Star Slayer | Ahsoka X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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(updating frequently) In this story, you play the role of the 16 year old DOOM slayer in the Star Wars univer... More

Chapter 1 - Hell On Earth
Chapter 2 - Priests
Chapter 3 - Journey Back Home
Chapter 4 - Master
Chapter 5 - Remember
Chapter 6 - Anger
Chapter 7 - Exultia
Chapter 8 - Hell
Chapter 9 - Return
Chapter 10 - Past
Chapter 11 - Training Discovery
Chapter 12 - Panorama Trouble
Chapter 13 - Trandoshans
Chapter 14 - Ahsoka
Chapter 15 - Rescue
Chapter 16 - Med Bay
Chapter 17 - Blame
Chapter 18 - Forsaken Word
Chapter 19 - Missions
Chapter 20 - Carlac
Chapter 21 - Padmé's Introduction
Chapter 22 - Terror Dome
Chapter 23 - Christophsis Crisis
Chapter 24 - Christophsis
Chapter 25 - Teth
Chapter 26 - Stinky
Chapter 27 - Prophecy
Chapter 28 - Questions
Chapter 29 - Meditation Trouble
Chapter 30 - Fake Friend
Chapter 31 - Lower Levels
Chapter 32 - Super Gore Nest
Chapter 33 - Aftermath
Chapter 34 - An Eventful Morning
Chapter 35 - Fun In Bed
Chapter 37 - ARC Complex
Chapter 38 - Sentinel Prime
Chapter 39 - Council Report
Chapter 40 - Repaying Nightmare
Chapter 41 - The Gathering
Chapter 42 - Return Encounters
Chapter 43 - 79's
Chapter 44 - Hangover
Chapter 45 - The Show
Chapter 46 - Rescue Operation
Chapter 47 - Healing
Chapter 48 - Lethal Mistake
Chapter 49 - Broken and Breathless
Chapter 50 - Repaying Questions
Chapter 51 - Happy Together
Chapter 52 - Distress Call
Chapter 53 - Mortis
Chapter 54 - The Force
Chapter 55 - Dark Side
Chapter 56 - Ghosts of Mortis
Chapter 57 - Apology
Chapter 58 - Meditating Realisation
Chapter 59 - Separate Missions
Chapter 60 - Barracks and Blindness
Chapter 61 - Traitorous Loss
Chapter 62 - Distractions
Chapter 63 - Funeral
Chapter 64 - Resurrection
Chapter 65 - Phobos Facility
Chapter 66 - Lightsaber Training
Chapter 67 - Bane's Holocron
Chapter 68 - Children Of The Force
Chapter 69 - The Other Hole
Chapter 70 - Panorama Savage
Chapter 71 - Lux Gets Roasted
Chapter 72 - Lux Gets Bullied
Chapter 73 - Sacrificial Delay
Chapter 74 - Cyberdemon Alignment
Chapter 75 - Corrupted Control
Chapter 76 - Meditating 79's
Chapter 77 - Hungover Duel
Chapter 78 - Blue Shadow Virus
Chapter 79 - Underground
Chapter 80 - Virus
Chapter 81 - Talk
Chapter 82 - Morning
Chapter 83 - Rich Dress
Chapter 84 - Naboo
Chapter 85 - Worrying Talk
Thank You.
Chapter 86 - Past Marauder
Chapter 87 - Divinity Meltdown
Chapter 88 - Seraphim
Chapter 89 - Divinity Machine
Chapter 90 - Unnecessary Trial
Chapter 91 - Nekravol Kidnapping
Chapter 92 - Rage
Chapter 93 - Icon of Sidious
Chapter 94 - Urdak
Chapter 95 - Reunion
Chapter 96 - Icon
Chapter 97 - Portal
Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps
Chapter 99 - Ahsoka
Chapter 100 - Peace
Chapter 101 - Helping Decision
Chapter 102 - Hell's Diner

Chapter 36 - Unexpected Departure

1.5K 16 2
By cheesEPIC

After me and Ahsoka finished making out, we sat down next to each other on the mattress of our bed.

"So." Ahsoka said as she exhaled. "What now?"

"I don't know." I replied. We looked at each other for a second before my comm link on my suit went off. "Let's see what that is first." I said as I walked over to my suit and picked out my right gauntlet with my comm link embedded into it.

I clicked the answer button and Hunter appeared.

"Oh, hello Hunter." I said.

"Hello, sir, Tech has some, concerning news to report." Hunter replied.

"Go ahead, put him on." I said. Hunter nodded and signalled for Tech to come over, and he did. "What's the news Tech?" I asked.

"Uh, not good news. I've been monitoring the ARC facility where Dr Samuel Hayden is located and I've just received news that Dr Hayden has fallen and that he ARC is no more." Tech said unreasuringly.

"What? The ARC has fallen?" I asked, starting to get concerned myself.

"I'm afraid so. Their estimates show that it will be only a few hours until the entire base has been overrun by the demons which have significantly increased their offensive efforts."

"Shit." I said as I looked at the floor. "Contact general Skywalker and Master Kenobi and tell them to meet down at the Barracks. I'm on my way."

"Understood." Tech said before hanging up.

I turned to Ahsoka. I looked down at the floor and sighed. "Shit." I said.

"(Y/n)." Ahsoka said as she put her hand on my shoulder. "I'll be fine. I'm in the Jedi temple with loads of Jedi and medics around to protect me if necessary." Ahsoka said as she hugged me.

"Yeah, but we saw how much the demons did to the Jedi." I replied.

"It'll be fine. The demons won't have another assault on the temple this early." Ahsoka said, trying to reassure me.

"But, it just still isn't that safe for you. I mean, I have such a big argent signature that the dark lords can see exactly where I am when I'm in this dimension, and if they know that I'm gone, they will come for you."

"But why would they come for me?" Ahsoka asked.

I sighed and clenched my fists. If I could just tell Ahsoka why then this would all be over with and she'd know, but I can't tell her.

"(Y/n)?" Ahsoka asked.

"Sorry. The demons know what I'll do to save you so they can and will try to use you as, leverage. If they can capture you, they can control me, threaten to kill you if I don't obey them, and they will kill you if I disobey. That's why I don't want to leave you."

Ahsoka sighed and hugged me tighter. "I'll be fine. I'll keep my comm link tracker on at all times and wear it wherever I go. You shouldn't be gone long, right?"

"Only a few hours or so." I replied.

"So yeah, I'll be fine." Ahsoka said with a smile as she kissed me.

"Yeah, I suppose so. If you do need help though, call me because I can come back at anytime. I've got Tech on a tracker so I can jump back to him whenever. You got Rex as well if necessary"

"Yeah. Want me to come down to the barracks with you to say goodbye?" Ahsoka asked.

"Only if you feel like you have the energy to do so." I replied as I fussed Ahsoka's head. She hung her head back slightly and rolled her eyes.

"Aw this is nice." Ahsoka moaned as she fell into my shoulder.

"I think you need some rest." I said as I held the back of Ahsoka's head and laid her down onto the bare mattress. Ahsoka brought her knees up to her chest slightly and curled up into a ball before closing her eyes. She took a deep breath in and out before opening her eyes and looking up at me, smiling slightly.

"Goodbye (y/n), I love you." Ahsoka said as she waved to me.

"I love you too Ahsoka." I replied as I began to put my suit on.

Once I'd finished, I turned the tracker on Ahsoka's comm link on and smiled.

"See you later." I said as I kissed Ahsoka's hand. She exhaled deeply before closing her eyes and going to sleep on the mattress.

I watched her sleep for a few seconds, just admiring how cute and peaceful she looked, before hearing my comm link go off. I opened it and saw Hunter appear.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

"Yeah, coming now." I replied as I opened a portal and stepped through.

I landed in the barracks of clone force 99. Anakin, Obi Wan and the whole of my squad were here.

"Commander (y/n), what took you so long?" Obi Wan asked.

"Ahsoka, needed help to be convinced to go to sleep." I said as I blushed slightly, luckily my helmet was on so no-one could see it though.

"Very well." Anakin said. "Anyway, what's the plan?"

"You'll like this one, you two." I said as I pointed at Anakin and Wrecker. Wrecker looked happy whereas Anakin just looked surprised.

"What? Why'd you think I'll like I?" Anakin asked.

"Because it's obvious and doesn't require anything but your lightsaber." I replied.

"So what, you just suppose we walk up to the ARC headquarters, kill all the demons which they couldn't and walk in?" Obi Wan asked.

"Hey, the last time a super gore nest opened, the governments issued a statement saying that total nuclear annihilation was the only option. I showed up, 2 hours later it's gone. This shouldn't be too hard." I said.

"Then why do all of us need to be here?" Anakin asked.

"Because argent is more effective when I can drain it from others kills as well." I said.

"What?" Hunter said.

"Basically, if any of you kill anything with argent in it, the argent energy is dispersed into the surrounding air. It does nothing to you guys, but to me, thanks to my suit, I take it all in and it heals me, restores my strength, all that good stuff." I said.

"Great, so we're only coming here for your benefit." Anakin said as he rolled his eyes.

"Would you rather we just let this final hell priest live and the invasion continue forever?" I said.

"The priest will show up eventually." Anakin said. "He'll get bored and want some action at some point."

"I don't think he'll get bored. He was one of the priests that betrayed the people who I am responsible for the deaths of. He has been serving this, Khan Maykr for millions of years, doing almost nothing. I don't think he'll ever get bored of watching his armies of hell destroy our entire galaxy."

"Very well." Obi Wan said. "Is Ahsoka not coming? I know you said she is sleeping but surely she should be here as well?"

"She's still too weak. She can barely have a shower without getting tired still." I said, trying to cover up the fact that we'd just had some quite energetic, well, sex.

"Oh really." Anakin said as he looked into my eyes, staring into my suit. He looked deep for a second before glaring at me. "That's not the truth." Anakin said, sounding very annoyed.

"Ok, you know. I'd just like to say that it was her idea and she was the one who initiated all of it." I said.

"What on earth are you two on about?" Obi Wan asked.

"Nothing." Anakin said as he glared angrily at me.

"Anyway." Tech said as he stepped forward. "We should probably get going. I've just gotten news that a marauder has been sighted slaughtering anything it comes across in the ARC headquarters. I'd recommend that we intervene before he kills everything."

"Agreed. Vega, open the portal." I said.

"Understood. Opening the portal now." Vega said as a blue portal opened up Infront of us.

We all jumped through the portal one by one and landed inside a corridor.

"Good news for the faithful. The deceiver, Samuel Hayden, has fallen." A Hologram of a UAC spokesperson said.

"Who's that?" Anakin asked.

"UAC spokesperson." I said as I smashed the hologram transmitter. "Absolutely hate her."

Anakin nodded and began to follow me as I walked through the building.

"This is, unnervingly quiet." Crosshair said.

"Not to me it ain't." Hunter said as he drew his gun. "Demons, just around here."

"What type?" I asked.

Hunter put his hand in the air for a second and stopped. "Few small ones and a bigger one." He said before continuing.

"Wrecker, let's take these ones out." I said as I drew my shotgun.

"Um, (y/n), don't you think keeping a low profile would be better?" Obi Wan asked.

"No use. I've got such a big argent signature that they can detect me from a mile off." I said as Wrecker also drew his gun.

We got to the corner of which the demons were round and stopped. They didn't know we were here yet, but they would do soon.

"Ready Wrecker?" I whispered.

"Oh boy I am!" Wrecker shouted as he rounded the corner and began to fire at the demons. I too jumped around the corner and ran straight at them as I unloaded shotgun rounds into the demons. Wrecker began to mow down all the smaller demons as I went for the pinky that was here. He charged at me but I dashed around him. Wrecker dropped his gun and began to fight the pinky in a hand to, well, mouth match, as I took over and began to kill the smaller ones. Wrecker grabbed one of the Pinky's tusks and rammed it right into the Pinky's eye socket. It groaned in pain as it began to snap at whatever was Infront of it. Wrecker grabbed his gun and stuck it into the other eye socket before holding the trigger down, killing the pinky.

"Nice on Wrecker." I said as I quickly vaporised the remaining demons.

"You can come out now!" Wrecker shouted. As he did, the rest of our crew came out from around the corner.

"Where to now?" Obi Wan asked.

"Over there." I said as I pointed out the window toward the ARC headquarters.

"The main entrance is blocked. Two tentacles are blocking the way." Vega said.

"Well then." Obi Wan said. "What do we do now?"

"Two turrets identified. Calculating optimal firing path, confirmed. You could use the turrets to blow the tentacles up, clearing the path."

"That then." I said as I turned to face the ARC base. "You could access that turret from the roof over there." I said as I pointed to the left turret and the roof of the building next to it. "Since you're so determined to go stealth, you, master Kenobi, can go the quiet route with Crosshair and Tech, while me, Anakin, Hunter and Wrecker take the other one." I said.

"Understood." Obi Wan said before smashing the glass on the window and jumping up onto the roof. He helped Tech and Crosshair up onto the roof as well before they began to run across to the turret, quietly executing any demons in their way.

"Right then boys." I said as I turned to the rest of my squad. "We've got the fun job. Kill any demons we see until we get to the gun turret. Once we're there, I'll let wrecker blow up the tentacles before we go inside, get what we need and get out. Understood?" I said.

"Yes sir!" Hunter said. Wrecker hit his fists together and clicked his knuckles while Anakin just sighed.

"(Y/n) you know I outrank you right?" He said.

"According to Rex, experience outranks everything." I said with a smirk before turning to the window. "Now let's get a move on." I said as I jumped out of the window and onto the road down below. Anakin, Wrecker and Hunter quickly followed behind.

Once we were onto the floor, a lot of demons turned to us and began to try and attack us.

"Let's give them hell boys!" Wrecker shouted as he began to open fire. Anakin ignited his lightsaber and began to slice up the smaller demons as me and Hunter quickly followed suit of what Wrecker was doing, that being mowing down any demon in our sight.

Ahsoka pov.

"I told you that he'd leave you when you need him most." A familiar voice said to me.

"Who are you?" I shouted as I opened my eyes and found myself on my mattress where (y/n) had put me to sleep.

Who was that voice? I didn't know who was talking to me in my sleep, but it was just a dream, right? I put my head back onto the bed and tried to go to sleep again.

"He's left you for dead." The voice said again.

I shot up out of bed, this time breathing heavily. I knew who was saying this! Their voice was so familiar, I just didn't know where I could remember it from.

"I need to talk to someone." I said as I tried to stand up, but I immediately fell back onto the bed out of exhaustion. I began to try and dial Rex since I knew he wasn't busy and he'd help me without telling anyone.

"It's no use." The voice said once again. "Your time has come to an end."

"Who are you!" I shouted.

The voice then began to laugh like a maniac wherever it was. It sounded like it was all around me, surrounding me from all sides. I was terrified of what it could have been.

"You will either die, or be forced to watch as your petty boyfriend lets you suffer."

"H-help!" I shouted.

"Padawan Tano, is everything ok?" I heard someone ask from outside. It sounded like Master Plo.

"Master Plo, please help." I whined.

"I'm coming in." He said as he opened my door. He walked around the corner to see me lying on my bed, almost crying. "Ahsoka, what's the matter?" He asked.

"There's this, this voice in my head, it's saying stuff like, he won't save me and that he's left me to die." I said as I began to tear up slightly.

"Who's left you?" Master Plo asked.

"(Y/n). He's gone on a mission to rescue some very important scientist. He would have done anything to stay with me but he can't let this scientist die, else there is no hope of us winning this war." I said.

"I understand. (Y/n) promised that he'd stay with you when you need him but he's had to go, now you're scared, aren't you." Master Plo said.

"Barriss talked to me earlier. She said that (y/n) would leave me when I need him most." I said. It suddenly clicked to me. The voice I was hearing in my head was Barriss. "Barriss." I said out loud.

"What about padawan Barriss?" Master Plo asked.

"Keep me away from her, please." I said.

"I will do what I can." Master Plo said. "I've got a council meeting in a few minutes. You can wait outside under the protection of the guards there if you want."

"Yes please, Master Plo." I said as I forced myself to stand up.

"You're tired, aren't you."

"Yes, I feel like, like all the energy has been drained out of me." I replied as my vision began to go slightly blurry.

"Ahsoka?" Master Plo asked as I began to lose consciousness. "Ahsoka!?" He shouted as I hit the bed and blacked out.

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