lotta work to do." Mae laughed and Claire muttered a 'told you' loud enough for everyone to hear, and they laughed. The way she had said it was funny but were they laughing at my expense?

    "Sit down." Dad ordered as I stood up to leave the table. I smiled at him and Mae.

   "And watch you chew with your mouth open? No thank you." And I heard the low giggles as I left the table to my room. I told them the reason I couldn't eat and still had the last laugh. I just hope with all this sternness, they'd still give me privacy when requested. I wish!

Guess she's the Cinderella type after all
Sorry for the late update and many more to come...I would be making an updating schedule soon.
For now,its whenever I feel like.
Please and please vote...it encourages me a lot
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